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Messages - Black Muslim

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« on: October 05, 2013, 05:14:05 AM »
Ad Hominems again.
You can take your flashy words and keep them in any old rusty drawers you have . I'm stating a fact . Someone who knows 0 about Islam should never talk about it . Call it Ad whatever you want . It still doesn't disprove the fact that you demonstrated ignorance of Islam day in and day out .

This time I will bother to reply to you.
You really need to get over yourself . You call the following Ad hominem and I call it a side note . From what I mostly see in Atheists , they think that because they denied God , they became so intelligent and that they're now scientists who don't have time to waste with these retarded religious people . At the same time , you find them spamming nonsense about religion and waste their day doing so . Ignorance is one thing . But ignorance + arrogance is unbearable .

Yea, you already told me that thing about the Arabic days of the week. But still, the days of the week are named after the seven heavenly bodies. I gave that as an example.
OK , what kind of a joke is this ? I tell you about days and their names in Islam and you STILL talk about naming days after the heavenly bodies ? For the millionth time : Islam <> Christianity . I won't keep repeating this if you can't understand such a simple thing . The point is , your example is out . The second thing is how you have so much nerve say such a clear lie about Quran . It says "Seven heavens" and you say "Seven heavenly bodies" . If you want to fake evidence against Quran then don't think it's easy like faking ones for evolution . As for the seven heavens , Allah knows best of them . I know your next reply so I'll be waiting .

« on: October 05, 2013, 04:56:21 AM »
More and more I get assured that you're here only to mess around because you're just bored .
And lying about Quran is among the things we despise most . The same book you lie about says
 "And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
And when someone is so stubborn and ungrateful as to deny his creator and the religion he ordered to follow , then yes , he is destined to be punished . And the door to repent is always open until the sun rises from the west .

There's something I always wonder about Atheists . They rant on and on about how nobody leaves them alone and how they are oppressed and blah blah blah . The next second , you find them attacking religions as hard as they can and mock and use a load of X rated terms . If they really believe that this life is the only one and they should enjoy them to their fullest , why waste them in such childish acts ?

« on: October 04, 2013, 03:32:03 PM »
I'm actually glad that you lowered that sharp tone a bit . But still .

I believe the seven heavens in the Qur'an are referring to the seven heavenly bodies. The ancients thought there were only seven heavenly bodies. Pluto is no longer considered a planet, that brings us down to six. Two new planets were discovered that brings our number to eight planets. Our days of the week are named after the seven ancient heavenly bodies.
"The seven planets of the old cosmology included the Sun (Sol) and the Moon (Luna), which we now don't regard as planets at all.   The other five were Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn."
I already told you , mate , if you don't know about Islam then don't talk like you do . You see what's underlined ? That's the bottom line .You should keep that belief of yours to yourself . Quran says seven heavens . IT clearly doesn't say "Seven heavenly bodies" . And once again you talk like Islam=Christianity=Any other religion . Atheists REALLY need to get rid of this narrow view of theirs . As for the days of the week , they show your - and I don't use it as an insult - lack of knowledge about the days in Arabic and therefore in Islam . In Arabic , they are called starting from Saturday :
1 -Sabt meaning a period of time or taking a rest . It is said that it meets the Hebrew "Shabt" meaning also to rest which Jews believe is the day Allah took rest exalted he is .
2 - Ahad meaning one . And it formerly was called "The first" as in the first day of week although we take Saturday as the first now .
3 - Ithnain meaning two or second .
4 - Thulatha meaning three or third
5 - Arbi'a meaning four or fourth .
6 - Khamees meaning five or fifth .
7 - Jum'a meaning to a gathering .
You need to stop using the logic that all religions are the same . You claimed you "tried" them all but you clearly no nothing about any of them .

The Quran has the same story, God places Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, they eat the fruit and get sent to Earth as a punishment, but if they repent, they can have eternal life again.
OK , who among the sane people objects on this ? Allah created father Adam and mother Eve peace upon them to live on Earth . But he wanted to test them . So he told them to have whatever they wanted of the trees except one that they weren't allowed to approach . Iblis - Satan - whispered to them with evil and they did wrong . They repent and Allah accepted their repentance for he is the most merciful . I'd like to see a sane man say a thing about this .

You believe he's eternal. You believing something won't make it true, unfortunately.
The most basic rules of common sense make it true . Already explained and as usual you ignore it all .

You need to provide proof of that claim. If you can't, it's false. For example, I can say that Zeus created the Earth without proof too.
Look , I won't bear the headache and make as simple as a song of kindergarten . Logic and reason say there has to be a first , there has to be a creator that isn't created . That creator must be omnipotent and knows all and out of the system he created and other things . As for which religion is true , that's something to discuss after you're convinced of the first . And I swear that no religion on Earth would stand a chance in a debate against Islam for more than 5 minutes .

Who put this law? Odin?
Again , already explained .

All of you guys are using ancient arguments from Harun Yahya that were refuted centuries ago. We found other transitional fossils later. Scientists only did this for fame and wealth. Genetic fallacy.
Nope , those two are just the tip of the iceberg . There isn't a single transitional fossil . Unless you call a skeleton of every bloody monkey an ancestor . If so , then that's your business .

And again the ancient "How do you know, were you there when it happened?" argument. Were you there when Allah created the universe?
So you agree that this argument stands . I'll ask again : Did you see this so called evolution of a bear into a whale ? You need to stop escaping every question that you're asked by turning around and making another question . As for us , Allah told us about he created the universe . As I said , logic leaves no place for an option other than that a creator made the universe . And when you asked if it's Allah or Odin or someone else , you're dodging the main argument . If you're convinced that there's a creator , then we'll talk which religion is true .

Believing a fairy tale doesn't make it true. Faith over objective reasoning is absurd.
Eat dirt and trash ! I can't believe how low you can go ! I didn't allow any room for misunderstanding but it seems the wrong doers can't hear a thing except what they like ! Where on Earth do you see me saying we have blind faith here ? :
It's a matter of belief . And because I know you'll jump the gun and say "Hey , the Muslim admits that he believes blindly !" I'll burst your bubble . I said it's a matter of belief that is based on believing in the whole religion which is in turn based on rational evidence . If we believe in religion , we believe in what it says even if we can't see it with our own eyes .
Have you no shame ?! If you're crazy , then the readers are sane !

Circular reasoning.
False premise: The universe must have a creator
Jumping to conclusions: Therefore the creator is Allah
Circular reasoning: Allah doesn't need a creator, because I said so!
Lunatic reasoning . And yet again you can't see a thing except what you like . For the thousand time , the most basic establishments of logic and reason say that everything caused has a cause . If you object on that then please don't have a conversation with sane people . And for the millionth time , knowing who the true God is comes after knowing that there is one . We believed in Islam because nothing else makes sense .
So stop trying to look like a knowledgeable man who has no time to waste and is inventing whatever one can think of . Saying some flashy terms doesn't add a value . And showing no manners when talking about the belief of other - thanks to the freedom of nonsense - only makes you look like a teenager suffering psychological disorders .

Already went over this, there were other variants of Miller's experiment recently with the changed condition that were successful. You can't rely on Harun Yahya's book forever...
Already answered by someone other than me . And from experience with such empty bluffs , I can say for sure that they'd take anything unrelated and make it an evidence that must never be questioned . But I'll leave that to who knows better than me .

Few examples. Allah telling Moses' followers to kill themselves (2:54), delicious cuisine magically falls from the sky (5:115), a staff turns into a serpent (7:107), Jonah gets swallowed by a fish and prays while inside (37:142), there are only seven heavenly bodies (2:29), etc etc
Facepalm , Facepalm , Facepalm , Facepalm , Facepalm , etc etc . Let's start from the last . The verse - O one who can't read Arabic OR English - says that there are seven heavens . You clearly either lied or copied whatever you saw from someone else . And who would object about prophet Yuunus - Jonah - being swallowed by a whale and survive and pray inside ? First , you need to know that praying can be with words only just to burst any bubble that might show up . And haven't you heard of a man who survives lightning twice ? Of a man who falls from above 10 floors and survives ? Aside from that , he's a prophet who has been protected by the mercy of Allah . Any objections ? And the staff , is it logically impossible for this to happen ? It seems you don't know what a miracle is - no surprise - and so your judgement is based on ignorance . The funny thing is that Atheists don't mind believing aliens created them or that we live in a matrix or that there are endless universes with minor differences in each - for example , in universe X I didn't have breakfast this morning ! - and then they have the nerve talk about what's illogical . And now the first one . If you bothered look at the context or any explanation that anyone can find on the internet , you would have known that this means for the innocents of them to kill the guilty . That was an order of Allah said by a prophet at his time . Any objection ?
So yes , as I always say : Whoever claims he opposes Islam because he knows it is actually among the most ignorant of it .

Yes, individual ideas and being able to think for yourself is a wonderful thing, wouldn't you agree?
Great . So you agree you have no basis and that anyone can do whatever in the world he wants .

After that , you show the usual filth and scum of Earth street thugs like you puke everywhere . If you were in our forum , you would have been banned right away . And as usual , you try to escape answering anything that you don't like through attacking others . So yes , your disbelieve in God is based on emotional disorders . And as I said before , if you can't talk like someone civilized , don't talk at all .

« on: October 03, 2013, 07:41:15 AM »
Tip: Any verse that contradicts modern science or logic and reasoning is metaphorical.
Tip : Get over yourself . NOTHING in the noble Quran contradicts logic and reason or science . Again , one conversation will prove that you judgement is based on ignorance and emotional issues .

Actually, I tried all religions before making my decision...
Actually , you didn't . From our many conversations with you , you took your information from Islamophobic sites . I doubt you even know the basic pillars of Islam and faith belief .

Nope, there are several, like how many days was the Earth created in?
Watch this video of Ahmad Deedat and laugh at yourself :

Numbers are meaningless. That's an argumentum ad populum
Indeed ! And I don't think he meant to use it as evidence . Just don't make us catch you using the same argument later .

The Quran also contains this myth
Sure , and melons are tornadoes hitting the tropical areas !

What do you need proof of? That the Gnostic texts exist? Go to the museum and see them...
A miserable failing bluff . Until you prove it's the same in Quran , your words are all trash .

I know, then why do creationists keep claiming that God came out of nothing and then created the universe in six days?
Have not I said that your ignorance will show in every single line you say about Islam ?! We don't believe Allah came from nothing . We believe he exists since ever . He's a creator , he wasn't created ! To say that the creator is created is nonsense ! As for the days , I suppose that "Golden days" are a few ? And before creating Earth , how was a day counted ? That means the mentioned days are periods of time .

Ironically, the law of conservation of energy is violated by creationists, it states that energy can't be created or destroyed.
And you think that the one who put this law is limited by it ? I might get a headache of facepalming .

Transitional fossils. Google it.
Peltdown and Nibraska men . Google them . By the way , the latter is a tooth of a pig .

RNA -- > DNA -- > Prokaryotes --- > Eukaryotes (via endosymbiosis)
Good , did you see that process ? I think not ?

The burden of proof lies on YOU. You made the claim that they existed, you bring forth the proof. For example, can you prove the invisible pink unicorn does not exist?
It seems you have difficulties understanding the unseen in Islam . Allah tells us that there are creatures called angels which are created out of light . We believe in that . Do we need to see them with telescopes or microscopes ? No we don't . It's a matter of belief . And because I know you'll jump the gun and say "Hey , the Muslim admits that he believes blindly !" I'll burst your bubble . I said it's a matter of belief that is based on believing in the whole religion which is in turn based on rational evidence . If we believe in religion , we believe in what it says even if we can't see it with our own eyes .

Really? Then who created God?
I think the whole world facepalmed to this ? For the thousand time : Allah isn't created ! He is the creator ! The creator can't be created !

Have you heard of Miller's experiment? There is plenty of evidence, you need to start reading the other side too!

Look who's talking . The few things I read about this experiment - of the "other side" - say that it was a failure because it didn't match the primitive atmosphere of Earth .

By the way, if you apply all this logic to your own Quran, then it doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Come at us , bro .

What's even more odd is that earlier there was a Muslim on here claiming that there was evolution in the Quran. Yet here you are, disagreeing. Why didn't Allah make it clear: Did evolution happen?
Has the Quran contradicted itself?
Atheists are the last to talk about differences between sects of a religion . They're the only group that doesn't agree on anything at all - besides the madness of "there is no God" - and each individual within it acts however he bloody wants . When you tell them that Dawkins says sex with immature children is ok - And if you bring the marriage to lady Aisha then be ready to get shocked - they say "Dawkins doesn't represent Atheism . What matters is evidence . So if someone decides to oppose completely what the entire nation believed for centuries than that is his own business .

Atheism is the default position sir.
Wrong . Atheism is a demonstration of emotional issues . First they take Atheism as a belief and then look for whatever supports it no matter how absurd it is .

Where is the proof? That's a claim. You need to back it up.
When you need to discuss the basic establishments of logic , you should know that there is no point in talking with such a person .

Circular reasoning is trying to prove the Quran by using the Quran.
You really need to get out of this lala world where you live . Quran is true because of rational and observable evidence .

Variations of Miller's experiment have been carried out recently that have been successful. Unlike religion, we don't need to keep justifying the same book. We can change based on observation.
In your happy dreams ! Maybe Christians need to justify their book . We on the other hand prove YOU wrong and show the error of your ways .

Honestly, people were debating Young Earth Creationism like this not too long ago, most Christians changed their bible to fit evolution,  Muslims are starting to doing it too.
I don't care if some individuals choose the easy way and decide to contradict their book . I don't know what you call this fallacy but it's simply trying to prove something right through saying "People believe it , so it must be right !" .

So the Quran is agnostic? Great.
It seems the man - AGAIN - knows nothing about the differences among people of a religion which don't mean necessary that one is wrong . But no , Quran tells us of creation and Hadith backs it up and makes no room for doubt . End of the story .

You're refuting what? Natural selection? Dude, natural selection is a fact...
Sure , as in that the good characteristics remain . But did a dinosaur become a bird ? Did a bear become a whale ? Did a deer become a giraffe ? Good luck finding one example .

« on: October 01, 2013, 01:32:05 PM »
3) Why would God work using elimination of the unfit? Why not just make humans on the spot?
The only piece of truth you spoke . And that's what it is in Islam .

2) Evolution via the law of natural selection (the weak lose the struggle) is not the work of a loving creator
I'll be straight , just because you hate Christianity and see myths in it it doesn't mean you can spam nonsense about Islam . There's nothing in Islam called "Unconditional love" . Allah loves those who do good deeds and hates those who do the opposite . That's called common sense .
Question : Let's be generous with you and say that God is not loving , how in world does it mean he doesn't exist ? What kind of logic is "the mayor is unjust , so he doesn't exist" .

OK , time to clear it up . When you want to talk about Islam , DON'T USE THE BIBLE ! Islam=/=Christianity .

« on: October 01, 2013, 08:07:44 AM »
As I thought , similar birds are attracted to each other . When someone is so desperate to prove that he and monkeys are relatives , there's nothing convincing him of otherwise .

« on: September 29, 2013, 08:58:39 AM »
I'm surprised that you actually sticked around this time :)

Off topic Ad Hominem?
Morality is subjective. If you're to base it off a 1600 year old book that commands death to apostates, infidels, unbelievers, or wife/child beating, then the real issue lies with you. You're mistaking atheism with solipsism.
Due to your lack of manners while talking about Quran and Islam , I don't find myself obligated to talk to you in manner . So I'll say "Subjective my foot !" . First of all , it IS related to the topic . You Atheists never believe in anything other than what you can see with your own eyes . When we tell you that it is a rational necessity for the universe to be created you call us retarded for blind faith and say you won't believe unless you can see this God . You believe that we came from nothing for nothing and will turn to nothing for nothing . So much "Nothing" . On what bases does an Atheist determine what's right or wrong ? Nothing . They tell you morals are subjective . So according to their twisted logic , they shouldn't object about Stalin and Hitler killing millions of people . Oh yeah , they worked with Atheism as well .
We on the other hand have a source from which we determine morals  . There can be arguments among religions about which are moral and which are not but still , there are bases to return to . The Atheist on the other hand has none . So he's the last one to talk about them .

Weight of the brain does not imply anything. Elephants have larger brains than humans, does that make them smarter than us?
I believe this is the only correct piece of information you made .

What verse does it say this? Or does this belong to the book of the stuff they made up as they went along because the Qur'an was getting outdated (ie. hadith)
You know what , screw you . You're clearly ignorant of any and everything in Islam so get lost . And I swear that a single conversation will show that you don't know what Hadith is , when was it written , or what are its rules . Puking some allegations because they match your desires has no value among the people of evidence and proof .

Are you forgetting Joan of Arc? Hitler had intellectual superiority and instinct, that doesn't mean he should be in charge of the world...
The topic of women and who's in charge is a wide one . You're currently attacking with beating the wife so stick to it .

Ad Hominem attacks keep on coming. That must mean your points are weak.
I don't care if you use "Ad homin" and "Straw man" terms or whatever you want . I said this as a side note . How come you ignored the rest which is the core of response ?

Hmm, wasn't Mohammed supposedly a speaker on women's rights?
Peace and blessings and mercies upon him . He spoke of justice for all . Justice in no way means absolute equality . Spiritually , yes , both are equal . Aside from that , each has rights and duties .

All these gargantuan paragraphs and they're all off the topic, get to the point!
No shame , huh ? I guess that the rest of what I wrote was directed to a block wall !

By the way, beating is not used as a last resort. Go back and read the verse.
"advise them; forsake them in bed; and strike them"
Notice how Muslims try to change the meaning of the verse by adding in their own dialogues in brackets.
"[first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them."
If you're narrow minded and can only understand one thing without the rest - And you even fail in this ! - then that's your own bloody problem ! Hadith says so and so does Islam in total . So read before you barge in and start bombarding pages with your lack of knowledge . And why don't you answer what we mentioned ? We told you that this isn't a beating of humiliating or harming . It's to make her see her error of ways and must NOT be harsh - And that's where I disagree with mclinkin - . So don't talk like ALL women are angles and then talk about equality .

Off-topic rant
Oh yes , it IS in topic . And you proved it yourself ignoring whatever we said that doesn't serve you .

Did Allah knowingly create women weaker than men? If he was a good biologist he wouldn't make weak species at all...
I'm facepalming a lot today . So let me get this straight , you want men and women to be exactly the same ? On what bases or logic - if there is - do you conclude that creating creatures absolutely the same is the best ? Answer . A funny thing is , you see something which you think with your ignorance is a flaw in creation so you get overjoyed because you found something supporting your faith - Yes , I called it a faith - but at the same time , you say that this so called evolution made miracles that we didn't see but it failed at these minor things which are not mistakes by the way ?
And more drama and what you so love to call "Ad homin" . We say "Men have their rights and duties and women have their rights and duties" while this guy here says "You view women as sex objects !" .
And hold on a second . You say
This just means, that he created women just so men could give them orders and have sex with them and use them as automatic sandwich makers? Your examples are of the animal kingdom, today women are independent (except in countries where they can't even drive or leave the house unaccompanied).
So , do I take it that you admit women are indeed sex objects and should exist to make sandwiches ?

Those still in the ages of tepees think men should be hunters and think for women.
You know what , screw you double time . Among the things I hate most is making it look like I said something which I didn't . After what we said , this statement of yours goes with trash .

Nuh-uh. No compulsion in religion. That's 2:256 of your own book! Amazing how I know more of the Quran than most Muslims, and more about the bible than most Christians
YOU know about Islam more than Muslims ?! Did elephants fly or something ?! No compulsion in religion yes . So what does that mean , O one who fails miserably at Arabic AND English ? It means to not force non-believers to embrace Islam . If there was no compulsion in laws and rights of individuals then bye bye humanity !

If you're begging me to leave this forum, what does that tell me about the debate?
Let me be straight , I hate farces . He clearly told you to be objective and stop making judgment based on emotions like those of a teenager going through puberty . Is that so hard ? No ? Then do so and maybe we'll have a civilized conversation . Yes ? Then leave . Our times are more precious than dealing with a Christian who got tired of the church and so decided to hate God and spam indecency wherever he goes the way the emotional Atheists are .

Do I still believe that verse implies beating your wife up until she obeys? Nope.
It depends on the meaning of beating in your head . Already explained .

Does this mean I'll accept Islam or the Quran as the divine truth? Nope.
You need to get one thing through , Islam doesn't need you . So don't think we'll desperately go after every stubborn person and try to convince him or her . If your hate is so great you can't see straight , then that's your own problem . You are the one who needs Islam but pride is stopping him .

Is this debate over? Nope. Far from it. You may have proven the usage of the word "DaRaBa", but you still have a lot to answer for. Geo-centrism in the Quran for example.
Before that , take some time off the Islamophobic sites and read some of refutations here :
Then , if you have something different from what was already answered , talk about it with some manner if there is any .

are there any site that refute these people as there points are confusing people?
Their claims are the same repeated discs of slanders and lies against Islam with great lack of basic manner of course . If you want a refutation to them you'll find it anywhere trusted .

as he says  All religions are man made (by the Illuminati)  and the only point of them is to control the congregation im scared beacuse people say he is a knowledgeable man

How can anyone take such nonsense seriously ? I can simply demolish this slander of his with one word "Evidence ?" . If the one talking is insane , the listener IS sane . And it DOESN'T MATTER if he's "knowledgeable" . People are known by truth but truth isn't known by people . One must follow evidence and proof or it becomes blind faith , blind like that of the ones worshiping heads of Atheists like Dawkinz .

These words are enough said :
Cmon man you how can you believe a joke like that? The Vatican created islam, seriously? Throw him in the trash.
I find this topics posted funny, do people -really- need answers for this ?! :o

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: I need your opinion please!
« on: September 29, 2013, 07:26:04 AM »
As said , I'll refrain .

« on: September 28, 2013, 02:58:37 AM »
I would also like to add another point, I don't believe any hadith that says ayat were removed from the Qur'an
So you don't believe in abrogation ?
87:6 We will make you recite, [O Muhammad], and you will not forget, 87:7 Except what Allah should will. Indeed, He knows what is declared and what is hidden.

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