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Messages - muzi123

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my question is that has nasa proved tht the moon has been split because they should able to because prophet muhamamd pbuh has been sent for the whole of mankind we should able to see the crack any evidence to moon has been split

« on: October 11, 2012, 12:09:26 PM »
ok true i agree with u but actually once i was giving dawa to a non muslim he didnt accept all this science in quran he didnt understand it so i showed him miracle videos  like this n straight away he converted because more than 15 mosques survived the tsunami n he was shocked so tht was my way what i did n other videos like the russian baby born with verses of quran because there was no explanation for it doctors didnt no anything what it was n it disappears n appears on friday

Hinduism / Re: vedic science
« on: October 10, 2012, 02:59:24 PM »
jazkhallah khair ye  i think the hindues they changed their scriptures like 500 years ago or 300 its been proven its been changed  may allah bless u ameen

mashallah excellent answer

Hinduism / Re: vedic science
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:24:40 AM »

Hinduism / Re: vedic science
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:15:14 AM »
obv the quran is miraculous but im saying why would vedas say something scientifc 5000 years ago which the quran doesnt  mention like say if vedas say some scietific fact which is not mention in quran  then wht  oh is it possible vedas were changed n edited 500 years ago

« on: October 10, 2012, 10:56:18 AM »
thank u brothers but i would like this  page 2 b refuted some of the catagorys like the mosques surving tsunami standing mosques theres no doubt that is a miracle of allah n some others like cats eye nebula in the quran  google earth proves islam  mathematical miracles baby born with verses of quran  animals marked by allah 

« on: October 09, 2012, 12:57:02 PM »
salamualakum is there any website tht has refuted to ENTIRE on wikislam?

Hinduism / Re: vedic science
« on: October 09, 2012, 10:40:27 AM »
but wht the vedas say which the quran doesnt mention y wud god mention 6000 years ago some scietific miracle which god didnt mention in the quran e.g say if vedaas say the moon is reflected light of sun n quran didnt mention im just giving ee.g obv i no quran says moon is reflected

Hinduism / vedic science
« on: October 08, 2012, 02:39:28 PM »
is there any scientific errors in vedas because apprantly the vedas are very scientific it  speaks about technology, other things to come  etc and alot of things Modern scientists' comments:
Hinduism is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, to those of modern scientific cosmology. The Hindu literature is work of a Genius.
(Dr. Steinn Sigurdsson, Pennsylvania State University)

It looks like that the writers of Vedas and Puran came from the future to deliver knowledge. The works of the Ancient Arya Sages is mind blowing. There is no doubt that Purans and Vedas are word of God.
(Scott Sandford , Space Scientist, NASA)

How could Hindus (Aryas) have possibly known all this 6,000 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment which did not exist at that time? Such concepts were found only recently.
(Dr. Kevin Hurley of the University of California at Berkeley)

plz can u watch the video frm 0:47:54 till 0:49:56 refute his claim hes defending bible hes refuting dr zakir naik thourough out the video clip he claims quran permits that u cn eat everything frm sea

Hadiths & Sunna, and Prophet Muhammad's Person / Re: muhammad pbuh
« on: October 03, 2012, 11:08:31 AM »
ye i checked it obv i know muhammad pbuh could read but could he write because it the hadith it says he wrote

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