
What is your Religion?

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2012, 01:37:44 PM »
But the twelvers and zaydis only believe that Ali should have succeeded the prophet, they recognize him as human and only human, although a human in which God has given divine wisdom and courage. However others, such as the alawis dont treat him as such. I repeat only a minority of the shia treat ali as a divine being, such as the alawis and possibly alevis.

I am not sure if I agree with this statement at all, akhi.  The shias clearly and indisputably WORSHIP Ahlul Bayt.  We see this in their crawling and bowing to the ground before Hussein's grave (may Allah Almighty's peace be upon him).  We also see it in their bloody beating and cutting of themselves and even THEIR CHILDREN!  Their response to this is that not even their children are equal even to the shoe that Hussein wore, or the sand that Hussein walked on.

This my brother is polytheism!

And by the way, YOU DON'T EVEN OWN your child nor your flesh and blood body!  IN the Holy Quran, even your body will testify for you and against you before Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgement: http://www.answering-christianity.com/are_private_sins_allowed.htmSo no, you can not beat the living crap out of your own body, nor cut your own child for the sake of Hussein's shoe, or buggers, or feces or morning breath, or even for Hussein himself.  You can't even do it for Muhammad himself, the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him.

You see, you just can't possibly not despise the shias and their filthy religion.  Sunnies are just too dumb and stupid and passive when it comes to Monotheism.  We let our ignorants worship graves, and we tolerate the shias' shirks.  We get easily fooled and shut up by BS such as:

"Well, as long as they say Allah is One and Muhammad is His Prophet, then we can't declare them infidels."

This my brother is the biggest load of garbage fed to Sunnis to shut them up and to scare them away from standing up for the FUNDAMENTALS OF ISLAM.  Just because one may bark that statement in red above, doesn't automatically make him/her a Muslim.  Hypocrites and Mushrikeen AMONG THE MUSLIMS, are mentioned in many Noble Verses in the Noble Quran.  And using this stupid logic, I don't see how even satan himself isn't a Muslim then!

The Zaydis and Twelves are just another rotten brand from the shias, akhi.  Their filth got exposed real bad in the Arab Spring.  Aside from their extreme hatered that they had hidden for us, we have COUNTLESS VIDEOS OF THEM calling unto Ali for help, and assuring each others that Ali is there for them. 

Like the Sunni Sheikh in the video that I posted said (the one in the very beginning of the video):  If they were geniune, then let them declare their innocence from these acts and books that teach such things.  If they don't, then their talk is no more than lies.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2012, 04:46:25 PM »
Im not arguing that some shia worship Ali, God be with him, and/or the Ahlul bayt, God be with them, however, I know that the Twelvers and Zaydis dont worship Ahlul Bayt, even their adhan and shahada is there is no god but (the) God.
Alawis treat Ali, God be with him, as divine, however they say that “We are Alawi Muslims. Our book is the Quran. Our prophet is Muhammad. The Ka`ba is our qibla, and our religion is Islam." Ali Sulayman al-Ahmad (syrian alawi muslim)
I cant say for sure they could be considered Muslims (Alawis at least), but Twelvers and Zaidis are muslims because for them, Ali, God be with him, is a righteous man, even, in terms of divinity less than the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
This also includes some Ismail sects.
as for others, i dont like to accuse them of being non believers because:
1. I'm not 100% sure (who can be), they could be just misguided, God knows best, its his judgment
2. Isn't it a sin to accuse those that call themselves Muslims to be believers or polytheists?
Anyway, God knows best, however, it think that you should at least change the name from "shia" to "Islam (Shia).

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2012, 05:22:04 PM »
Im not arguing that some shia worship Ali, God be with him, and/or the Ahlul bayt, God be with them, however, I know that the Twelvers and Zaydis dont worship Ahlul Bayt, even their adhan and shahada is there is no god but (the) God.
Alawis treat Ali, God be with him, as divine, however they say that “We are Alawi Muslims. Our book is the Quran. Our prophet is Muhammad. The Ka`ba is our qibla, and our religion is Islam." Ali Sulayman al-Ahmad (syrian alawi muslim)
I cant say for sure they could be considered Muslims (Alawis at least), but Twelvers and Zaidis are muslims because for them, Ali, God be with him, is a righteous man, even, in terms of divinity less than the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
This also includes some Ismail sects.
as for others, i dont like to accuse them of being non believers because:
1. I'm not 100% sure (who can be), they could be just misguided, God knows best, its his judgment
2. Isn't it a sin to accuse those that call themselves Muslims to be believers or polytheists?
Anyway, God knows best, however, it think that you should at least change the name from "shia" to "Islam (Shia).

As'salamu Alaikum dear brother,

Let me ask you this very simple question:  Do not the Shias, with ALL OF THEIR SECTS, celebrate Ashura in a bloody way?  The answer is yes.  Their pictures are all over the internet!  And in every Muslim country these pests exist in.  So the question here: Why?  What right do they have to beat the day lights out of their bodies (which is strictly forbidden in the Holy Quran as I demonstrated above), and cut their children?

And again and again I ask:  If they're indeed geniune, then how come they never once came out and denounced these practices and their books that call for these evil and blasphemous and idol-worshiping practices?  Aren't they liars playing taqiyyah on us?  I hope that you know that a shia is 100% permitted to lie to anyone and everyone anytime they wish.  It's in their book, and lying is a main pillar and foundation in their religion.

And what about the Holy Quran?  In part 2 of the video, which is only available in Arabic on my website, I have their top scholars also say despicable things about our Holy Quran.  You see to them, when the Mahdi returns, he will bring with him the True Quran, which is called Mushaf Fatimah.  It was named as such, because they believe that the Angel Gabriel came down to Fatimah after her father (Prophet Muhammad) died and dicated to her and to Ali the REAL QURAN.  I've see several debates on Youtube akhi regarding this subject.  They don't believe that the Quran that we Sunnis have as the 100% perfect Word of Allah Almighty.

By the way, most of the Arab Shias declare themselves to be twelvers.  So even the sects that you refer to are mixed up among them.  And their theological views are what I mentioend earlier:

1-  They come for pilgrimage to the grave of Hussein crawling on the floor and bowing down to him in worship.

2-  They beat themselves and their children with bloody beatings for Hussein and what happened at Karbala 1,400 years ago.

3-  They call unto Ali and the rest of Ahlul Bayt for:

(a)-  Help.
(b)-  Guidance.
(c)-  Protection.
(d)-  Mercy.

4-  IT IS VERY COMMON to see their names such as "AbdulFatimah", "AbdulZahra", etc...  They clearly elate these creations on the same level as Allah Almighty.  It's like me calling you brother Zulfiqar Subhanahu Wa Taaala.

5-  They call Ali Amir Al-Kawn (The Ruler and Lord of the Universe).

These are the mainstream shias in Arabia and in Iran.  This is what their top scholars who graduated from Qum and Najaf say akhi.  It doesn't get higher than that in authority akhi.  These are their top and best.  This is like graduating from the Vatican to the Roman Catholics.  It doesn't get any higher than this.

I hope this helps, insha'Allah.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Offline zulfiqarchucknorris

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2012, 08:02:58 PM »
Its true that all shias condone celebrating ashura in a bloody way, at least what i know of. (Although not all do, its not mandatory, just putting it out there).
However, the twelvers and the zaydis dont worship ali or the ahlul bayt.
However, we should know that the shia are not like the sunni, who only differ with each other in minor things. The shia differ extraordinary from each other, like how many imams their are, which hadith to follow.
And trust me, although im against the beliefs, i can honestly say that shia have bad press in ksa, i wouldnt trust anything that comes out of the ksa about the shia. And the people from qom are misquoted alot too, especially form the ksa press, not sure about najaf though.
and i studied shia beliefs and found the at least the Twelvers, Zaydis and some Ismailis do not worship ali or ahlul bayt but find them as people who should have succeeded the prophet, andwho have been blessed by divine wisdom.
I think that only the alawis call ali Amir Al-Kawn, i could bewrong on that one though.
about the quran please read the wikipedia article:

PS, i am not joking, iknow they exist but i have yet to find a shia that has those names.

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2012, 10:01:20 PM »
One is not a polytheist purely because he does not accept Abu Bakr as the successor of the prophet. I find it most ridiculous that you would call another Muslim a kaffir, which is strictly warned against in the Qur'an. Furthermore, "broad generalization" and "ad hominem" are logical fallacies which I thought only Christians loved overusing! A Shi'a is just one who believes Ali is the successor of the prophet. That's it. No more to it than that. You can take your propaganda elsewhere, probably answering-non-sunnis.net or something. I was wrong to defend Muslims. Qur'anists defend Islam, not Muslims. I JUST FINISHED debating with a Christian and I told him Muslims don't hate on other Muslims! I should go and apologize to him now!

Sunnism preaches no tolerance of others. Apostates = death. Gays = death. Non-Sunni = death. Non-Muslim = honored.

FACT: Rashad Khalifa was murdered for being a Quranist in 1990 by a Sunni terrorist group
from Wikipedia:
"His followers refer to him as God's Messenger of the Covenant [lie promoted by Sunnis].[6] He promoted a strict monotheism and was a prominent Quranist, rejecting the hadith and sunnah as fabrications attributed to prophet Muhammad by later scholars."
Hadith was made to divide mankind, all that "Kosher is haram" crap:
Quranists can eat food produced by Christians and Jews, as instructed in the ayah 5:5
Quranists do not hold that breastfeeding a non-related adult male will make him unmarriageable
Major punishments approved and applied by the orthodox Sunni and Shi'a madhabs for over a millennium that Quranists reject include:

    Stoning for adultery. Instead, Quranists follow the quran's prescribed punishment of 100 lashings[8][14] as the Quran does not differentiate between fornicators or adulterers in this punishment, by use of the word 'Zina' (Arabic: الزنا ) in surah 24:2. The orthodox Shariah law applies lashings only to fornicators as per the Quran, but stoning to adulterers as per Sunnah;
    The requirement that the four witnesses of zina must have seen clear penetration during the coitus (though this stringent requirement is rarely applied in practice), as the Quran only requires four witnesses to zina.
    Death penalty of homosexuals. The Quran mentions no punishment for homosexuality other than in a specific reference to prophet Lut's community, a punishment which God alone administers. Quranists instead tend to view that if homosexuality is a sin, that is punishable by God alone in the afterlife.
    Punishment for apostasy. The Qur'an says "Let there be no compulsion in religion" and does not mention an Earthly penalty for apostasy.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 02:31:08 AM by There is only one God »

Offline Tanveer

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #35 on: December 25, 2012, 04:44:10 AM »
Rashad Khalifa was killed because he believed he was the messenger of god you bum. He switched words such as muhammad with rashad. He'd have to be a quranist wouldnt he? The hadiths repeatedly say no more messengers/prophets shall come after Muhammad PBUH.
Do you get your material from JihadWatch? Zulfiqar made a topic called 'apostasy' and guess what? It was about apostasy. Go visit it. I laughed when i saw your little justice system.

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #36 on: December 25, 2012, 09:02:08 AM »
One is not a polytheist purely because he does not accept Abu Bakr as the successor of the prophet.

We never mentioned these politics in this discussion.  And for the record, I am one of the MANY Sunnies who believe that Ali should've been the first Caliph.  And I am also one of the MANY Sunnies who is on Ali's side anyday and anytime, and not on the side of Muawiyah's side.  But the difference between me and the Shias in this regard is:

1-  Muawiyah is still a Muslim.  No one can call him a kaafir.

2-  Ali's procrastination to go after the killers of Uthman is what caused for splits in his ranks.  This started in Madina when Aisha and 1,000 of the Believers went to Iraq to fight them.  Ali followed them and fought them instead.

3-  Abu Bakr fought the apostates and unified the Muslims.  Omar crushed Persia and Rome and spread Islam.  Uthman further spread Islam in Africa and Asia.  Ali, as a ruler, failed dismally in his rule and turned the Muslims on each others in one civil war after another during his rule.  Ali wasn't fit to be a ruler in my oppinion, and till this day we suffer because of his politcal rule.

4-  After Ali, peace be upon him, died, Muawiyah continued what Uthman started and opened Turkey and further defeated the Romans there.  The reason why many Europeans today are Muslims is because of Allah Almighty's Favour and Will first.  And then it is because of Muawiyah. 

(a)-  It is also worth mentioning that before Ali's and Muawiyah's clashes, Muawiyah (during Uthman's rule) was eyeing the heart of Rome itself (modern-day Italy).  He was planning on attacking it from Egypt (a mighty and powerful and rich nation during its days) from land and sea, but mostly the sea.  And he actually began funding and building a big Navy in Egypt.  This project was completely and forever halted because of the civil war that broke out.

I just want you to see these indisputable facts.  While I am with Ali with all my heart, but quite honestly, I JUST WISH HE NEVER RULED!

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #37 on: December 25, 2012, 09:49:12 AM »
One is not a polytheist purely because he does not accept Abu Bakr as the successor of the prophet.

1-  Muawiyah is still a Muslim.  No one can call him a kaafir.

I just want you to see these indisputable facts.  While I am with Ali with all my heart, but quite honestly, I JUST WISH HE NEVER RULED!

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

Right dude, I'll explain. Shiism is DEFINED by Ali as a successor. Implying anything else like they're "doomed to hell polytheists" or anything close is Ad Hominem. Second thing, I don't know how Muslims like you can attack other brothers. Being a Muslim for several months now, I still don't have the heart to attack Deism or any Deist, because I know, they're all my brothers, just like Shi'as. Of course, you can go ahead and add the propaganda pics, but don't blame me when they turn up a response showing Osama bin Laden and the Taliban (both Sunni) in THEIR sites. Btw, I would love to see you refute this, it's a hadith compilation:


And you attacked Rashad Khalifa as well. He never claimed to be a prophet, only a messenger. He is in no way a founder of a new cult, as when you discover his teachings, you will realize: we are ALL here to spread the message of Allah. We are ALL messengers (see it in  [34:28] of the Qur'an)

Good luck with that "everything else is false" attitude,

Offline Tanveer

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #38 on: December 25, 2012, 10:07:55 AM »
The fact that he altered the Quran makes him a 'heretic'
« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 10:11:19 AM by Tanveer »

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #39 on: December 25, 2012, 11:50:47 AM »
so did sahih bukhari taliban muttawa

Offline Tanveer

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #40 on: December 25, 2012, 11:57:34 AM »
so did sahih bukhari taliban muttawa
So true! The Prophet PBUH also ate pork AND Jesus PBUH is actually Ganesh.

God forbid anyone actually believing what I said and the crap that spews out of you.

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #41 on: December 26, 2012, 05:13:18 AM »
OK , time for the farce to be over ! You keep attacking Hadith and insult it . Didn't you read the name of the site ? It's "Answering CHRISTIANITY" for God's sake ! the efforts are directed toward Christians . If you want to have a conversation about Hadith and such . You have


And if you go "Curse this site ! It's Arabic ! Bring me something English !" then you have this site :


It may be Arabic but it has a section for different languages .

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #42 on: December 26, 2012, 06:03:17 AM »
Or you could go on shiachat

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #43 on: February 02, 2013, 02:34:05 AM »
They said, "O our father, ask for us forgiveness of our sins; indeed, we have been sinners." He said, "I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

Quran 12:97-98

Narrated By Anas: I heard the Prophet saying, "On the Day of Resurrection I will intercede and say, "O my Lord! Admit into Paradise (even) those who have faith equal to a mustard seed in their hearts." Such people will enter Paradise, and then I will say, 'O (Allah) admit into Paradise (even) those who have the least amount of faith in their hearts." Anas then said: As if I were just now looking at the fingers of Allah's Apostle.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 600

Duas are more likely to be accepted by Allah (SWT) from prophets (as) and Imams (as). Muslims can ask directly and they can ask through others more pious than them. Don’t Muslims ask pious Muslims to do this? Don’t Muslims ask those who fast to make dua for them? This is the same and the reason why Muslims do this is because they know the dua of those who fast or are more pious are more likely to be accepted. Shias do the same but ask the most pious of Muslims, the prophets (as) and the Imams (as). The misconception is that Shias make dua to the Imams (as) instead of Allah (SWT), Adhubillah, this is not the case but it’s understandable as people often judge by what they see while ignorant. Like seeing Shias praying on clay tablets, seems like they’re praying to it but rather they are praying on it.

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Re: POLL: What is your Religion?
« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2013, 02:52:11 AM »
To brother Osama,

In the defence of Ali (as), waliyillah

Al-Majlisi narrated from Al-Sadooq that Ali bin Hathram said: “I attended a council with Ahmed bin Hanbal. Ali bin Abi Talib was mentioned. He said: A Sunni could not be a true Sunni unless he held something negative regarding Ali in his heart.”

Bihar Al-Anwar, Volume 49, Page 261

Narrated By Abu Mijlaz: From Qais bin Ubad: 'Ali bin Abi Talib said, "I shall be the first man to kneel down before (Allah), the Beneficent to receive His judgment on the day of Resurrection (in my favor)." Qais bin Ubad also said, "The following Verse was revealed in their connection: "These two opponents believers and disbelievers) Dispute with each other About their Lord." (22.19) Qais said that they were those who fought on the day of Badr, namely, Hamza, 'Ali, 'Ubaida or Abu 'Ubaida bin Al-Harith, Shaiba bin Rabi'a, 'Utba and Al-Wahd bin Utba.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 304

Narrated By Salama: Ali happened to stay behind the Prophet and (did not join him) during the battle of Khaibar for he was having eye trouble. Then he said, "How could I remain behind Allah's Apostle?" So 'Ali set out following the Prophet, When it was the eve of the day in the morning of which Allah helped (the Muslims) to conquer it, Allah's Apostle said, "I will give the flag (to a man), or tomorrow a man whom Allah and His Apostle love will take the flag," or said, "A man who loves Allah and His Apostle; and Allah will grant victory under his leadership." Suddenly came 'Ali whom we did not expect. The people said, "This is 'Ali." Allah's Apostle gave him the flag and Allah granted victory under his leadership.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 57, Number 52
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 520

*Note the stature of Ali (as), he will be the first to be judged by Allah (SWT), before all other caliphs, he was also given the flag of leadership rather than Abu Bakr and Umar and was given victory by Allah (SWT), it was he who washed and shrouded the holy body of the prophet (saww) and then buried him while the other caliphs left before the burial and washing. After the burial Ali (as) collected the Quran, not Abu Bakr, Abu Bakr and Umar were getting people to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr:

After the death of the Holy Prophet (saww), Ali sat down in his house and said that he had sworn an oath that he would not put on his outdoor clothes or leave his house until he collects together the Quran.

Fat'hul Bari in Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari, by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Volume 10, Page 386
Al-Fihrist, by (Ibn) an-Nadim, Page 30
Al-Itqan, by al-Suyuti, Volume 1, Page 165
Al-Masahif, by Ibn Abi Dawood, Page 10
Hilyatul Awliya', by Abu Nu'aym, Volume 1, Page 67
Al-Sahibi, by Ibn Faris, Page 79
'Umdatul Qari, by al-Ayni, Volume 20, Page 16
Kanzul Ummal, by al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, Volume 15, Page 112-113
Al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Chapter 9, Section 4, Page 197
Ma'rifat al-Qurra' al-kibar, by al-Dhahabi, Volume 1, Page 31

Allah's Apostle (saww) said: "There will be affliction after me, therefore whenever it happens follow Ali bin Abi Talib because he separates between the truth and falsehood"

Kanz ul Ummal, Volume 11, Page 914 Number 32964
Kanz ul Ummal, Volume 11, Page 621 Number 33016

"Whoever obeys 'Ali, obeys me, whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, whoever disobeys 'Ali, disobeys me, whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah"

Kanz al-Ummal, Number 32973

The Messenger of Allah said to Ali: "Glad tiding O Ali! Verily you and your companions and your Shia (followers) will be in Paradise."

Fadha'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Volume 2, Page 655
Hilyatul Awliyaa, by Abu Nu'aym, Volume 4, Page 329
Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, Volume 12, Page289
Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, Volume 10, Page 21-22
Al-Sawa'iq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar Haythami, Chapter 11, Section 1, Page 247

The Messenger of Allah (saww) said: "The Shia of Ali are the real victorious in the day of resurrection/rising"

Yanabi al-Mawaddah, by al-Qundoozi al-Hanafi, Page 62

It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira that the Holy prophet (may peace be upon him) said: Whoso obeys me obeys God, and whoso disobeys me disobeys God. Whoso obeys the commander (appointed by me) obeys me, and whoso disobeys the commander disobeys me.

Sahih Muslim, Book 20, Number 4518

Zirr reported: 'Ali observed: By Him Who split up the seed and created something living, the Apostle(may peace and blessings be upon him) gave me a promise that no one but a believer would love me, and none but a hypocrite would nurse grudge against me.

Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Number 141

"We recognised the hypocrites by their hatred of Ali."

Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Volume 2, Page 639, Number 1086
Al-Istiab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, Volume 3, Page 47
Al-Riyad al-Nadirah, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, Volume 3, Page 242
Dhakha'ir al-Uqba, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, Page 91

The Messenger of Allah said: "Loving Ali is the sign of belief, and hating Ali is the sign of

Sahih Muslim, Volume 1, Page 48
Sahih Tirmidhi, Volume 5, Page 643
Sunan Ibn Majah, Volume 1, Page 142
Musnad, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Volume 1, Page 84
Musnad, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Volume 1, Page 95
Musnad, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Volume 1, Page 128
Tarikh al-Kabir, by al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Part 1, Page 202
Hilyatul Awliya', by Abu Nu'aym, Volume 4, Page 185
Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, Volume 14, Page 462

The prophet said: "Whoever I am his master, Ali is his master. O God! Love those who love him and be hostile to those who are hostile to him?"

Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Volume 2, Page 298
Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Volume 5, Page 63
Sunan Ibn Majah, Volume 1, Page 12
Sunan Ibn Majah, Volume 1, Page 43

Abu Huraira narrated: The Prophet (pbuh) looked towards Ali, al-Hassan, al-Hussein, and Fatimah (pbut), and said: "I am in the state of war with those who will fight you, and in the state of peace with those who are peaceful to you."

Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Volume 5, Page 699
Sunan Ibn Majah, Volume 1, Page 52
Fada'il al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Volume 2, Page 767, Number 1350
Al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, Volume 3, Page 149
Majma' al-Zawa'id, by al-Haythami, Volume 9, Page 169
Al-Kabir, by Tabarani, Volume 3, Page 30
Al-Awsat Jamius Saghir, by al-Ibani, Volume 2, Page 17
Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, Volume 7, Page 137
Sawai'q al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Chapter 11, Section 1, Page 221
Talkhis, by al-Dhahabi, Volume 3, Page 149
Dhakha'ir al-Uqba, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, Page 25
Riyadh al Nadhira Volume 2, Page 199, Chapter "Manaqib 'Ali"
Mishkat al-Masabih, by Khatib al-Tabrizi, English Version, Number 6145

*First note that “(pbut)” is mentioned in the hadith when referring to “Ali, al-Hassan, al-Hussein, and Fatimah (pbut)” so saying ‘pbuh’ to the members of the Ahlul-Bayt (as) is said even in Sunni sources. Note the prophet (saww) said "I am in the state of war with those who will fight you”, whoever is at war with the prophet (saww) is at war with Allah (SWT), this includes Yazid (la) and his father Muawiya (la). Aisha had a massive grudge against Ali (as) that she even went to “war” against him in the battle of the camel which claimed the lives of up to thirty thousand believers, she continued to hate him till she died and even hated his sons, she had shot an arrow on the tomb of Hassan Ibn Ali (as) from close range. Even during the life of the prophet she hated Ali (as) that she would not mention his name:

Narrated Az-Zuhari: Ubaidullah bin 'Abdullah told me that 'Aisha had said, "When the Prophet became sick and his condition became serious, he requested his wives to allow him to be treated in my house, and they allowed him. He came out leaning on two men while his feet were dragging on the ground. He was walking between Al-'Abbas and another man." 'Ubaidullah said, "When I informed Ibn 'Abbas of what 'Aisha had said, he asked me whether I knew who was the second man whom 'Aisha had not named. I replied in the negative. He said, 'He was 'Ali bin Abi Talib."

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 47, Number 761
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 745
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 727

*She even denied Ali (as) was the successor of the prophet as she wanted her father to be his successor:

Narrated Al-Aswad: It was mentioned in the presence of 'Aisha that the Prophet had appointed 'Ali as successor by will. Thereupon she said, "Who said so? I saw the Prophet, while I was supporting him against my chest. He asked for a tray, and then fell on one side and expired, and I did not feel it. So how (do the people say) he appointed 'Ali as his successor?"

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 736

The prophet (saww) had appointed his cousin, Ali, as the caliph over the Muslims after him and had ordered his companions and his wives to congratulate him for this leadership over the believers in Ghadir Khum. Abu Bakr was among the first people to say: "Congratulations, Congratulations to you, O son of Abu Talib. Today you became the master of every believing man and woman".

Musnad, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Volume 4, Page 281
Tafsir al-Kabir, by Fakhr al-Razi, Volume 12, Page 49-50
Mishkat al-Masabih, by al-Khateeb al-Tabrizi, Page 557
Habib al-Siyar, by Mir Khand, Volume 1, Part 3, Page 144
Kitabul Wilayah, by Ibn Jarir al-Tabari
Al-Musannaf, by Ibn Abi Shaybah
Al-Musnad, by Abu Ya'ala
Hadith al-Wilayah, by Ahmad Ibn 'Uqdah
Tarikh, by Khateeb al-Baghdadi, Volume 8, Page 29 from Abu Huraira
Tarikh, by Khateeb al-Baghdadi, Volume 8, Page 596 from Abu Huraira

"Ata Ibn Yasar, who says that a certain person came to Aisha and began to use impudent and abusive words for Ali while Ammar, was in her presence. She said to him: "As regards Ali, I have nothing to tell you, but as regards Ammar, I have heard the Messenger of Allah saying about him that if he has to make a choice between two things he will always choose that which is better from the point of view of good guidance and salvation."

Musnad, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Volume 6, Page 113

The Prophet of Allah (saww) beckoned to Ali to come close. He came close until he sat between him and Aisha, and he and the Prophet (saww) were clung together. She said to him "Can you not find a seat for this one except on my thigh?" Ibn Abil Hadid also reported that one day the Prophet of Allah (saww) was walking with Imam Ali and the conversation became prolonged. Aisha approached as she was walking from behind until she came between them saying: "What is it between you two that you are taking so long?" Upon this the Prophet of Allah (saww) became angry.

Sharh Ibn Abil Hadid, Volume 9, Page 195

Abu Bakr once came to the Prophet of Allah (saww), and sought permission to enter. Before he went in, he heard Aisha's voice raised, saying to the Prophet (saww): "By Allah! I surely know that Ali is dearer to you than me and my father", she repeated this twice or three times".

Musnad Ahmad Hanbal, Volume 4, Page 275

*When Aisha heard of the assassination of Imam Ali (as), she knelt and thanked Allah!!! See History of al-Tabari and the History of Ibn al-Athir on the events of the year 40 AH. She did the same when she heard his wife Fatima Al-Zahra (as) had died from the attack of Umar. She was also involved in intercepting the funeral procession of al-Hassan, the leader of the Heaven's youth, by ordering her followers to shoot arrows on his coffin and she had shot an arrow herself from close range and she also prevented his burial beside his grandfather (the Prophet (saww)), and she said: "Do not let anybody that I don't like enter my house."

Narrated Abu Huraira Ad-Dausi: Once the Prophet went out during the day. Neither did he talk to me nor I to him till he reached the market of Bani Qainuqa and then he sat in the compound of Fatima's house and asked about the small boy (his grandson Al-Hassan) but Fatima kept the boy in for a while. I thought she was either changing his clothes or giving the boy a bath. After a while the boy came out running and the Prophet embraced and kissed him and then said, 'O Allah! Love him, and love whoever loves him.'

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 34, Number 333
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 57, Number 90-92
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 72, Number 772

*Ali (as) also thought bad of Abu Bakr and Umar:

...They said: Yes. Then he adjured Abbas and 'All as he had adjured the other persons and asked: Do you both know this? They said: Yes. He said: When the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) passed away, Abu Bakr said: "I am the successor of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)." Both of you came to demand your shares from the property (left behind by the Messenger of Allah). (Referring to Hadrat 'Abbas), he said: You demanded your share from the property of your nephew, and he (referring to 'Ali) demanded a share on behalf of his wife from the property of her father. Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) had said: "We do not have any heirs; what we leave behind is (to be given in) charity." So both of you thought him to be a liar, sinful, treacherous and dishonest. And Allah knows that he was true, virtuous, well-guided and a follower of truth. When Abu Bakr passed away and (I have become) the successor of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) and Abu Bakr (Allah be pleased with him), you thought me to be a liar, sinful, treacherous and dishonest....

Sahih Muslim, Book 19, Number 4349-4350

*Sunni scholars will reply to their own hadith by saying Ali (as) named three of his sons, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. This is true but we will ridicule this logic. First Abu Bakr is a kunya, a kind of nickname meaning the father of Bakr so this just shows the scholars who don’t speak Arabic don’t speak Arabic. For the case of Umar and Uthman, was there only one Umar and one Uthman? Their names were widely used, their names weren’t like Hussein which was given by Gabriel (as) to Muhammad (saww) to name the son of Ali (as) after Ali (as) wanted the prophet (saww) to name Hussein (as), a name never used before. One of the governors put in position by Ali (as) had the name Uthman so Ali (as) had loyal companions called Umar and Uthman. Furthermore, Ali (as) said he did not call one of his sons Uthman after the tyrant Uthman, however this is from a Shia hadith so you can choose to ignore it even though we have proved Uthman was a tyrant. Many Sunni hadiths are found in Shia books by the way, only the lies and fabrications are not included. In final, Ali (as) did not name his sons after the three tyrants, nor did the three tyrants name their sons Ali.

Ali (as) is not childish like Muawiya (la) who would curse Ali (as) and encourage people to ridicule anyone with the name Ali so much so people would name their sons Ali just to curse them. One should hate one’s deeds and not his appearance or name. For example, I hate Muhammad Ibn AbdulWahhab (la), the founder of the terrorist sect Wahhabism named after the founder. However that does not mean I will never name my son Muhammad, the name of the last prophet (saww), or AbdulWahhab, Al-Wahhab being one of the names of Allah (SWT). So if someone is your enemy, it doesn’t mean you hold a grudge against their name and curse anyone with that name like Muawiya (la). It can still be said; why did the prophet (saww) marry two of his daughter to Uthman, why did Lut (as) offer his daughter to the unbelievers?

The prophet (saww) said: "Allah have mercy on Ali. Allah make the right and truth with Ali in all situations".

Sunan al Tirmidhi, Volume 5, Page 297

The Prophet told Ali : "You shall inform my nation about the truth and what they dispute after me."

Kanzul Ummal, by Ali Muttaqi al Hind, Volume 2, Page 612 (Korab Dhieri, Multan)
Al Mustadrak al Hakim, Volume 3, Page 122

This was to prove the greatness of Ali (as), please reply to this and the intercessing Shias do, then I will move on to another topic being misconceptions of Shia and then after that I will move on to Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Aisha. I don't curse them in my work as I know you love them too much.


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