Author Topic: CONCEPT OF GOD IN ISLAM  (Read 7182 times)

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« on: February 04, 2013, 03:02:53 AM »
Man is in a never ending search for the cause behind all
that exist in this Universe-right from the sub automic
particles to the gigantic stars and unfathomable depths
of galaxies and things beyond the bowl of night. But every time a
cause is found it so emerges out that there still remains a cause
behind that cause. This search goes on and on. But it does have an
end-when man reaches a `cause’ which does not have to have a
cause, a superior being without cause-ie., a causless cause. That
causeless cause is the end of man’s inquiry. In other words man’s
search for a cause ceases at this point. We do not find in this
universe any materialistic phenomenon without a cause. So it turns
out that the causeless superior being must be outside this Universe
and beyond material existence. Islam calls this primary
causeless cause behind all small and big, micro and macro phenomena
in the universe Allah!
But Islam does not teach that `Allah’-this causeless cause is
some conventional form of force or simple ordinary energy. The
real essence of God is beyond man’s comprehension and description.
Man knows the essence of that Divine being only through
His own divine revelations. However, the materialistic objects in
this universe reveal and testify His ominiscience and omni pote
nce. The Holy Qur’an exhorts man to realise this fact through
reason-unbiased and rational free thinking
``Do they not look at the camels
How they are made?
And at the sky,
How it is raised high?
And at the mountains,
How they are fixed firm?
And at the Earth.
How it is spread out?’’ (Al Ghashiyah: 17-20)
The Qur’an commands man to realize the Great Power
behind the wonderful design of the universe by discerning the
surrounding nature. During the middle ages the Church’s strictures
prohibited reason as it would lead to atheism. Islam does
not subscribe to this view. Qur’anic verses teach man to make
best use of his eyes, ears and brain to see, hear and think.
There is not even a single verse in Qur’an which restricts man
from following reasons. As a matter of fact there is no other book
which invokes human intelligence in such an inspiring manner.
The Quranic verses urging man to think and learn from nature
and realize the invincibility of the Supreme Being, are thoughtprovoking
to a lay man as well as a scientist.
Human being
The first verses revealed to prophet (S.A) command:
``Proclaim! (or Read!),
In the name of the Lord
And Cherisher
Who created man, out of
A leech-like clot’’ (Al Alaq: 1-2)
These lines incite man to think freely about himself. He was
nothing a few years back-just two unknown insignificant entities
fused together-first part, one out of millions of spermatazoa of
the father’s semen and the second, an ovum produced from the
mother’s womb to form the embryo. It grew to form a little mass
of flesh. Inside the flesh bones started taking shape. Then the
skeletal from started building up. The bones of the skeletal system
were then covered by muscles. Then eyes, ears, nose, arms,
legs and head grew at different rates in different proportions.
Finally one fine day this great man appeared on Earth’s surface,
in flesh and blood from inside his mother’s womb, absolutely helpless,
as one in crores. Then began his struggle for life!
Human body has various systems which are interconnected.
All these systems viz., skeletal, cardio-vascular, renal, reproductive,
digestive, nervous, respiratory, endocrine & Excretive, function
The same power which caused the fusion of ovum in to the
male sperm, its step by step transformation into a foetus, then into
a child and then to a full fledged human being, has also designed
and laid out the most sophisticated, perfectly functional systems
inside the body. From layman living aimlessly to the scientist investigating
into the intricacies of human metabolism share alike
the abundance of the Creator’s blessings. The Qur’an asks man:
``How can you reject
The faith in Allah?
Seeing that you were without life
And He gave you life’’ (Al Baqarah: 28)
The Qur’an reveals the secrets of man’s birth:
``Man We did create
From a quintessence (of clay)
Then We placed him
As (a drop of) sperm
In a place of rest
Firmly fixed
Then We made the sperm
into a clot of congealed blood,
Then of that clot We made
A (foetus) lump, then We
Made out of that lump
Bones and clothed the bones
with flesh; then we developed
Out of it another creature
So blessed be Allah
The Best to create!’’ (Al Mu’minun: 12-14)
The Qur’an asks man again:
``Do you then see?
The (human seed) that
You throw out
It is you who create it
Or are We the creator?’’ (Al Waqiah: 58,59)
Arrangements for the Survival:
The Creator has arranged every thing that is required in this
world for survival of a new born baby. When it cries that throat
doesn’t get dried up; its body temperature is kept under control;
the water content of the body is automatically regulated; oxygen
is breathed in and carbon dioxide is breathed out-and so many
such intricate and complicated body functions are designed and
regulated by our Creator. The mother herself carries the perfectly
balanced diet for the offspring. There is nothing to beat breastmilk.
It contains all nutrients and antibodies and antibodies required
for body growth and building up immunity against diseases.
The Cattle:
As this child grows up on breast feeding he finds other sources
around him for food-the most important being the milk of cattle,
which is consumed even by the grown up due to its nutrition value.
Cow milk contains 87.2 % water, 3.7 % fats, 4.9 % sugar, 3.5 %
vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. And who has designed such
a wonderful but highly complicated set up in cattle essential for
human survival? It is none other than the Creator Lactic researcher
and the layman have the same answer. The Quran points out:
``And in cattle (too) you
Have an instructive example
From within their bodies
We produce (milk) for you
To drink, there are in them
(Besides) numerous (other)
Benefits for you
And of their (meat) you eat’’ (Al Mu’minun: 21)
``And verily in cattle (too)
Will you find an instructive sign
From what is within their bodies
Between the excretion and blood
We produce for you drink
Milk, pure and agreeable
To those who drink it’’ (Al-Nahl: 66)
Green World:
Look around us and ponder over the beautiful greenery of the
vast plant kingdom on which our very existence is centred. We
realize the ingenuity of the Creator. Green leaves are earth’s food
producing factories. Their roots draw in water and manure from
the earth which is then `pumped’ up the stem to the leaves at the
tips of the branches. They in turn absorb Carbon-dioxide from the
surrounding atmosphere. In the presence of sunlight all these constituents
on the green leaves get converted into glucose through a
miraculous process known as `Photosynthesis’. Glucose is the
basic food element for plants and animals.
During Photosynthesis CO2 let out by animals including man
is absored by plants and in turn they let out oxygen required for
animals. Thus a complimentary service takes place between animals
and plants for mutual co-existence. The farmer and the botanist
feel the existence of a Superior Entity behind the plant life.
The Qur’an asks:
``See ye, the seed that
You sow in the ground
Is it you that cause it
To grow or are We
The cause?’’ (Al-Waqiah: 63, 64)
The farmer doesn’t have any roll in the growth process of the
plant after sowing the seed up to its growth. The plant grow according
to the `instruction’ recorded in the gene structure of the
plant cell. This set up is purely divine as the Quran reminds man:
``With it He produces
For you corn, olives,
Date palms, grapes,
And every kind of fruits.
Verily in this is a Sign,
For those who give thought’’ (Al-Nahl:11)
Nature is equipped with all that is necessary for the survival of
plants and animals.
The Earth and its arrangements:
The Earth rotates around its own axis which is inclined by
23.50. This inclination causes seasons and climatic changes essential
for agriculture. Water is an inevitable pre-requisite for life
on earth. This is obtained from ponds, rivers and oceans `steaming’
under the sun. The condensed steam gets accumulated around
dust particles to form droplets which fall down to form what we
know as rain. Thus there is an extremely complicated and lengthy
process which ultimately ends up in rain showers. It is unique to
earth as per the latest scientific investigations. A farmer and a
climatologist have the same understanding about rain that is helpful
in keeping life on earth and it is a special design by a Superior
Being. Even the frightening lightening bolts accompanying the
rain is a great blessing in disguise for farmers.
During lightning the atmospheric nitrogen is converted into
nitrogen compounds in soil which can easily be absorbed and assimilated
directly by plants. Reports indicate that the nitrogen
compounds thus converted per year amounts to approximately
100 million tonnes. This figure is more than 10 times the annual
world production of fertilizers.
The Quran says that rain and thunder showers are signs of a
Superior Power;
``And among His signs,
He shows you the lightning,
By way both of fear
And of hope and He sends
Down rain from the sky,
And with it gives life to
The earth after it is dead
Verily in that are signs
For those who are wise’’ (Al Rum:24)
The canopy of heavens
Earth’s atmosphere provides a miraculous protection for life
to exist on earth. The ozone layer of Earth’s stratosphere filters
out ultraviolet rays and other harmful cosmic rays, thus setting
and controlling atmospheric condition on earth’s surface suitable
for life forms to thrive. Besides, the atmospheric air offers very
high resistance to the meteorites falling down at tremendous velocities.
Due to this resistance they burn out before they touch the
earth’s surface. Thus the atmosphere is a real protective canopy
above us providing a vast defensive mechanism. Man who lives
under this vast canopy is urged by the Quran to think about such
amazing protective designs set above him. The Qur’an teaches us:
`Who has made the earth your couch
And the heavens your canopy
And sent down rain from the heavens
And brought forth therewith
Furits for your sustenance
Then set not up rivals unto Allah
When you know (the truth)’’ (Al Baqarah: 22)
Honey bee, an example:
Each living being is a sign of its Creator’s ingenium. Take for
example bee, the expert civil engineer among insects. They build
strong multichambered houses with wax and least amount of effort.
Scientists have never stopped wondering at the hexagonal
accuracy of the inner chambers of bee hives. Management experts
are surprised at the way in which they practice the principle
of division of labour. Different classes of bees are entitled with
collection of honey, building hives, safe-guarding them and reproduction.
Each class perform their duties with religious accuracy
and devotion. The communication methods they employ are
still more amazing. Bees which hunt for honey inform other bees
about the location in a particuliar manner of dance called `waggle
dance’. The shapes and sizes of these angles and circles represent
and communicate the complete details of the location of honeydistance,
direction, quantity and quality.
And it is an established fact that honey has wonderful medici-
nal properties. But it is not the bee which has provided these prope
rties since its brain is too small. Who else has supplied the bee with
these powers? The Creator Himself and no on else. The Qur’an
``And your Lord taught the Bee
To build its cells in hills
on trees and in (men’s) habitations
Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth)
And find with skill the spacious
Paths of its Lord, there issues
From within their bodies
A drink of varying colours
Where in is healing for men
Verily in this is sign
For those who think’’ (Al Nahl: 68,69)
This is true with any living being-on land, water and skies.
Thus God’s presence can be felt in every creature every where.
``And Allah has created
Every animal; from water
Of them there are some
That creep on their bellies
Some that walk on four
Allah creates what He wills
For verily Allah has power
Over all things’’ (Al Nur:45)
Wondering Heavens:
From time immemorial man has been looking at the sky wondering
about the sun, the moon and the stars which eventually
have become a part of his life in many ways. To the ancient man
sunrise and sunset were intriguing experiences occuring every
day. But to the modern man it is the tremendous nuclear explosion
inside the solar mass is bewildering. The sun weighs 703.1
billion kgs. Per m3. The temperature at the centre is estimated to
be 6.5 million degrees Celcius and the pressure 70.3 tonnes per
cm2. Nuclear fusion is the basic process inside the mass of sun
that generates tremendous solar energy which is the source of
energy for the whole solar system. The energy thus generated in a
second is equivalent to thousands of Hydrogen bomb explosions.
It approximately amounts to 1025 Joules. (This is more than the
energy required for Earth for a period of 10000 years). Sun is just
one star among millions in the galaxy called Milkyway. It is situated
32000 light years away from the centre of Milkyway. Sun
revolves around this centre in circular path at speed of 250km/
sec. It takes 250 million years or one Cosmic year for completing
one such revolution. Modern science tells us that the sun, the
milkyway, etc... are all moving in definite paths. Thus the more
we learn about the cosmic system the more we understand the
creative ingeniun of Allah Almighty.
The Qur’an points out to this fact:
``And the sun runs its course
For a period determined
For it, that is
The decree of (Him)
The exalted in might
The all-knowing’’ (Yaseen: 38)
``It is He who created the Night and the Day
And the Sun and the Moon
All (the celestial bodies)
Swim along, each in its
Rounded course’’ (Al Ambiya:33)
Address of Human being
Man who realizes where he stands in this wide expanse of the
universe will definitely prostrate in front of its creator. A universe
filled with millions of clustres, each clustre consisting of
millions of galaxies and each galaxy studded with millions of trillions
of stars, pulsars, quasars, nebulae and black holes! And our
sun just a tiny star in the Milkyway stretching across the sky, one
among millions of falaxies. This Sun is 1.35 millions times bigger
than earth in volume. The milky way contains stars which are
thousands and thousands times bigger than our sun which is just a
medium sized star in the Milky way. Nine planets revolve around
the sun. Besides there are a lot many satellites, comets, dwarf
planets, meteorites, etc... in the solar system. Earth is one among
the 9 planets. And Man is just one among millions of species or
earth. Each one of us is just on among crores and crores of such
men. But the protection offered to this `tiny’ and `unimportant’
human being, other species, the earth, the planets, milkyway, galaxies,
etc. are the same. That means the same `commander’ protects
and controls them all. We realize how inferior our powers
are and that we are just nothing in this universe. The ultimate
realization forces us to lower our heads down in front of the Al
mighty Creator. The Qur’an precisely points out to this truth:
``Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the Earth
In the alternation of the Night and the Day
In the sailing of ships through the ocean
for the benefit of mankind
In the rain which Allah sends down from the skies
And the life which He gives therewith
To an Earth that is dead;
In the beasts of all kinds that He scatters
Through out the Earth:
In the change of the winds,
And the clouds which trail like their slaves
Between the sky and the Earth
(Here) indeed are Signs
For a people that are wise’’ (Al Baqarah: 164)
The Qur’an invokes human intelligence in Al -A’raf:
Do they see nothing, the government of the heavens
And the Earth and all, that Allah has created?
(Do they not see) that, it may well be that
Their term is nigh drawing to an end?
In what message after this,
Will they then believe?’’ (Al A’raf: 185)
``Allah created the heavens
And the earth in true (proportions)
Verily in that is a sign
For those who believe’’ (Al’ Ankabut: 44)
When the Qur’an teaches us to learn about the creator by looking
at ourselves and the surrounding nature. It does not advocat
blind faith. The Qur’an invokes human beings to use their intelligence.
The amazing control and order which surrounds the micro
and macro world of animate and inanimate beings are pointed
out. Thus The Holy Qur’an leads man to truth-the Absolute Truth.
Oneness of God:
The Holy Qur’an which points out to the hands of God, the
Supreme Creator, in the amazing universal phenomena, uses the
same objects for establishing the absurdity of polytheism. Every
system in the human being is related to each other. Similarily it is
a well known fact that various species are related to each other.
There are many small and big animals which coexist mutually.
Plants and animals depend on each other for existence. The Earth’s
living environment is designed in such a fashion that neither of
the two Kingdoms- animals and plants-can exist in the total absence
of the other. This co-ordinated orchestration of life on earth
cannot be achieved by different creators. Then this kind of mutual
dependence would not have been possible. The creator of
animals would have his own way of control and the creator of
plants would have had a different one. Qur’an points out to the
harmony existing in nature through the following verse:
``No son did Allah beget,
Nor is there any god along with Him;
(If there were many gods), behold, each god
Would have taken away what he had created,
And some would have loaded it over others!
Glory to Allah! (He is free)
From the sort of things, they attribute to Him!’’
(Al Mu’minum:91)
This harmony is felt every where in the Universe. Entering in
to the micro-level world of atoms one can see the amazing structure
of inter dependance between electrons, protons, neutrons,
mesons and positrons. It is true in the case of the macro world
too. This uniform structure of universal laws governing the cosmic
phenomena indicate that these are all creations of the one and
the same creator. The harmony and co-ordination would just not
have been possible if there were more than one creator. If we
accept Einstein’s theory that universal phenomena are basically
the result of space time curvature due to gravity, we would be
forced to accept the existence of a single creator, who brought all
this universe under a single law. Einstein postulated that not even
a single substance in this world existed outside the limits of this
If all planets and stars had seperate creators they would have
all got destroyed by collision. If there had been more than one
Supreme being controlling this Universe titanic clashes between
their interests would have ended up in the total destruction of the
Universe. The Qur’an again points to this fact:
``If there were, in the heavens and the earth
Other gods besides Allah,
there would have been ruin in both!
But glory to Allah, the Lord of the Throne:
(High He is) above what they attribute to Him’’
(Al Ambiya: 22)
Allah is the all knowing sole Creator, Protector and Controller
of the entire universe. It is not a name assigned to a tribal cheif or
head of a clan. It is the name assigned to God of all tribes, country
men, castes and races. Different names are used by different people
to point out this Supreme Entity. The words `Para-brahmam’
or `Paramathma’ are used in Upanishads to devote this Supreme
Power. In Old Testament El Elohim. El Sheddai, El Elion, Adonoi,
Yah, Jeho- vah etc., are assigned to God. Since the teachings of
Jesus are not written in his mother tongue Aramic language the
exact form of God name he used is not known. However Bible
experts argue that it was Elohim. The Holy Qur;an uses the word
Allah to address the Supreme Creator. Linguists say that the word
means one who really deserves all prayers and worships. Others
say that there is no equivalent work in any other form. In any case
the word used do not indicate God of a particular race or creed.
The Qur’an does not use the word in that sense.
The Essence of God:
Matter is the building material of this Universe. Multiplicity
is a basic nature of matter. The search for a fundamental substance
has led scientists to the conclusion that nothing exists which
can be called a single or fundamental substance. Elements join in
different proportions to form various substances. Atoms from
molecules. Atom consists of electrons, protons, neutrons, mesons
and positrons. They were thought to be the fundamental particles.
Later it was discovered that they were made up of quarks which
don’t have independant existence. Thus there is nothing in this
materialistic world which can be called a fundamental substance
or a particle. This is attributed to multiplicit is the fundamental
character of matter, by scientists. It is Allah the Creator of matter
and the universe who can be described as single in all respects.
Since He is beyond the definition of matter it is unlike His nature
and essence that He exhibits multiplicity. That means He is the
one. The Qur’an stresses this fact unequivocally in Al-Ikhlas the
pivotal chapter of Quran:
``Say He is Allah, the one and only
Allah, the Eternal Absolute,
He begetteth not, Nor is He begotten,
And there is none like unto Him’’ (Al-Ikhlas: 1-4)
Man has a lot of limitations, basically he acquires knowledge
through senses. The human brain processes informations collected
through the five senses. It is a well known fact that human sense
have a lot of limitations.
Human eye can see light only within a range of wave lengths
from 380 to 780 millimicrons. The ultraviolet rays, X-rays, infrared
rays and cosmic rays which are emitted at wavelengths above
or below this range are not visible for human eyes. Human ear
can listen to sound waves within a frequency range of 20 Hz. to
20,000 Hz. Sound waves beyond these limits are not audible to
human ear. So also is the case with taste, smell etc. So it turns out
that, since human senses have limitations the brain also must have
limitations. That means we can think only about this materialistic
world. Human brain is incapable of thinking beyond the materialistic
world and creating images and performing calculations outside
its limits.
It was already pointed out that Allah is beyond matter and
hence limitations of materials are not applicable in His case. Human
brain is incapable of arriving at conclusions and deductions
on his own about God. Because it is all beyond limits of his senses.
Human brain which is with in space-time limits can not visualize
the Supreme being beyond space-time limits. The Qur’an verse
given below indicates this:-
``No vision can grasp Him
But His grasp is over all vision
He is above all comprehension
Yet is acquainted with all things’’ (Al-Ana’s: 103)
This verse indicates that materialistic perception and observation
are not sufficient to fathom Allah, who is beyond matter.
Islam doesn’t present a picture of a tired God who just as anybody
takes rest from the 7th day onwards, after laborious work of
creation of the Universe. Qur’an and Prophet (SA) teach us that
Allah’s mighty power and control are absolutely necessary behind
each and every phenomenon-be it the micro level process of
splitting of a gene cell or the titanic clashes of star.
``His throne does extend over the heavens
And the earth.
And He feels no fatigue in guarding and
Preserving them
For He is the most high
The supreme (in glory)’’ (Al-Baqarah: 255)
The God Islam presents is not just a form of energy. Islam
teaches that He possesses all powers and never dies.
``And put the trust in Him who lives and dies not;
And celebrate His praise and enough is He
To be aquainted with the faults of His servants’’
(Al-Furqan: 58)
``This is so because Allah is the Reality,
It is He who gives life to the dead
And it is He who has power over all things’ (Al Hajj:6)
Creator and Creations:
Islam does not subscribe to the idea that this universe is just an
illusion. It is real, but it is just a creation which has a beginning
and an end. According to the theory that Universe is just an illusion
it does not need a creator behind it. But the Holy Quran says
that it has a Supreme Creator and all the creations are proclaiming
His purity and truth.
``Whatever is in the heavens and on earth
Let it declare the Praises and glory of Allah,
For He is the exalted in might, the wise’’ (Al Hadid:1)
The preposition that the Creator and the creations are one and
the same is another side of the same coin. islam reaffirms that this
theory is absurd and baseless. The essence of Allah is distinct
from His creations. The God Qur’an present is not one whose
entity is spread over in all His creations. If that be so He has to
have limitations partially. But He is beyond all nature ie., His
essence is distinct from nature. But His knowledge and power
contain and include all things. From the feeblest movement in an
atom to the gigantic explosions of stars are within His power and
control. He is beyond time and space limitations. He is beyond
matter and its limitations. His power stretches to all macro and
micro world.
``To Him belongs the dominion of the heaven and the earth
It is He who gives Life and Death and
He has power over all things
He is the first and the last
The evident and hidden
And He has full knowledge of all things’’ (Al Hadid: 2,3)
All the creatures in this world are Allah’s creations. Creator
and creations are not the same. Creation is entirely distinct from
the Creator. It is like a painter and his painting. Painter is not the
painting. Painting is not the painter. From any perspective they
are different. Qur’an uses the words `doonillahi (besides Allah)
and `gairullahi’ (other than Allah) whenever creation are mentioned.
It is clear from these words that creations are absolutely
different from God. All creations including man are different from
the essence of Allah according to the Qur’anic teachings.
Allah’s attributes:
The view that Allah doesn’t have any quality is against Qur’anic
teachings. The God introduced by Qur’an is complete in all righteous
qualities. But they are not comparable with those of men.
Human qualities are constrained within space-time limits. But the
qualities of Creator of space-time limits itself should definitely
be beyond space-time limits. The Quranic description of Allah
ie., "there is nothing whatever like unto Him’’ (Al-Shura: 11) indicates
not only the essence of the Creator but his qualities too.
The creations can never posses qualities equal to those of the Creator.
The Creator:
Allah is the one who created the universe from absolute nothingness.
Creation is also a quality of Allah. We can only build
things. It is just a kind of transformation that is brought to materials
available. A carpenter can make a table. He can not create a
table. But Allah can create table from nothingness. Combining
hydrogen and oxygen, Water can be produced in the laboratory.
But the scientist will not claim he has created water. Because water
is a creation of God Almighty. This is applicable to all substances.
And that is What Qur’an reveals through the following verses:
``O men! Here is a parable set forth! Listen to it!
Those on whom besides Allah, you call, cannnot create
(Even) a fly even if they all met together for the purpose!’’
(Al Hajj: 73)
The Mighty
All the animate and inanimate things in this Universe are observable
evidences of Allah’s might and power. The one who can
create out of nothingness should definitely be a Superior power.
There is nothing which is beyond His capacity. Listen to the
Quranic verse:
``This is so because Allah is the Reality,
It is He who gives life to the dead,
And it is he who has power over all things’’ (Al Hajj:6)
``Blessed be He, in whose hands is Dominion
And He over all things has power’’ (Al Mulk:1)
The Supreme:
From time immemorial, there have been men of power who
boasted that what all they have is due to their own abilities and
power. But history tells us that many such people had fallen into
unfathomable abyss of miseries. We have heard about people who
rose from scratches to dizzy heights of glory and pomp. But the
real owner of all powers is Allah alone. He makes man powerful
or powerless. The Qur’an Commands:
``Say, oh Allah’ Lord of Power (and rule)
You give power to whom you please
And You strip off power from whom You please
You endure with honour whom you please
And you bring low whom you please
In Your hands is all good
Verily over all things You have power’’ (Al-Imran:26)
The Omniscient:
Allah knows all. There is no state of ignorance. To Him there
is nothing like `revealed’ or `secret’. Nothing is public or private
to Him. He is all knowing. Past, present and future are for this
world which incurably is bound by these three time epochs. Allah
is beyond time. He knows past, present and future. He knows all
the secrets and intricacies of every animate and inanimate things
in this world which He has created. Qur’an explains this fact:
``With Him are the keys, of the Unseen
The treasures that none knows but
He knows whatever there is on the Earth and in the sea
Not a leaf does fall but with His knowledge
There is not a grain in the darkness (or depth) of the Earth
Nor anything fresh or dry (green or witheres)
But is (inscribed) in a record
Clear (to those who can read)’’ (Al Ana’m: 59)
``He knows the Unseen and that which is open
He is the Great, the most High
It is the same (to Him) whether any of you
Conceal his speech or declare it openly;
Wheather he lie hid by night
Or walk forth freely by day’’ (Al Ra’d: 9,10)
``And whether you hide your word or publish it
He certainly has (full) knowledge of the
Secrets of (all) Hearts
Should He not know- He that created?
And He is the one that understands the finest
Mysteries (and) is well acquainted (with them)’’
(Al Mulk: 13,14)
The Living:
Allah has given life to us all. Life has started from Him. There
is a limit for the life of all creations since they have started life at
a particular point in time. One day they will perish. Sleep, death,
drowziness, etc..... will affect creations. But life in its complete
and absolute form exists only in Allah. No beginning, no end, no
sleep, no drowziness. The Quran declares:
``Allah! there is no god but He -the Living
The self subsisting, eternal
No slumber can seize Him, nor sleep’’ (Al Baqarah: 255)
Hearing, sight and such senses of human beings and other life
forms have limitations. The life -giver who has provided these
senses does not have these limitations. Or there is no sanctity for
such limitations in Him. This idea is more meaningful when we
know that these senses are beyond space-time limits in His case.
It is also accurate and specific. God is without qualities for people
who make Him deaf and mute. But Allah the Holy Qur’an
presents is different.
``Allah hears and sees (all things)’’ (Al Mujadilah:1)
The most Gracious and Merciful:
The Qur’an declares that Allah who creates and protects His
creation is the most Graceful and Merciful. His name Al Rahman
has been several times repeated in the Holy Qur’an. In the Holy
Quran this divine name is repeated 169 times. It means `the most
Merciful to his creations’. Every chapter except on in the Quran
starts with `Bilsmillahi Rahmani Rahim’ Every good deed is started
with `Bismillah’. Which means `In the name of Allah the most
Gracious, the most Merciful. It is the most repeated sentence in a
Muslims’s life. Allah Himself considers mercy towards creation
as binding on Him. He declares this fact in the Holy Qur’an:
``Your Lord has inscribed for Himself (the ruel of)
Mercy; verily if any one of you did evil
In ignorance and there after repented and amended
(His conduct)
He is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful’’ (Al Ana’am: 54)
Allah hates sins. And the Qur’an says that sinners cannot attain
proximity to Allah. But whatever be the quantum of sin one
has committed if he repents sincerely and accept the path of righteousness.
Allah, the most Merciful will forgive all his previous
sins. That is What Qur’an teaches:
``Say: Oh my servants who have transgressed
Against their souls!
Despair not of the Mercy of Allah;
For Allah forgives
All sins for He is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful
Turn you to your Lord (in repentance) and bow
To His (will) before the Penalty comes on you;
After that you shall not be helped’’ (Al Zumar: 53, 54)
Allah likes those who repent. Those who repent with heartfelt
guilty consciousness and confess sincerely and try not to move
again to the paths of sin, will be forgiven by the Most Merciful
Allah. He doesn’t like any one in between for recommendation or
meditation. Prophet (SA) describes through an example, the pleasure
Allah will have when somebody returns to the righteous path
after repentance.
`One man sleeps under the shadow of a tree in the desert. He
gets up to find his camel gone. It was carrying food and water for
him. Now he is left out alone in the desert. He desperately searches
for the camel. At the end he loses all hopes and looks beyond the
horizon as a man who has lost every thing in life. All on a sudden
the camel appears in front of him. What will be his relief and
happiness? Allah will enjoy many many times of this happiness
when His sinful slave repents. There are a number of verses in the
Qur’an which reveals qualities related to His mercy and grace. Al
Rahman, Al Rahim, Salaam, Gafoor, Latheef, Kareem, Thawab,
Wadood, etc,.... are a few among them which designate His boundless
mercy and love for this creation.
The Just:
Man is the only living being which can independently do things
on his own. He can think about and weigh in his mind the pros
and cons of various situations and take decisions accordingly. He
can rise to sublime levels by virtuous deeds and sink low to shameful
depths by sinning. Allah commands him to choose the righteous
path and live accordingly. Happiness and peace can prevail
only in a society where moral values are accepted and followed.
Therefore is bound on every human being to accept moral values.
But every human being has an innermost evil desire to isolate
these moral values. A peaceful civilised society can flourish only
if such desires are brought under control.
Doing good things for the making of an elite society is actually
a part of Allah’s mercy. That is why Allah has given the ruling
that those who sin here shall get a painful life in the hereafter
and those who do good deeds will get a virtuous life in the hereafter.
If evil and righteousness, right and wrong, justice and injustice
are treated alike by Allah’s divine justice what is the sanctity
of truth, justice and righteousness? Our common sense tells us
that it is not rational. Evil and righteousness should be rewarded
in the same coin. The deeds- good or bad- in this world will be
rewarded in a fitting manner in the hereafter. The punishment a
sinner receives in the hereafter is actually, because of Allah’s abundant
mercy to the human race. Allah commands Prophete (SA):
``Tell my servants, that I am indeed
The oft-forgiving, Most Merciful,
And that My penalty will be indeed
The most grievous penalty’’ (Al Hajr: 49,50)
There are many Qur’anic verses which make it clear that it is a
part of Allah’s justice to reward human beings for all their deeds
in this materialistic world and that He would not be unjust to
anybody. The Qur’an says:
``And Allah means no injustice to any of His creatures’’
(Al Imran:108)
``Allah is never unjust in the least degree’’ (Al Nisa: 40)
``And not one will your Lord treat with injustice’’
(Al Kahf: 49)
Allah, One and Only to be Worshipped:
It is Allah who creates and protects human beings. He is the
Creator and Protector of the whole world. He is the Most Graceful
and Merciful. He knows all. even the hidden things. He is just.
Only He who knows the `in’ and `out’ of things will know the
transactions going on in the minds of people. Allah says in the
``Allah knows well all that is in (men’s) hearts’’
Prayer means asking those who have inhuman powers for things
beyond human power and capability. There fore prayer is a kind
of celestial, spiritual plea for help. The essence of prayer is actually
in the minds of those who pray. Whatever be the beauty of
prayer if it doesn’t spring out from the depths of the heart it is
worthless. It is just a verbal jugglery. It generates from the fast
movements of the lips. Prayer is meaningul only if the worshipper’s
heart yearns for the help of the worshipped. Prayer is the
essence of all kinds of worship. Only prayer can put life in the
rituals of any kind of worship.
So whom should man offer prayer to? Whom should he worship?
It is to Him who hold the key to the entire secrets, things
private and public in this Universe, who knows the innermost
transactions of every human being. He only deserves prayer that
is what common sense says. Prayers should be offered to only the
Creator and the Protector. That is what Islam teaches. Belief in
God attains perfection only when it is held wth conviction that
prayers and other offerings are to be made only to Allah. Thauhid
(belief in Oneness of God) which Islam upholds will be complete
only when He, Who is complete and perfect in every thing is
Social scientists are of the opinion that faith in God influences
the innermost corners of human hearts. Man transforms himself
into inferior levels when he starts worshipping natural phenomena
inferior to his own entity and essence. Man’s superior nature
is blemished when he finds demigods in every animate and inanimate
things in nature. Man attains spititual elitism only when he
offers prayers to an invincible and absolute power ie., Allah, It is
worship to Him only, that is demanded by Allah from human beings.
Allah says in the Qur’an:
``I have only created Jinns and men that,
They may worship me
No substance do I require of them,
Nor do I require that they should feed me
For Allah is He who gives (all) sustence
Lord of power-steadfast (forever)’’
(Al Dhariyat: 56, 58)
It is the worship to the Creator and Protector that prevents
man from sins. The Qur’an commands man:
``Oh you people!
Adore your Guardian Lord, Who created you
And those who came before you,
That you may become righteous’ (Al Baqarah: 21)
In the same chapter Qur’an declares:
``Allah, there is no god, but He-the Living
The Self subsisting, Eternal,
No slumber can seize Him nor sleep
His are all things in the heavens and on earth
Who is there that can intercede in His presence
Except as He permits?
He knows what (appears to His creature as)
Before or after or Behind them
Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge
Except as He wills
His throne does extend over the heavens
And the earth and He feels
No fatigue in guarding and preserviing them
For He is the Most High-The Supreme (in glory)’’
(Al Baqarah: 255)
``He is who shapes you in the wombs
As He pleases.
There is no god but He
The Exalted in Might, the Wise’’ (Al-Imran:6)
``There is no god but He
That is the witness of Allah
His angels and those endued with knowledge
Standing firm on justice
There is no god but He
The Exalted in power, the wise’’ (Al-Imran:18)
``Allah! There is no god but He, of a surety
He will gather you together against
The Day of judgement,
About which there is no doubt
And whose word can be
Truer than Allah’s?’’ (Al Nisa: 87)
A man can enter through the door of faith (Imam) and enroll
himself as a member of the society of believers (Mu’min) only
when he strongly believes that Allah is the only one deservng all
forms of worship and prayers and that He is unparalled in essence
and qualities.
Man starts leading a new different life when he believes in the
oneness of God. He doesn’t bow in front of idols and tombs. He
leads a life absolutely free offering prayers to the One and Only
Allah and accepts His commands truthfully. Thus he becomes a
Muslim and transforms himself to some one who has submitted
totally to the will of the Creator.


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