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« on: August 25, 2017, 01:55:17 PM »

why is it always the christians writing articles on the quran saying it has contradictions and it has errors and it is plagiarized and stolen and this and that, and we refute. But we never make articles on why the bible is faulty, why it has contradictions , errors, plagiarized etc.

jzk khair.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / question to osama abdallah
« on: August 21, 2017, 10:35:20 AM »
assalamu alaikum,

you have made articles saying that muhammad never split the moon (i am still researching this subjest, was it split, was there a solar eclipse etc.) but you said that muhammad didnt split the moon as per quran 17:59, but bassam refuted the idea that muhammad couldnt do miracles outside of only the quran by the follloiwng explanation: Surah 17:59

Naught prevented Us from sending the signs (bial-ayati) but that the ancients cried lies to them; and We brought Thamood the She-camel visible, but they did her wrong. And We do not send the signs, except to frighten.

Again from sending the signs that the Quraysh specifically asked for just like how Thamud specifically asked for the she camel.  (Tafsir of Qurtubi, Source: Online) God did not send it down to them as a mercy. Because God knows that if He sent the signs they asked for down to them they would still disbelieve. If God sent it down to them and they still disbelieved then He would have no choice but to destroy them. So it was for their own good.

Again the verse does not state that no signs have ever been sent down, just the ones that they specifically asked for.
also se:

and qurasn 3:86 seems to saay that muhammad did do miracles: How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved after their belief and had witnessed that the Messenger is true and clear signs had come to them? And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

and we have many ahadith claiming that muhammad did miracles,

 Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 13, Number 55:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:

Once in the lifetime of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) the people were afflicted with drought (famine). While the Prophet was delivering the Khutba on a Friday, a Bedouin stood up and said, "O, Allah's Apostle! Our possessions are being destroyed and the children are hungry; Please invoke Allah (for rain)". So the Prophet raised his hands. At that time there was not a trace of cloud in the sky. By Him in Whose Hands my soul is as soon as he lowered his hands, clouds gathered like mountains, and before he got down from the pulpit, I saw the rain falling on the beard of the Prophet. It rained that day, the next day, the third day, the fourth day till the next Friday. The same Bedouin or another man stood up and said, "O Allah's Apostle! The houses have collapsed, our possessions and livestock have been drowned; Please invoke Allah (to protect us)". So the Prophet I raised both his hands and said, "O Allah! Round about us and not on us". So, in whatever direction he pointed with his hands, the clouds dispersed and cleared away, and Medina's (sky) became clear as a hole in between the clouds. The valley of Qanat remained flooded, for one month, none came from outside but talked about the abundant rain.


From ‘Ibn Kathirs The Life of the Prophet Muhammad, Al-sira Al-Nabawiyya, volume 2’ :
Al-Bayhaqi stated, in the Dalail (The Signs), “Abu Sad al-Malini informed us quoting Abu Ahmed b. Adi, quoting Abu Yala, quoting Yahya al-Himmant, quoting Abd al-Aziz b. Sulayman b. al-Ghasil, from Asim b. Umar b. Qatada, from his father, from his grandfather Qatada b. al-Numan, that his eye was wounded at Badr and that its pupil came down on his cheekbone. They were about to slice it off, but asked the Messenger of God (SAAS) who said they should not do this. He then said a prayer for him, covering his cheek with his palm. And later you could not tell which of his eyes had been struck!”
According to one account, this became the better eye.
An account came down to us from the Commander of the Believers, Umar b. Abd al- Aziz that when he was told this account by Asim b. Umar b. Qatada, he also recited:
“I am the son of him on whose cheek his eye descended,
which was replaced so well by the hand of the Chosen-One.”
Upon hearing this, Umar b. Abd al-Aziz, God bless him, quoted very appropriately the verse of Umayya b. Abd al-Salt of Ibn Dhu Yazin,
“These fine qualities are not like two bowls with milk
merely whitening the water that soon becomes urine.” (Pg 298)

bukhari 2942: That he heard the Prophet (ﷺ) on the day (of the battle) of Khaibar saying, "I will give the flag to a person at whose hands Allah will grant victory." So, the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) got up, wishing eagerly to see to whom the flag will be given, and everyone of them wished to be given the flag. But the Prophet asked for `Ali. Someone informed him that he was suffering from eye-trouble. So, he ordered them to bring `Ali in front of him. Then the Prophet (ﷺ) spat in his eyes and his eyes were cured immediately as if he had never any eye-trouble. `Ali said, "We will fight with them (i.e. infidels) till they become like us (i.e. Muslims)." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Be patient, till you face them and invite them to Islam and inform them of what Allah has enjoined upon them. By Allah! If a single person embraces Islam at your hands (i.e. through you), that will be better for you than the red camels.

the miracle of people sinking with their horses in the sand:  Sahih al-Bukhari 3908, Sahih Muslim 2009 b , 2009 c etc.

muhammad invoked a blessing on anas : Sahih Muslim 2481 b: Invoke blessings of Allah upon him. Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: O Allah, make an increase in his wealth, and progeny. Anas said: By Allah, my fortune is huge and my children, and grand-children are now more than one hundred.

so muhammad invoked a blessing and it happened

bukhari 216 allah allowed him to hear the torment of the grave

Volume 4, Book 56, Number 779:

Narrated 'Abdullah:

We used to consider miracles as Allah's Blessings, but you people consider them to be a warning. Once we were with Allah's Apostle on a journey, and we ran short of water. He said, "Bring the water remaining with you." The people brought a utensil containing a little water. He placed his hand in it and said, "Come to the blessed water, and the Blessing is from Allah." I saw the water flowing from among the fingers of Allah's Apostle , and no doubt, we heard the meal glorifying Allah, when it was being eaten (by him).

i cn go on but osama do you reject all of these because of the verse 17:59

also on the splitting of the moon

there are so many ahadith on it, how can you reject it, see all hadith:

salamu alaikum,

a thought crossed my mind and i just wanted to ask it, why did allah create millions and millions of planets and millions and millions of stars and galaxies etc. etc. that nobody will ever even see, i know that the planets and stars etc we see are signs of the creator, but what was the purpose of all of the other creation which we wont even see, observe, or acknowledge or dont know about

jazakallah khair

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / question on 2 quranic verses
« on: August 18, 2017, 12:17:35 PM »
assalamu alaikum,

assalamu alaikum,

i had a question on 2 verses from the quran and their meaning.

verse 1: quran 21:17, sahih international: Had We intended to take a diversion, We could have taken it from [what is] with Us - if [indeed] We were to do so. "
                                 pickthall: If We had wished to find a pastime, We could have found it in Our presence - if We ever did.
                                 لَوْ أَرَدْنَا أَن نَّتَّخِذَ لَهْوًا لَّاتَّخَذْنَاهُ مِن لَّدُنَّا إِن كُنَّا فَاعِلِينَ   
                                 Law aradna an nattakhitha lahwan laittakhathnahu min ladunna in kunna faAAileena

i wanted to ask what does this verse mean, and specificaly what does the word: لَهْوًا or lahwan mean, i see many translations translating it as a pastime. Next i see a video from a christian arab on this verse claiming allah here is saying that if he intended to have a wife he could have taken one from the angels or from the hur, and with the evidences he brought:

muhsin khan: Had We intended to take a pastime (i.e. a wife or a son, etc.), We could surely have taken it from Us, if We were going to do (that).

jalalayn: Had We desired to find some diversion that which provides diversion in the way of a partner or a child We would have found it with Ourselves from among the beautiful-eyed houris or angels were We to do so. But We did not do so thus We never desired it. source:

ibn kathir: وقال الحسن ، وقتادة ، وغيرهما : ( لو أردنا أن نتخذ لهوا ) اللهو : المرأة بلسان أهل اليمن (this means that allah would have taken the women from the people of yemen) source:

qurtubi: قوله تعالى : لو أردنا أن نتخذ لهوا لما اعتقد قوم أن له ولدا قال : لو أردنا أن نتخذ لهوا واللهو المرأة بلغة اليمن ؛ قاله قتادة  (this means that allah would have taken women from yemen) source: tafsir al qurtubi,

al qurtubi also says that the meaning of لَهْوًا or lahwan is a entertainment wife, he said: لهوا - فقال : اللهو الزوجة ؛ وقاله  source tafsir al qurtubi:

since my arabic is very bad and limited i didnt understand the following so if you could translate for me that would be great, qurtubi goes on and says: الجوهري : قوله تعالى : لو أردنا أن نتخذ لهوا قالوا امرأة ، ويقال : ولدا . لاتخذناه من لدنا أي من عندنا لا من عندكم . قال ابن جريج : من أهل السماء لا من أهل الأرض . قيل : أراد الرد على من قال إن الأصنام بنات الله ؛ أي كيف يكون منحوتكم ولدا لنا . وقال ابن قتيبة : الآية رد على النصارى . إن كنا فاعلين قال قتادة ومقاتل وابن جريج والحسن : المعنى ما كنا فاعلين ؛ مثل إن أنت إلا نذير أي ما أنت إلا نذير . وإن بمعنى الجحد وتم الكلام عند قوله : لاتخذناه من لدنا . وقيل : إنه على معنى الشرط ؛ أي إن كنا فاعلين ذلك ولكن لسنا بفاعلين ذلك لاستحالة أن يكون لنا ولد ؛ إذ لو كان ذلك لم نخلق جنة ولا نارا ولا موتا ولا بعثا ولا حسابا . وقيل : لو أردنا أن نتخذ ولدا على طريق التبني لاتخذناه من عندنا من الملائكة . ومال إلى هذا قوم ؛ لأن الإرادة قد تتعلق بالتبني فأما اتخاذ الولد فهو محال ، والإرادة لا تتعلق بالمستحيل ؛ ذكره القشيري

what does this translate to?

so to conclude my question on this verse, is allah really saying that if he would take a wife for entertainment he would have done so from the angels, or the hur, or the people of yemen, why are so many great scholars like ibn katheer, jalalayn, qurtubi, muhsin khan all taking this opinion. And why would allah swt include this in his book, what is the purpose of revelation.

next verse.

verse 2:

quran 69:32, Then into a chain whose length is seventy cubits insert him."
                    ثُمَّ فِي سِلْسِلَةٍ ذَرْعُهَا سَبْعُونَ ذِرَاعًا فَاسْلُكُوهُ
                    Thumma fee silsilatin tharAAuha sabAAoona thiraAAan faoslukoohu

the context of the verse starts around quran 69:25 and is speaking on disbelievers and this is one of the punishments given in 69:32, it says into a chain. What does this mean, so i went and looked at tafasir.

ibn kathir: (Then fasten him) "It will be entered into his buttocks and pulled out of his mouth. Then they will be arranged on this (chain) just like locusts are arranged on a stick that is being roasted.'' Al-`Awfi reported from Ibn `Abbas that he said, "It will be ran into his behind until it is brought out of his two nostrils so he will not be able to stand on his two feet.'

tanwir al miqbas: (And then insert him in a chain) insert the chain in his anus and extract it from his mouth, and what remains of it turn it round his neck (whereof the length) and width (is seventy cubits) cubits of the angel; it is also said this means: 70 fathoms.

the qurtubi tafsir can be found here and since my arabic is bad i request someone to translate it for me,
but i know it says the same thing about the anus, it says: فاسلكوه قال سفيان : بلغنا أنها تدخل في دبره حتى تخرج من فيه . وقاله مقاتل . والمعنى ثم اسلكوا فيه سلسلة . وقيل : تدخل عنقه فيها ثم يجر بها . وجاء في الخبر أنها تدخل من دبره وتخرج من منخريه . وفي خبر آخر : تدخل من فيه وتخرج من دبره ، فينادي أصحابه : هل تعرفوني ؟ فيقولون : لا ، ولكن قد نرى ما بك من الخزي فمن أنت ؟ فينادي أصحابه : أنا فلان بن فلان ، لكل إنسان منكم مثل هذا  and still from my limited arabic and dictionaries i could find out he said the same thing about it entering through the anus

i also have another question with the ibn kathir tafsir, it says: (Then fasten him on a chain whereof the length is seventy cubits!) Ka`b Al-Ahbar said, "Every ring of it will be equal to the entire amount of iron found in this world.

how could this even fit in a human body?

but why would the creator of the universe allah swt, say something like this? a chain through the anus isnt this a little weird

jazakallah khair for the answers

« on: August 11, 2017, 11:48:25 PM »
Assalamu alaikum,

I have a question regarding the preservation of the quran. Of course we all believe in the preservation of the quran i just had some questions on some ahadith which i found online on the book al itqan fee ulum al quran by al suyuti ( same to write jalalayn ).

Firstly is this book reliable

Secondly i will post some ahadith below, since my arabic is very limited i wont be able to check it so i will hope inshaallah someone could help me with these and see if it is actually in the book and if it is sahih.

A quote i saw in rashad khalifas book and on some websites ali says the quran was corrupted, is this in the book and if so is it sahih?

It is said to say: “Translation: `Ali was asked: ‘Why are you staying home?’ He said, ‘Something has been added to the Quran, and I have pledged never to put on my street clothes, except for the prayer, until the Quran is restored.””

Source: Itqaan Fee Ulum Al-Quran, by Jalaluddin Al-Suyuty, Al-Azhareyyah Press, Cairo, Egypt, 1318 AH, page 59


It is reported from Ismail ibn Ibrahim from Ayyub from Naafi from Ibn Umar who said: "Let none of you say 'I have acquired the whole of the Qur'an'. How does he know what all of it is when much of the Qur'an has disappeared? Rather let him say 'I have acquired what has survived.'" (as-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fii Ulum al-Qur'an, p.524).

And according to the same book there used to be a quranic verse which is not here anymore.
The religion with Allah is al-Hanifiyyah (the Upright Way) rather than that of the Jews or the Christians, and those who do good will not go unrewarded. (as-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fii Ulum al-Qur'an, p.525).

We used to recite a surah similar to one of the Musabbihaat, and I no longer remember it, but this much I have indeed preserved: 'O you who truly believe, why do you preach that which you do not practise?' (and) 'that is inscribed on your necks as a witness and you will be examined about it on the Day of Resurrection'. (as-Suyuti, Al-Itqan fii Ulum al-Qur'an, p.526).

According to at-Tirmithi in his Kitab al-Tafsir, one of the sections of his Jami', his collection of hadith records which rates as one of the six major works of authentic tradition literature in Islam alongside the Sahihs of al-Bukhari and Muslim and the three sunan works of Abu Dawud, an-Nasai and Ibn Maja, this verse at one time formed part of Suratul-Bayyinah (Surah 98) in the Qur'an (Nöldeke, Geschichte, 1.242). This is quite possible as it fits well into the context of the short surah which contains, in other verses, some of the words appearing in the missing text, such as diin (religion, v.5), 'aml (to do, v.7), and hunafa (upright, v.4), and also contrasts the way of Allah with the beliefs of the Jews and the Christians.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / question on the black stone
« on: August 08, 2017, 10:58:30 AM »
assalamu alaiku,

i have read the previous question of karim fattah so i went to read about it, and i specifically read about the stealling of the black stone.  it was stolen by a man named: Abū Tāhir Sulaymān al-Jannābī, from the sect of the Qarmatians. this man when he took the black stone he ylled o allah where are your birds. Why didnt allah kill this man with his birds, why did he let his man kill many peaceful muslims and then steal the black stone for over 23 years, how did the muslims do hajj at this time?

so why would allah swt allow for the black stone being stolen, why would allah not kill this man who killed so many muslims and then challenged allah and calling him a liar, i also saw many links which i wont post as i know osama will delete them saying that he used this stone as his urinoir. How could allah swt allow all of this to happen, how was the hajj done in this time etc. etc.

jazakallah khair

« on: August 05, 2017, 03:34:45 PM »
Assalamu alaikum,

Has anyone got tommy robinsons new book: Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam. If so what do u think of it, also is there a pdf available, as i am not willing to pay for it

Jazakallah khair

asalamu alaikum,

here is my refutation

firstly were the info available to muhammad saws:
1. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ could not have acquired knowledge of Hellenic embryology via written works.
The first major translations of Hellenic embryology into Arabic began at least 150 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. As Roy Porter in his book, The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity from Antiquity to the Present, writes:

“Only in the early ninth century did Arab-Islamic learned medicine take shape. The first phase of this revival lay in a major translation movement, arising during the reign of Harun al-Rashid (r. 786-809) and gaining impetus in the caliphate of his son, al-Ma’mun r.813-33). It was stimulated by a socioeconomic atmosphere favourable to the pursuit of scholarship, a perceived need among both Muslims and Christians for access in Arabic to ancient medicine, and the ready availability for the relevant arts.[17]
“Crucial in this ‘age of translations’ was the establishment in Baghdad, capital of the Islamic empire under the Abbasid caliphs, of the Bayt al-Hikma (832), a centre where scholars assembled texts and translated into Arabic a broad range of non-Islamic works. The initial translation work was dominated by Christians, thanks to their skills in Greek and Syriac. The main figure was Hunayn ibn Ishaq (d. 873), later known in the West asJohannitius, a Nestorian Christian from the southern Iraqi town of al-Hira…With his pupils, he translated 129 works of Galen into Arabic (and others into Syriac), providing the Arabic world with more Galenic texts than survive today in Greek.”[18]
According to the historian of medicine Donald Campbell, the earliest possible translation of Greek medicine was done at least 50 years after the death of the Prophet ﷺ  by the Syrian Jew Maserjawaihi:

“John the Grammarian and Aaron the Presbyter, who was also an Alexandrian, lived at the time of Mohamet (c. 622). Aaron compiled thirty books in Syriac, the material for which was derived chiefly from the Greek; these books were called the Pandects of Aaron and were said to have been translated into Arabic c. 683 by the Syrian Jew Maserjawaihi; this is of interest as it is the first definite attempt at the transmutation of the medicine of the Greeks into that of the Arabians.”[19]

A Note on the 6th Century Syriac and Latin Translations
Other possible means of knowledge transfer would include non-Arabic texts, such as the Syriac and Latin translations of Galen’s books. However, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did not know Syriac or Latin, therefore this is option is implausible. Also, the Prophet ﷺ could have not been taught Hellenic embryology via some who had learned via these translations, as there is no evidence that he came into direct contact with anyone who had studied Greek medicine, as highlighted in the above discussion on al-Harith bin Kalada.
Significantly, historians maintain that there is no evidence of any acquisition of Hellenic medical knowledge before the beginning of the eighth century, and that it was only through double-translation, from Greek into Syriac, and from Syriac into Arabic, that the Arabs first became acquainted with the works of the Greeks. The historian John Meyendorff, in his paper Byzantine Views of Islam, highlights the points raised above:
“Until the end of the Umayyad period, these Syrian or Coptic Christians were the chief, and practically the only, spokesmen for the Christian faith in the Caliphate. And it was through the intermediary of these communities – and often by means of a double translation, from Greek into Syriac, and from Syriac into Arabic – that the Arabs first became acquainted with the works of Aristotle, Plato, Galien, Hippocrates, and Plotinus.”[20]
Since the first Arabic translations of Hellenic medicine appeared at least 50 years after the death of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the view that he somehow had access to the Syriac translations is unfounded, because it was through these double translations that the Arabs first became acquainted with Hellenic medicine.
Further separating the Prophet ﷺ and the Syriac and Latin translations is the lack of any positive or cogent answers to the following questions:
a. If the knowledge contained in these translations informed common knowledge then why are there no oral or written reports concerning knowledge of Hellenic embryology? (See The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ could not have acquired Hellenic embryology from 7th century Arabian common knowledge.) 
b. Why are the quranic verses that elaborate on the developing human dissimilar to Hellenic embryology? (see Are Hellenic and quranic views on embryology similar?)
c. The historical evidence strongly suggests that Hellenic embryology was not known in early 7th century Arabic speaking society. In this context, the contention assumes the Prophet ﷺ was the only person who came into contact with the Syriac or Latin translations. This inevitable conclusion is irrational and conspiratorial, especially in a 7th century Arabian context, because many people would travel to regions where Syriac and Latin was spoken. Therefore, to claim the Prophet ﷺ was the only one who somehow gained knowledge via these translations, even though Hellenic embryology was not common knowledge (see point 3 below The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ could not have acquired Hellenic embryology from 7th century Arabian common knowledge below), raises far more problems than it solves.

2.The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ could not have been influenced by popular medical practice with a supposedly Hellenic flavour.
There is no direct historical evidence indicating that Hellenic medical practices were utilised or known in early 7th century Arabic speaking society, as Roy Porter highlights, “only in the early ninth century did Arab-Islamic learned medicine take shape.” Supporting this view, Donald Campbell explains that Arab physicians were brought into high repute by the early part of the 8th century as a result of studying Greek medicine.[21]
Further distancing Hellenic medical practice from early 7th century Arabic speaking society, Ibn Khaldun classifies popularised medicine during the 7th century as Arab folk medicine:

“Civilized Bedouins have a kind of medicine which is mainly based upon individual experience. They inherit its use from the shaykhs and old women of the tribe. Some of it may occasionally be correct. However, that kind of medicine is not based upon any   natural norm or upon any conformity (of the treatment) to temper the humors. Much of this sort of medicine existed among the Arabs. They had well-known physicians, such as al-Harith b. Kaladah and others. The medicine mentioned in religious tradition is of the (Bedouin) type.”[22]

Supporting Ibn Khaldun’s views, the  historian of medicine, Plinio Prioreschi, confirms that 7th century Arabian popularised medicine, did not reflect Hellenistic medicine:

“From the pre-Islamic to the early Islamic period, there were no significant changes in the practice of medicine…In these documents we find that such medicine continued   to be practiced for some time, Camel urine and milk were common remedies, various vegetable products (e.g. henna, olive oil) and other animal products (e.g. sheep fat, honey) were also considered effective.[23]

The historian Vivian Nutton in her essay, The Rise of Medicine, explains how the Arabs had their own distinct medicine which further supports the claim that the Arabs did not utilise or adopt Hellenic medicine until after the death of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
“The Arab conquests of the seventh century crafted a new political order onto a basically Christian, Syriac-speaking society. Although the Arabs had their own medicine, based on herbs and chants, they were not numerous enough to impose it on their new subjects.”[24]
A contention against this position maintains that early 7th century Arabs had practices of cupping, which was a Hellenic practice, and therefore Hellenic medical practices were transferred from the Greeks to the Arabs. There is no direct evidence to justify this claim, just because some medical practices were similar, it doesn’t imply that they exchanged this practice. One can argue that it could have been the Chinese, as they also practiced cupping. Even if some of these practices were as a result of direct cultural exchanges, it doesn’t logically follow that Hellenic views on embryology were also transferred. Knowledge of Hellenic embryology and emulating medical practice are not the same. Where medical practices may be adopted, as they are not complicated, details about the development of a human embryo would require education, usually at an academic institution. This is proved by the fact that by 531 CE, in Alexandria, Hellenic texts “formed the basis for the Alexandrian medical curriculum”.[25] In light of this, there is no substantial historical evidence that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ interacted with anyone who learned Hellenic embryology from a medical academic institution.

3. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ could not have acquired Hellenic embryology from 7th century Arabian common knowledge.
An interesting view adopted by various commentators includes highlighting the difference between practice and knowledge. For instance, a culture X may have knowledge of medical practices Y yet continue to practice their own medicine. Modern African cultures are good examples to substantiate this view. For instance, there are some cultures in Africa that are aware of germ theory and the use of anti-biotics, but still persist on the practice of witch craft and magic.In similar light, society in early 7th century Arabia could have had knowledge of Hellenic embryology but practiced its own distinct Bedouin medicine. However, there is a striking difference between the two situations. There is evidence to show that African cultures have knowledge of germ theory and western medicine, but there is no evidence to show that early 7th century Arabian society had knowledge of Hellenic embryology, and to assert such a view would be to argue from ignorance. Even if the assertion is taken seriously, more questions arise that undermine the argument. For example, why is there no evidence to show that there was knowledge of Hellenic embryology, and why are there no pre-Islamic traditions that indicate an early 7th century knowledge of the science?
Continuing with the above questions, an understanding of the Arab’s well developed oral traditions serve as a means to dismantle the assertion that Hellenic medicine was known, popularised, adopted and utilised during the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The Arabs had made poetry and the transmissions of oral traditions as the means to transfer knowledge, such as stories of the famous pre-Islamic wars, ethics and current affairs. In light of this, there is no evidence of any oral tradition elaborating or even briefly mentioning Hellenic views on embryology, Muhammad Salim Khan in his book, Islamic Medicine, explains this significant point:
“The pre-Islamic Arabs were familiar with the working of the major internal organs, although only in general. Surgical knowledge and practices were limited to cauterisation, branding and cupping. The care of the sick was the responsibility of the women. There is no evidence of any oral or written treatise on any aspect of medicine. There was use of folk medicine, which has interesting connections with magic. It is also interesting to note that pre-Islamic Arabia had contacts with ancient Egypt, Greece, Persia and India, where medicine was highly developed, but there is no material to suggest that is was adopted or utilised by ancient Arabs. This is particularly surprising in view of the fact that the ancient Arabs were well developed in their poetry.[27]

The quran 23:14 has already been dealt with and as i dont have time to type now, why not assist you with those that have answered this claim already inshaAllah.

14 pages:

firstly aristotle believed that the sperm mixes with menstraul blood and that is how a baby comes this is wrong and not found in the quran

“…the female, though it does not contribute any semen to generation… contributes something, viz., the substance constituting the menstrual fluid… f the male is the active partner, the one which originates the movement, and the female qua female is the passive one, surely what the female contributes to the semen of the male will be not semen but material. And this is in fact what we find happening; for the natural substance of the menstrual fluid is to be classed as prime matter.”[51] Aristotle. Generation of Animals.English trans. A. L. Peck, Heinemann. 1942 edition, page 111, 729a.

 quote from aristotle: " embryo rose from menstraul blood after activation by sperm "

 one of the main things of aristotle is this belief and without this his whole belief of embryology technically crumbles, and this belief is scientifically wrong and not found in the quran whatsoever.

 aristotle also had a very funny mistaken belief that if the embryo was on the left it would become a man and if it was on the right it would become a woman, mistake and not found in the quran. he also believed that women had fewer teeth for some reason which is again a mistake to do with anatomy.

Thirdly, Aristotle held the belief that the upper body is formed before the lower body: Now the upper portion of the body is the first to be marked off in the course of the embryo’s formation; the lower portion receives its growth as time goes on.[56] Aristotle. Generation of Animals. Translated by A. L. Peck. Heinemann. 1942 edition. aristotle alos said:

aristotle says that the first Part to be formed in the embryo is the heart, this is mistaken. If he would have said first organ he would be correct, but he said first part therefore he is mistaken again, because the baby already has"Chorionic Cavity Late Secretory, Blastocyst (free floating) Musculoskeletal somitogenesis, first somites form and continue to be added in sequence caudally.

aristotle said page 191 generation of animals: the action of the semen of the male in "setting" the female's secretion in the uterus is similar to that rennet upon milk. Rennet is milk which contains vital heat, as semen does, and this integrated the homogenous substance and makes it "set" as nature of milk and the menstrual fluid is one and the same, the action of the semen upon the menstrual fluid is the same as that of rennet upon milk. Thus when the setting is effected, i.e when the bulky portion "sets" the fluid portion comes off; and as the earthy portion solidifies membranes form all round its outerr surface

this is wrong in multiple ways, firstly again he mentions the menstraul fluid again, he says that the semen has an action upon the menstrual fluid, and that whe the semen mixes with it and sets it solidifies. This is wrong inm multiple ways because the semen does not mix nor set in menstrual blood or r fluid, and when it does mix it does not solidify, because menstrual flood and semen do not make children.

next see what word aristotle keeps on using SEMEN, SEMEN, SEMEN, have you seen the word sperm? no, he even says that the semen reacts to the menstrual fluid and not the sperm which is wrong, the quran and ahadith use nutfah meaning sperm and not maniyan meaning semen.

also i went online to find people saying muhammad copied aristotle and i couldnt find much, and i looked at aristotle works and i couldjnt really find many similarities except this: Round about the bones, and attached to them by thin fibrous brands, grow fleshy parts, for the sake of which the bones exist.[57]

This seems to correlate with the quranic statement, “then we clothed the bones with flesh”.

In response to this, an interesting and significant perspective can be taken considering the similarities between both statements. Rather than negate the authenticity of the Qur’an, it serves to dismantle the claims that the Prophet ﷺ copied Aristotle. What is primarily brought to mind is the question of how, if the Prophet ﷺ is supposed to have taken from Aristotle’s work, is it the Qur’an only contains the correct information and refused to include Aristotle’s incorrect information?

In exploring the above questions, further problems with the plagiarism thesis are brought to light, which inevitably prove the credibility and authenticity of the Qur’an. For instance, how could the Prophet ﷺ take the correct information from Aristotle, and at the same time, reject the incorrect information? Also, how could the Prophet ﷺ include other aspects of the developing human embryo, which are not mentioned in Aristotelian literature, but yet correspond with modern embryology? The only rational answer to this question is to assert that the Qur’an is a book that affirms the reality of human development, even though it is a 7th century text. To oppose this would be tantamount of claiming that the Prophet ﷺ knew what was correct, understood what was incorrect and had knowledge that transcended the early 7th century understanding of human development.

i read his book online for about 50 minutes to find similiarities and i challenge you bring them to me and ill respond

i can show more mistakes but since i didnt even find similaraties nor people really trying to point out similarities between quran and aristotlte unless you do have, i have pointed out multiple mistakes which clearly prove muhammad didnt copy him, for example: he believes semen makes man, and not sperm, he believes SEMEN mixes with menstrual blood, he believes menstrual blood + semen makes an embryo, he believes if the embryo is on the left it will be a man and on the right a woman

galen uses the word: spermados, spermados in the 2nd century when galen lived meant the fluid or semen. So galen believed semen made humans, this is obviously faulty and mistaken therefor he is wrong, rather the quran uses nutfah which means sperm so itis correct, why didnt muhammad saws copy him?

galen says: that sperm comes from blood, sperm coming from blood is mistaken and not mentioned in the quran

galen says that the semen of the man and the human mix, and they together will mix with menstrual blood (yes again menstrual blood so both aristotle and galen believed this, but muhammad saws didnt mention this)

In his book, On Semen, Galen states:

“But let us take the account back again to the first conformation of the animal, and in order to make our account orderly and clear, let us divide the creation of the foetus   overall into four periods of time. The first is that in which. as is seen both in abortions and in dissection, the form of the semen prevails. At this time, Hippocrates too, the all-marvellous, does not yet call the conformation of the animal a foetus; as we heard just now in the case of semen voided in the sixth day, he still calls it semen.”[58]

Galen clearly states that his views are as a result of dissections and abortions, and then goes on to explain that the first stage of human development is in the “form of σπέρματος”. The word σπέρματος in the Greek language means sperm[59], however this understanding of the word was only realised in the 17th century[60]. In the 2nd century, which was the period of Galen’s writings, the word σπέρματος meant semen. So from a Galenic perspective this stage is merely describing what can be seen with the naked eye, which is a semen like substance. This raises a significant contention; if the Qur’an was a summary of Galenic views on embryology then the Arabic word that should have been used to represent this understanding is mani or maniyyan. As previously discussed, the reason for this is that in the Prophetic traditions, when describing semen in context of its appearance and form, the words mani and maniyyan are used. These words are consistently used throughout the Prophetic traditions.

Further widening the gap between Galenic and quranic terminology is the use of the word maniyyan elsewhere in the Qur’an. The Qur’an mentions the word maniyyin (the genitive case of maniyyan) in the context of the physical form and appearance of an emitted substance. Also, this word is used in conjunction with the word nutfah which clearly shows how the two words are not referring to the same context, because the nutfah, according to the Qur’an, comes from the maniyyin (semen):

Had he not been a sperm (nutfah) from a semen (maniyyin) emitted? quran 75:37

It is worth noting that Galen adopted the view that the semen came from blood. Galen writes:

“An artery and a vein are observed to go to each of the testicles, not in a straight path, as they do all other parts, but twisting first in many shapes, like grape tendrils or ivy…   And in these many twists that they make before reaching the testicles you can see the blood gradually growing white. And finally, when the vessel has now reached the testicle, the substance of the semen is clearly visible in it…but they generated it from blood, which spent a great deal of time in them; for this is the use of the twisting. And as they altered the quality of the blood they changed it to semen.”[63]   Corpus Medicorum Graecorum: Galeni de Semine (Galen: On Semen) pages, 107 – 109.

Galen also asserts that the semen from both the male and female mix with menstrual blood. In his book On Semen, he dedicates a whole section on disagreeing with Aristotle’s position that the male semen mixes with the female menstrual blood, and articulates a case for the mother contributing semen as well as the menstrual blood to form the fetus  Ibid, pages 162 – 167.

Galen concludes that the formation of the fetus arises from the mixing of the two semens, from the mother and the father, plus menstrual blood.Ibid, page 50.

These concepts are not mentioned in the Qur’an, which further widens the gap between Galen and the Divine book

In light of the above, if chapter 23 of the Qur’an was just a summary of Galenic embryology why did it not use the Arabic word for semen (maniyyan) to refer to σπέρματος, since this Greek word was also used in the context of the physical form and appearance of the fluid? Significantly, why does the Qur’an refer to the nutfah as being a special part or extract of semen (maniyyan), which clearly indicates that they are not the same thing or referring to the same context? The use of the two words clearly shows that there are two different meanings being portrayed. The different choice of words to describe sexual emissions, fluids and cells in varying contexts further highlights that the Qur’an, and by extension the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, did not plagiarise Galenic embryology, because if they did, then maniyyan and nutfah would be referring to the same substance. Also, why did the Qur’an not mention that the nutfah came from blood, like the Galenic view? Why did the Qur’an not mention that the nutfah combined with menstrual blood to create the next stage? These questions clearly distance the Qur’an and the Prophet ﷺ from the accusation that they borrowed Galenic views on embryology. Therefore, once the original context and language of the source-texts in question are analysed, it can be concluded that they are not identical or even suspiciously similar.

2nd Stage

“But when it has been filled with blood, and heart, brain and liver are still unarticulated and unshaped yet have by now a certain solidarity and considerable size, this is the second period; the substance of the foetus has the form of flesh and no longer the form of semen. Accordingly you would find that Hippocrates too no longer calls such a form semen but, as was said, foetus…”[67]

Another significant contention concerns Galen’s second stage that refers to the embryo as being filled with blood. The key Greek words used are πληρωθη which means filled[68] and αίματος meaning blood[69]. If the Qur’an borrowed Galenic views on the developing human embryo, the words that should have been used are ملأت (mal-at) which means the manner in which something is filled[70], and دم (dam) which means blood[71]. However, the word ᶜalaqah is used in the Qur’an (see A clinging form: ᶜalaqah). This word in the context of blood can mean blood in a general sense, and a clot of blood due to its sticking together.[72] Conversely, the word ᶜalaqah alone would not represent the Galenic stage here, because its meanings do not encapsulate the word “filled” and its use to mean blood clot would be misplaced as the word for blood clot in Greek is not αίματος rather it is θρόμβος.[73] Even if commentators assert that the use of the word ᶜalaqah as a blood clot, in this context, is satisfactory, an explanation is required to reconcile the fact that it only means blood clot in the sense that it clings. This is made clear in Lane’s Arabic-English Lexicon as it explains that the word ᶜalaqah is a blood clot “because of its clinging together”[74], rather than its physical appearance. Therefore, using the Arabic words ملأت and دم would have been more appropriate, because Galen specifically refers to “filled with blood” and not just blood. This whole discussion has to be understood in the context of the primary meaning for the word ᶜalaqah, which is not blood or blood clot but rather to hang or to be suspended. For that reason, the claim that the Qur’an reflects Galenic embryology is weak and unsubstantiated.

The plagiarism thesis is further dismantled if a more contextual understanding of Galenic embryology is taken into consideration. At this second stage, Galen uses the word σαρκοειδής, meaning fleshy,[75] to refer to the appearance of the embryo. This undermines the claim that the quranic stages are similar to Galen, because words that can mean fleshy in Arabic, such as mudhgah and lahm, are used to describe later stages. However, Galen mentions this stage as a fleshy substance filled with blood. The word in the Qur’an to describe this stage doesn’t encompass such a meaning, because ᶜalaqah, if we assume it to mean blood or blood clot, does not encompass a fleshy substance filled with blood. To illustrate this further, imagine someone had to summarise the following statement into Arabic: a blood filled substance that is fleshy – what words must they use to best represent the meaning of the statement? An array of words from the Arabic classical language would be used like the words mentioned above, but ᶜalaqah would not be one of them.

3rd Stage

The third period follows on this, when, as was said, it is possible to see the three ruling parts clearly and a kind of outline, a silhouette, as it were, of all the other parts. You will see the conformation of the three ruling parts more clearly, that of the parts of the stomach more dimly, and much more still, that of the limbs. Later on they form ‘twigs’, as Hippocrates expressed it, indicating by the term their similarity to branches.[76]

As explored, the Qur’an mentions mudghah as a chewed-like substance and a small piece of flesh (see A lump of flesh: mudghah). In contrast, Galen discusses the “conformation” of “the three ruling parts”, “silhouettes” and “twigs”, which is most likely in reference to limb bone formation. He details these three ruling parts as being more visible than the stomach and the limbs. However, the Qur’an makes no mention of this, and its mention of limb formation comes at the next stage. It is both implausible and impractical, therefore, to suggest the Qur’an copied the works of Galen as the it does not include any of the descriptions provided by Galen at this stage. Also, the word mudghah would have been appropriately used as a summary of the ancient Greek word  ἐμβρύειον[77], which means the flesh of an embryo, however Galen did not use this word. The following hypothetical scenario highlights the absurdity of asserting similarity between the quranic and Galenic descriptions of this stage: if someone had become acquainted with Galenic embryology and had to summarise his third stage, would the word mudghah accurately encompass the meaning of “the three ruling parts”, “silhouettes” and “limbs”? The answer is no. This conclusion is also supported by the fact that there is no mention of flesh, a small piece of meat or something that has been bitten in the original Greek of Galen’s writings describing this stage. A conservative approach to the above question would at least conclude that there was a serious misreading or misunderstanding of the text. Even if that were the case, it would still highlight that Galenic and quranic terms are dissimilar, and it would raise the need for evidence to establish a misreading or misunderstanding. In light of the evidence provided in this section, it is extremely unlikely that there was any common knowledge of Hellenic embryology, written or oral, in early 7th century Arabia.

since i dont have time to answer more hippocrates and galen and more are refuted here:

so to conclude as i dont have time to answer more aristotle, galen and hippocrates all had some very weird ideas, hippocrates thought the embryo did things with fire, yeah dont ask me, aristotle and galen believed semen made men and not sperm, they believed it mixed with menstrual blood, they mistook the order of creation, what created us, how we started etc. etc. also i couldnt really find that many similiraties could u point them out for me..

« on: July 26, 2017, 01:06:18 PM »
assalamu alaikum,

i have a question regarding the following verse: Allah says: “Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators.” [23:14]

it says that the bones are made, and then the bones are cl;othed with flesh, so the bones are created first according to the quran. But according to science this is wrong as they are created at the same time,

also: There seems to be a scientific error in this verse. According to modern embryologists including Professor Moore, the tissue from which bone originates - known as mesoderm - is the same tissue as that from which muscle (flesh) develops. Thus bone and muscle begin to develop simultaneously, rather than sequentially (as the Qur’an seems to be telling us).

also bone coming first seems to be a reaccuring theme in the quran, quran 2:259:  Look further at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh."

also another objection brought was this in quran 23:14 (literal translation) : Then We created   the semen-drop (into) a clinging substance,(alaqa) then We created the clinging substance (into) an embryonic lump of flesh, then We created the embryonic lump,(into) bones, then We clothed   the bones    

also another person made the claim that the quran here asserts that the quran seems to say that the lump of flesh become bones, so muhammad saws believed in an embryonic skeleton

to conclude my question: quran 23:14 (together with 2:259) clearly say that the bones are made first and then the flesh cover them. according to science of embryology this is wrong as they are both created from mesoderm AND THEY ARE CREATED AT THE SAME TIME rather than the bones first and then the flesh. How do we reconcile these verses with modern sceince and embryology. also the quran seems to say that it made the embryonic lump bones, so muhammad believed in an embryonic skeleton

how do i respond,

jazakallah khair,

Assalamu alaykum,

Bukhari 3247: The Prophet said, "Verily! 70,000 or 700,000 of my followers will enter Paradise altogether; so that the first and the last amongst them will enter at the same time, and their faces will be glittering like the bright full moon."

Does this mean only 70000 or 700000 people will be dmitred to paradise? We have 1.8 billion muslims today and will keep having them for many years and we had billons and millions before us, but only 700000 will enter jannah, or is this a wrong interpretation of the hadith.

Jazakallah khair

assalamu alaikum,

a guy made this claim against me on the youtueb comment section, how should i respons:

how dio respond to foreign non arabic words being in the quran, like:
 Persian: Ara’ik and Istabraq (al-Kahf 18: 31) meaning couches and brocades respectively, Abariq (al-Waqi’ah 56: 18) meaning ewers, Ghassaqan (al-Naba’ 78: 25) meaning pus, Sijjil (al-Fil 105: 4) meaning baked clay;
Pahlavi: Huoris (ar-Rahman 55: 72), jinn (al-Jinn 72: 1);
Aramaic: Harut and Marut (al-Baqarah 2: 102), Sakina (al-Baqarah 2: 248) meaning God’s presence;
Hebrew: Ma’un (al-Ma’un 107: 7) meaning charity, Ahbar (al-Tawbah 9: 31) meaning Rabbis, Jahannam (an-Nisa’ 4: 115, 121) meaning hell;
Ethiopian: Mishkat (al-Nur 24: 35) meaning niche;
Syraic: Surah (al-Tawbah 9: 124) meaning chapter, Taghut (al-Baqarah 2: 257; al-Nahl 16: 36) meaning idols, Zakat (al-Baqarah 2: 110) meaning alms, Fir’awn (al-Muzzammil 73: 15) meaning Pharaoh;
Coptic: Tabut (al-Baqarah 2: 248) meaning ark.

and grammatical mistakes as he claims:  it could not be considered perfectly eloquent because of its imperfect Arabic grammar, its usage of foreign words, and its spelling errors. It contains many grammatical errors. The following are a few examples of these errors: al-Ma’idah 5: 69 (the Arabic word Alsabeoun should be Alsabieen); al-Baqarah 2: 177 (the Arabic word alsabireen should be alsabiroon); al-Imran 3: 59 (the Arabic word fayakoon should be fakaana); al-Baqarah 2: 17, 80, 124; al-A’raf 7: 56 (the Arabic word qaribun should be qaribtun); al-A’raf 7: 160 (the Arabic word asbatan should be sebtan); Ta Ha 20: 63 (the Arabic phrase Hazani Lasaherani should be Hazaini Lasahirieni); al-Hajj 22: 19 (the Arabic phrase ikhtasamu fi rabbihim should be ikhtasama fi rabbihima); al-Tawbah 9: 62, 69 (the Arabic word kalladhi should be kalladhina); al-Munafiqun 63: 10 (the Arabic word Akon should be Akoon); al-Nisa’ 4: 162 (the Arabic word Almuqimeen should be Almuqimoon); and al-Hujurat 49: 9 (the Arabic word eqtatalu should be eqtatala). Ali Dashti and Mahmud al-Zamakhshari (1075-1144), famous Muslim scholars, noted more than one hundred Quranic aberrations from the normal grammatical rules and structure of the Arabic language (Ali Dashti, Twenty Three Years: A study of the Prophetic Career of Muhammad, Allen and Unwin, London, 1985, p. 50).

2/177: aaman should be tu’minuu.
2/177: aata should be tu’tuu (2 times).
2/177: aqaama should be tuqimuu.
2/177: sasbriina should be saabiruuna (because its position in the sentence - and plural should be masculine). 5 mistakes in one verse.
3/59: Kun feekunu should be Kun fekaana.
4/162: mukiimiin (feminine plural) should be mukiimuun (masculine plural - see 7/160).
5/69: Saabbi’uuna should be Sabi’iina. (= Sabians).
7/56: qaribun should be qariba.
7/160: asbatan (feminine plural) should be sebtan (masculine - human plurals are male in Arab).
20/63: haazaani should be haazayn.
21/3: ‘asarru should be ‘assarra.
22/19: ‘ikhtasamuu should be ‘ikhtasamaa.
41/11: at’e’een should be at’e’atain.
49/9: ‘eq-tatalu should be ‘eqtatalata.
63/10: ‘akun should be ‘akuuna.
63/20: hadhane (nominative) should be hadhayne (accusative).
91/5: ma should be man.

i know some of them have already been answered like the sabiuun and sabieen, for example here: and and and

but for the rest i didnt have an answer, so could you help me with this? jazakallah khair

« on: July 19, 2017, 01:14:44 PM »
assalamu alaikum

what proofs can we give that the bible of today is corrupted, also what biblical scholars say this?

jazakallah khair.

« on: July 18, 2017, 12:40:22 AM »
Assalamu alaikum,

A non muslim who i was speaking with said that the verses of hijab cane because of unar showing that muhammad contocted verses to please his companions and such. I will poste his full claim, how should i answer inshaAllah,

Jazakallah khair

His claim:

''Narrated 'Aisha: The wives of the Prophet used to go to Al-Manasi, a vast open place (near Baqia at Medina) to answer the call of nature at night. 'Umar used to say to the Prophet "Let your wives be veiled," but Allah's Apostle did not do so. One night Sauda bint Zam'a the wife of the Prophet went out at 'Isha' time and she was a tall lady. 'Umar addressed her and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda." He said so, as he desired eagerly that the verses of Al-Hijab (the observing of veils by the Muslim women) may be revealed. So Allah revealed the verses of "Al-Hijab" (A complete body cover excluding the eyes). - Sahih Bukhari 1:4:148

Narrated 'Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet) 'Umar bin Al-Khattab used to say to Allah's Apostle "Let your wives be veiled" But he did not do so. The wives of the Prophet used to go out to answer the call of nature at night only at Al-Manasi.' Once Sauda, the daughter of Zam'a went out and she was a tall woman. 'Umar bin Al-Khattab saw her while he was in a gathering, and said, "I have recognized you, O Sauda!" He ('Umar) said so as he was anxious for some Divine orders regarding the veil (the veiling of women.) So Allah revealed the Verse of veiling. (Al-Hijab; a complete body cover excluding the eyes). (See Hadith No. 148, Vol. 1)
Sahih Bukhari 8:74:257
'A'isha reported that the wives of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) used to go out in the cover of night when they went to open fields (in the outskirts of Medina) for easing themselves. 'Umar b Khattab used to say: Allah's Messenger, ask your ladies to observe veil, but Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) did not do that. So there went out Sauda, daughter of Zarn'a, the wife of Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), during one of the nights when it was dark. She was a tall statured lady. 'Umar called her saying: Sauda, we recognise you. (He did this with the hope that the verses pertaining to veil would be revealed.) 'A'isha said: Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, then revealed the verses pertaining to veil.
Sahih Muslim 26:5397
This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Shihab with the same chain of transmitters.

The sequence of events as laid out in the hadith are as follows.

Umar repeatedly asks Muhammad that Allah should reveal verses for the Qur'an pertaining to the veiling of women.

No such revelation is sent down.

Umar follows Muhammad's wives one night when they go out to relieve themselves (go to the toilet) and calls out to Muhammad's wife Sauda.

Sauda goes home in a state of embarrassment and relates to Muhammad what has happened.

Allah then reveals the hijab verse as Umar had wanted all along.

Of course this brings up some obvious questions:

If Muhammad is just a messenger, relating Allah's word, why did Umar ask Muhammad for the hijab revelation? Why did he not just pray to Allah and ask directly?

No revelation was sent down until Umar spied on Muhammad's own wives. Why did Umar do this? How did he know (or at least suspect) it would be successful? Why does Allah care about toilet privacy so much that he revealed a verse pertaining to all Muslim women that will ever live?

A common apologetic for this is that Allah was waiting for Umar to do this so that the situational revelation could come down. However this is not mentioned anywhere, thus there is no evidence for it. Moreover, Umar confirms that he came up with the idea first and then Allah "agreed with him".

Narrated Umar: I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Good and bad persons enter upon you, so I suggest that you order the mothers of the Believers (i.e. your wives) to observe veils." Then Allah revealed the Verses of Al-Hijab. - Sahih Bukhari 6:60:313

Ibn Umar reported Umar as saying: My lord concorded with (my judgments) on three occasions. In case of the Station of Ibrahim, in case of the observance of veil and in case of the prisoners of Badr. - Sahih Muslim 31:5903

How can the Qur'an be the text that was in existence since before the world began, if Allah is taking suggestions for its content from Muhammad's contemporaries?


Umar wanted women to cover up. Muhammad denied his request several times. Umar starts peeping on Muhammad's wife and she goes home embarrassed and tells Muhammad. Shortly after the hijab verse Umar wanted all along is revealed. How convenient!

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / refuting the moon god claim
« on: July 12, 2017, 01:56:54 PM »
assalamu alaikom,

in this page i will seek to adress this stupid argument of the moongod, but it is good to first see whi this argument is coming from, well it comes from christians, they try to prove from this we are pagan, but lets see who is pagan first. firstly christians believe in dying and rising mangods who died by their own creation, and gods who become babies, and they believe in 3 gods which are somehow 1 even though some of the gods are ignorant mark 13:32, they believe in 3 gods which have a hierachy in them, they believe the holy spirit and son are god even thoughthe father is higher which makes no sense because nobody is higher than god, they believe the son and holy spirit are god even though jesus called the father the only true god. and his god needs rainbows to remember things or else he will forget

genesis 9:13-15, 12And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. 16Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”

regarding the moongod now: this moongod claim is honestly the stupidest thing ever do you know that?

Quran 41:37 actually refutes this whole moongod nonsense: And of His signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or to the moon, but prostate to Allah , who created them, if it should be Him that you worship.

This says that allah created the moon, so think before allah created the moon. Was allah a moongod before he created the moon, very stupid and this verse alone refutes it.

This whole idea of allah as moon god comes from a guy named robert morey who said that we should nuke mecca because it would destroy the kaaba, wow such intelligence

For full refutations of moongod, see:

you guys are like people that still bring up the moon god lie and the satanic verses lie lol, such stupid things which are false, like me saying that yahweh is yah the moon god of egypt: or that jesus is just a copy of horus

the quran never makes the moon something higher than other things, the moon and sun are just signs and never more in the quran, but in your bible:

1 Chronicles 23:31 They must also give thanks and sing praises when sacrifices are offered on each Sabbath, as well as during New Moon Festivals and other religious feasts. There must always be enough Levites on duty at the temple to do everything that needs to be done.

Numbers 10:10 During the celebration of the New Moon Festival and other religious festivals, sound the trumpets while you offer sacrifices. This will be a reminder that I am the LORD your God.

1 Samuel 20:5 David answered: Tomorrow is the New Moon Festival, and I'm supposed to eat dinner with your father. But instead, I'll hide in a field until the evening of the next day.

1 Samuel 20:18 After this Jonathan said: Tomorrow is the New Moon Festival, and people will wonder where you are, because your place will be empty.

The Jews even celebrated the new moon with their "Festivals" as these verses, and many more in the Bible, clearly state!  Does this now mean that the Jews worship the new moon?

but in islam: They ask thee Concerning the New Moons.  Say:   They are but signs To mark fixed periods of time In (the affairs of) men, And for Pilgrimage.  It is no virtue if ye enter the houses from the back:  It is virtue if ye fear Allah.  Enter houses Through the proper doors:  And fear Allah:   That ye may prosper.  (The Noble Quran, 2:189)"

so the moon means more in your religion than in ours,

and you might ask why there is a moon symbol on our mosques, well, firstly i challenge you to find me 1 quranic verse, or 1 hadith which says to put crescent moons on the mosques, there is not 1 and muhammad never put crescent moons on his mosques.

what happened was in the time of the ottoman empite their logo was: the crescent moon. Why? well they follow the lunar calendar, and checked the moon for ramadan, OR they could have taken in from the byzantine coins.

so when they adopted this as their logo on their flags, they saw that christians had crosses on their churches, so the ottomans seeked to distinguish their buildings to show that these are mosques with their logo of crescent moon on it, see:

according to islamqa a site where learned scholars answer questions: "It was said that the reason why the Muslims adopted the crescent was that when they conquered some western countries, the churches there had crosses on top of them, the Muslims replaced the crosses with these crescents, and the practice spread in this way"

and some scholars have even forbid the action of putting moons on the mosques because it is not supposed to be there, has no islamic basis and is just an innovation that happened when muslim countries wanted to distinguish their buildings: and

a fatwa of islamweb says: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. Muslim architects have been using the sign of crescent in their art only to decorate buildings. When Muslim rulers conquered Christian areas, they observed the sign of the Cross on churches. Thus, they might be pleased with the sign of crescent and from this you may know it using (crescent) is not a religious matter and there is no authenticity for it in Islam. But this may signify the Mosques in non-Muslim countries. An outsider may easily identify it. You should know that picture of the crescent or any other picture does not have any relation with faith and worship. If any body sees it as a religious matter, then, this is considered an innovation in religion, which is a big sin. Allah knows better. Fatwa No : 81248 Fatwa Date : Jumaadaa Al-Aakhir 23, 1420 / 3-10-1999

Assalamu alaikum,

I was reading up about the event of the splitting of the moon, so i read quran 54 beginning which reads as the following: The Hour has come near, and the moon has split [in two]. And if they see a miracle, they turn away and say, "Passing magic."

And we know this verse refers to the event of moon splitting at the time of muhammad saws.

 As ibn kathir says: and the moon has been cleft asunder.) It occurred during the time of Allah's Messenger , according to the authentic Mutawatir Hadiths the scholars agree that the moon was cleft asunder during the lifetime of the Prophet, and it was among the clear miracles that Allah gave him. Hadiths mentioning that the Moon was split , Imam Ahmad recorded that Anas bin Malik said, "The people of Makkah asked the Prophet for a miracle and the moon was split into two parts in Makkah. Allah said,The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder.)'' Muslim also collected this Hadith. Al-Bukhari recorded that Anas bin Malik said, "The people of Makkah asked the Messenger of Allah to produce a miracle, and he showed them the splitting of the moon into two parts, until they saw (the mount of) Hira' between them.'' This Hadith is recorded in the Two Sahihs with various chains of narration.Imam Ahmad recorded that Jubayr bin Mut`im said, "The moon was split into two pieces during the time of Allah's Prophet ; a part of the moon was over one mountain and another part over another mountain. So they said, `Muhammad has taken us by his magic.' They then said, `If he was able to take us by magic, he will not be able to do so with all people.''' Only Imam Ahmad recorded this Hadith with this chain of narration. Al-Bayhaqi used another chain of narration in a similar Hadith he collected in Ad-Dala'il.

Jalalayn says: it broke in two at Mount Abū Qubays and Qu‘ayqa‘ān as a sign for the Prophet s for it had been demanded of him and when it took place he said ‘Bear witness now!’ — as reported by the two Shaykhs al-Bukhārī and Muslim.


I can quote more but i believe these are enough. So my question is: quran 54:1 says " the hour has come close or drawn near and the moon has split" this moon splitting refers to the time of muhammad and it has been 1400 YEARS and the hour hasnt come. So 54:1 says the hour is near, but it hasnt come in 1400 YEARS. Also tanwir al miqbas min ibn abbas says: He says: the coming of the Hour drew nigh by the advent of Muhammad. So it seems to me as if the verse is saying that at the event of the moon split AT THE TIME OF MUHAMMSD 1400 YEARS AGO, the hour was close, is this not a false prophecy because it has been so pong and thenhour has not been established yet?

Jazakallah khair

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