Author Topic: The X-Rated Pornography in the Bible proves that the book is not all Divine!  (Read 30341 times)

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As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

The The X-Rated Pornography in the Bible proves that the book is not all Divine, or the Pure Word of GOD Almighty.

Please visit:

Yours in Islam,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Antiaparteid

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No, brother, now is the time for you to repent. The things you state in Answering Christianity is not even in the bible. Those statements stem from what archeologists, who might not have been true Christians, have found. Honestly, how can people in the 20-21st century know any details of what happened over 2000 years ago? I'm Muslim, but people like you make me feel really ashamed of islam. The truth of the matter is that the bible is God's book, and you are one of those who are committing a grave sin by adding you sinful thoughts about it. You should read the first three chapters of the Qur'an, which will guide you away from committing this sin. As a muslim you are to bring people to Islam, not repulse people away from it. You give Islam a bad name.

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I have nothing related to the topic to post ...

I just have an appeal to Bro QuranSearchCom .......

I think Antiaparteid ,deserves to be banned , not for offensive language ,but for his evident hypocrisy and cowardliness ... he is non-Muslim but  he pretends "in even stupid way" to be a Muslim !!!

Anyone reads his posts will find out easily he is not a Muslim ... but he is not courageous enough to be clear about his true belief .....

I suggest the rule of " giving false identity " be applied on him "or any other in the future" and be immediately banned. to be a living example for those non-Muslims who come hiding themselves behind Muslim identities.

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No, brother, now is the time for you to repent. The things you state in Answering Christianity is not even in the bible. Those statements stem from what archeologists, who might not have been true Christians, have found. Honestly, how can people in the 20-21st century know any details of what happened over 2000 years ago? I'm Muslim, but people like you make me feel really ashamed of islam. The truth of the matter is that the bible is God's book, and you are one of those who are committing a grave sin by adding you sinful thoughts about it. You should read the first three chapters of the Qur'an, which will guide you away from committing this sin. As a muslim you are to bring people to Islam, not repulse people away from it. You give Islam a bad name.

LOL Antiaparteid.  I am not sure what to make of you.  Are you a Muslim pretending to be a non-Muslim, or are you seriously a non-Muslim?  Now, I can go along with brother Egyptian's appeal and ban you, but I won't do that.  Please forgive me dear brother Egyptian.  I'll give you, Antiaparteid, the benefit of the doubt.  Plus, since you really haven't spoken any word that is not approved by the dictionary, then I'll let you express yourself and speak your mind in the way that you feel comfortable, as long as you're not directly hurting others on a personal level with lies, such as impersonating them with different IDs.

So having said that, please come back and tell us which parts in the link are deceiving?  Your post made no sense, because all I did was quote directly from the Bible.  The pornographic verses/quotes all came from the Bible, and they were all praised ones and not condemned ones.

Don't feel threatened by this post.  It is not a warning to you.  You can also choose not to respond at all if you'd like.  You are free.

I hope this helps.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said:
"Beware of Zann (suspicion), for indeed Zann is the falsest of speech."(Sahih)
«We were the lowest of all people and then Allah gave us glory by Islam, and if we seek glory in anything other that what Allah has given us, Allah will disgrace us.» Umar ibn Khattab

Offline Antiaparteid

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I didn't actually join this site to argue. I wanted a question to be answered. I posted it, but it still hasn't been answered. I think the reason is because islam doesn't have an answer to that question. So, while I was waiting for my question to be answered, I took the liberty of adding my two cents on a few other threads.

I'm a revert muslim woman. When i first confessed the 1st shahada, I knew that there were many aspects of islam that I would not agree on, such as: discrimination against left-handed people.

They say that islam is the perfect religion, but I wonder why it hasn't produced a perfect ummat.

Why do muslims worry about the contents of a bible  which they believe to be false? The time spent on reading The Bible could be spent on reading the Qur'an. Why do muslims criticize Christianity when they know it is not a perfect religion? The time spent on criticizing Christianity could be spent on doing good deeds to secure a place in Jenna. Or maybe like Christians who can enjoy in a buffet of sin without guilt and still go to heaven, because, "Jesus died of [their] sins.", Muslims can also do whatever the hell they want without worrying about going to hell, because, "Islam is perfect.".

The really sad thing to acknowledge is that Muhammad was the last prophet. That means that there is no hope of guiding the misguided. Anyone who hasn't grasped what it means to be trully muslim, will never be guided. That's why muslims are such unkind people. You cannot see the difference between a Christian, a muslim, and a kaffeer these days. They all have so much in common. They commit adultery the same. They are heartless the same. They are blasphemous the same. They point fingers the same. They hate the same. They kill the same.

I have respect for atheists and satanists, because they are honest. They don't sin in the name of Allah or God. They acknowledge that they are sinners. The satanists knows for sure that they are going to hell. The atheists know for sure that they will not have eternal life. You, muslims and christians are in for a nasty surprise.

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I didn't actually join this site to argue. I wanted a question to be answered. I posted it, but it still hasn't been answered. I think the reason is because islam doesn't have an answer to that question. So, while I was waiting for my question to be answered, I took the liberty of adding my two cents on a few other threads.

I'm a revert muslim woman. When i first confessed the 1st shahada, I knew that there were many aspects of islam that I would not agree on, such as: discrimination against left-handed people.

As'salamu Alaikum Sister in Islam,

What question did you post that wasn't answered here?  Please specify it.  I apologize for offending you in my previous reply above.  Please go ahead and post all of your questions.

As to adding your two cents to this thread, thank you for doing that, but please note that you just because the manuscripts were found by archeologists, it doesn't make those manuscripts Divine.  How many thousands of manuscripts of texts (scrolls) that were found that didn't make it into the Canon; the Constantine Bible of today?  The Christians claim that there are 24,000 fragments (scroll pieces here and there that contain writings) that were found, and most of them didn't make it into the NT's books and gospels, which start from the gospel of Matthew and end with the book of Revelation.

Furthermore, the Song of Songs book, is singing praises about sex between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.  It wasn't about Jehovah GOD singing a love story to the nation of Israel as you might have been told.  The proof is within the book itself.  Take this example of one of many praised pornographies:

Song of Songs 8:1-3 "If only you were to me like a brother, who was nursed at my mother's breasts! Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me.  I would lead you and bring you to my mother's house-- she who has taught me. I would give you spiced wine to drink [i.e., her vagina's semen!], the nectar of my pomegranates.  His left arm is under my head and his right arm embraces me."

If he were like her brother nursed from her mother's breasts??  Does Jehovah GOD have a mother?!  Does Jehovah GOD need to be a secret lover of a loose and ill-raised girl?  Does Jehovah need to be a brother of some girl so that it wouldn't be a scandal to bring him home to her bed to have sex with her?

What else beside X-Rated Pornography is this?  And what makes you think, Sister in Islam, that this is Divine Revelation from Jehovah Almighty?  It is nothing but a lie and a sick blasphemy against GOD Almighty.

There are ample more verses that I can provide here, but I don't want to rewrite what I already wrote in the link which I gave above.  Please visit it and fear no one.  The Bible is filled with man-made alterations, lies and fabrications.  It also MIGHT have close to Truth in it.  To us Muslims, what agrees with the Glorious Quran we take it, and what disagrees we don't take it.  Plain and simple.

They say that islam is the perfect religion, but I wonder why it hasn't produced a perfect ummat.

No human can be perfect my sister.  But still, the Muslims historically and consistently have always been the highest in:

1-  Being strict on chastity in their societies.
2-  Worshiping and Prostrating to Him GOD Almighty consistently on daily basis.
3-  Hold to the Moral and Ethical Codes of their Faith.
4-  Have their Holy Scripture, the Glorious Quran, be their Law and Constitution.
5-  Command what is right and condemn what is wrong.

I think you would agree with this, and I believe this is why you probably decided to embrace Islam, yourself.

Now the Muslim world, today, is undergoing some fundamental changes in their leaderships and countries.  From the last 4 or more centuries, the Muslim world had almost all been colonized by outsiders.  The last colonizers, the British and the French, have installed corrupt puppets as governments to suck the wealth of the Muslim world dry and to transfer it to the their financial institutions and the West.  The way it used to work is this:  We'll make sure that you (the dictator and his few thugs around him) remain in power while you invest the country's wealth into our countries.  The result?  No private sect, no middle class, too much corruption and hypocrisy and lying and cheating and deception as fed into the people's minds.  You are nothing but a slave to the ruler, and don't you dare even speak ill about him.  That's how it used to work, and this is why we today have what is called the "Arab Spring".  But despite all of the political corruption, but Islam still helped the people to remain True to GOD Almighty on the Spiritual side, as I mentioned in the points that I just listed.

Why do muslims worry about the contents of a bible  which they believe to be false? The time spent on reading The Bible could be spent on reading the Qur'an. Why do muslims criticize Christianity when they know it is not a perfect religion? The time spent on criticizing Christianity could be spent on doing good deeds to secure a place in Jenna. Or maybe like Christians who can enjoy in a buffet of sin without guilt and still go to heaven, because, "Jesus died of [their] sins.", Muslims can also do whatever the hell they want without worrying about going to hell, because, "Islam is perfect.".

Islam didn't start with Prophet Muhammad.  It ended with him.  Islam started with Prophet Adam, peace be upon him.  Please visit:

I think these articles are important for you as a starter.

As to the Bible, like I mentioned above sister, we believe that what agrees with the Glorious Quran is the closest to the Truth, from the Bible, and what disagrees with simply don't accept.  But we also may not reject it either, unless it was very clear that it was a corruption or a blasphemy, as in the example that I gave you above.  You see, the Glorious Quran is a Book that is Muhaymin (ruling over, has full authority over) over all of the other previous Books.  IT IS ALSO THE BOOK THAT JUDGES EVERYTHING.  See Noble Verses 2:41, 2:91, 2:101, 3:3, 4:47, 4:136, 4:162, 5:48, 28:51-56, 13:37 for more details.  Also, please visit: to see which parts of the Bible do Muslims believe are closest to the Truth.

So it's not about bashing the Bible, sister.  The Bible's own theologians and historians admit that it is filled with man-made alterations and fabrications.  Please visit: to read their own commentaries and statements about almost every single book and gospel from Genesis to Revelation.

The really sad thing to acknowledge is that Muhammad was the last prophet. That means that there is no hope of guiding the misguided. Anyone who hasn't grasped what it means to be trully muslim, will never be guided. That's why muslims are such unkind people. You cannot see the difference between a Christian, a muslim, and a kaffeer these days. They all have so much in common. They commit adultery the same. They are heartless the same. They are blasphemous the same. They point fingers the same. They hate the same. They kill the same.

Again, Islam ended with Prophet Muhammad and didn't start with him.  Islam came to restore the original Faith after it got corrupted.  Allah Almighty also sent a Prophet and a Messenger to the Arabs because they were fresh and had no previous Prophets before.  They also had no corrupt scriptures like the Jews and Christians had.  The pagan Arabs were ready for a new Prophet and a new Divine Religion.  This is why Prophet Muhammad was sent.  He was sent:

1-  To move the Arabs and mankind from the worship of idols to the worship of the True One Living and Sovereign GOD Almighty of the Universe, and to associate no partners with Him.

2-  To restore the original Faith, which is Islam, after the Jews and Christians had corrupted it and invented their own lies and man-made conjectures and alterations of scriptures.

As to Muslims being like the non-Muslims, again, people can't be perfect.  But the majority of the Muslims still hold on to the values of Islam and the Moral Code of Islam far more than anybody else.  Please visit:

I have respect for atheists and satanists, because they are honest. They don't sin in the name of Allah or God. They acknowledge that they are sinners. The satanists knows for sure that they are going to hell. The atheists know for sure that they will not have eternal life. You, muslims and christians are in for a nasty surprise.

What's to respect about them?  They have no Moral Standards, and all they do is go after what is good and try to corrupt it.  They mock the Truth, and they mock Chastity, Modesty, Truthfulness, Morality and everything that is good, and most importantly, they do not worship the One and Absolute Living and Soverign GOD Almighty of the Universe.  I say don't be superficial my sister.  Think deeper.  Don't let people deceive you.

I hope this answers your points.  May Allah Almighty continue to strengthen your Faith in Islam!  Ameen.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Egyptian

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I'm a revert muslim woman. When i first confessed the 1st shahada, I knew that there were many aspects of islam that I would not agree on

If that is the case , then your act of confessing the 1st shahada ,was a useless one ....

Holy Qur'an[2:85] : Then is it only a part of the Book that ye believe in, and do ye reject the rest? but what is the reward for those among you who behave like this but disgrace in this life?- and on the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty. For Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.

Holy Quran  4:65 But no, by the Lord, they can have no (real) Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction.

 Holy Quran  33:36
It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.

Islam is not a game of pick and choose , Antiaparteid .....

discrimination against left-handed people.

to be advised to eat with right hand is not a discrimination against left-handed people ....

Muslims can also do whatever the hell they want without worrying about going to hell .

That is wrong ... and no Muslim on Earth has a guarantee for paradise...

  The really sad thing to acknowledge is that Muhammad was the last prophet.

Though he died ,still his message lives inspiring millions ...

You cannot see the difference between a Christian, a muslim, and a kaffeer these days. They all have so much in common. They commit adultery the same.

again wrong ... and all the world know that Muslims are the least among the sexually perverts.

They are blasphemous the same.


They kill the same.

killing for aggression ?  no they are not the same...


you blamed us of not answering your questions ....  while the fact all your input here is nothing but confused ideas ,and malicious comments...

here a sample of other of your comments:

Jesus BLESSED his day of birth because he was a prophet bringing GOOD NEWS. Jerremiah CURSED his day of birth because he was a prophet bringing BAD NEWS. Now get it?.

No,I didn't get it.....  EVERY PROPHET brings both good and bad news .... good news for the believers and bad news for the disbelievers ...

not all what brought Jesus is a good news , he brought bad news as well ,a judgment ,falling stars and disbelievers will be tormented with fire and sulfur ,day and night forever and ever. ..

You have every right to hold the firm belief that Jeremiah was not a prophet. Jeremiah was
not your, or any muslim's, prophet.

Jeremiah may have been a prophet . "that is the Islamic statement" .

I'm sure Jews and Christians wonder how Muhammad had such a high sex drive and so low self
control that he needed 9 wives. But, it is not a Christian's problem to worry about.

That is one of your most ignorant ,off-topic comments !!

 1- How do you know the polygamy by the prophet was not for a political reasons.

 2- The best cure for those Christians who wonder the polygamy ,is to open their holy book ,to find out, that:

Abraham whom they call ,the prophet ,the Faithful friend of God , father of the Hebrew nation ,The Father of the Faithful of all times. practicing polygamy...."And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife." Genesis 16:3"Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Keturah." Genesis 25:1

David ,whom they call the prophet , had At least 18 wives - Michal, Abigail, Ahinoam of Jezreel, Eglah, Maacah, Abital, Haggith, and Bathsheba, and "10 women/concubines"

Jacob, Father of the twelve patriarchs of the tribes of Israel and "The prince of God" ,and other prominent figures in the old testament  ,had more than a wife......To get the matter worse with your statement, Christians should open again their holy book ,to find out, that they are happily calling certain figures great prophets ,yet they are not only practiced polygamy but also practiced adultery and incest !!

Christians accepts David proudly as a prophet and a king from whose seed comes the messiah :
Acts 2:30 But he (David) was a prophet and knew that God had promised him on oath that he would place one of his descendants on his throne.

in spite of him having several wives , "And David took him more concubines and wives" 2 Samuel 5:13, 1 Chronicles 14:3 read more 1 Samuel 18:27,1 Samuel 25:43,2 Samuel 3:3,2 Samuel 3:4-5.

and him committing adultery : the case of the wife of Uriah the Hittite, 2 Samuel 11 ...

The christian hypocrisy is apparent .... in one hand they proudly declare those ,whom their holy book claims to be adulterers , as prophets.....     yet when it comes to the prophet of Islam ,they hopelessly include his polygamy to be a point of their criticism against him ,what a hypocrisy !

But, it is not a Christian's problem to worry about.

No my friend...  you have already made it one, the time you claimed that polygamy would question the prophethood....

The difference
between Mary and Aisha is that Mary didn't have her marriage consummated--she wasn't defiled
by an older man..

Sue Bohlin from Probe Ministries wrote:

Plato taught that the mind and spirit was good and the body was base or bad. Many people, including many of the church fathers, took this belief and arrived at the conclusion that sex is evil, even in marriage, because it is a bodily function. Thus, because they wanted to believe Mary was sinless, the church decided that she had to stay a virgin because sex with Joseph would have been evil. Most non-Catholic theologians believe that Mary and Joseph had a normal marriage, producing several children which are mentioned in texts such as Matt. 13:55 ("Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?"). This "material is bad" idea is also behind the belief that she could not have experienced the decay of deathlike the rest of mortals, which spawned the idea of her assumption into heaven.
The concept of Perpetual virginity of Mary,and according to Christians themselves, is controversial.

I think Bro Osama answered well the rest of the questions....

 Now ...... Antiaparteid ,if your scenario of being a new convert who took shahada is true ,and not a non-Muslim hypocrite ,then please stop calling "at least " me with my Muslim brother , cause I don't consider you a Muslim yet ... Taking the shahada requires necessarily,total approval of all the basics of Islam .. Islam is not a game of pick and choose. plainly put it "take it or leave it"....

« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 01:02:22 PM by Egyptian »

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If we are going to debate, can't we be objective? Am I not allowed to be impartial? I don't care whether any of you view me as a hypocrit.

Now let's see if there is any muslim who can answer my question in the first thread that I started...

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Now let's see if there is any muslim who can answer my question in the first thread that I started...

I already answered it in the post where I talked about the 24,000 scroll fragments, above.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Pip Power

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Re: The X-Rated Pornography in the Bible proves that the book is not all Divine!
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2012, 04:00:14 PM »

Did you hear the one about people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Roman Catholics & Muslims are very alike. They are ignorant of their religion and their history. They about going to church & mosque and BOTH of them murdered people who disagreed with their teachings.

There are many hadith and few Muslims have ever studied them. When a non-Muslim quotes verses from these books, Muslims become defensive. Some say, "We only believe in the Quran"! OK! What is happening in PROHIBITION sura 66:1-12 ? Without hadith you wouldn't know what happened.

I think ALL Muslims need to study hadith, because when they do, they won't be as cocky about their Perfect Religion.

Hadith is EXPLOSIVE!

The fact that Muslims are sooooooooooo aggressive towards non-Muslims, proves that they have a fearful spirit and like bullies in the school yard, when its put up to them, they run away.


Satan is the father of lies! 

Offline Final Overture

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Re: The X-Rated Pornography in the Bible proves that the book is not all Divine!
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2012, 04:13:12 PM »

Did you hear the one about people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Roman Catholics & Muslims are very alike. They are ignorant of their religion and their history. They about going to church & mosque and BOTH of them murdered people who disagreed with their teachings.

There are many hadith and few Muslims have ever studied them. When a non-Muslim quotes verses from these books, Muslims become defensive. Some say, "We only believe in the Quran"! OK! What is happening in PROHIBITION sura 66:1-12 ? Without hadith you wouldn't know what happened.

I think ALL Muslims need to study hadith, because when they do, they won't be as cocky about their Perfect Religion.

Hadith is EXPLOSIVE!

The fact that Muslims are sooooooooooo aggressive towards non-Muslims, proves that they have a fearful spirit and like bullies in the school yard, when its put up to them, they run away.


Satan is the father of lies!

What hadiths question you..?
«We were the lowest of all people and then Allah gave us glory by Islam, and if we seek glory in anything other that what Allah has given us, Allah will disgrace us.» Umar ibn Khattab

Offline RamziBinNabil

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Re: The X-Rated Pornography in the Bible proves that the book is not all Divine!
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2012, 01:14:52 PM »
Peace be upon you all! Brothers and sisters, please stop arguing. Both of you have a point. This thread is pretty inappropriate anyway and might not make people want to embrace Islam, but make then turn away from it instead, and Allah knows best. Our mission is to try to preach Islam and make others embrace Islam and love it out of their own freewill, not to turn Christians atheist and make them hate their religion. Allah, the Most Glorified and Exalted, mentions in one verse, "Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is [rightly] guided." [The Glorious Qur'an; 16:125]
Brothers, everybody will be judged alone. Allah knows best of your faith and of hers. Do not call her names. Allah, the Almighty and Sublime, said, "O you who believe! Let not a group scoff at another group, it may be that the latter are better than the former; nor let (some) women scoff at other women, it may be that the latter are better than the former, nor defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames. How bad is it, to insult one's brother after having Faith [i.e. to call your Muslim brother (a faithful believer) as: "O sinner", or "O wicked", etc.]. And whosoever does not repent, then such are indeed Zalimun (wrong-doers, etc.)." [The Glorious Qur'an; 49:11]
Best regards brothers and sisters, may peace and Allah's blessings be upon you.

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Al-salam alaykum.

Yes there is pornography in the bible, because the bible has words of satan

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I'm a revert muslim woman.
May be It is a coincidence but last week I have met 3 Persons online who claimed to be Reverted Muslims but they were exposed later.
Why do muslims worry about the contents of a bible  which they believe to be false? The time spent on reading The Bible could be spent on reading the Qur'an. Why do muslims criticize Christianity when they know it is not a perfect religion? The time spent on criticizing Christianity could be spent on doing good deeds to secure a place in Jenna.
We are here to tell the truth, That book which they call insults our Prophets such as Prophet Lot committed adultery with his daughters. So, why we leave that book from being cricticized?
Did you hear the one about people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Roman Catholics & Muslims are very alike. They are ignorant of their religion and their history.
Very, wrong Gesture, Muslims were/are always Open but Catholics have only Mysteries, Catholics have trinity, the biggest mystery ever and We muslims are not ignorant of our glorious History a lot better than the Catholics.
They about going to church & mosque and BOTH of them murdered people who disagreed with their teachings.
Please Quote anything in which Muslims have killed anyone just because they disagree.
There are many hadith and few Muslims have ever studied them. When a non-Muslim quotes verses from these books, Muslims become defensive.
Wrong again, Nearly all muslims study the Hadiths and Quote whatever you want but It should have revelance not like your this post.
Some say, "We only believe in the Quran"
Yup, they are Quranists and they have logical reason to not to believe in Hadiths.
OK! What is happening in PROHIBITION sura 66:1-12 ?
It exposes the temporary hypocracy of some and gives a lesson.
Without hadith you wouldn't know what happened.
With (some) hadiths also.
I think ALL Muslims need to study hadith, because when they do, they won't be as cocky about their Perfect Religion.
Why are you forcing others? Is it your freedom of belief and Only you and Your thinking are cocky here.
Hadith is EXPLOSIVE!
The only this EXPLOSIVE here is your brain because of your jealousy with Muslims.
The fact that Muslims are sooooooooooo aggressive towards non-Muslims, proves that they have a fearful spirit and like bullies in the school yard, when its put up to them, they run away.
Agressive? where? Did you mistakenly described yourself? I am sure you did.
Satan is the father of lies!
Did you described yourself? I am sure you did.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2014, 09:45:57 AM by MuslimBoy »

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As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

The The X-Rated Pornography in the Bible proves that the book is not all Divine, or the Pure Word of GOD Almighty.

Please visit:

Yours in Islam,
Osama Abdallah
100% True Brother.


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