Author Topic: the joke about number 195 in verse 19:1  (Read 10054 times)

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Offline ahmed1991za

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the joke about number 195 in verse 19:1
« on: July 13, 2013, 08:18:02 AM »
salam aliakum brothers and sisters i saw this once on a Christan YouTube channel saying he discovered that verse 19:1 in the (Arabic) nobel quran have a message in it and that is decoding it using Aramaic number coding to the Arabic language here is the coding image

and he came up with this stupid thought by decoding the letters of verse 19:1 (كهيعص) in Arabic it well give the number 195 so he started searching for words equal to this number and he came up with this(المسيح ألهي) means (Jesus is my god) who stupid  :P :P now sense i gave you the link to the Aramaic coding of the Arabic let's see who we can twist it and make our own 195 words now please understand i will dive the words that equals 195 in Arabic first the translate it (it my give nonsense when translate it into English)
here is what we Arabic Muslims came up with

طه الحبيب نبي الله = 195
means:Taha beloved prophet of God

لّنبي هو محمد = 195
means: Prophet is Muhammad
NOW we will turn Muhammad (pbuh) into the real prophet of GOD
محمد نبي الهه = 195
means:Mohammed prophet of God

لمحمد حكمة = 195

 means:Mohammed wisdom

الإسلام جوابك = 195
means:Islam is your answer

لا اله الا الله وحب طه = 195
means:No God but God and love Taha

سلم لله = 195
means:Blessings of God
And the opinion of some Christians let's get some entertainment now ....

إن بولس دجال جدا = 195
means:Paul is a very charlatan

بولس جحد الله جدا جدا = 195
menas:Paul denies God very very much

طه نبي اطاح ببولس = 195
means:Taha prophet defeated Paul

Did you know that you are all can graduated in similar sentences and perhaps better than the same table, the total calculated 195!

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline nivera79

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Re: the joke about number 195 in verse 19:1
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2015, 12:37:15 PM »
And, what whas this christian attempting to proof with his video?

Offline Sh Truthseaker

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Re: the joke about number 195 in verse 19:1
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2015, 07:08:08 AM »
I liked it very much.But how to use this coding?

Offline nivera79

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Offline Sh Truthseaker

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Re: the joke about number 195 in verse 19:1
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2015, 11:18:51 AM »
Is it that the sum of the numerical values of every letters is 195?
     Just rearaange the the words  in   المسيح ألهي     so that it will become    اله المسيحي   (God of my messiah).
      Jut add 'harqaths'   -  (difficult to type harqaths on my keyboard)    it will become  Al-Maseehi-Ilahee (The messiah of my God ie, like saying,  the messenger of my God)       

Offline Sh Truthseaker

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Re: the joke about number 195 in verse 19:1
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2015, 09:33:38 AM »

      Jut add 'harqaths'   -  (difficult to type harqaths on my keyboard)    it will become  Al-Maseehi-Ilahee (The messiah of my God ie, like saying,  the messenger of my God)       

Sorry.A mistake.It should be Maseehul-Ilahee (The messiah of my God ie, like saying,  the messenger of my God)       

(please inform if there is any mistake in this)


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