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Offline Antiaparteid

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Allah blesses women
« on: September 17, 2012, 01:35:29 AM »
Every muslim should find out for him/herself what islam really mean; and what it means to be muslim.

Every muslim women must ask, herself and allah, if being muslim means getting half a man's share; being rendered being half mentally adept; having to share a husband; etc. If allah could bless marium with a son immaculately, how much more can he bless you as a woman? With allah, anything is possible. We, as women don't have to submit to men. Only submit to allah. He could if he wanted give you a child without using a man's sperm; give you food in abundance without your having ever worked a day in your life or having been someone's wife. Amin.

Muslims like to ask christians questions, to question christianity. But, muslims should question muslims about islam. Question the dictatorship. Question the discrimination. Question the bloodshed. Question the poverty. Question the characters of the muslim scholars.

Offline Egyptian

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 01:12:38 PM »
Every muslim should find out for him/herself what islam really mean; and what it means to be muslim.

without having Islamic educational background ,one could find out ,Islam of his/her own imagination.

Every muslim women must ask, herself and allah, if being muslim means getting half a man's share


Quote from: Sherif Muhammad Kingston, University of Essex Islamic Society
 link=topic=249.msg589#msg589 date=1347860129


One of the most important differences between the Quran and the Bible is their attitude towards female inheritance of the property of a deceased relative.The Biblical attitude has been succinctly described by Rabbi Epstein: "The continuous and unbroken tradition since the Biblical days gives the female members of the household, wife and daughters, no right of succession to the family estate. In the more primitive scheme of succession, the female members of the family were considered part of the estate and as remote from the legal personality of an heir as the slave. Whereas by Mosaic enactment the daughters were admitted to succession in the event of no male issue remained, the wife was not recognized as heir even in such conditions." Why were the female members of the family considered part of the family estate? Rabbi Epstein has the answer:
"They are owned --before marriage, by the father; after marriage, by the husband." The Biblical rules of inheritance are outlined in Numbers 27:1-11. A wife is given no share in her husband's estate, while he is her first heir, even before her sons. A daughter can inherit only if no male heirs exist. A mother is not an heir at all while the father is. Widows and daughters, in case male children remained, were at the mercy of the male heirs for provision. That is why widows and orphan girls were among the most destitute members of the Jewish society.Christianity has followed suit for long time. Both the ecclesiastical and civil laws of Christendom barred daughters from sharing with their brothers in the father's patrimony. Besides, wives were deprived of any inheritance rights. These iniquitous laws survived till late in the last century.Among the pagan Arabs before Islam, inheritance rights were confined exclusively to the male relatives. The Quran abolished all these unjust customs and gave all the female relatives inheritance shares:"From what is left by parents and those nearest related there is a share for men and a share for women, whether the property be small or large --a determinate share" (4:7).Muslim mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters had received inheritance rights thirteen hundred years before Europe recognized that these rights even existed. The division of inheritance is a vast subject with an enormous amount of details (4:7,11,12,176).The general rule is that the female share is half the male's except the cases in which the mother receives equal share to that of the father. This general rule if taken in isolation from other legislations concerning men and women may seem unfair. In order to understand the rationale behind this rule, one must take into account the fact that the financial obligations of men in Islam far exceed those of women .A bridegroom must provide his bride with a marriage gift. This gift becomes her exclusive property and remains so even if she is later divorced. The bride is under no obligation to present any gifts to her groom. 
Moreover, the Muslim husband is charged with the maintenance of his wife and children. The wife, on the other hand, is not obliged to help him in this regard. Her property and earnings are for her use alone except what she may voluntarily offer her husband.
Besides, one has to realize that Islam vehemently advocates family life. It strongly encourages youth to get married, discourages divorce, and does not regard celibacy as a virtue. Therefore, in a truly Islamic society, family life is the norm and single life is the rare exception. That is, almost all marriage-aged women and men are married in an Islamic society. In light of these facts, one would appreciate that Muslim men, in general, have greater financial burdens than Muslim women and thus inheritance rules are meant to offset this imbalance so that the society lives free of all gender or class wars. After a simple comparison between the financial rights and duties of Muslim women, one British Muslim woman has concluded that Islam has treated women not only fairly but generously.

Professor Almaric Rumsey (1825–1899) from King's College, University of London, wrote in one of his many legal books, "[the Muslim law of inheritance] comprises beyond question the most refined and elaborate system of rules for the devolution of property that is known to the civilized world."

Quote from: Antiaparteid
 link=topic=249.msg589#msg589 date=1347860129
being half mentally adept

No where in the Qur'an or sunna describing women as less intelligent than men ...

having to share a husband

In the Quran ,there is no textual obligation on man or woman to marry ....
but if you won't marry how would a man or a woman satisfies their nature?  the desire, especially for women to have children? and more important of all that ,to dwell in tranquillity ,the feeling of someone beside you whom you share your happiness and pain ?

If allah could bless marium with a son immaculately

That is the tone of those who consider the sexual intercourse to be base or bad,even if legal !!!
Having Jesus immaculately,was not a message to Mariam that God blessed her (during delivery she wished that she had died before this! would that she had been a thing forgotten and out of sight! [19:23]" ,but a message to the Jews that the miracles with that messenger ,will be in action, from the time of his very beginning,till the end of his mission "raised up to heaven"......

 He could if he wanted give you a child without using a man's sperm; give you food in abundance without your having ever worked a day in your life or having been someone's wife.

Antiaparteid , from the way to talk,I began to suggest that you are most probably a woman , and you suffer from psychological problem ....
don't be offended ,I'm very honest with you ,I had some readings in psychology ,and your constant complaining ,unexpected and unfocused lines , show that you are in trouble and you suffered from bad experience with the society , and you feel that you less loved by the people ,you deserve to be treated better etc.....
most of those people who suffer from that,are those sensitive of criticism even if positive, often critical making harsh unexpected comments forcing the people to break away with them..

Antiaparteid , the concept of having a life without work ,is not a far-fetched one, but it comes after the test we are having in that earthly short life.... paradise is waiting those who deserve.

also you think it would have been better if women could have had babes without men's sperm or having been someone's wife !!!! 

hey Antiaparteid , man means more for woman that just a penis,sperm and some money he may spend..... all world's treasures won't compensate a woman for the lack of a man she loves,and vice verse... most women will agree with me...

Holy Quran 30:21 And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.

Antiaparteid dwelling in tranquillity , be loved ,is what you lack ..   criticizing the people and the religions is not your cure ...

how many good people you know ,that deserve your praise ? why don't you pick your phone calling them ? plz do it now....

« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 01:53:24 PM by Egyptian »

Offline Antiaparteid

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 02:45:03 PM »
"Stupid", you may call me. Or, uneducated, or something. But, don't bloody say I have psychological problems. That's getting personal. And, here I was, thinking that, this forum was against personal attacks! Hmm? Makes one wonder.

This thread isn't about being against men. It's about getting people to think...

And yes, men aren't just sperm and penis. Men are like you. Do you realise what you've done to me? The way you've responded to my post is typical of muslim men. Every time a woman says something that suggests free thinking, a muslim man will react as you have been reacting to many of my posts.

There is a trend among the muslim males. The trend is to obscure the qur'an and hadith to make women feel inadequate and helpless without men. Is islam about this kind of indoctrination?

I would've like women to respond to my post--not some sexist muslim male.

FYI, even the quran says that marium had a baby by the word of Allah. Unless the "Glorious Qur'an" says otherwise. Lol! How many types of qur'an are there? Let's see: the noble qur'an, the holy qur'an, the glorious qur'an,... What's next?

And by the way, I think I'll live harmoniously, married to an atheist. At least he'd respect my human and civil rights. And we'd make our own rules. I'd rather die than be with a man who quotes from some qur'an how he should undermine me.

Offline Final Overture

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2012, 03:58:05 PM »
Wow, calling your brother in faith just sperm and penis.. Aren't you ashamed of your words?
I'd rather die than be with a man who quotes from some qur'an how he should undermine me.
Wow, really?

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah 's Apostle said, "Treat women nicely, for a women is created from a rib, and the most curved portion of the rib is its upper portion, so, if you should try to straighten it, it will break, but if you leave it as it is, it will remain crooked. So treat women nicely."
Bukhari USC-MSA web (English) reference    : Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 548

There is no path between belief and unbelief.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 03:59:45 PM by Final Overture »
«We were the lowest of all people and then Allah gave us glory by Islam, and if we seek glory in anything other that what Allah has given us, Allah will disgrace us.» Umar ibn Khattab

Offline Abd-Al-Rahman

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2012, 04:05:02 PM »
"Stupid", you may call me.

Glad you spared the trouble for anyone to have to do it. I seriously mean this one.

Or, uneducated, or something. But, don't bloody say I have psychological problems. That's getting personal. And, here I was, thinking that, this forum was against personal attacks! Hmm? Makes one wonder.

This thread isn't about being against men. It's about getting people to think...

And yes, men aren't just sperm and penis. Men are like you. Do you realise what you've done to me? The way you've responded to my post is typical of muslim men. Every time a woman says something that suggests free thinking, a muslim man will react as you have been reacting to many of my posts.

There is a trend among the muslim males. The trend is to obscure the qur'an and hadith to make women feel inadequate and helpless without men. Is islam about this kind of indoctrination?

I would've like women to respond to my post--not some sexist muslim male.

Also really glad that you’re one of the very few to stand up for the severely, no I mean extremely, and very obviously, repressed and abused rights of Muslim women, as well as women in general, all over the world. That’s super.

FYI, even the quran says that marium had a baby by the word of Allah. Unless the "Glorious Qur'an" says otherwise.

That’s correct, yes. And brother Egyptian never denied that fact either, you’re obviously just hallucinating things.

Lol! How many types of qur'an are there? Let's see: the noble qur'an, the holy qur'an, the glorious qur'an,... What's next?

This simply just has got to be an intentional joke ;D If not, either way, thanks for the laugh, now that’s one of the very few good ones that you can find out there ;D

What’s next you ask? That’s your choice really, but you may also try saying something like “Lol! How many gods do Muslims worship? Let’s see: [here you would start listing out 1-99 gods, if you catch my drift]''.

And by the way, I think I'll live harmoniously, married to an atheist. At least he'd respect my human and civil rights. And we'd make our own rules. I'd rather die than be with a man who quotes from some qur'an how he should undermine me.

It’s nice of you to have taken the time to make this specification.

There isn’t much left for me to say now, other than good luck.

You may need it.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 04:14:45 PM by Abd-Al-Rahman »

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2012, 05:05:11 PM »
Every muslim should find out for him/herself what islam really mean; and what it means to be muslim.

Every muslim women must ask, herself and allah, if being muslim means getting half a man's share;

The inheritance of the woman is actually more than fair for her, and it was designed by Allah Almighty to give her protection against the harsh and unforgiving world back then.  The woman's inheritance and dowry for marriage are her money, and she can choose to not share a single dollar with anyone if she chooses.  It is the husband's 100% responsibility to provide for her.  In fact, in Islam, the man is responsible for:

1-  His parents.
2-  His wife.
3-  His children until they become grown ups.
4-  His widowed sisters.
5-  His divorced sisters after their maintanence from their former husbands ends.

Him being obligated to spend on any and all of the mentioned people, above, justifies him getting double the woman in inheritance.  In fact, any of the people mentioned above could take him to court and have the court force him to pay.

being rendered being half mentally adept; having to share a husband; etc.

When Allah Almighty put the Law of four men to be witnesses against any woman charged with lewdness, and for two women being equivalent to one man in financial contracts, Allah Almighty wanted to ensure:

1-  The full and uncompromised integrity of the situation.
2-  The highest standards and most justice.

Men back then, and even today throughout the third-world countries, are far more intelligence and experience when dealing with financial transactions, and tradings between goods and money, and money with money, and goods with goods than women.  Women are more experienced in raising children, cooking, milking, shaving the wool and making pillows and blankets and sweaters (clothes) with them, and cleaning.  The Financial world is something they're not experienced in, and mathematics tend to be very confusing for all humans.  You need lots of experience to deal with mathematics and financial transactions and dealings.  Hence, one woman, in general, wasn't enough back then, and even today in many of the under-developed countries, where women don't go to schools and spend most of their adult lives in marriages and raising children.  This is true in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries.  This is why Allah Almighty Said "to remind or correct (tuthakkir) one of them the other".

Let us look at the Noble Verse in full context and in great details:

Noble Verse 2:282 "O ye who believe! When ye deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing; let a scribe write down faithfully as between the parties: let not the scribe refuse to write: as God Has taught him, so let him write. Let him who incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear His Lord God, and not diminish aught of what he owes. If they party liable is mentally deficient, or weak, or unable Himself to dictate, let his guardian dictate faithfully, and get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her. The witnesses should not refuse when they are called on (For evidence). Disdain not to reduce to writing (your contract) for a future period, whether it be small or big: it is juster in the sight of God, More suitable as evidence, and more convenient to prevent doubts among yourselves but if it be a transaction which ye carry out on the spot among yourselves, there is no blame on you if ye reduce it not to writing. But take witness whenever ye make a commercial contract; and let neither scribe nor witness suffer harm. If ye do (such harm), it would be wickedness in you. So fear God; For it is Good that teaches you. And God is well acquainted with all things. If ye are on a journey, and cannot find a scribe, a pledge with possession (may serve the purpose). And if one of you deposits a thing on trust with another, let the trustee (faithfully) discharge his trust, and let him Fear his Lord conceal not evidence; for whoever conceals it, - his heart is tainted with sin. And God knoweth all that ye do."


The actualy brain itself is not the point here.  This is what the ridiculous Islamophobes claim with their lies.  Otherwise, are we to believe that THREE MEN AREN'T INTELLIGENT ENOUGH TO TESTIFY AGAINST A PROSTITUTE?  Why must we have four men?  It's the standards and the integrity and the assurance of justice and fair dealing that matters here.  It's not about the intelligence of the individual.

If allah could bless marium with a son immaculately, how much more can he bless you as a woman? With allah, anything is possible. We, as women don't have to submit to men. Only submit to allah. He could if he wanted give you a child without using a man's sperm; give you food in abundance without your having ever worked a day in your life or having been someone's wife. Amin.

I am not really sure what agenda or point or perspective you're trying to push here.  It is not an insult for the woman to be a mother and a wife.  It is not an insult for the woman to breast feed her child for two mandatory years.  It is not an insult for the woman to be married to a man and get pregnant from him and raise a healthy and righteous society.  After all, IT WAS MY MOTHER, NOT MY FATHER, WHO RAISED ME!  SHE WAS THE ONE WHO ALSO HELPED ME WITH ALL OF MY HOMEWORKS.  She was the one who also made sure that I don't stay too late playing outside, and don't stray too far when playing with the other kids.  My father was busy working.  I see that as an honor for my mother, not an insult.  Only the destructive faminists of today, who are mostly divorced and lesbian losers, push such evil ideologies and agendas, which destroy marriages, and make women of today even far stupider than what they already are from all of the garbage that is fed to them.

Muslims like to ask christians questions, to question christianity. But, muslims should question muslims about islam. Question the dictatorship. Question the discrimination. Question the bloodshed. Question the poverty. Question the characters of the muslim scholars.

All questions are welcomed.  The more you ask, the more we'll prove to you that Islam is the ONE AND ONLY SOLUTION for all of mankind and this lost humanity, insha'Allah (if Allah Almighty is Willing).

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Antiaparteid

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2012, 01:20:22 AM »
Life is very different today. If women aren't "less adept" how can they become "stupider than they already are"? You see how muslim men think about women?

Muslim men like yourselves make women think that they cannot survive without men. I was just giving the message that Allah can bless a woman from his bounty. Allah can also answer our prayers.

There are plenty of business women today. Even if you cannot do math, you could hire someone to do the math. Muslim women should make something of their lives. So why are muslim men offended by the suggestion that women should have independence?

What I said about Marium wasn't to get women to ask Allah to give them children in a similar way. It was just an example of how Allah can make the impossible happen. I'm sure there are women who think that with the gender discrimination it is impossible to gain financial independence. So, I was just saying that "Allah blesses women". Is it wrong for me to believe that Allah should bless women? Or does Allah only bless men, and as a woman you should pray for a blessed man to provide for you? Connot Allah bless a woman directly? I wouldn't be surprised to read a reply stating how men are more blessed than women in islam.

The qur'an is so full of messages in favour of men. I was just highlighting that there is a message of hope for women in that very same qur'an. I was highlighting that men are not the anchors of women. Allah can provide for us, women. If we pray to him, He will grant us many blessings.

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2012, 02:47:16 AM »
This quote from the Holy Quran from sura 2:37

<quote> Every time that he [Zakariya] entered [Mary's] chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He said: "O Mary! Whence (comes) this to you?" she said: "From Allah, for Allah provides sustenance to whom he pleases without measure." <quote/>

demonstrates how Allah can bless anyone, even women.

Offline Final Overture

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2012, 08:30:39 AM »
This quote from the Holy Quran from sura 2:37

<quote> Every time that he [Zakariya] entered [Mary's] chamber to see her, he found her supplied with sustenance. He said: "O Mary! Whence (comes) this to you?" she said: "From Allah, for Allah provides sustenance to whom he pleases without measure." <quote/>

demonstrates how Allah can bless anyone, even women.

Who said that He doesn't bless them?
«We were the lowest of all people and then Allah gave us glory by Islam, and if we seek glory in anything other that what Allah has given us, Allah will disgrace us.» Umar ibn Khattab

Offline Antiaparteid

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2012, 09:17:38 AM »
Who said that He doesn't bless them? [quote/]

Who has said that He does them? It's not only about what is preached to muslim women that bothers me; It's also what isn't preached. I don't hear enough messages of hope spoken to muslim women. I was just saying what muslims don't say, and what muslims must hear--and, I'll keep doing so.

Offline Final Overture

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2012, 09:38:08 AM »
Who has said that He does them?
Allah Himself.
«We were the lowest of all people and then Allah gave us glory by Islam, and if we seek glory in anything other that what Allah has given us, Allah will disgrace us.» Umar ibn Khattab

Offline Antiaparteid

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2012, 10:25:19 AM »
Who said that He doesn't bless them? [quote/]

Who has said that He does them? It's not only about what is preached to muslim women that bothers me; It's also what isn't preached. I don't hear enough messages of hope spoken to muslim women. I was just saying what muslims don't say, and what muslims must hear--and, I'll keep doing so.

Offline mokko

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2012, 07:40:47 AM »
And by the way, I think I'll live harmoniously, married to an atheist. At least he'd respect my human and civil rights. And we'd make our own rules. I'd rather die than be with a man who quotes from some qur'an how he should undermine me.

That depends, if your man is darwinist, and has looked into evolutionary psychology, he could well insist on the "complementarity" of men and women, instead of their "equality". Do not equate rationality with feminism.

I advise you to make your own investigations about psychology of men and women. There are interesting scientific studies on the topic.

Offline Egyptian

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2012, 12:32:49 PM »
And by the way, I think I'll live harmoniously, married to an atheist. At least he'd respect my human and civil rights. And we'd make our own rules. I'd rather die than be with a man who quotes from some qur'an how he should undermine me.

That depends, if your man is darwinist, and has looked into evolutionary psychology, he could well insist on the "complementarity" of men and women, instead of their "equality". Do not equate rationality with feminism.

I advise you to make your own investigations about psychology of men and women. There are interesting scientific studies on the topic.

good point mokko .... thank you.

Offline Antiaparteid

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Re: Allah blesses women
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2012, 01:58:46 AM »
Is it not possible for two equals to complement each other? Are 5 and 5 not both the complements of ten? Are not two right angles complementary?


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