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Offline JesusisGod

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Why is Mohammed considered a prophet?
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:01:46 AM »
Their are a lot of questions I have regarding this topic
First is how Mohammed is considered the greatest prophet (if indeed he is this is what my muslim freinds tell me), If the prophet immediately before him Jesus did more and better miracles? (sorry again not sure if Mohammed did any miracles, but just asking the question)

Second all of God's prophets were spoken to directly by God. As a Christian I find it hard to believe that the last and greatest of all prophets spoke to an angel and not God?(Gabriel from what I've been told)

Third what prophecies did Mohammed make?

fourth No other prophet of God has ever thought he was demon possessed, yet Mohammed did, (from what I've found out). If all other prophets spoke directly to God and Knew the message was from God, then why should I trust Mohammed if he himself wasn't sure the message was from God, and worst still Demon possessed. This is a huge barrier because even if he wasn't or God assured him it was true it has never happened before and it's hard to believe some one would mistake the Almighty with a Demon. How can anyone look at this and say that later he received another message that assured him he was not being possessed if the entity that gave him the message is the one he was doubting (and by extension all who hear this). After all wouldn't the entity if he was a demon just lie and say the message was true any way. The proof that the message was from God has to be outside the message giver to have any credibility. After all the law for the Jews says two or three witnesses are required. 

5th If you were trying to convince a Christian about the quran How would you explain the difference in What Jesus taught No divorce one wife at a time, and What Mohammed taught up to 4. (just curious on this one not of prime importance main points 1-4 especially 4 also heard Mohammed had 12 wives)



Offline Black Muslim

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Re: Why is Mohammed considered a prophet?
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2014, 08:50:00 AM »
First is how Mohammed is considered the greatest prophet (if indeed he is this is what my muslim freinds tell me), If the prophet immediately before him Jesus did more and better miracles?

I'll remind you of this the next time when you say that miracles don't prove the prophecy of someone . Back on track , miracles are not everything . If you just read his biography of actual sources , you'd know why he's the greatest of mankind . Oh , and did the Christ silence  the most eloquent with the Bible , split the moon , or make 100% accurate prophecies ? Of course I as a Muslim believe that in the true message he couldn't make a false one but that's probably not the case with you .

Second all of God's prophets were spoken to directly by God. As a Christian I find it hard to believe that the last and greatest of all prophets spoke to an angel and not God?(Gabriel from what I've been told)

That's YOUR belief . And I have a feeling this belief of yours isn't even right in the Bible but I'll let that aside since I'm not an expert . Quran says :

42:51 And it is not for any human being that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a partition or that He sends a messenger to reveal, by His permission, what He wills. Indeed, He is Most High and Wise.

Third what prophecies did Mohammed make?

That would require a whole thread .

fourth No other prophet of God has ever thought he was demon possessed, yet Mohammed did, (from what I've found out). If all other prophets spoke directly to God and Knew the message was from God, then why should I trust Mohammed if he himself wasn't sure the message was from God, and worst still Demon possessed.

When it's new to someone that they see an angel with wings covering what's between east and west , wouldn't they be overwhelmed ? Not to mention that after he found out , his fear was gone and he proceeded to deliver the message .

This is a huge barrier because even if he wasn't or God assured him it was true it has never happened before and it's hard to believe some one would mistake the Almighty with a Demon. How can anyone look at this and say that later he received another message that assured him he was not being possessed if the entity that gave him the message is the one he was doubting (and by extension all who hear this). After all wouldn't the entity if he was a demon just lie and say the message was true any way. The proof that the message was from God has to be outside the message giver to have any credibility. After all the law for the Jews says two or three witnesses are required. 

Aside from the already said , can you bring such a message ? If not , then are you telling me God couldn't send a message that is better than that sent by a demon ?

5th If you were trying to convince a Christian about the quran How would you explain the difference in What Jesus taught No divorce one wife at a time, and What Mohammed taught up to 4.

First of all , we don't believe that the current Bible is the original message sent with Christ peace upon him . Secondly , Islam is the ONLY religion that limits marriage to 4 . There is no limit in any other . And when you tell me there's no divorce , that's more of a reason for me to refuse it . Just imagine if life became impossible between the two .

Offline JesusisGod

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Re: Why is Mohammed considered a prophet?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 03:03:02 PM »

sorry for late response
I'll remind you of this the next time when you say that miracles don't prove the prophecy of someone . Back on track , miracles are not everything . If you just read his biography of actual sources , you'd know why he's the greatest of mankind . Oh , and did the Christ silence  the most eloquent with the Bible , split the moon , or make 100% accurate prophecies ? Of course I as a Muslim believe that in the true message he couldn't make a false one but that's probably not the case with you .

The message of Jesus was not written by Him He came to live the word not to write it. Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament, and He perfectly kept everything written. The Bible has always been about Jesus because He is the Living Word of God, so naturally He is better than the Bible, the written word. Miracles add to the authenticity of the messenger, but they don't 100% prove he is from God because false prophets perform miracles too. The anti-Christ will perform many miracles in his own name. I wrote this because I see that the quran mentions the miracles of Jesus and not those of mohammed. I am inclined to believe that their are no miracles mentioned in the quran that Mohammed performed because you tell me to read his biographies, but which one? Their are many biographies of Mohammed and most Muslims don’t accept them all same with Hadiths. Reading the biographies of Mohammed are where the 4'th question comes in about being demon possessed. Jesus silenced every body because he lived the perfect life they couldn't even convict Him of sin. Do you think they could make Him stumble with words God won't allow it. Read the gospels you'll see Jesus had true wisdom. All of Jesus' prophecies came true or will come true when He returns. As far as splitting the moon, I'm sorry, but Mohammed did not split the moon. I don't know where you live but the moon is in tact as far as I can tell when I look at it. Jesus miracles where those to help mankind not a demonstration of power what could splitting the moon even accomplish besides messing up the tides. Jesus healed the sick and helped the demon possessed in fullfillment of prophecy and as an ultimate Testimony of His identity as God in the lives of those He helped. The apostles of Jesus did the same but not under their authority, but under that of Jesus. Jesus' biggest miracle was forgiving sins. Knowing my sins are forgiven is greater than having any disease cured.

That's YOUR belief . And I have a feeling this belief of yours isn't even right in the Bible but I'll let that aside since I'm not an expert .
How can you even say your prophet is from God when you haven't compared him to other prophets. Read the bible compare him to the prophets in the old Testament and tell me if he measures up. My point is that Jesus is greater so compare him to Jesus and see if mohammed is greater. Jesus not only heard the words of God. He saw God and he imitates what He saw. How can Mohammed measure up to that when he never talked to God and the spirit he did talk too he confused with a demon. The verse you give is a grim demonstration of who God is. If God is unwilling to reveal himself to mankind, then he can't find fault with those who don't believe in Him because He didn't show himself. It's in reading the biographies that I find the most disturbing details of  an angel choking Mohammed and of Mohammed being suicidal and affected by magic for up to a year. Why wouldn't I be concerned about Mohammed being the only prophet that God didn't talk too.

It shouldn't be a strange thing for God to talk directly to a prophet. If you pray directly to Allah, and you are nowhere near who Mohammed was, why can't Allah talk directly to Mohammed. If a barrier exists then it exists both ways not on the recieving end only but the giving end as well. If their is such a barrier between prayer and God spoken of in the quran let me know.     

That would require a whole thread
Surely there is a thread on here with this spoken of could anyone post a link?

When it's new to someone that they see an angel with wings covering what's between east and west , wouldn't they be overwhelmed ? Not to mention that after he found out , his fear was gone and he proceeded to deliver the message .

What biographies did you read? I'm not saying it was a lack of faith, but the circumstances lead me to believe it was a demon. He was choked three times. His wife told him to continue. He wanted to quit. Furthermore, he was suicidal for a long time maybe the rest of his life. If it was a momentary lack of faith it would be bad, but a continual thing is unheard of. The spirit kept assuring him he was an apostle of God when he tried to kill himself. Why would he continue to tell him this if it wasn't an issue any more?  Sorry I try to keep the discussion to the quran itself because if I was a muslim it would be my main focus, but you wanted to talk about the biographies so there it is. No Christian would ever accept Mohammed as a prophet according to the biographies because their is fair warning in the Bible that in the future demons disguised as angels of light could give a message that contradicted Jesus deity death and resurrection which is exactly the message Mohammed received from the "angel". Why do you think it is such a big deal for me. Furthermore, according to the biographies he died a false prophets death by, poisoning according to what I've read, and all his sons didn't live a long time which one who reads the old testament could say is God's judgement on Mohammed house. I don't like biography arguments because they are above all written by fallible men, but their is a strong case to be made in the biographies for Mohammed and against him. I don't appeal to biographies because I know muslims don't believe they are infallible. The quran however is infallible in your eyes, and it tells Mohammed to compare his message to other scriptures which is a very good thing to do. The old Testament says if a prophet comes and what he says contradicts what was said before he is a false prophet. I believe if you take this into account you will see why I am asking these questions. Because no matter how much you say the new Testament has been changed, even though you can't claim this because Mohammed said that it was the word of God to the Christians and Gods word can't be changed by any body, you can't say the old testament has been changed because the Jews have kept it on their own, and it says The Messiah is God and He would suffer and die for the sins of His people. The dead sea scrolls were proof that the old testament hadn't changed look it up it was identical to todays versions.

First of all , we don't believe that the current Bible is the original message sent with Christ peace upon him . Secondly , Islam is the ONLY religion that limits marriage to 4 . There is no limit in any other . And when you tell me there's no divorce , that's more of a reason for me to refuse it . Just imagine if life became impossible between the two .

Your right that its a belief you have no proof of this and your Quran teaches other  wise. Why 4 Adam only had one wife,Eve, every one else was his daughter? If I couldn't keep my commitment or promise I made before God to stay with someone till death then I certainly wouldn't further transgress and be joined to another. If I failed to keep the promise the first time why should I make the same promise again. People don't divorce because life becomes impossible they divorce to find another wife or Husband. If they really were divorced because of other reasons they would still honor their commitment and not re-marry. Again if the quran limits the number to 4 how many wives dud Mohammed have I've been told it's more than 4

Offline Ahmadddd333

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Re: Why is Mohammed considered a prophet?
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2016, 02:06:25 PM »
Brother first of all,you said that message of jesus was not written by was written long after how can you be sure that message of bible is true.even now many verses in the bible are marked as fabrications.we muslims believe that he has performed many miracles.what about his prophecy of matthew 12:38.even the writer of matthew is not saint matthew himself.Yes prophet muhammed didnot perform miracles as jesus did.but miracles are not always a way to prove that he is a messenger or not.and even if you want miracle then quran is the miracle of miracles.just read it and you will say this yourself. and prophet muhammed just thinked that he was possesed by demon but jesus was actually possessed by satan(luke 4:5-6)i as a muslim belive that prophets are innocent.they cant be trapped by devil.but your bible says that said that your sins are already forgiven,then please assure me than if i rob,if i rape.i will not be tested and i will be forgiven.
and we cannot compare is not our problem.according to us jesus,muhammed,abraham are all the same because they are messengers.i dont know jesus saw the God or not but when phillips said him that show us the Father and it is enough then he said have i been with you so long and then you dont belive me and want to see the father (john 14:8).he didnt show him Father.why?because no man can see the God with his eyes when he cant even look at the sun.
and if we talk about faith of prophet muhammad,then i do agree with you that he had sucidal thoughts but it happens when you try to tell others the truth and want to save them from fire and they dont even listen you.and een if we compare it with jesus,he said Father why has thou forsaken me?did he lost his faith?you can give the better answer.
and if we talk about prophets death then i dont know for sure about that.but i know he was poisoned by a lady but he lived for 3 years after is not a false prophet death.and even if i agree with you just for the sake of argument then please tell me that isnt it better that a man die in his home rather then supposedly being nailed on the cross naked (you know what im trying to say)
and just by thinking that quran contradicts the thing which are in bible then quran is not the word of God,then please tell me why on earth should i believe on the scripture which have so many contradictions and errors (ezra 2:65,nehemiah 7:67)(kings1 7:26,chronicles2 4:5)(mark 16:17-18).even christians say that king james version have grave defects (report from RSV)
and brother if we talk about marrige,quran says marry in two three or four but if you cant do justice marry only one (4:3).and you looked at wife of adam.but you forgot how many wives abraham had.......3    how many wives solomon had......700 (1kings 11:2) polygamy is the solution of the problem if you look deeply at almost every country in the world there are more women then men.if all the men get married then what will be donw to the remaining women.and leave aside sodomites too :P
And my beloved prophet,if you know his biography his first marrige was with khadija who was almost double of his age and two time wife of prohpet was you may think about his wife ayesha.for that you may look at this will find your answer. and our prophet didnt have the right to divorce them (33:54)
i tried so much to remove the misconceptions about islam from your mind.i dont claim to be so learned but as far as islam is concerned then Allah has granted me some knowledge


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