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Offline Wahrani

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Is the Qur’an violent?
« on: June 30, 2021, 10:12:13 AM »
In my exchanges with a Christian religious apologist, a discussion on violence in religion, he did not fail to quote part of the verses of Sura 5.32 in order to accuse us of passing Islam as a peaceful religion. and which in his eyes this is far from being the Truth, he said while adding that verse 32 of sura 5 is often brandished by defenders of Islam, in an incomplete way, to make believe that the murder is forbidden in Islam and that whoever kills a man, it is as if he had killed all mankind. Murder is obviously not forbidden in Islam as these people want us to believe - he concluded!

So as we can see with my Christian antagonist, it is about debates of ideas, to convince the other, to make admit a policy or a reality, Islam recommends to choose the best style, the good thought, smile and the right attitude as it says in verse 125 “and discuss with them in the best way.” Islam recommends wisdom and the right exhortation:
"And tell my servants to speak the best of the best words", (Qur'an 53:17).
And the Qur’an also continues: "Repel evil with what is best".

Reading such lines, we are very far from the Qur'an which literally horrifies on the other hand we can also see that reason is not the obstacle to faith in Islam, but is a necessary condition (for example , Qur'an, 2.44; 3.190; 16.12-13, 67; 20.54; 45.5).
Before any gratuitous condemnation, it would be important that we must first separate individual cases and personal interpretations from actual religion, so it is necessary not to condemn so much a book or text solely to literal, figurative or simply a result. It is not enough to take a few passages from the Qur'an to make it say something that it is not really saying. Again, opponents who take a verse out of context, and out of its legal understanding, are in there. 'error, but just as the detractors, who in all ignorance and puffed up with pride, take the verses out of context, and ignore all the rules of Islam, thinking that the Fiqh (jurisprudence), stop reading a single isolated verse.

The Qur'an is read and understood as a whole, in the sense that one must take into account everything that God says in his revealed Book. Thus, when the killing of criminals is expressed, there is also expressed forgiveness, mercy, and the alternative which preserves the life of even the criminal is better in the sight of Allah. For Islam the human person has absolute value, because the individual reflects humanity as a whole: “The value of the individual is neither numerical, nor rational, nor social; it is a gift from God himself, a gift for human beings as such - regardless of cultural peculiarities, historical significance or striking self-confidence.

In the case of Islam, the Qur'an is the ultimate and only authority which recommends that the worst sins are to associate or associate others with God and to assume the role of God in it. interpretation and application of the divine Message is the greatest form of blasphemy. Again, this is not the Book, but the interpretation of men. We must not forget that Islam is a peaceful religion which aims to give man moral standards of exceptional quality.

The first verse of the Qur'an, "The Opening" explains this very well by dividing people into two categories:
1. Those whom God has blessed!
2. Those who have gone astray!

However, the actions of the followers of radical religious (terrorists, etc.) cannot be attributed to violence in the religion who in fact remain idolaters in strictly Koranic terms because they associate others (namely their leaders) with God. instead of going to the source themselves, i.e. the authority of the Qur'an instead of treating the precepts of the Qur'an as a guideline instead of a definitive Book.

The story of the sons of Adam (Hâbîl and Qâbîl) appears in Sura 5 (Verses 30-35), here is what the Qur'an reports:

27 And tell them the story of Adam's two sons truthfully. Both offered sacrifices; that of one was accepted and that of the other was not. This one said, "I will surely kill you." - "Allah accepts," said the other, "only from the pious. "

30 His soul prompted him to kill his brother. So he killed him and thus became one of the losers.

32 This is why We have prescribed for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a person not guilty of murder or corruption on the earth, it is as if he had killed all men. And whoever gives him life, it is as if he gives life to all men. Indeed Our messengers came to them with the proofs. And then lo and behold, in spite of that, many of them began to commit excesses on the earth. "

The Qur'an, once again proves that those who kill (or kill themselves) in the name of a sacred demand betray the very message of Islam which firmly prohibits murder. and it is verse 33 that does indeed speak of what the enemies of Islam suffer who also strive to corrupt the earth:

33 "The reward of those who make war against Allah and His Messenger, and who endeavor to sow corruption on the earth, is that they are killed, or crucified, or their hand and leg are cut off. opposites, or that they be expelled from the country. It will be ignominy for them here below; and in the hereafter there will be a tremendous retribution for them, "

However, verse 34 states as mercy and compassion:
34. Except those who repented before falling into your power: know that then Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. "

The Qur'an indeed treats very cruelly this sinful group which it regards as the enemy of Allah.
But to call it a cruel book because of it, you have to ignore a very crucial element in the rest of the book that compensates for this cruelty at every turn: God in the Quran, besides being all-powerful, all-knowing etc. is also all compassionate and all merciful. In fact, these two are the most repeated properties of God. Each chapter begins with the sentence: “In the name of God, the most merciful, the most merciful ..

So yes, you can focus on a specific verse against the enemies of God and call the Qur'an cruel if you wish. But it wouldn't be good judgment when you also know that those who are subjected to this cruelty are also offered endless opportunities to repent at a superhuman level of mercy and compassion.

Apart from the Quran, the prophet of Islam illustrated the mercy of God by saying that "All your sins are forgiven if you remove a thorn from your neighbor's path."
So murder in Islam is forbidden, but in times of war enemies can be killed (in combat), the worst criminals among them can be executed (by the competent authorities, and by the average Muslim, just like all states of the earth practice it or practiced it).

But a person who surrenders, and abandons his crimes, cannot be condemned to death, since taking the life that Allah has made sacred is forbidden (except rightly as stated before) as Allah says in verse 151 of the sura 6: "151.
Say: “Come on! I will repeat to you what your Lord has made you a sacred duty: do not associate anything with Him; treat your fathers and mothers with kindness; do not kill your children because of need: We will provide you and theirs for a living; stay away from turpitude, whether apparent or hidden; do not kill anyone, for God has made a person sacred, except in the exercise of a legitimate right. "This is what God has prescribed for you. Perhaps you will reason! "

In sura 5, verse 32 actually refers to a prescription made to the Hebrews. But what do we learn when we put this verse in its full context, which is no more and no less than Sura 5 in its entirety?
Well, there we learn about the existence of verses adhering to the one exposed above, and we learn about the attitude to adopt in the face of the prescription given to the Hebrews.

Indeed, verse 59 tells us this:
59. Say: “O People of the Book! Do you blame us for anything other than believing in Allah, what has been sent down to us and what has been sent down before? But most of you are perverts.

The question arises: What has Allah sent down before?

It would be good to know how a verse could not find its meaning without placing it in its context which is the entire sura, and well we discover as by magic that verse 44 sheds light on the nature of what has been descended before:

44. We have sent down the Torah in which there is guide and light. It is on this basis that the prophets who have submitted to Allah, as well as the rabbis and doctors judge the affairs of the Jews. For they have been entrusted with the care of the Book of Allah, and they are witnesses of it. So don't fear the people, but fear Me. And don't sell My teachings for a cheap price. And those who do not judge according to what Allah has sent down, these are the disbelievers. "
So here the Torah, and other verses complete the nature of what has been descended before, like verse 46 and verse 47:

"46. And We sent after them Jesus, son of Mary, to confirm what was in the Torah before him. And We gave him the Gospel, where there is guide and light, to confirm what was in the Torah before him, and a guide and an exhortation for the pious. "

47. Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah has sent down there. Those who do not judge according to what Allah has revealed, these are the perverts. "

Finally, verse 48 seals the outcome of this debate, because it confirms the Qur'an confirms what was sent down before it:

48. And upon you (Muhammad) We sent down the Book with the truth, to confirm the Book which was there before him and to prevail over it. Judge therefore among them according to what Allah has revealed. Do not follow their passions, far from the truth that has come to you. To each of you We have assigned a law and a plan to follow. If Allah had willed, He would certainly have made you all one community. But He wants to test you in what He gives you. so compete in good deeds. All of you return to Allah; then He will let you know what you were deviating from. "

So we see here, that if the Jews had a prescription not to harm the life of an innocent person, this prescription systematically applies to Muslims, as proof, in the same sura, the law of retaliation is stipulated there:

45. And We have prescribed for them life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear, tooth for tooth. Injuries fall under the law of retaliation. Afterwards, whoever renounces it out of charity, it will earn him an atonement. And those who do not judge according to what Allah has revealed, these are the unrighteous. "

There is talk of a prescription still addressed to the children of Israel, the Qur'an reveals about the law of Talion for Muslims?

“O you who believe! You have been prescribed retaliation on the subject of the slain: free man for free man, slave for slave, woman for woman. »(Sura Al Baqara, verse 178)

So the laws that apply to the Hebrews do apparently apply to Muslims apparently and I believe the true Muslim view above is very much in accord with the biblical view.
Conclusion: The Qur'an is by no means violent just stupid people are !!!!!!


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Re: Is the Qur’an violent?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2021, 02:44:00 AM »
Jazaka Allah Khayr, dear brother Wahrani.


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