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Don't worry ... the point was cleared in another thread

please..check the following link ,,88.msg231.html#msg231


the meaning of MOUSI'OONA (موسعون ) in Noble Verse 51:47 ,could be understood in two ways ..

either " expanding"  which is the usual meaning of the word ,and it could mean " we are able " as well...


Has a single muslim before 1920 translated it as expanding ?

Yes of course ...

the meaning according to some old Quranic tafsir (the following is the arabic quotes are translated into English):

1- Tafsir muqatel ibn solaiman (year AD 767)

means: we are able to expand it as we want.

 تفسير مقاتل بن سليمان/ مقاتل بن سليمان (ت 150 هـ
{ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ } [آية: 47] يعني نحن قادرون على أن نوسعها كما نريد

2- Tafsir Bahr alolum , (year 985)

means: we are able to expand it as we will.

(فسير بحر العلوم/ السمرقندي

{ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ } يعني نحن قادرون على أن نوسعها كما نريد

3- Tafsir alfayruz abadi (year 1414)

means : we we are expanding it as we will.

{ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ } لها ما نشاء

 تفسير القرآن/ الفيروز آبادي (ت817

4- Tafsir Alnukat waloyon (year 1058)

means : we are able to make the heaven expanding more that it is already expanded.

 تفسير النكت والعيون/ الماوردي (ت 450 ه)
الثاني: لموسعون السماء، قاله ابن زيد.

الثالث: لقادرون على الاتساع بأكثر من اتساع السماء.

5 - Tafsir Alqasemy : (year 1913 )

means: we are able to expand it, more than it is already expanded.

 تفسير محاسن التأويل / محمد جمال الدين القاسمي (ت 1332هـ
 { وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ } أي: لقادرون على الإيساع، كما أوسعنا بناءها

6- Tafsir Altabarani (year 970)

means :we expand the heaven in every direction.

 تفسير التفسير الكبير / للإمام الطبراني (ت 360 ـ)

 { وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ }؛ في السَّماء على الأرضِ في كلِّ جهاتٍ

Etc ,etc,etc .......................



good new Bro Osama ......though huge efforts should be done....

I suggest:

1- the site should has the same simple look of the critical nonemuslim site of wikiislam... the over usage of colors,  big fonts ,links interuppting the topic,images  should be avoided .

2- After reading some of wikiislam ,some of the articles there seem to be of cooperative efforts of several persons... and that should be done on your site as well....

3- the titles of topics should be exactly the same design and order of the the critical nonemuslim site of wikiislam,with the difference that the content be a refutation explanation to the topics therin.
for example the antiislam site put the following links

Contradictions and Inconsistencies

    Flat Earth and the Qur'an
    The Geocentric Qur'an
    Dhul-Qarnayn and the Sun Controversy
    Embryology in the Qur'an
    Questions to Ask a Muslim
    Qur'anic Claim of Everything Created in Pairs
    Qur'an and the Big Bang

the design of the islamic site should be nearly the same

Flat or round Earth in the Qur'an?
    The Geocentric Qur'an
    Dhul-Qarnayn and the Sun Controversy
    Embryology in the Qur'an
   answering questions asked to Muslim
    Qur'anic Claim of Everything Created in Pairs
    Qur'an and the Big Bang

and let me repeat the precious advice of  the member "Student of Ilm"

Use only the opinions of the Ulema, the scholars, and cold hard facts. Information according to traditional Islaam, the Qur'an, authentic Sunnah and the Salaf, or even contemporary opinions, but make sure you do both. As well as correct "perceptions". Make sure the English is near perfect, that it looks clean and professional, presented very well.




Assalam alaikum
What do you suggest for a muslim to explain that trinity is wrong ?

Alaikom assalaam wr wb

Thank you for that question ... 

First: It is not your duty to prove trinity as wrong , it is the burden on the shoulder of those (trinitarians) who claim it does exist .......  it is exactly as the matter of the existence of God, it is the believer who should provide proofs for his existence.
"the burden of proof lies on him who asserts"

The only proof suggested for the trinity ,is quouting the bible ,that is certainly a book of beliefs not a book of science ,in order to check and verify its truth .... you will never find the triune god to be examined into a laboratory ....  it is only a matter of faith ...

Third : as I wrote before ,it is absolutely wrong to use the bible either to support the trinity or to negate its existence .....  as the best you can do is to prove that the trinity does or doesn't exist in the bible ...    Unicorns is mentioned in the bible ,but does it mean that they do exist(ed) ?

Fourth : It is again wrong to argue that trinity doesn't exist because it seems illogical , as some of the matters of the unseen (even in Islam) seems illogical ,inaccessible to the human minds (including the creator who has no beginning) etc...

Fifth: So what is the proper way to question the trinity ?

Trinity is a matter of the unseen isn't it? if so we have a great instrument to disprove it ...... let's read the following precious words written by christians themselves:

“the very nature of inspiration renders the bible infallible, inspiration involved infallibility from start to finish, if inspiration allows for possibility of errors ;then inspiration ceases to be inspiration.
Harold Lindsell, The Battle for the Bible

“Even if the errors are supposedly in ‘minor’ matters, any error opens the Bible to suspicion on other points which may not be so ‘minor.’ If inerrancy falls, other doctrines will fall too.” If we can’t trust Scripture in things like geography, chronology, and history, then how can we be sure we can trust it in its message of salvation and sanctification?
Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology, Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1987, electronic media.

Again. a belief in limited inerrancy demands the impossible__that a fallible exegete become an infallible discerner and interpreter of (the word of God)within the scripture .This opens the door for confusion and uncertainty ,undergirded by either subjectivism or personal bias.
Indeed can the holy spirit inspire error; can the spirit of truth inspire untruth.?
Handbook of Biblical Evidences By John Ankerberg, John Weldon

If the biblical record can be proved fallible in areas of fact that can be verified, then it is hardly to be trusted in areas where it cannot be tested. As a witness for God, the Bible would be discredited as untrustworthy. What solid truth it may contain would be left as a matter of mere conjecture, subject to the intuition or canons of likelihood of each individual. An attitude of sentimental attachment to traditional religion may incline one person to accept nearly all the substantive teachings of Scripture as probably true. But someone else with equal justification may pick and chose whatever teachings in the Bible happen to appeal to him and lay equal claim to legitimacy. One opinion is as good as another. All things are possible, but nothing is certain if indeed the Bible contains mistakes or errors of any kind  (Gleason Archer ,Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties pp. 23-24).

"... But how do you know Jesus except as he is presented to you in the Bible? If the Bible is not God's Word and does not present a picture of Jesus Christ that can be trusted, how do you know it is the true Christ you are following? You may be worshipping a Christ of your own imagination." (Does Errancy Matter by James Boice, page 24)

To apply such reasonable rule on the the matter under discussion (trinity) ... we can prove that the new testament is fallible in areas of fact that can be verified in order then it is hardly to be trusted in areas where it cannot be tested.

let's be specific,ok? 

what is the specific area that can't be tested ? It is the trinity ..

what is the specific suggested area ,that is strongly related to the matter,wheret the bible can be verified?

it is the claim of Jesus being the Davidic Messiah ..... what does that mean?

If Jesus is believed by the writers of the new testament as the long awaited Davidic messiah king (will be proved to be false) ,and "assuming" it is believed by them to be God as well..... Isn't proving the first to be false strongly requires the second to be false too? If Jesus is not the so called Davidic messiah,that logically leads to him not being the so called incarnated God ,as well.....isn't it?
test the so called divine Jesus ,if he failed as the davidic messiah he would fail as God as well....

Jesus as being the Davidic messiah is not a matter of the unseen , it is easily to be verfied ,just one need to read what the old testament prophecized regarding the Davidic awaited messiah and what the writer of the new testament claimed that Jesus did.....

If you compare what Jesus is written to be done and what  the  so called is supposed to do will find out that he can't be that predicted messiah ....

AGAIN the best to way to refute the trinity :

Is to test the so called divine Jesus (a matter of the unseen) ,if he failed as the davidic messiah( a matter can be verified) he would fail as God as well..

here is my detailed thread refuting the concept that Jesus was the predicted old testament Davidic king messiah..,27.0.html

Assalam alaikum

welcome arsalanmoiz to the thread

Hello everyone

I just want to say that whenever there is a discussion/debate regarding trinity, Jesus pbuh and God Almighty is mentioned. Even Christians won't be bringing in the third part of the Trinity - Spirit ....
and that is obviously because there is no such proof from the bible that can make Spirit to form Trinity.   

 Christians do bring a so called textual support from the bible to prove the divinity of the holy spirit ,though with less focus than the focus on the divinity of Jesus. as they view Jesus as superior in role than the holy spirit ,in spite of their being from the same essence !

Although christians bring up biblical verses in attempt to prove that Jesus pbuh was god, but what about Spirit, which is mentioned in the bible,   there is absolutely no such verse I ever heard from bible that would indicate that Spirit that bible talks about is divine, it's god !!!   

If no such proof for showing the Spirit God , then obviously no trinity. :)

 what if there is such proof that the spirit (also Jesus) is God in the bible ? does it make a difference for the muslim?
my arguments in the thread say; no  difference,  unless someone would convince me otherwise.


GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Clearfication on a hadith
« on: March 26, 2013, 10:32:45 AM »

Regarding the Hadith in musnad Ahmed ....

the text in Arabic

عن فسيلة أنها سمعت أباها يقول سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقلت يا رسول الله أمن العصبية أن يحب الرجل قومه قال لا ولكن من العصبية أن يعين قومه على الظلم

the degree of authenticy according to the scholars as following:

1- Al-albani weakened it ,in 2 of his books ,the first is "daeef ibn magah" ,the second is "daeef Abu Daood"

2- Imam Alhaithamy weakened it too in his book "Mujamma alzawaed"

3- Ib udai , in his book "Alkamel fel doafaa" said that the hadith degree is not bad.

يا رسول الله ! أمن العصبية أن يحب الرجل قومه ؟ قال : لا ، ولكن من العصبية أن يعين الرجل قومه على الظلم
الراوي: واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي أبو فسيلة - خلاصة الدرجة: ضعيف - المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: ضعيف ابن ماجه - الصفحة أو الرقم: 787

يا رسول الله ما العصبية قال أن تعين قومك على الظلم
الراوي: واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي أبو فسيلة - خلاصة الدرجة: ضعيف - المحدث: الألباني - المصدر: ضعيف أبي داود - الصفحة أو الرقم: 5119

وقال الهيثمي في مجمع الزوائد في الحديث (يا رسول الله ما العصبية قال أن تعين قومك على الظلم):
رواه أبو يعلى والطبراني وفيه عبيد بن القاسم وهو مترو

عن فسيلة أنها سمعت أباها يقول سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقلت يا رسول الله أمن العصبية أن يحب الرجل قومه قال لا ولكن من العصبية أن يعين قومه على الظلم
الراوي: واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي - خلاصة الدرجة: [فيه] زياد بن الربيع لا أرى بأحاديثه بأسا - المحدث: ابن عدي - المصدر: الكامل في الضعفاء - الصفحة أو الرقم: 4/144

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Clearfication on a hadith
« on: March 25, 2013, 09:15:22 AM »

Salam  zulfiqar

regarding the hadith , it can be found in the following sources:

1- "daeef Al Adab Al Mofrad" by Al albanai , it is classified as weak ,and I found no mention there for the reasons.

1 - قلت : يا رسول الله ! أمن العصبية أن يعين الرجل قومه على ظلم ؟ قال نعم
الراوي:    واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي أبو فسيلة المحدث:الألباني - المصدر: ضعيف الأدب المفرد - الصفحة أو الرقم: 60
خلاصة حكم المحدث: ضعيف

the other sources are: "Tahzeeb alkamal" by Almzi ,and is classified as weak ,as the sanad contains ,Ebad ib katheer  ,who is considered untrustworthy.

2 - سألتُ رسولَ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم أمِن العصبيَّةِ أن يُحِبَّ الرَّجلُ قومَه قال لا ولكن العصبيَّةَ أن يُعينَ الرَّجلُ قومَه على الظُّلمِ
الراوي:    واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي أبو فسيلة المحدث:المزي - المصدر: تهذيب الكمال - الصفحة أو الرقم: 9/421
خلاصة حكم المحدث: [فيه] عباد بن كثير قال ابن معين ليس به بأس وقال أبو زرعة ضعيف الحديث وقال البخاري فيه نظر وقال النسائي ليس بثقة

the other source is "Daeef Ibn magah" by Alalbani ...again is classified as weak.

3 - سألتُ النَّبيَّ صلَّى اللَّهُ عليْهِ وسلَّمَ فقلتُ يا رسولَ اللَّهِ أمنَ العصبيَّةِ أن يحبَّ الرَّجلُ قومَهُ قالَ لا ولَكن منَ العصبيَّةِ أن يعينَ الرَّجلُ قومَهُ على الظُّلمِ
الراوي:    واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي أبو فسيلة المحدث:الألباني - المصدر: ضعيف ابن ماجه - الصفحة أو الرقم: 787
خلاصة حكم المحدث: ضعيف

the next source is "Alkamel fe elduafaa" by Ibn Udai ,and is classified as not bad!.

4 - عن فسيلة أنها سمعت أباها يقول سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فقلت يا رسول الله أمن العصبية أن يحب الرجل قومه قال لا ولكن من العصبية أن يعين قومه على الظلم
الراوي:    واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي أبو فسيلة المحدث:ابن عدي - المصدر: الكامل في الضعفاء - الصفحة أو الرقم: 4/144
خلاصة حكم المحدث: [فيه] زياد بن الربيع لا أرى بأحاديثه بأسا

the next source sunna abu Daood: classified as fine.

7 - قلت يا رسول اللهِ ما العصبية قال أن تعين قومك على الظلم
الراوي:    واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي أبو فسيلة المحدث:أبو داود - المصدر: سنن أبي داود - الصفحة أو الرقم: 5119
خلاصة حكم المحدث: سكت عنه [وقد قال في رسالته لأهل مكة كل ما سكت عنه فهو صالح]


Have we finished?  not yet

let's check other hadith condemning "asabiyyah", the blind patriotism extreme nationlism,

the following hadith is Narrated in Sahih muslim ,Musnad Ahmed ,Sahih aljame by Al albani .... all classified as Sahih:

Whosoever fights under the banner of the blind, becoming angry for partisanship ('asabiyah i.e tribal-ship), calling towards it, or supporting it and then dies, he dies a death of (one in) the Days of Ignorance (Jahiliyah)." [ Sahih Muslim(6/21)]

11 - من قُتِلَ تحتَ رايةٍ عميّةٍ ، يدعو عصبيّةً ، أو ينصُر عصبيّةً ، فقتلةٌ جاهلية
الراوي:    جندب بن عبدالله المحدث:مسلم - المصدر: صحيح مسلم - الصفحة أو الرقم: 1850
خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح

8 - قلتُ يا رسولَ اللَّهِ ما العصبيَّةُ قالَ أن تعينَ قومَكَ على الظُّلمِ
الراوي:    واثلة بن الأسقع الليثي أبو فسيلة المحدث:ابن مفلح - المصدر: الآداب الشرعية - الصفحة أو الرقم: 1/81
خلاصة حكم المحدث: حسن

9 - مَن فارَقَ الجمَاعَةَ وخرَجَ من الطاعَةِ فماتَ فميتُتُهُ جاهليةٌ ومَن خَرَجَ علَى أمتِي بسيفِهِ يضربُ برَّهَا وفاجِرَهَا لا يُحَاشِى مؤمنًا لإيمانِهِ ولا يَفِي لذِي عهدٍ بعهدِهِ فليسَ مِن أمتِي ومَن قُتِلَ تحتَ رايةٍ عِمِّيَّةٍ يغضَبُ للعَصَبيَّةِ أو يُقَاتِلُ للعصبِيَّةِ أو يدعو إلى العصبيَّةِ فقِتْلَةُ جاهليةٍ
الراوي:    أبو هريرة المحدث:أحمد شاكر - المصدر: مسند أحمد - الصفحة أو الرقم: 15/201
خلاصة حكم المحدث: إسناده صحيح

10 - من قتل تحت راية عمية ، ينصر العصبية ، و يغضب للعصبية ، فقتلته جاهلية
الراوي:    جندب بن عبدالله و أبو هريرة المحدث:الألباني - المصدر: صحيح الجامع - الصفحة أو الرقم: 6442
خلاصة حكم المحدث: صحيح


I didn't read all the article yet ,not only for the shortage of time but more important that is not the way I check the trustworthy of a written bok ...

in other words ,I don't need the words of jeremiah accusing the scribes of corrupting the revealtion "if the is the meaning" , but I need to check the bible itself and find out for myself the clues for corruption ......

Alaikom assalam Wa Rahmit'Allahi Wa Barakatu Brother Tarek...

You are not wrong , and you got my point ........ which ,in brief is:

1- My point is not a theory ,but rather to skip any theory not in accordance with what the noble verses teach regarding the topic discussed.....

2- I explained before the linguestic factor (besides other factors) in the verse to question both the substitution theory and the swoon theory.


the writer of the article of , made the matter worse ,quoting the new testament narratives "as if they are trustworthy!" ,then he insrted some far-fetched exegesis ,eg;  applying Matthew 12:40 to Mecca !!!!!!

in other words, the writer MIXED THE CARDS !!!


now , If you have any comment on my detailed post ,on the other thread ,plz let me know...

May Allah bless you.....

As-Salamu 'Alaykum Wa Rahmit'Allahi Wa Barakatu dear brothers.

Alaikom assalam Wa Rahmit'Allahi Wa Barakatu
This is an extremely interesting article, I really like it.

The article has both positives and cons ..

Allah has said three things about the alleged crucifixion of Jesus:

1. They didn't kill him.

2. They didn't crucify him.

3. But it was made to appear to them so.

In the case of an affirmative sentence, like: “They killed him” , there is no doubt. Everything is clear. 1. The Offender 2. The Offence 3. The Offended. But once the word “NOT” comes in and makes it a negative sentence, like: “They DID NOT kill him”, there is a possibility to vary the meaning in three ways by shifting the stress alternatingly on the rest of the three words:

1. “They did not kill him” would mean that somebody else killed him.

2. “They did not kill him” in this context would mean that they just tortured him but did not kill him.

the second meaning should be skipped , if we read verse ..

Holy Quran 5:110 and how I prevented,restrained the Children of Israel from (harming,doing violence ;to ) you when you came to them with clear signs, when those of them who denied the truth said, This is sheer magic.

3. “They did not kill him” would mean that they killed somebody else.

not only there is no mention of someone else in the verse to suggest so, but also the meaning
 â€œThey did not kill him” would mean that they killed no one else ,should be the normal right here (just wait me for details).

We should remember that Qur'an is not denying the events wholesale by saying: “No. Nothing happened. Nobody did anything to anybody.” It is not saying so.

The Quran saying simply :

1- they plotted to execute Jesus .

2- God failed their plot by raising Jesus to heaven.

3- they conjectured that they executed him.

there is nothing else ,and there should be nothing more to be put between the lines....

There is no doubt as to The Offender. The Jews themselves claim to have done the deed and we all know of their complicity. Now the doubt remains about Two Things: The Offence and The Offended. About the second possibility that “They did not kill him” would mean that they crucified him but he escaped death, Allah denies that too. The next part of the verse eliminates that possibility by saying: They did not crucify him.

that is good ,agreed.

Having eliminated the first two possibilities, only the third one survives: “They did not kill him.” Yes, it was not him that they crucified and killed, but someone else.

there we disagree !

 plz check my detailed analysis of the noble verse in the following post ...,27.60.html

Understanding the GODHEAD. Just as I am a mother, a daughter, and a wife...just because I act in a mother role at one time does not discount that I am still a daughter and a wife. To me God is the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.

welcome GIMS  to the thread , but I think your comment is irrelevant to the thread .....   nowhere the irreationality of the trinity is addressed in my thread ....
anyway ,your reasoning and analogy is improper with the so called Godhead trinity !!!
though you act differently as a mother,daughter,wife ,still the same being ...... but you have all the way your qualities ,eg;knowledge ... would you as a mother know the date of your birth ,and don't know it as a wife?!!!!!!!!

the same way God knows everything

1 John 3:20  God ... knoweth all things.

yet jesus not .....

Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

in other words he lacked a quality possessed by God ...   The trinity is irrational " though that is not my approach to criticise the trinity) .....

for those who are fond of rationalizing the trinity ,I invite them to read the following deabte letters ,between Dennis McKinsey
and James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries....

Quote from: Dennis McKinsey , Errancy

Letter #432 from James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries of Phoenix, Arizona (Part a)

Dear Mr. McKinsey.  I felt that some of your comments should be addressed.The main thing to be noted in your response of September, 1990 was your continued misunderstanding of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. It is one thing to disagree with the Trinity; but it is obvious that you do not even have a basic understanding of the doctrine itself. You had alleged in the December, 1989 issue of BE that Jesus' statement in John 5:37 ("And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape") is contradicted by visions of Jehovah God in the OT. I pointed out that this is not so; that Jesus is speaking of the Father in John 5:37, and the One who is seen in the OT is the Son, Jesus Christ. Your response was typical of those who refuse to listen to what their opposition is saying. You wrote, "If you can use the Trinity at will, so can I. God and Jesus are identical, remember!" Please feel free to "use" the Trinity if you would like, but might I suggest that you learn what the doctrine is before you commit yourself to print? God and Jesus are identical? What does that mean? The doctrine of the Trinity states that there is one eternal being of God that is shared fully by three eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit. Any person who would even glance at (for example) the Athanasian creed would know that the doctrine differentiates between the terms "being" and "person." One being, three persons. The Father is not the Son, Mr. McKinsey. So, your statement, "God and Jesus are identical, remember" is a meaningless one, only showing an abysmal lack of understanding of the doctrine itself. When you say the "text is guilty of a blatant lie" you are only showing how blatant is your ignorance of that which you seem only overjoyed to attack. When Jesus (the Son) said that no one had seen God's form or heard His voice, He was referring to the Father, and since it was the Son who was seen and heard in the OT, no contradiction exists, since the Son is not the Father.... I don't expect you to admit an error--you seemingly view yourself as being as inerrant as I believe the Scriptures to be--but others read your materials, and for their benefit I point out your error.

Dear Mr. White. You began your monologue on the Trinity with the comment that I "do not even have a basic understanding of the doctrine itself." That is relatively easy to understand since neither you nor anyone else does either. The only human being who could understand the Trinity would be someone who could also visualize a square circle or a two-sided triangle. There is nothing to understand since the entire concept is preposterous on its face. Yes, Jesus is God; no he is man. Since that makes no sense, it is immediately changed to: No, he is the god/man, man and god simultaneously. And since that makes no sense either, many Christians are candid enough to admit it's a "mystery" that can't be understood by anybody. It has to be taken on faith. You claim that within the Godhead or "being" are three persons, each of which is God, but there is only one God. You have three distinct entities all of whom are God. That's three gods and the word "persons" can't be used to hide that fact. Moreover, you play a shell-game with the word "God," "being," or "Godhead." On the one hand, it represents a general term encompassing the persons within the Trinity and when expediency dictates it is immediately switched to represent an actual being whom you call God. Christians are often accused of being tritheists, believers in three gods--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. When they try to turn the "Godhead" into a being, they could just as well be called quartheists. The Father is God; Jesus is God; the Holy Ghost is God, and the Godhead, or "being" as you call it, is God. What an absurdity! To make matters worse, you ignore all the biblical verses that clearly say God is one and indivisible. There is none like him nor is there any beside him. He is a unity.

You say, "learn what the doctrine is before you commit yourself to print," while I suggest you learn what the doctrine is not before you commit yourself to pap. The doctrine is not rational in any sense of the term. It is a hopeless muddle that must be taken on pure faith. There is nothing rational or logical involved. And for you to imply there is, only exposes the duplicity to which Christian apologists will go to foster an image at odds with reality. You say that "the doctrine of the Trinity states that there is one eternal being of God that is shared fully by three eternal persons, the Father, the Son, and the Spirit." Stop and think about what you just said, James. What does the metaphysical concept "shared fully" mean? You mean you have a being within a being? How could a being be within another being? Parasites live within other beings but they are still separate and distinct. They are in no sense the same being as you say God and Jesus are. You say that "any person who would even glance at (for example) the Athanasian creed would know that the doctrine differentiates between the terms 'being' and 'person'." No it doesn't. It merely says there is a difference. It doesn't prove it or even attempt to do so. It doesn't define it. It doesn't even quote scripture to prove it or show were scripture makes such a distinction. Even if the Bible made such an assertion, logic is clearly to the contrary. It merely says as much and you are suppose to believe. The Catholic Church wrote that creed and you have swallowed it completely. That's pure, blind faith, my friend. Incidentally, according to your rendition of John 1:18 ("No man has seen God at any time, the unique God, who is in the bosom of the Father...") the Father encompasses God, not the other way around. Consequently, if either one is greater than the other, then the Father must be greater than God.

You say, "The Father is not the son, Mr. McKinsey." There you go again, off into the wild blue yonder. Is Jesus God? According to you, yes. Is the Father God? According to you, yes. Therefore, James, if you will consult a basic logic book you will learn the simplicity of your error. Two things equal to a third are equal to each other. If Jesus is God and the Father is God, then, it logically follows that Jesus is identical to the Father. You say, "The Father is not the Son." Oh, yes he is! Under your line of reasoning, he has to be. I can remember debating several fundamentalists many years ago on this point. They said Jesus is God and the Father is God, but that does not mean Jesus and the Father are the same. An analogous situation according to them is that a cat is an animal and a dog is an animal, but that doesn't mean a cat is a dog. The error of their ways lies in the fact that they failed to realize that "cat" is not equal to "animal." Neither is "dog." Jesus, however, is identical to God and so is the Father. Therefore, Jesus and the Father must be identical to each other. Moreover, the word "animal" does not represent a "being" or "person." Like the word "Godhead" it's nothing more than a general term, a rubric, a category like the words "mankind" or "humanity." It does not refer to a specific, living being or person of some sort. You can talk to the latter; you can't converse with an abstraction. You can talk to a beautiful lady; but you can't converse with beauty.

To put it another way, either Jesus is God or he isn't. If he is God as you claim, then God and Jesus are identical. Otherwise they differ in some respect, in which case he couldn't be God. If they differ in any respect, be it ever so minute, then he lacks a quality possessed by God or vice versa. What you want is for two things to be the same but not be identical. Here, again, your muddle is exposed. If two things are the same, then they are identical. If they differ in any respect, whatever, then they are neither the same nor identical. Plainly put, if Jesus is not the same as God, then he isn't God.

Letter #477 from James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona (Part a)
Dear Mr. McKinsey.... The majority of your attempted response to my discussion of the Trinity takes the form of nothing but ridicule. You claim that no one understands the Trinity (seemingly, since you don't understand it, then no one else does, either). You state, "The only human being who could understand the Trinity would be someone who could also visualize a square circle or a two-sided triangle." This, of course, assumes your conclusion: that the Trinity is self-contradictory. But asserting what you wish to prove accomplishes nothing (though it will certainly impress some).

Editor's Response to Letter #477 (Part a)

Dear James. You are at it again. When will you ever learn? In the first place, your comment that my discussion of the Trinity takes the form of nothing but ridicule is utterly without merit and completely specious. The fact of the matter is that I deal in logic and you think of that as ridicule. I can't help but paraphrase Harry Truman who said, "I don't give them hell; I just tell them the truth and they think it is hell." Secondly, your comment that "this, of course, assumes your conclusion: that the Trinity is self-contradictory" is completely without standing. There is no assumption involved. It is contradictory and that is a fact. Thirdly, you fancy yourself well-read in apologetic literature but are apparently unaware of the fact that most of your own compatriots don't deny that the Trinity is a concept that defies logic and must be taken on faith alone. One can only assume that you are suffering under the laughable delusion that you are superior to those who have gone before. Many apologists not only admit there are no proof texts for the doctrine but freely admit the entire concept is incomprehensible. Support for this assertion is not hard to find. On page 168 in 508 Answers to Bible Questions apologist M.R. DeHaan states that, "The Trinity, that is, three persons in one is a mystery which is revealed in the Bible but cannot be understood by the human mind. Since man is finite, and God is infinite, this is one of those things which must be accepted by faith, even though it cannot be reasoned out. The Trinity cannot be explained but it must be believed because the Bible teaches it throughout." On page 55 of Basic Theology professor Ryrie of Dallas Theological Seminary alleges that, "Even with all the discussion and delineation that we attempt in relation to the Trinity, we must acknowledge that it is in the final analysis a mystery. We accept all the data as truth even though they go beyond our understanding." On page 25 in Essential Christianity apologist Walter Martin says, "No man can fully explain the Trinity, though in every age scholars have propounded theories and advanced hypotheses to explore this mysterious Biblical teaching. But despite the worthy efforts of these scholars, the Trinity is still largely incomprehensible to the mind of man." On page 19 in The Bible Has the Answer apologists Morris and Clark state that, "the mystery of the Trinity is beyond the capacity of our finite and limited minds to comprehend." Later, on page 41 in the same book Morris and Clark state that, "the mystery of the divine-human nature of Christ is beyond our finite understanding.... The Bible simply presents as fact the great truth that Jesus Christ was both God and man. It does not try to explain how this could be, because it is inexplicable. It must be apprehended on faith alone,...." If you'll note, James, your fellow fundamentalists make no attempt to defend the concept rationally. Believers are told to believe it without understanding simply because the Bible says so. On pages 112 and 113 in Almah or Young Woman apologist Lawlor says, "All the difficulties and problems surrounding the mystery of the person of Christ will never be solved. The great difficulty is that of understanding how the Lord could have but one personality when he possessed two real natures, divine and human. How can these natures be united in the one Person? This is the "mystery of godliness.... There are some matters that are beyond us, which we shall never totally comprehend." "Totally comprehend"! Any Christian would be happy to be able to comprehend even a minute part thereof. Lawlor concludes, "we must finally fall upon our faces before the mystery of the eternal, almighty god in Christ, having come in flesh, and confess that we cannot explain Him." "Explain him"! Any Christian would be happy to even understand the Trinity, much less explain it. Talk about blind, unquestioning faith! The concept makes no sense; they admit it makes no sense, but we are to believe it, regardless. The problem lies not in the fact that it can't be understood by me but that it can't be understood by anyone, period. In the thick tome entitled Catholic Dogma, the catholic apologist Ludwig Ott says on page 75, "The dogma of the Trinity is, in fact, beyond reason.... Human reason cannot fathom the mystery of the Blessed Trinity even after the dogma has been revealed by God." So, you see James your incessant argument that I deny the Trinity because I can't understand it is pure Christian propagandistic rubbish and I wish to hear it no longer. You have prated that prattle long enough. If you can't come up with anything better, I suggest that you come up with nothing at all. Enough is enough. My patience in teetering on the edge of incivility. You'd do well to remember what Abe Lincoln said about keeping your mouth closed?

Quote from: The Canadian Atheist
I know. I've studied astrotheology and read several books on Horus. But what's ironic is that Egyptian himself has a Sun disguised in his profile picture. So sad

It is me who is sad to find your post,lacking elaboration.?


Criticising a man without quoting him is a straw ,and utterly without merit.

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Video games involving shirk.
« on: January 07, 2013, 09:44:36 PM »

It's only shirk if non-Wahabbis do it.


Btw, Bowing down to the Ka'abah is also shirk.

Did you study what constitutes shirk in Islam ,before you make such wild assertion?!

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Video games involving shirk.
« on: January 07, 2013, 03:24:37 PM »

1- my opinion is the same of Bro Black muslim.

2- Drshafi ,you have a better way than debating that atheist such way ,all what you would do is to try to excell such school friend in your study level and your moral behavior ....


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