Author Topic: Senior German right wing politician revert to Islam  (Read 5659 times)

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Senior German right wing politician revert to Islam
« on: January 24, 2018, 03:58:07 PM »
A senior member of Germany’s right-wing Alternative for Deutschland party has caused a stir by converting to Islam.

Arthur Wagner, who was until recently a member of the Brandenburg state legislative committee, said his decision to become a Muslim was a ‘private matter’.

But members of his party have repeatedly stressed that Islam ‘does not belong’ in Germany and that multiculturalism and mass migration are bad for the country.

At the time of the migration crisis – when Angela Merkel unilaterally declared that over a million people could come to Germany from around the world – Wagner said the chancellor was making a ‘huge mistake’, Tagesspiegel reported.

He explained: ‘Germany is mutating into another country.’

Wagner has resigned his senior position with the party for ‘private reasons’, according to an AfD official quoted in Berliner Zeitung.

Daniel Friese added that the party believes in the German constitution’s provision for freedom of religion.

‘Mr. Wagner resigned on January 11 from the state board on his own volition. Only afterwards was it known that he had converted to Islam,’ Friese said.

Despite his views on the migration crisis, however, Wagner is also well known for his voluntary work with refugees in his hometown of Falkensee.

He once admired Merkel, but after the mass movement of people into Germany he said he had made a ‘gigantic mistake’ about her.

It is AfD’s ‘mission’ to ‘save this country,’ he added.

He was previously a member of her Christian Democrats party.

Wagner declined to comment on his conversion. ‘He does not want to speak with the press. He believes it is a private affair,’ the party spokesman said.

The AfD became Germany’s third largest party in parliament after last September’s general election.

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Re: Senior German right wing politician revert to Islam
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2018, 06:47:35 AM »
Alhamdulillah.  May Allah Almighty strengthen brother Arthur Wagner's faith and protect him.  Ameen.  Jazaka Allah Khayr for the article, dear brother Sama.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Albarra

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Re: Senior German right wing politician revert to Islam
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2018, 01:16:31 AM »

 A politician from the nationalist Alternative for Germany party (AfD) who shocked colleagues by converting to Islam says he did so because he was unhappy with the church’s acceptance of gay marriage.

 Arthur Wagner made headlines around the world last week after it emerged that he had become a Muslim.

The AfD, which last year became the first nationalist party to win seats in the German parliament since the sixties, campaigns on an openly anti-Muslim platform. One of its elections slogans was “Islam has no place in Germany.”
 But to the dismay of party colleagues, Mr Wagner now says he wants to remain in the party and build bridges with between German Muslims and mainstream society.

 The 48-year-old, who has changed his name to Ahmad, initially refused to comment when his conversion became public last week.

 But he came forward in an interview to explain his decision in an interview with Bild newspaper.

 “One of the reasons was the way the church has changed, which I don’t understand any more,” Mr Wagner, who was previously a devout Christian and member of his local Protestant church said.

 “It’s their attitudes to the AfD, to gay marriage,” he said. He also said he was unhappy that Protestant pastors had taken part in a gay rights parade in Berlin. “With children there! That’s just not right,” he said.

 A German citizen of Russian heritage, Mr Wagner said he decided to convert to Islam as long ago as 2015, during a visit to the Russian city of Ufa, home to a large Muslim Tatar community.

 Remarkably, that means he was campaigning for the AfD’s anti-Muslim message for several years after deciding to become a Muslim.

 Mr Wagner has said he wants to stay in the AfD and build links with German Muslims.

 He converted last October but kept it secret at first because he didn’t know what to say to his party colleagues.

 He says he has received threatening letters since his conversion became public. “I get letters telling me to get out of Germany before I start making bombs,” he said.

 He resigned as deputy leader of a local AfD chapter in his home state of Brandenburg but says he wants to remain in the party.


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