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Messages - Mohammed.Rashid

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Peace be upon those who pay heed to the message of God.

The bottomline is -

No christians can answer these questions not because they cant but -
because there is no rational answer to them.

So accept Islam -  friends - ur all questions will be answered Insha-Allah(If God wills)

So believe in this with ur heart and recite:-
There is only ONE God and Mohammed(pbuh) and Jesus(pbuh) are His slaves and prophets ONLY.

Our duty is to convey the message.
Your brother in humanity,
M Rashid K

Jesus himself AFFIRMED that he was the MESSIAH who was predicted in the Tanakh or Old Testament.

eg; Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter said, “You’re the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus came back, “God bless you, Simon, son of Jonah! You didn’t get that answer out of books or from teachers. My Father in heaven, God himself, let you in on this secret of who I really am.

Mark 14:60-61 In the middle of this, the Chief Priest stood up and asked Jesus, “What do you have to say to the accusation?” Jesus was silent. He said nothing.The Chief Priest tried again, this time asking, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed?”62 Jesus said, “Yes, I am, and you’ll see it yourself.

MY REPLY - AS I Had mentioned earlier - Messiah is not the unique  term understand this first. The messiah they expecting was an unique prophet who will come and relieve the WORLD from it's misery but they denied him when they expectation that he will make THEM (i.e., jews) the rulers of the world according to talmud and mis-interpretation of certain verses of bible was not proven to be true.  Also, In mt 16:16 - Jesus never said that I am the messiah. As for Mark 14:60-61 be careful - as u r accusing him of accepting the fact that he was the the son of god is also true and correct.


I am sure u had not read the entire article where I had proven that even the quran says that he was the one about whom the scholars of the judaism and christianity awaited and found him mentioned in their own scriptures.
Leave others - Abdullah ibn salam the ex-jewish sahabi - i hope u have heard and read about him.

Its good to see that somebody atleast replied but Be careful -  u might be on the verge of contradicting the verses of Quran just to prove ur theory to be correct.



Bismillahir - Rahman - ir Raheem


Masha Allah Nice question u have asked  -

Brother listen science is not the measuring stick when it comes to religion.

There is no answer for everything - u need to accept this fact -
The atheist scientist theory of evolutions says that - man evolved from monkeys - then still y there r monkeyss - if some stone is kept for billion years - it will become a living thing - so ask them y do stone exist or all non-living thing exist - it is ridiculous?

Also,Scientist do not have any answer when it comes to the fact that - Where has this universe come from - Can any man create anything from nothing? Can they prove it?
Some will say atom - then from wer atom came - who created atom?

Do they have any answer for it?

Big Bang - where and how did bing bang happened? I have posted it earlier with reference that even their einstein says that he is unsure if there is any limit to
the universe - If u want u can read it here.,1447.0.html

As for ur question regarding the soul lies in the heart or mind?

I think ur friend is referring to this verse  for hearts - Quran 2:7 Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil.
47:24 - Will they not then ponder the Qur'an or are there locks upon their hearts?

For mind - I assume this one is that verse

Quran 63:3 -That is because they believed, and then they disbelieved; so their hearts were sealed over, and they do not understand.

Our muslims bros have the habit of taking every thing literally when it comes to Quran or hadith.

Ur answer is good - BUT - I hope u have heard about artificial hearts - If not then read it -

So wer is his soul? Sorry I dont intend to ridicule ur answer? I am just trying to explain u - Allahs knows my intentions

Even if it is mentioned Allah blocks the heart and mind - if taken literally then it means they will die.
Still the interpreters do not explain it by taking it literally say that it means thinking thru heart and mind -

I may be wrong but according to me -  It signfies good Nafs -The good nafs lawamma(75:2) which Allah had breathed into Prophet Adam the spirit (15:28-29) - The good nafs which today people say humanity -  and the evil nafs-ammara(12:53) which r selfish thoughts u can say " Only me or I come first " - He will block it signifies - The ability to judge between write and wrong due to their arrogance, ignorance, selfishness and persistent stubbornness they had lost due to sinning continously only if they wud have a bit more positively persistent they wud have become one forever nafse-mutayminah [89:27-28] .

If a person sees something wrong inspite of knowing it ignores it for the reason stated above OR
Even a wrong-doing person knows that he is doing wrong still he does it.

Example - Minor example - Cigarette or smoking is injurious to health? Inspite of reading that people still smoke - what will u call it?

Major example -Today in palestine, iraq,afghanistan,bosnia,chechnya,kashmir etc.People r doing. Few years back -  I read about a certain israeli soldier who was ordered to kill children with the guns said he cannot kill a child its wrong and committed suicide.
Israeli news reports -  According to the report, out of the 124 IDF soldiers who committed suicide between 2007 and 2012 - Still they have not stated the cause.May be its  too embarassing for them. Another american Rachel Corrie killed by israeli bull-dozer gave her life but still she stood on her decision to stand against wrong in defense of oppression against palestinians.


US soldies committing suicide in afghanistan and iraq cause is said to be depression -

Some accept Islam Cristina Tarantino with her husband and James Grant Army office It is bcoz they overcame their nafse-ammara u can say.

So I hope u r clear when it comes to issue of heart and mind

Hence, this is what Allah means when He says Allah will block the mind and hearts of dis-believers.

And remember - And your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves”[Fussilat 41:46].

They are His creation - after all so y wud He do that.
His first name Ar-Rahman - though translated as beneficient - There is no equivalent for it in english - it means- there is no limit to His mercy.
Even Prophet Mohammed pbuh said - Even he cannot enter heaven if it was not for the mercy of Allah - Hadith below

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "No one of you will be saved because of his deeds."
They (the companions) said: "Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?"
He said: "Not even me, unless Allah bestows mercy upon me. So do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately, and worship Allah in the forenoon and in the afternoon and during a part of the night, and adopt a moderate course, adopt a moderate course (he said it twice) whereby you will reach your target (Paradise)." - (Bukhari)

Hope that has cleared ur doubts.

Finally, Allah knows the best.

Walaikumsalam and BarakAllahufeek akhi Osama,

I really appreciate ur response and I am impressed how you are encouraging your brothers in faith to fight against false-hood.Hence I call u Mujahid-ul-Kalam who are struggling against falsehood through Jihad of the pen.

Even my intention is just to encourage u n brothers who encourage others in fighting the falsehood - There are several verses mentioned in the Quran which encourages people like u -

"Make allowances for people, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant," (7:199)

"The believers, men and women, are friends of one another. They command what is right and forbid what is wrong." (9:71)


Hadith - Sahih Al-Bukhari 8.50, Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah
The Prophet said, "Enjoining all that is good is a Sadaqa.

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, 'Whoever of you sees something wrong should change it with his hand; if he cannot, then with his tongue; if he cannot, then with his heart, and that is the weakest form of belief.'" [Muslim]


"Let there be a community among you who call to the good, and enjoin the right, and forbid the wrong. THEY ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE SUCCESS." (3:104)


sorry, can u summarise it

It may sound ridiculous or kiddish to u but -

If jesus is god - he must have known(as a god of/for christians) that all such statement(in OT & NT - only if he is omniscient) might/will confuse his worshippers then y didnt he elaborate it. Leave that aside for claiming himself God by saying clearly " I am God worship me" or like I have come to die for your sins so just believe that I will die for ur sins - and u will be saved. This again proves that christian god is not omniscient or christians must believe that their God is not ALL-KNOWING.
Y it needs so much commentary or explanation


Walaikumsalam warahmatullah,

The so called "king messiah" is nothing but mere a Jewish dream emerged after the destruction of the Davidic monarchy and the Jews dream of a future Earthly king who will turn the Earth into Paradise etc....

Reply:- Brother ur free to disagree or agree but - If u have read the seerah - Several not just 3 jewish tribes migrated to yathrib expecting the messiah to come. It was called as Madinah An-Nabi/Madinat Al-Nabi by the jews too . Messiah will more be like a king - not literally - but as God spoke to him (Dt 18:18) his words was like that of king. King is considered a dictator . But he dictated only what was commanded by God. And If u have read my article I have explained to u completely that what is the meaning of messiah (it is self signifies or means a king) now it just added to make the readers of the bible who are not well versed with this language clear . Yes it is true that they want that king messiah to make them ruler of the earth. The mis-interpretation by jews who had not left (as I had mentioned) making even God as their monopoly so y wud they leave messiah.

Not only almost nothing happened either during or after the life of the prophet Mohamed  that can be linked to be a fulfillment to any prediction to such so called Messiah, but more important ....the way the old testament predicts the future goes so much against the way the Quran predicts the future....  If not the predicted king messiah be Jesus or Mohamed (peace be upon them),then who is he?

Reply:- I doubt that u had read my article completely which proves that only prophet Mohammed fulfills all the prophecy. It is even mentioned in the Gospel of Barnabas that Prophet Mohammed pbuh was the messiah who will come. Atleast we can give it more weightage to it compared to Old testament.

The answer : Just who cares? and who could prove that the old testaments' predictions are inspired ones?!

Reply : -  Nobody can deny that All verses of the Old testament are false(as it also includes Tawheed especially OT) If you do  - u r denying this verse of the quran which says
Quran – 5:157 - Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures),- in the law and the Gospel;- for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, honour him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper."

Read my article COMPLETELY  where I had proved that Prophet Mohammed is the messiah.

Some jews and Christians inspite of knowing and realizing that he(mohammed pbuh) is a prophet denied him may be because their business will come to an end as today muslims do inspite of the fact that grave –worship is clearly forbidden in hadith they do it. It is true that early Christians were infact jews who had followed his teaching honestly and for that they persecuted and killed as jesus pbuh was sent only to the jews. Editing(thanks to Al-hafiz) and Mis-interpretation(like muslims do today when it comes to Quran hadith) of bible had played a major role in destroying true religion of their respective prophets(pbut) . Rest of all the verses of quran which u had posted can be explained and looked into detail and context. It is also mentioned the article of urs that jews were involved in shirk – but so r the muslims because of their poor knowledge of Islam which is next to none. They say literally – that doing so and so things u will go to heaven and raised Prophet Mohammed pbuh to the level of jesus  –. Turning around in the direction of madinah after fajr and calling him for help.  I have personally seen them doing sajdah to graves and saying that if u have no money to go for hajj then u shud visit so and so person’s graves – so many times and u will gain the thawab which equals to that of hajj .hence, u don’t need to go for hajj .Finally regarding the corruption of books and some others verses of quran u quoted regarding jews:-

Only one hadith is enough to explain it –
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: Allah's Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words)" those before you"? He said: Who else (than those two religious groups)? 

Allah knows the best

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

Who and what is the meaning of messiah?

Literally the word messiah, maw-shakh, moshiach (in Hebrew) means The anointed one – signifying that he will be a leader, a king, high priest or a chosen one.

Many prophets in OT are mentioned as anointed ones or Messiahs  .eg - Isaiah – 61:1, 2 Chronicles 6:42, Psalms 45:7 etc

To prove its not a unique term and it is used for others and prophets we read in –   1 Chronicles 16:22 - "Do not touch my anointed ones(Christs or Messiahs – Note it’s a plural – also Psalms 105:5); do my prophets no harm." 

So if Quran uses the term messiah(Quran 9:30) exclusively for jesus there is nothing to be surprised about as Prophet Ibrahim(pbuh) is called the friend of God and as per the scholars every prophet is a friend of God. Muslims during wudhu(ablution) masah which means pouring and rubbing wet hands throughout the head. Which the word Hebrew word messiah(the one who is anointed) stands for a person chosen to be a leader by rubbing oil on the head.

Christians are unfamiliar with the word messiah or Christ. Most of the Christians are not even aware of the meaning of the word “Christ” and may be they hardly care to know about it and are just made to believe that He is a savior like figure for them as“He died for your sins” – So If you believe that then you are saved.

The most important thing about the Christ/Messiah which is hidden intentionally or un-intentionally by the scholars of christianity is according to the jews and their bible Messiah will  :-

Let me explain it in a typical Abraham lincoln’s quote of democracy– Christ/ Messiah will come from among the jews, to the jews and for the jews - ONLY.

Why do the jews reject Jesus as their messiah is because he criticised them exposed their hypocrisy,double standard and their corruption of holy books –Though jesus was an Israelite he was and is still rejected by the jews as he didn’t fulfilled the prophecy the jews wanted him to fulfill. Hence, If jews are asked as to why they reject jesus as their messiah? They will simply say that he didn’t fulfilled any prophecy. And If Christians are asked as to why jews(the chosen ones) rejected jesus as messiah? Christians will quickly reply – He will fulfill it in the second coming.  The Christians fail or may be they are not aware that there is nothing like second coming of the messiah from Judaism’s own sources or Old testament and may be talmud. Even if they quote some verse – it is regarded as mis-interpretation by the chosen people themselves.

Let me highlight some of the facts which are not know by the people of all Abrahamic faiths - possibly.


Its not a surprises  us muslims that jews reject Prophet Mohammed pbuh as the messiah today.These are the same people who had made God their monopoly. So why will they leave Messiah. The main reason they rejected messiah is because he came from among the arabs or ishmaelites and not the Israelites.

Second reason they give is that he nullified torah which according to them will remain intact forever . If we look at their history – First torah was destroyed during the babylonian captivity then again Torah was destroyed during the destruction of the temple about 70 CE by the romans. So this claim of theirs that it will remain intact forever fails . If we look at the mosaic laws and not the story in the first five books – It is very similar to that of the Quran with few exceptions. Torah is too extreme unlike Quran.

Third reason they give today is the same when asked about Jesus that he didn’t fulfill any prophecies.This is a lie as Jews at the time of prophet were waiting for a messiah will be coming from among the arabs/ishmaelites a savior like for them. Proof as we read in various seerah(biography) there were many jewish tribes who had migrated to yathrib or Medina expecting the messiah to come. The most famous ones are Banu- Quraiza, Banu-Qaynuqa and Banu-Nadir .Their claim that he didn’t fulfilled any prophecy is a lie.He indeed fulfilled it which we will read on later below.When the prophet(pbuh) arrived – the mis-interpreted prophecies made them think that when he will come he will make Jews the ruler of the world and everything will be theirs. It will be like what they call today a totalitarian one-world government which will be in the hands of jews.


Shimon bar Yochai or Simeon ben yohai  – The eminent jewish rabbi who predated Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and predicted that Messiah will be coming or will come shortly from among the ishmaelites(he was the only one who honestly interpreted Dt 18:18) redeeming the whole world from its misery.

Abdullah ibn Salam - The ex-jew sahabi who converted to Islam.

Jacob ben nathanael ibn al-fayyumi - Another rabbi who came in the medieval ages said that Mohammed (pbuh) was indeed a true prophet.

Now, let us see from judaism’s own sources as to what they expect from him.

A summarized version is here :-

1.  Restore the Jewish people to Israel within the biblical borders of the land (Isaiah 11.11-12.6, Jeremiah 31.35-40, Ezekiel 47-48). 

REPLY:-   First of all – A very important thing I want to say to my muslims brothers and sisters that majority of the jews whom you see today are not the jews of ancient Israel. Almost 90% of them are Ashkenazi jews who are the descendants of east Europeans or Khazar tribes(a Turkic people) that had converted to Judaism. In  Genesis 10:1-3 – it is mentioned that ashkenaz was a descendant of Japheth and not Shem.  Even though the religion of Judaism dont accept conversion but - In worst  times, you have to be friends with your enemies . They had converted in the medieval ages to escape the persecution and save themselves from ongoing war among muslims and christians. Read Arthur Koestler’s – The thirteen tribe. Some claim that Afghanis(Pashtuns) and Kashmiris are the real descendants of the israelites – Both of whom are  99% muslims. Many will say that it is hypothetical – This theory was proposed not by muslims but the Christians themselves – George Moore. According to me Judaism/Israelite is not a race but a nationality . As they were black jews too back then aka as Ethiopian jews who migrated from Israel to Ethiopia. Even if it is a race or nation then still Prophet Mohammed was sent to everybody not just to arabs or Persians and united them all to worship the one true God when they stand along side by side in mecca during hajj. 

2.  Create peace between Israel and her neighbours and in the whole world (Isaiah 19.21-25, Amos 9.11-14).

REPLY:- Who was able to accomplish this task. I am asking my muslim brethren and honest unbelievers. The jews who were being persecuted by the Christians in Europe and were given shelter in spain and Palestine by muslims. Golden Age of jews during medieval ages was under the muslim rule. Christians have the history of persecuting the jews by labeling them as Christ-killers,god-killers etc – the recent one being holocaust.  Even a Christian author merlin Swartz  acknowledge that muslims were far more tolerant towards jews than Christians.

3.  Restore the Temple and rule the world from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2.1-4, Ezekiel 40-48). 

REPLY:- Today masjid al aqsa and the golden dome or dome of the rock both are able to stand today is because of muslims . During the siege of Jerusalem where muslims emerged victorious under the caliphate of Umar(ra) . Caliph Umar(ra) allowed jews to practice their religion freely in Jerusalem unlike the jews living under the byzantines who had massacred and persecuted them for centuries even after they themselves converted to christianity.

4.  Bring an end to all war and military training (Isaiah 2.4). 

REPLY:-  Prophet Mohammed pbuh established khilafah. The khilafah rule where one leader will rule the who muslim world on the basis of his piety. It which puts and end to all kind of isms like nationalism,racism,tribalism etc. Only Islam had been able to accomplish it unlike Judaism and Christianity had failed to end all kind of ism’s mentioned here. Let me give you an example WW1,WW2 and do I need to mention about racism and other religions too like Buddhism- failed to end nationalism, Hinduism failed – nationalism,casteism etc.

5.  Cause the earth to be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11.9, Habakkuk 2.14).

REPLY:- Islam unlike Christianity(especially Catholicism) is the only religion which encourages people to gain knowledge practice and preach it to others. Protestant though encourages gaining knowledge but again their hero says - Sin-boldly. Jews are least concerned about others – No don’t worry I wont quote anything from Talmud here. Buddhist one of the major religion is atheistic for name-sake as you will always see an idol of Buddha next to his followers and do I need to say anything about Hinduism.


Jesus himself denies that he was the MESSIAH who was predicted in the Tanakh or Old Testament. How let us see:-


The jews says that messiah will bring peace all over the world quoting Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; Ezekiel 39:9. Jesus said he was just sent to Israelites – Mt 15:24. Prophet Mohammed(pbuh) is sent as a mercy unto all(alameen) – Quran 21:107. Unlike, Jesus of bible who himself said that he was sent to israelites(Mt 15:24) cursed jews by calling them killer of prophets(Luke 13:34 which is true) and cursed their scholars- Do read the seven woes of pharisees.


COMMENT  :- Jesus himself rejected indirectly that he was the messiah and even the fact that Messiah will be the son of David  as mentioned in the gospel of matthew that jesus was a descendant of David – Mt 1:20 and Luke 1:35.

Mt 22:41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,42 saying, “What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He?” They said unto Him, “The son of David.”43 He said unto them, “How then doth David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying, 44 ‘The Lord said unto my Lord, “Sit Thou on My right hand until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool”’? 45 If David then call Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his son? 46 And no man was able to answer Him a word; neither dared any man from that day forth ask Him any more questions.

It does makes sense that father will not call his son – his Lord. And Making his enemies as his footstool means that he will destroy his enemies unlike jesus who was destroyed by his own enemies. Prophet Mohammed pbuh was a warrior who destroyed his enemies like David(pbuh) not because of his personal animosity and  those opposed him were not his enemies but they were the enemies of God – the staunch idolators.


COMMENT : -Mt 17:10 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Why then say the scribes that Elijah must first come?”11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, “Elijah truly shall first come and restore all things.12 But I say unto you that Elijah is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they pleased. Likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer by them.” 13 Then the disciples understood that He spoke unto them of John the Baptist.

Similarities between Jesus and Elijah-
1. Elijah miracles like raising the widow’s dead son - 1 Kings 17:17-24 and Jesus too Luke 7:12 and – The oil and wine miracle which were increased.2 Kings 4:1-7 and  John 2:1-10 were similar
2. As mentioned Jesus said that he had already come indirectly saying that he was Elijah as – In Mt 17:12 Note here -  the disciple understood but never asked him.
3. There is not even one similarity between Elijah and John the Baptist : - Even John the Baptist himself denied that he was Elijah – When he was asked about it in John 1:21
4. There is no prophet between Jesus and Mohammed (pbut) which means the scribes were right when they said that Elijah will come before Messiah.
5. In Malachi 4:5-6 – It is mentioned that like Elijah will come and turn the heart of  fathers to children. A similar thing is said by jesus in matthew 10:21.
6. Elijah was raised to heaven like Jesus - 2 Kings 2:1


COMMENT : - We read in the bible that Jesus prayed for not getting crucified(Mt 36:29) but at the same time it is also mentioned that angel came to strengthen him(Luke 22:41-43) and his prayer were answered (Heb 5:7) . His prayers were answered means he was taken up to the heavens by angels. If not then what does it means – Did angel came to strengthen him to wrestle with romans and his prayer that - If it be possible, let this cup pass from me – which cup is he talking about – Cup of tea or coffee. What does it means when it is said that his prayers got answered. So dear Christians brothers and sisters – Don’t believe in blindly following anything or anybody. Do some research and think about it.


1. The Messiah is born of two human parents, as we said. But Jesus, according to Christian theology, was born of a union between a Human woman and God.

COMMENT –  This is true that Christians are giving the jews a stick to beat them with. There is nothing like Messiah will be God,God the son or God-like in the Tenach(OT) is one of the major reasons why jews reject him as a messiah.

2. The Messiah can trace his lineage through his human biological father, back to King David (Isaiah 11:1,10; Jeremiah 23:5; Ezekiel 34:23-24; 37:21-28; Jeremiah 30:7-10; 33:14-16; and Hosea 3:4-5). But Jesus's lineage cannot go through his human father, according to Christian theology, as Jesus's father was not Joseph the husband of Mary. According to Christian theology, Jesus's father was God.

COMMENT:- I don’t think – I need to say anything regarding it as everybody knows that Prophet Mohammed pbuh had both Human biological father and mother.Also, read above why jesus(pbuh) himself gave a good reason denying the fact that Messiah will not be the descendant of King David(pbuh). If not then why woudn’t the jews play the monopoly game here.

3. The Messiah traces his lineage only through King Solomon (II Samuel 7:12-17; I Chronicles 22:9-10). But according to Luke 3:31, Jesus was a descendant of Nathan, another son of King David, and not a descendant of King David through King Solomon.

COMMENT:- The fact that Messiah will be the son of David is denied by
Jesus himself when he said that – Mt 24:45: - If David then call Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his son?”. As I had mentioned earlier that jews would leave no stone unturned to make even Messiah their monopoly through the corrupted word of God.

3. The Messiah is preceded by Elijah the prophet who, with the Messiah, unifies the family (Malachi 4:5-6), which is contradicted by Jesus in Matthew 10:34-37.

COMMENT:- Jesus similarity to Elijah is mentioned above.

4. The Messiah re-establishes the Davidic dynasty through the messiah's own children (Daniel 7:13-14). But Jesus had no children.

Comment:- True, but Prophet Mohammed pbuh indeed had children but was survived by his daughter Fatima (RA). As for Daniel 7:13 – I believe it mentions miraaj and in Dn 7:14 says- nothing is mentioned about his dynasty but mentions that nation shall serve him and his kingdom – that everybody will follow him and serve him pointing towards Prophet Mohammed pbuh ways which muslims call “Sunnah”. Nothing is mentioned about David or Solomon in those verses.

5. The Messiah brings an eternal peace between all nations, between all peoples, and between all people (Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; Ezekiel 39:9). Obviously there is no peace. Furthermore, Jesus said that his purpose in coming was to bring a sword, and not peace (see Matthew 10:34, as referenced above.)

COMMENT:- I agree as mentioned the so called followers of Jesus(pbuh) had failed to establish peace on earth by spreading all kinds of isms as mentioned earlier.But the meaning of Islam comes from the word Salam meaning peace. It’s unique unlike any religion How? Judaism comes from Judah one of the tribe of Israel, Christianity comes from Christ,Buddhism comes from Buddha, Hinduism comes from the Indus river.

6. The Messiah brings about the universal world-wide conversion of all peoples to Judaism, or at least to Ethical Monotheism (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Zechariah 8:23; Isaiah 11:9; Zechariah 14:9,16). But the world remains steeped in idolatry.

COMMENT:- Once again Judaism doesn’t accept conversion. It’s more a nation than a religion. Judaism though a monotheistic faith has closed the door for others. This is not the case with Islam which calls the world to worship one True God or purest monotheism - “Tauheed” unlike Christianity and all other pagan religions - Buddhism and Hinduism.

7. The Messiah brings about an end to all forms of idolatry (Zechariah 13:2). But the world remains steeped in idolatry.

COMMENT:- Also, read the comment above. Christianity still fails here as majority of the Christians today are catholics who are steeped in idolatry. Protestantism – has an absurd philosophy. Sin boldly – says martin luther. So if they follow his teaching and sin boldly by doing idol-worship would they still be considered Christians.

8.   The Messiah brings about a universal recognition that the Jewish idea of God is God (Isaiah 11:9). But the world remains steeped in idolatry.

COMMENT:-  Again read my comment to two Same as above. Islam’s idea of God is purest one unlike Bible’s which promotes more of a anthromorphist , favoritest, sexist, brutal and above all that God is also portrayed as not being omniscient and omnipotent.

9.   The Messiah leads the world to become vegetarian (Isaiah 11:6-9). It isn't.

COMMENT:- This reason sounds a bit ridiculous. If taken literally all animals will die – The wolf shall dwell with the lamb(Is 11:6). Here, the interpreters are not taking the verse literally still they are mis-interpreting it . If taken literally the whole life cycle will come to an end. If not, as per the interpreters when everybody goes veg then about protein required by human body which are necessary to prevent certain disease comes only from the animals flesh.

10.   The Messiah gathers to Israel, all of the twelve tribes (Ezekiel 36:24). Many of the ten lost tribes remain lost.

COMMENT:- Again, do I need to repeat it that Israelites had made God their monopoly by corrupting the word of God are concerned just about Israelites. The true mission of the messiah will be – He shall gather all mankind to pray to the one true God which today is happening in Mecca. Masjid al Aqsa in Palestine today is one the three holiest site in Islam where people from all over the world unite to pray to one God.

11.   The Messiah rebuilds The Temple (Isaiah 2:2; Ezekiel 37:26-28). It hasn't been rebuilt.

COMMENT:- If they are talking about solomons temple(Masjid al aqsa) then it still stands today and not the golden dome which everybody sees whenever the Masjid-Al Aqsa is mentioned. The jews must remember that when they were persecuted from europe especially spain were given shelter by Muslims in Palestine. If not then still the holiest temple mecca has been rebuilt by the Prophet Mohammed pbuh and jews are welcomed only if they put an end to their superiority complex and arrogance by embracing the true message of God which is Islam.

13 - There will be no more famine (Ezekiel 36:29-30). People starve to death every day.

COMMENT:- Again the game of literalism is played by the jews here. Ez 36:30- That ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen. Contradicting their own message of Zec 12:2 – that idolatory will come to an end. Then how possibly will heathen exist. It is metaphor which means - The famine which stands for Idolatory and other religion will cease to exist - except One and that one is no doubt – The true religion which is Islam.

14 - After the Messiah comes, death will eventually cease (Isaiah 25:8). People die every day.

COMMENT: - If you are talking about spiritual death which means all kind of evil then that’s fine otherwise be careful as in Ecclesiastes 9:3 it is mentioned that everyone has to die.

15. Eventually the dead will be resurrected (Isaiah 26:19; Daniel 12:2; Ezekiel 37:12-13; Isaiah 43:5-6);

COMMENT:- True, if you are talking about the Day of Judgement when everyone will be resurrected then you are right as the Grand Messiah - Prophet Mohammed pbuh was the last prophet who came before the day of Judgement.

16. The nations of the earth will help the Jews, materially (Isaiah 60:5-6; 60:10-12;

COMMENT:- OMG, Monopoly game played again. Do I need to repeat- Messiah will come from among the jews, to the jews and for the jews ONLY.

17. The Jews will be sought out for spiritual guidance (Zechariah 8:23);

COMMENT: - Same as above.

18:. All weapons will be destroyed (Ezekiel 39:9,12);

COMMENT: - Yes the weapons of heathens,evil,wicked oppressors will be destroyed as mentioned in Ez 39:9. It is said that - If you want peace, prepare for war". Even Jesus said – Luke 22:36- Sell your cloak and buy a sword. Remember - To establish peace it is necessary to destroy the war mongers who definitely will not be standing with lollipops to fight with you.

Finally some messages for you all to remember

John 8:32:- And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
And even if you don’t understand then as jesus said
Matthew 13:13 - Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

Also Quran says in V41:53 - Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?

Last but not the least:-
Quran 36:17 :- And our duty is only to proclaim the clear Message."

Allah knows the best,
Your brother in humanity,
Mohammed Rashid Khan

Are the jews who you see today are themselves anti-semites?

To many people this question will sound absurd and ridiculous but I will prove it today that this is “AN OPEN SECRET” with reference from their own sources which includes bible and their census .


We all know the term Semites derives from Shem the descendant of Noah and one of  three sons of Noah that includes Ham and Japheth as well.
Arabs are semites and they are also called Ishmaelites by Christians,Biblicist,jewish rabbis as they had descended from Ishmael, one of the descendant of shem through Abraham [1]– It is simple as it sounds.

The modern ethnic diversity of Jews.

The three major groups of jews today are Ashkenazis , Sephardic & mizrahi etc. But majority of the jews are Ashkenazims who account for almost 90% of the jewish population today[2][3].

To the world Jews – today are descendant of Abraham through his Isaac – Hence they are also semites. It is not what it seems – The truth is something else:-


Ashkenazis are the descendants of East Europeans or Khazar tribes(a Turkic people) that had converted to Judaism during the medieval ages – [4]

HENCE, you all decide who are the real anti-semites. Those(fake Israelites or jews - ashkenazis) who are persecuting ,oppressing and massacring the real semites(arabs  and the people of middle east) just to occupy the land in the name of religion or it belongs to them because their God says so or the one who are identified as the real lost tribes of Israel(pashtuns or afghanis and kashmiris) who are 99% muslims– [4][5][6].

FINALLY, DONT FORGET TO READ MY PREVIOUS ARTICLE - WAS PROPHET MOHAMMED(pbuh) THE MESSIAH PREDICTED IN THE OLD TESTAMENT??? - I had wrongly written the subject as - Was Prophet Mohammed the Messiah prophesied in Old Testament?

[1] - [Genesis 10:22, 24; 11:10-13; 1 Chron. 1:17-18] 
[2] -,7340,L-4339595,00.html
[3] - Encyclopedia Britannica
[4] – Arthur Koestler – The Thirteenth tribe.
[5] -
[6] -


thats great masha Allah - brother osama - y dont u read my articles and decide whether it is worth posting it.
The latest one as u can see - Was Prophet Mohammed the Messiah prophesied in Old Testament?
it's  very interesting trust me

jazak Allah khayr

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful

Who and what is the meaning of messiah?

Literally the word messiah, maw-shakh, moshiach (in Hebrew) means The anointed one – signifying that he will be a leader, a king, high priest or a chosen one.

Many prophets in OT are mentioned as anointed ones or Messiahs  .eg - Isaiah – 61:1, 2 Chronicles 6:42, Psalms 45:7 etc

To prove its not a unique term and it is used for others and prophets we read in –   1 Chronicles 16:22 - "Do not touch my anointed ones(Christs or Messiahs – Note it’s a plural – also Psalms 105:5); do my prophets no harm." 

So if Quran uses the term messiah(Quran 9:30) exclusively for jesus there is nothing to be surprised about as Prophet Ibrahim(pbuh) is called the friend of God and as per the scholars every prophet is a friend of God. Muslims during wudhu(ablution) masah which means pouring and rubbing wet hands throughout the head. Which the word Hebrew word messiah(the one who is anointed) stands for a person chosen to be a leader by rubbing oil on the head.

Christians are unfamiliar with the word messiah or Christ. Most of the Christians are not even aware of the meaning of the word “Christ” and may be they hardly care to know about it and are just made to believe that He is a savior like figure for them as“He died for your sins” – So If you believe that then you are saved.

The most important thing about the Christ/Messiah which is hidden intentionally or un-intentionally by the scholars of christianity is according to the jews and their bible Messiah will  :-

Let me explain it in a typical Abraham lincoln’s quote of democracy– Christ/ Messiah will come from among the jews, to the jews and for the jews - ONLY.

Why do the jews reject Jesus as their messiah is because he criticised them exposed their hypocrisy,double standard and their corruption of holy books –Though jesus was an Israelite he was and is still rejected by the jews as he didn’t fulfilled the prophecy the jews wanted him to fulfill. Hence, If jews are asked as to why they reject jesus as their messiah? They will simply say that he didn’t fulfilled any prophecy. And If Christians are asked as to why jews(the chosen ones) rejected jesus as messiah? Christians will quickly reply – He will fulfill it in the second coming.  The Christians fail or may be they are not aware that there is nothing like second coming of the messiah from Judaism’s own sources or Old testament and may be talmud. Even if they quote some verse – it is regarded as mis-interpretation by the chosen people themselves.

Let me highlight some of the facts which are not know by the people of all Abrahamic faiths - possibly.


Its not a surprises  us muslims that jews reject Prophet Mohammed pbuh as the messiah today.These are the same people who had made God their monopoly. So why will they leave Messiah. The main reason they rejected messiah is because he came from among the arabs or ishmaelites and not the Israelites.

Second reason they give is that he nullified torah which according to them will remain intact forever . If we look at their history – First torah was destroyed during the babylonian captivity then again Torah was destroyed during the destruction of the temple about 70 CE by the romans. So this claim of theirs that it will remain intact forever fails . If we look at the mosaic laws and not the story in the first five books – It is very similar to that of the Quran with few exceptions. Torah is too extreme unlike Quran.

Third reason they give today is the same when asked about Jesus that he didn’t fulfill any prophecies.This is a lie as Jews at the time of prophet were waiting for a messiah will be coming from among the arabs/ishmaelites a savior like for them. Proof as we read in various seerah(biography) there were many jewish tribes who had migrated to yathrib or Medina expecting the messiah to come. The most famous ones are Banu- Quraiza, Banu-Qaynuqa and Banu-Nadir .Their claim that he didn’t fulfilled any prophecy is a lie.He indeed fulfilled it which we will read on later below.When the prophet(pbuh) arrived – the mis-interpreted prophecies made them think that when he will come he will make Jews the ruler of the world and everything will be theirs. It will be like what they call today a totalitarian one-world government which will be in the hands of jews.


Shimon bar Yochai or Simeon ben yohai  – The eminent jewish rabbi who predated Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and predicted that Messiah will be coming or will come shortly from among the ishmaelites(he was the only one who honestly interpreted Dt 18:18) redeeming the whole world from its misery.

Abdullah ibn Salam - The ex-jew sahabi who converted to Islam.

Jacob ben nathanael ibn al-fayyumi - Another rabbi who came in the medieval ages said that Mohammed (pbuh) was indeed a true prophet.

Now, let us see from judaism’s own sources as to what they expect from him.

A summarized version is here :-

1.  Restore the Jewish people to Israel within the biblical borders of the land (Isaiah 11.11-12.6, Jeremiah 31.35-40, Ezekiel 47-48). 

REPLY:-   First of all – A very important thing I want to say to my muslims brothers and sisters that majority of the jews whom you see today are not the jews of ancient Israel. Almost 90% of them are Ashkenazi jews who are the descendants of east Europeans or Khazar tribes(a Turkic people) that had converted to Judaism. In  Genesis 10:1-3 – it is mentioned that ashkenaz was a descendant of Japheth and not Shem.  Even though the religion of Judaism dont accept conversion but - In worst  times, you have to be friends with your enemies . They had converted in the medieval ages to escape the persecution and save themselves from ongoing war among muslims and christians. Read Arthur Koestler’s – The thirteen tribe. Some claim that Afghanis(Pashtuns) and Kashmiris are the real descendants of the israelites – Both of whom are  99% muslims. Many will say that it is hypothetical – This theory was proposed not by muslims but the Christians themselves – George Moore. According to me Judaism/Israelite is not a race but a nationality . As they were black jews too back then aka as Ethiopian jews who migrated from Israel to Ethiopia. Even if it is a race or nation then still Prophet Mohammed was sent to everybody not just to arabs or Persians and united them all to worship the one true God when they stand along side by side in mecca during hajj. 

2.  Create peace between Israel and her neighbours and in the whole world (Isaiah 19.21-25, Amos 9.11-14).

REPLY:- Who was able to accomplish this task. I am asking my muslim brethren and honest unbelievers. The jews who were being persecuted by the Christians in Europe and were given shelter in spain and Palestine by muslims. Golden Age of jews during medieval ages was under the muslim rule. Christians have the history of persecuting the jews by labeling them as Christ-killers,god-killers etc – the recent one being holocaust.  Even a Christian author merlin Swartz  acknowledge that muslims were far more tolerant towards jews than Christians.

3.  Restore the Temple and rule the world from Jerusalem (Isaiah 2.1-4, Ezekiel 40-48). 

REPLY:- Today masjid al aqsa and the golden dome or dome of the rock both are able to stand today is because of muslims . During the siege of Jerusalem where muslims emerged victorious under the caliphate of Umar(ra) . Caliph Umar(ra) allowed jews to practice their religion freely in Jerusalem unlike the jews living under the byzantines who had massacred and persecuted them for centuries even after they themselves converted to christianity.

4.  Bring an end to all war and military training (Isaiah 2.4). 

REPLY:-  Prophet Mohammed pbuh established khilafah. The khilafah rule where one leader will rule the who muslim world on the basis of his piety. It which puts and end to all kind of isms like nationalism,racism,tribalism etc. Only Islam had been able to accomplish it unlike Judaism and Christianity had failed to end all kind of ism’s mentioned here. Let me give you an example WW1,WW2 and do I need to mention about racism and other religions too like Buddhism- failed to end nationalism, Hinduism failed – nationalism,casteism etc.

5.  Cause the earth to be filled with the knowledge of God as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11.9, Habakkuk 2.14).

REPLY:- Islam unlike Christianity(especially Catholicism) is the only religion which encourages people to gain knowledge practice and preach it to others. Protestant though encourages gaining knowledge but again their hero says - Sin-boldly. Jews are least concerned about others – No don’t worry I wont quote anything from Talmud here. Buddhist one of the major religion is atheistic for name-sake as you will always see an idol of Buddha next to his followers and do I need to say anything about Hinduism.


Jesus himself denies that he was the MESSIAH who was predicted in the Tanakh or Old Testament. How let us see:-


The jews says that messiah will bring peace all over the world quoting Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; Ezekiel 39:9. Jesus said he was just sent to Israelites – Mt 15:24. Prophet Mohammed(pbuh) is sent as a mercy unto all(alameen) – Quran 21:107. Unlike, Jesus of bible who himself said that he was sent to israelites(Mt 15:24) cursed jews by calling them killer of prophets(Luke 13:34 which is true) and cursed their scholars- Do read the seven woes of pharisees.


COMMENT  :- Jesus himself rejected indirectly that he was the messiah and even the fact that Messiah will be the son of David  as mentioned in the gospel of matthew that jesus was a descendant of David – Mt 1:20 and Luke 1:35.

Mt 22:41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,42 saying, “What think ye of Christ? Whose Son is He?” They said unto Him, “The son of David.”43 He said unto them, “How then doth David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying, 44 ‘The Lord said unto my Lord, “Sit Thou on My right hand until I make Thine enemies Thy footstool”’? 45 If David then call Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his son? 46 And no man was able to answer Him a word; neither dared any man from that day forth ask Him any more questions.

It does makes sense that father will not call his son – his Lord. And Making his enemies as his footstool means that he will destroy his enemies unlike jesus who was destroyed by his own enemies. Prophet Mohammed pbuh was a warrior who destroyed his enemies like David(pbuh) not because of his personal animosity and  those opposed him were not his enemies but they were the enemies of God – the staunch idolators.


COMMENT : -Mt 17:10 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Why then say the scribes that Elijah must first come?”11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, “Elijah truly shall first come and restore all things.12 But I say unto you that Elijah is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they pleased. Likewise shall also the Son of Man suffer by them.” 13 Then the disciples understood that He spoke unto them of John the Baptist.

Similarities between Jesus and Elijah-
1. Elijah miracles like raising the widow’s dead son - 1 Kings 17:17-24 and Jesus too Luke 7:12 and – The oil and wine miracle which were increased.2 Kings 4:1-7 and  John 2:1-10 were similar
2. As mentioned Jesus said that he had already come indirectly saying that he was Elijah as – In Mt 17:12 Note here -  the disciple understood but never asked him.
3. There is not even one similarity between Elijah and John the Baptist : - Even John the Baptist himself denied that he was Elijah – When he was asked about it in John 1:21
4. There is no prophet between Jesus and Mohammed (pbut) which means the scribes were right when they said that Elijah will come before Messiah.
5. In Malachi 4:5-6 – It is mentioned that like Elijah will come and turn the heart of  fathers to children. A similar thing is said by jesus in matthew 10:21.
6. Elijah was raised to heaven like Jesus - 2 Kings 2:1


COMMENT : - We read in the bible that Jesus prayed for not getting crucified(Mt 36:29) but at the same time it is also mentioned that angel came to strengthen him(Luke 22:41-43) and his prayer were answered (Heb 5:7) . His prayers were answered means he was taken up to the heavens by angels. If not then what does it means – Did angel came to strengthen him to wrestle with romans and his prayer that - If it be possible, let this cup pass from me – which cup is he talking about – Cup of tea or coffee. What does it means when it is said that his prayers got answered. So dear Christians brothers and sisters – Don’t believe in blindly following anything or anybody. Do some research and think about it.


1. The Messiah is born of two human parents, as we said. But Jesus, according to Christian theology, was born of a union between a Human woman and God.

COMMENT –  This is true that Christians are giving the jews a stick to beat them with. There is nothing like Messiah will be God,God the son or God-like in the Tenach(OT) is one of the major reasons why jews reject him as a messiah.

2. The Messiah can trace his lineage through his human biological father, back to King David (Isaiah 11:1,10; Jeremiah 23:5; Ezekiel 34:23-24; 37:21-28; Jeremiah 30:7-10; 33:14-16; and Hosea 3:4-5). But Jesus's lineage cannot go through his human father, according to Christian theology, as Jesus's father was not Joseph the husband of Mary. According to Christian theology, Jesus's father was God.

COMMENT:- I don’t think – I need to say anything regarding it as everybody knows that Prophet Mohammed pbuh had both Human biological father and mother.Also, read above why jesus(pbuh) himself gave a good reason denying the fact that Messiah will not be the descendant of King David(pbuh). If not then why woudn’t the jews play the monopoly game here.

3. The Messiah traces his lineage only through King Solomon (II Samuel 7:12-17; I Chronicles 22:9-10). But according to Luke 3:31, Jesus was a descendant of Nathan, another son of King David, and not a descendant of King David through King Solomon.

COMMENT:- The fact that Messiah will be the son of David is denied by
Jesus himself when he said that – Mt 24:45: - If David then call Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his son?”. As I had mentioned earlier that jews would leave no stone unturned to make even Messiah their monopoly through the corrupted word of God.

3. The Messiah is preceded by Elijah the prophet who, with the Messiah, unifies the family (Malachi 4:5-6), which is contradicted by Jesus in Matthew 10:34-37.

COMMENT:- Jesus similarity to Elijah is mentioned above.

4. The Messiah re-establishes the Davidic dynasty through the messiah's own children (Daniel 7:13-14). But Jesus had no children.

Comment:- True, but Prophet Mohammed pbuh indeed had children but was survived by his daughter Fatima (RA). As for Daniel 7:13 – I believe it mentions miraaj and in Dn 7:14 says- nothing is mentioned about his dynasty but mentions that nation shall serve him and his kingdom – that everybody will follow him and serve him pointing towards Prophet Mohammed pbuh ways which muslims call “Sunnah”. Nothing is mentioned about David or Solomon in those verses.

5. The Messiah brings an eternal peace between all nations, between all peoples, and between all people (Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-4; Ezekiel 39:9). Obviously there is no peace. Furthermore, Jesus said that his purpose in coming was to bring a sword, and not peace (see Matthew 10:34, as referenced above.)

COMMENT:- I agree as mentioned the so called followers of Jesus(pbuh) had failed to establish peace on earth by spreading all kinds of isms as mentioned earlier.But the meaning of Islam comes from the word Salam meaning peace. It’s unique unlike any religion How? Judaism comes from Judah one of the tribe of Israel, Christianity comes from Christ,Buddhism comes from Buddha, Hinduism comes from the Indus river.

6. The Messiah brings about the universal world-wide conversion of all peoples to Judaism, or at least to Ethical Monotheism (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Zechariah 8:23; Isaiah 11:9; Zechariah 14:9,16). But the world remains steeped in idolatry.

COMMENT:- Once again Judaism doesn’t accept conversion. It’s more a nation than a religion. Judaism though a monotheistic faith has closed the door for others. This is not the case with Islam which calls the world to worship one True God or purest monotheism - “Tauheed” unlike Christianity and all other pagan religions - Buddhism and Hinduism.

7. The Messiah brings about an end to all forms of idolatry (Zechariah 13:2). But the world remains steeped in idolatry.

COMMENT:- Also, read the comment above. Christianity still fails here as majority of the Christians today are catholics who are steeped in idolatry. Protestantism – has an absurd philosophy. Sin boldly – says martin luther. So if they follow his teaching and sin boldly by doing idol-worship would they still be considered Christians.

8.   The Messiah brings about a universal recognition that the Jewish idea of God is God (Isaiah 11:9). But the world remains steeped in idolatry.

COMMENT:-  Again read my comment to two Same as above. Islam’s idea of God is purest one unlike Bible’s which promotes more of a anthromorphist , favoritest, sexist, brutal and above all that God is also portrayed as not being omniscient and omnipotent.

9.   The Messiah leads the world to become vegetarian (Isaiah 11:6-9). It isn't.

COMMENT:- This reason sounds a bit ridiculous. If taken literally all animals will die – The wolf shall dwell with the lamb(Is 11:6). Here, the interpreters are not taking the verse literally still they are mis-interpreting it . If taken literally the whole life cycle will come to an end. If not, as per the interpreters when everybody goes veg then about protein required by human body which are necessary to prevent certain disease comes only from the animals flesh.

10.   The Messiah gathers to Israel, all of the twelve tribes (Ezekiel 36:24). Many of the ten lost tribes remain lost.

COMMENT:- Again, do I need to repeat it that Israelites had made God their monopoly by corrupting the word of God are concerned just about Israelites. The true mission of the messiah will be – He shall gather all mankind to pray to the one true God which today is happening in Mecca. Masjid al Aqsa in Palestine today is one the three holiest site in Islam where people from all over the world unite to pray to one God.

11.   The Messiah rebuilds The Temple (Isaiah 2:2; Ezekiel 37:26-28). It hasn't been rebuilt.

COMMENT:- If they are talking about solomons temple(Masjid al aqsa) then it still stands today and not the golden dome which everybody sees whenever the Masjid-Al Aqsa is mentioned. The jews must remember that when they were persecuted from europe especially spain were given shelter by Muslims in Palestine. If not then still the holiest temple mecca has been rebuilt by the Prophet Mohammed pbuh and jews are welcomed only if they put an end to their superiority complex and arrogance by embracing the true message of God which is Islam.

13 - There will be no more famine (Ezekiel 36:29-30). People starve to death every day.

COMMENT:- Again the game of literalism is played by the jews here. Ez 36:30- That ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen. Contradicting their own message of Zec 12:2 – that idolatory will come to an end. Then how possibly will heathen exist. It is metaphor which means - The famine which stands for Idolatory and other religion will cease to exist - except One and that one is no doubt – The true religion which is Islam.

14 - After the Messiah comes, death will eventually cease (Isaiah 25:8). People die every day.

COMMENT: - If you are talking about spiritual death which means all kind of evil then that’s fine otherwise be careful as in Ecclesiastes 9:3 it is mentioned that everyone has to die.

15. Eventually the dead will be resurrected (Isaiah 26:19; Daniel 12:2; Ezekiel 37:12-13; Isaiah 43:5-6);

COMMENT:- True, if you are talking about the Day of Judgement when everyone will be resurrected then you are right as the Grand Messiah - Prophet Mohammed pbuh was the last prophet who came before the day of Judgement.

16. The nations of the earth will help the Jews, materially (Isaiah 60:5-6; 60:10-12;

COMMENT:- OMG, Monopoly game played again. Do I need to repeat- Messiah will come from among the jews, to the jews and for the jews ONLY.

17. The Jews will be sought out for spiritual guidance (Zechariah 8:23);

COMMENT: - Same as above.

18:. All weapons will be destroyed (Ezekiel 39:9,12);

COMMENT: - Yes the weapons of heathens,evil,wicked oppressors will be destroyed as mentioned in Ez 39:9. It is said that - If you want peace, prepare for war". Even Jesus said – Luke 22:36- Sell your cloak and buy a sword. Remember - To establish peace it is necessary to destroy the war mongers who definitely will not be standing with lollipops to fight with you.

Finally some messages for you all to remember

John 8:32:- And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
And even if you don’t understand then as jesus said
Matthew 13:13 - Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

Also Quran says in V41:53 - Soon will We show them our Signs in the (furthest) regions (of the earth), and in their own souls, until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that thy Lord doth witness all things?

Last but not the least:-
Quran 36:17 :- And our duty is only to proclaim the clear Message."

Allah knows the best,
Your brother in humanity,
Mohammed Rashid Khan

Asslaamalaikum - brother osama - I am waiting for ur answer - Do u think all these questions sounds stupid? - if not then y dont u post it on ur website.

I earlier I made 60 questions that invalidates the religion of christianity but i dint got a single answer from anyone to those questions. Leave 60 here is only 1 question that is more than enough to prove that christianity is false religion. Its just a business to garner quick bucks and nothing more than that.

Jesus was both man Acts 2:22 -
and son of man Mark 2:10 -
Jesus repented thru baptism by john the baptism in mt 3:11-17 - BUT

Bible says in Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie: neither the son of man, that he should repent.

« on: January 16, 2014, 05:37:01 AM » – BBC hiroshima  short  video

The Little Boy atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and the Fat Man atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, both exploded with an energy of about 12.5 kilotons of TNT (52 TJ).
On a much grander scale, supernova explosions give off about 1044 joules of energy

The largest supernova explosions witnessed, so-called Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) released more than 1046 joules of energy, an amount no longer useful to compare with TNT equivalents.

Power that equalizes TNT –
Trinitrotoluene - is an explosive chemical.

1000 kilotons = 1 megatons of TNT

The energy contained in 1 megaton of TNT (4.2 PJ) is enough to power the average American household (in the year 2007) for 103,474 years.

Hiroshima bomb = 12.5 Kilotons of TNT

1000 kilotons = 1 megatons

Tsar Bomba - The biggest bomb ever built = 57 megatons or 57000 kilotons of TNT

The current nuclear arsenal of the world could produce less than 7,000 megatons or in other words it is not possible to build a nuclear bomb  that will produce energy more than 7000 megatons or 7000000 kilotons of TNT - Tsar Bomba trailer

Tsar Bomba = 57 megatons or 57000 kilotons of TNT
Imposibble to build nuclear weapons which can produce energy which will exceed 7000 megatons of TNT

Power needed to send moon out of its orbit approx = 100,000,000,000 megatons or 10 billions megatons of TNT

Other research claims it will need energy =  10,000,000,000,000 megatons of TNT  or 10 trillions megatons of TNT to move the moon out of its orbit

Supernova (explosion of a star) will produce energy that =  1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 megatons or 10 octillion megatons of TNT

What is supernova? – Let us see
According to wikipedia - A supernova is a stellar(star) explosion that is more energetic than a nova. Supernovae are extremely luminous and cause a burst of radiation that often briefly outshines an entire galaxy, before fading from view over several weeks or months. During this interval a supernova can radiate as much energy as the Sun is expected to emit over its entire life span. The explosion expels much or all of a star's material at a velocity of up to 30,000 km/s (10% of the speed of light), driving a shock wave into the surrounding interstellar medium. This shock wave sweeps up an expanding shell of gas and dust called a supernova remnant.
Hence, In that much energy it is possible that our entire solar system can be wiped out.

According to CNN – In 2003 astronomers statistics claimed that   there are 700,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 stars or 70 sextillion in universe which are VISIBLE!!!

Visible stars 700,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 X 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Megatons = ???

What does the science or scientist say about the universe The distance of observable universe is 45.7 billion years. Light year is a unit of distance and not time.

So how far is 45.7 billion light years – One cannot even imagine it. So let us calculate it:- 9,461,000,000,000 km x 45,700,000,000 = ? km .It’s 4.323677e+23 km OR 432367700000000000000000 km OR as 1.6 km is 1 miles hence 270229812500000000000000 miles

Inspite of calculating such a huge distance the scientists are still unsure of its distance or limit hence  they call it observable universe.

Even eminent scientist like Einstein claim that universe is still expanding -

Quran 51:47 - With power and skill did we construct the firmament: for it is We who creates the vastness of pace.

Quran 40:57 - Assuredly the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater (matter) than the creation of men: Yet most men understand not.

« on: January 15, 2014, 04:33:56 PM »
The creation of the Supreme (Al-Azeem)- Al-Azeem - One of the many names of Allah - BY MRK

Quran 40:57 - Assuredly the creation of the heavens and the earth is a greater(matter) than the creation of mankind : Yet most of the mankind know not.


What does the Quran says on the creation of the universe
Quran 21:30 - Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens (space) and the earth (matter) were joined together (as one unit of creation) before we clove them asunder?" We made from water every living thing . Will they not then believe.

The vastness of space
Quran 51:47 - With power and skill did we construct the firmament: for it is We who creates the vastness of pace.

The infinite knowledge of God from which not even the tiniest of tiny thing cannot escape
Quran 6:59 - And with Him are the keys of the unseen; none knows them except Him. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but that He knows it.

Quran 3:29 - Whether you hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all: He knows what is in the heavens,And what is on earth. And Allah has power over all things.
What does the science or scientist say about the universe The distance of observable universe is 45.7 billion years [1] Light year is a unit of distance and not time.
1 light year = 9,461,000,000,000 km approx  – [2]  [3]

So how far is 45.7 billion light years – One cannot even imagine it. So let us calculate it:- 9,461,000,000,000 km x 45,700,000,000 = ? km .It’s 4.323677e+23 km OR 432367700000000000000000 km – [4] OR as 1.6 km is 1 miles hence 270229812500000000000000 miles – [4]

Inspite of calculating such a huge distance the scientists are still unsure of its distance or limit hence  they call it observable universe.

Even eminent scientist like Einstein claim that universe is still expanding - [5]

Leave the universe aside – Leading scientist David Glenn recently discovered some big black hole which they say  is tilting the universe and it’s also outside the observable universe .They are unsure as to what it is and they claim they have no technology up till now which are capable of seeing such massive structures - [6]

Some others suggest that there are more universes besides ours hence they call it neighboring universe. -[7]

Man never  will be able to explore the infinite universe or universes no matter how much technology will get advanced or improve overtime.

Why God answers in :-
Quran C55:33 - O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it be ye can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass ye! not without authority shall ye be able to pass!

So those who still wonder especially atheist must give a thought as to where all this came from – nowhere? – Let us ask them - From nothing came everything? -  Surely makes no sense to me but does it makes to you.

What does it means – If man cannot even understand his creation then how possibly can he comprehend God’s nature or be able to see or prove Him? If God would have been visible or seen then faith would have no value –  So does this means religion promotes blind faith – surely not. Allah in the Quran says

Quran 3:191 : - Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding.

In this era of science and technology :- Many people especially atheist will not believe in anything(or any religion) without proof unless if something extraordinary or miraculous happens. So what proof do they want : - angels to come down from heaven or do they want God to raise the dead for them. The Abrahamic religion(Judaism,Christianity and islam) do agree that such miracles was indeed done by the prophets in the past but still they were not enough to convince the disbelievers(most of them) even at that time. So what is the proof if such miracles do happen today that disbelievers would become believers. Even if they did – will their belief in most of the religion convince them enough to hold on to their faith .I don’t think so – as most of them lacks a perfect concept of God.  Why and how read below.

So let us see if every religion in the world :- have a perfect concept of God.-

Christianity :- To Christians God is 3 in 1 to which they call it trinity(1 John 5:7). And that God came or sent his son jesus Christ – also called the son of god (one of three) to die for the sins of his own creation – John 3:16 .

Buddhism :- Buddhist do not believe that God exists or there is any God.Their motive is just to end the sufferings.

Hinduism : - Hinduism is a polytheistic religion and most of them believe in several gods and some in only one. But even monotheist hindus believe that this only God will/can incarnate whenever the sins in the world increase or evil prevails to come down and end it.  – [8]

Though Judaism not counted among the world’s major religion but still is important to discuss it as it is linked with christianity

Judaism – Jews believe in Bible’s major part Old testament(called Tanakh by them) to be inspired by God but  they don’t believe in trinity – instead they hold the belief that there is only one God. Inspite of being a monotheistic faith it still lacks a perfect concept of God – Why? In their own own scriptures -  God walks in the garden (Gen 3:8) & rest on seventh Day after creating everything (gen 2:2) curses man(gen 3:17) and women(Gen 3:16). There are too many to list here but I don’t want to ridicule their religion here.

The only thing I want you all to focus now is - if there is any perfect description of God in any religion. If yes then where is it?

We had not analysed the description of God in Islam yet. Is there a perfect God’s description in Islam. Let us see from Quran itself  – the central text of Islam.
In Islam : - As for the word Allah and why it is called Allah in Islam. God is called Allah from the root word Illah meaning god. So the word Al-illah - means the only God signifying the oneness of God called Tawhid.
Though there are several description of a perfect God in the Quran but here is the list of some of it which refutes the imperfect definition of God in all the religion mentioned above :-

Does God has a son or does He needs a son:- On Christianity
Quran 4:171:-  Indeed, Allah is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.

Unlike bible where god sleeps and rest – God in Quran says that He is beyond time and independent from all needs :-  On Judaism and christianity
Quran C2:255 - Allah! There is no god but He,-the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the heavens and on earth. Who is there can intercede in His presence except as He permitteth? He knoweth what before or after or behind them. Nor shall they compass aught of His knowledge except as He willeth. His Throne(kingdom) doth extend over the heavens and the earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding and preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme.

Are there many Gods – If there were what would it had resulted in – possibly the lust for power,greed jealousy etc :- On Hinduism and polytheists.
Quran C23:91 - No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him: (if there were many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have lorded it over others! Glory to Allah! (He is free) from the (sort of) things they attribute to Him!

To those who believe in incarnation of God :- Does He needs to do it:-
Quran c36:82 - Verily, when He intends a thing, His Command is, "be" and it is!

God himself summarises His perfect description in one of the smallest chapter of Quran in which He says
Quran Chapter 112
1.Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
2.Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
3.He begets not, nor was He begotten
4.And there is none like unto Him.
But what about those who do not believe in any God or atheist :-
Again Quran 3:191 : - Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding.
Though there is no verse in Quran which directly says anything about atheists but there are verses that points that there are various signs in His creation for men of understanding. This sign can be anything as mentioned earlier in this article that includes miracle but again will the people believe in it if they are shown such miracles- I don’t think I need to explain this to everybody again. Then -  What and where are these signs? Quran definitely says there are many signs but for those who think or comprehend about his creation will surely say   His signs are everywhere: - Even if he were to look in the mirror - He will say here is the sign - Sounds ridiculous? Let me show one of his many signs or miracle to which I believe will many be able to understand it easily.It is  a visible sign or miracle and this visible miracle is nothing else but Love and mercy or Compassion. Love & mercy indeed is also a miracle of God. How -? Read below :-

Quran 3:103 - And hold fast, all together, by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His Grace, ye became brethren;
So Love doesn’t just means the love which is shown in most of the movies today – it’s just being used or misused as a substitute for infatuation. A true love is a mother’s love towards her children & vice versa and similarly the love of father towards his children & vice versa. A good and an honest husband’s love towards his wife and vice versa.
Mercy too should not be ignored. Love and mercy towards other for the sake of humanity and God. Those who had observed and studied other creatures or animal will surely admit that this is something which these creatures lack. Hence, Human being are the only one’s who are gifted with this unique feeling of love and mercy towards everybody. So for those who observe his creation will surely admit that there are miracles everywhere in His creation which we overlook and ask for miracle to have faith.Even an atheist – by the name of Thomas carlyle himself admitted that one of the greatest miracle of Allah is compassion –

"On Heroes Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History,"
by Thomas Carlyle

Why does God created us – is the question which is asked by many of us? Which He himself answers in
Quran 51:56 : - And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.
Worship doesn’t just means to bown down – It means obeying Him and His command or law in every way possible? Though he has given us the freedom to obey or disobey him and I don’t think you will ask for proof or I need proof to make you understand this.
The Western world which today talks about various freedom like freedom of speech,expression etc and criticize Islam claiming that it’s a barbaric religion which suppresses freedom in all way possible. Let us ask them – Does freedom really means anybody can do anything they want. What will it possibly result in –What if everybody is given the freedom to do anything what they want :- What will it lead it to –possibly -  Genocide, Homicide, Robbery, Rape etc. Is this what we call freedom? – Or is it all allowed in their country – If no then they are pure hypocrites. If they want everybody to be given all types of freedom then they should also give them the freedom to do everything to everybody.

This makes me recall a statement from their own hollywood movie - Ten commandments of 1956 – In which their own version of Prophet Moses(pbuh) says - There is no freedom without the law.

Freedom is linked with the law – if there will be no proper law then freedom cannot be justified.  God has given the law or commands for our own good. Man made laws are not just but unjust.How - There are different laws in different country for the same crime. Like in some country : - In India Murderer is given the life term of minimum 14 years [9] and in Saudi Arabia it carries death penalty by beheading(by the blow of sword) and if the family of victim wishes then they can forgive the murderer[10]. As for rapist in india is given the punishment of 7 years[11][12] but again in other countries like Saudi Arabia & Iran they are sentenced to death[10][13]. A women who was a rape victim or who had gone through the horror & trauma of rape will surely say that this punishment of 7 years in jail is unjust and a rapist should be sentenced to death for ruining her life. So ask her – Is this law or are you satisfied with the punishment given to the accused – Must probably you will get the answer in negative – No a big NO.
Again this must make you think again on the issue of man made laws that - Are man made laws just?
Nobody, among the westerners especially Americans(which is mostly populated with Christians) highlight the fact that even the bible says that the crime of murder and adultery carries a capital punishment. Proof is there in Bible for Murder - Gen 9:6, Ex  21:12,Lev 24:17 & Matt 5:21 - and Adultery Lev 20:10. Again, their hypocrisy is exposed here and these are same people who call Islamic law as barbaric and cruel.
Many people ask as to - Why such laws must be followed which are so barbaric and cruel in 21st century. According to me - Such laws made by God will act/serve as a warning to the criminals who will think 10-100 times before enacting the crime. Too much freedom will result in its exploitation:-  Proof is below that the -
USA is on the top when it comes to any kind of crime whether it be murder,hate crimes,robbery,rape etc and not a single muslim dominated country is in the list of top ten- [14][15]
So I request everybody to research instead of blindly believing whatever the westerners owned media says.
Come towards God – who is guiding you all through me – I am not any special person – but the only thing that has separated us is that I had given ear to His message unlike you – Sorry no offence meant. I embraced His message not because I was born in a muslim family but by choice.So my ultimate message to everyone is – Allah will not gain anything if you accept Islam or not nor will I  - if you accept Islam it will be for your own good:-
Quran 17:7  :- If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves.
Quran 41:53: - We will show them Our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. But is it not sufficient concerning your Lord that He is, over all things, a Witness?
Again, sorry to say this and no don’t’ take it personally as it’s my duty to convey the message - If you still continue to reject and ignore His signs then remember this:-
Quran 4:55-56 - Those who reject Our Signs, We shall soon cast into the Fire. As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change them for fresh skins, that they may taste the penalty. For Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise"
A quote from a scripture itself – Seeing they see not, hearing they hear not and neither do they understand.

There is only one God and Mohammed is His messenger.
Jazak Allah khayr – May Allah grant you a good reward - and guide you all to come towards Him .
Last but not the least – Allah knows the best.
Your brother in faith and humanity,
Mohammed Rashid Khan
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GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / The identity of Holy spirit
« on: January 03, 2014, 03:18:38 PM »
Brother Osama
I was sent an article by a christian that muslims are wrong and confused when they believe that holy spirit is angel gabriel(pbuh).
By the grace mercy and help of Allah I refuted it. I do believe that its not muslims but christian themselves who are confused. To know more we must read it.

Also Akhi Sorry to say this but u did not my last article 60 questions that invalidates christianity.
If you do believe it sounded reasonable then I earnestly ask you to publicize it as much as possible.

The point of the article by the christian is highlighted in red color

1st paragraph . Long before Muhammad was born Arabic Christians already were referring to God as Allah and millions continue to do so today. The Allah of Islam however is definitely not the God of the Bible. For while Muslims passionately defend the unity of God they patently deny his triunity. Thus they recoil at the notion of God as Father reject the unique deity of Jesus Christ the Son and renounce the divine identity of the Holy Spirit.
Rashid : Yes its true that Christians arabs had referred to God as Allah and do so today too. Also I cant Understand what the writer of this absurd article meant when he said Allah of Islam is not the God of the bible. Did he meant about the concept  If Yes then its true that Allah is not what Christians think about Him that He is 3 in 1.He has son and daughters  dont worry its an example. Its not just muslims who deny his trinity or triunity but the jews the chosen people of God of the bible do too long before even jesus was born for approx 1500 years BC when moses got the law. If he thinks that denying trinity or triunity is denying God of the bible then surely Jews also dont believe in the God of the bible too and trinity so arr they blasphemers. So  do jews also deny the god of the bible.
2nd paragraph . First while the Master taught his disciples to pray Our Father in heaven devotees of Muhammad find the very notion offensive. To their way of thinking calling God Father and Jesus Christ Son suggests sexual procreation. According to the Quran It is not befitting to the majesty of Allah that He should beget a son (Sura 1935). Allah begetteth not nor is he begotten (Sura 1123). The Bible however does not use the term begotten with respect to the Father and the Son in the sense of sexual reproduction but rather in the sense of special relationship. Thus when the apostle John speaks of Jesus as the only begotten of the Father (John 114 NKJV emphasis added) he is underscoring the unique deity of Christ. Likewise when the apostle Paul refers to Jesus as the firstborn over all creation (Colossians 115 emphasis added) he is emphasizing Christs preeminence or prime position as the Creator of all things (Colossians 11619). Christians are sons of God through adoption. Jesus is God the Son from all eternity.

Rashid : As for the word begotten son of God   This term exists in John 3:16John 1:14 18. 3:18 1 John 4:9 etc . Christians as time had passed are made to believe that begotten son does not means  that he was created made born through sexual interference or intercourse but he was God who existed from the beginning.Even if they dint then how much logical it seem in context of the bible and is there any truth in it  Let us see.
What the jewish encyclopedia says about this .
The phrase the only begotten son (John iii. 16) is merely another rendering for the beloved son. The Septuagint translates  (thine only son) of Gen. xxii. 2 by thy beloved son. But in this translation there is apparent a special use of the root  of frequent occurrence in rabbinical literature as a synonym of  (choose elect. see Bacher Die Aelteste Terminologie der Jüdischen Schriftauslegung s.v.) the only begotten thus reverts to the attribute of the servant who is the chosen one.

Christians todays are themselves confused on the term begotten son of God. Proof is that different famous or translation of this verse on word term begotten son of God of John 3:16.

NIV  . For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

KJV. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.

NKJV.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

RSV  . For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

NASB.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


NIV  . By faith Abraham when he was tried offered up Isaac. and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son

KJV. By faith Abraham when he was tried offered up Isaac and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son.

NKJV. By faith Abraham when he was tested offered up Isaac and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son

RSV. By faith Abraham when he was tested offered up Isaac and he who had received the promises was ready to offer up his only son

NASB. By faith Abraham when he was tested offered up Isaac and he who had received the promises was offering up his only begotten son.

Hence the translation in NIV & RSV says that Jesus was his only son and not begotten which proves that what  jewish encyclopedia claims  the term beloved son is another phrase for chosen servant or in other words a Godly man or a great prophet is not a lie. If christians disagree then Christian must answer to Quran when it claims that begotten means sexually procreating is also not wrong as we can read in Gen 16:11 to 16 that Abraham through Hagar had begotten Ishmael much before Isaac inspite of that in Hebrews 11:17 all translators translate that Isaac was his only or only begotten son. So it proves that what jewish encyclopedia claims is true on the term only begotten son surely means that  a special son or a special one and begotten means sexually procreating is also not wrong as Abraham wives indeed bore ishmael and isaac. This is not translated by jews or muslims but by Christians themselves so instead of claiming that muslims are confused or mis understand trinity or begotten son . Christians themselves should sit on one table and discuss as to what does this term begotten son means. They themselves are confused so how possibly can they say that we muslims are confused.


As for so called apostle paul claiming the firstborn over all creation col 1:15 is jesus ... ask his(paul) worshippers about Melchizedek (also Read my 60 questions and facts on Christianity) to answer dat.

KJV Psalms 2:7  . I will declare the decree the Lord hath said unto me Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee. ..........Also if u want u can read all the translation for this verse too where they have applied the formula of trinity II as usual.

The chosen people of God i.e. the jews claim that this verse is directed towards David and some Christian commentators do agree but again another Trinitarians II Christians bible interpreters and Biblicist will claim that this is referring to Jesus and is a prophecy but again their double stand is exposed where one more translator claim its a mistranslation by applying the formula of trinity II again here.

TLB Psalm 2:7. His chosen one replies I will reveal the everlasting purposes of God for the Lord has said to me You are my Son. This is your Coronation Day. Today I am giving you your glory.

As for jesus being a being a begotten son made through sexual interference is  The  early and medieval Christians indeed believed that jesus was made through sexual procreation to which the Quran refers in  Surah 19:35 refers too. Leave early even today one Christian sect by the name of Mormons do believe that it is true.They indeed have a strong reason to believe it. Read below

Luke 1:35  . The angel said to Mary The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will cover you. For this reason the baby will be holy and will be called the Son of God.

Luke 1:35. The angel answered The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

Any person who does not believes in blind following will surely as to what does this word overshadow or cover means in this context . If u r 1 of them then ask the Trinitarians II to answer it..
Also what does this term adopted son means and from where had these people got this phrase from . Is God working in or is there any heavenly hospital or orphanage? Hence  MT 13:13
3rd paragraph . Furthermore Muslims dogmatically denounce the Christian declaration of Christs unique deity as the unforgivable sin of shirk. As the Quran puts it God forgiveth not the sin of joining other gods with Him. but He forgiveth whom He pleaseth other sins than this (Sura 4:116). While Muslims readily affirm the sinlessness of Christ they adamantly deny his sacrifice upon the cross and subsequent resurrection. In doing so they deny the singular historic fact which demonstrates that Jesus does not stand in a long line of peers from Abraham to Muhammad but is God in human flesh. The Quranic phrase Allah raised him up (Sura 4:158) is taken to mean that Jesus was supernaturally raptured rather than resurrected from the dead. In Islamic lore God made someone look like Jesus and this look.alike was crucified in his place. In recent years the myth that Judas was crucified in place of Jesus has been popularized in Muslim circles by a late medieval invention titled The Gospel of Barnabas. Against the weight of history and evidence the Quran exudes they killed him not nor crucified him but so it was made to appear to them (Sura 4157).

Rashid : Yes it is true that associating anything with God inspite of knowing it is wrong is an unforgivable sin . Shirk

Muslims do believe that  Prophet jesus(peace be upon him) was sinless like all prophets so nothing special or unique about it.The writers of bible(who mostly were jews) have corrupted and accused great prophets of sins from incest(prophet Lot pbuh) idolatory (Prophet aaron pbuh) to adultery(Prophet David pbuh) they did not left their own savior Prophet Moses (pbuh) from sinning like his disobeying the God at the rock and on the issue of circumcision.

The only sinless man in the bible besides jesus is Prophet Job(pbuh) in Job 1:1. So what makes jesus pbuh unique in the bible of christians themselves.

Was Jesus crucified ?

Leave Quran and gospel of barnabas aside.As Christians dont and will never believe in it? So let me answer this from ur  own scriptures

Just two verses to disapprove this theory of crucifixion.

Mt 26:39. And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed saying My Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as you will.

Hebrews 5:7 . During the days of Jesus life on earth he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death and he was heard because of his reverent submission.

Was Jesus taken up  Yes it is true that Muslims believe that jesus was taken up and will return sometime before the day of judgement to lead the muslims and fight the anti christ along with  Muhammad Al mahdi  (a descendant of Prophet Mohammed pbuh through his daughter Fatima  may Allah be pleased with her)

Quran indeed says that God raised jesus up but It is Gospel of barnabas and not quran which claims that his betrayer judas was made to look  like him and was unable to speak for his defence  a prophecy fulfilled .Read  Ec 10:8 and psalm 7:15  Lo and behold. How the formula of trinitarian II is not applied here. Again MT 13:13

4th and final paragraph . Finally in addition to rejecting the divinity of Jesus Islam also renounces the divine identity of the Holy Spirit. Far from being the third person of the Triune God who inspired the text of the Bible Islam teaches that the Holy Spirit is the archangel Gabriel who dictated the Quran to Muhammad over a period of twenty.three years. Ironically while the Holy Spirit who dictated the Quran is said to be the archangel Gabriel Islam identifies the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus in John 14 as Muhammad. The Bible however roundly rejects such corruptions and misrepresentation. Biblically the Holy Spirit is neither an angel nor a mere mortal rather he is the very God who redeems us from our sins and will one day resurrect us to life eternal (Acts 5:34 Romans 8:11).

Rashid : The identity of Holy spirit To understand the identity of holy spirit in the bible let us see what the God in the old testament says.  God in old testament says .

Isaiah 443 . For I will pour water on the thirsty land and streams on the dry ground I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants.

Joel 2:28 (RV) I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy.

Hence . In Judaism  Hebrew . ruach ha kodesh  Holy spirit refers to divine aspect of prophecy and wisdom 
What does Islam says  on the aspect of Arabic Ruh al Quds or Holy spirit

What does Quran says  God in Quran says to angels

Quran 15:29 . When I have fashioned him (in due proportion) and breathed into him of My Spirit fall ye down in obeisance unto him. 

A scholar of Islam says . breathed of My spirit into him.  cast a reflection of My Divine characteristics on him....  This shows that the soul of man implies life knowledge power will discretion and other human characteristics in the aggregate. These are in reality a slight reflection of Divine characteristics that has been cast on the human body which was originally created from dried clay.

So one can say that Holy spirit signifies wisdom and some other divine characteristics in both religions.But christians had raised him to the level of God or made it God.

Man should not try to be too curious and try to obtain the knowledge of things which will do  no good to Him Hence in God says in Quran

Quran 17:85 . They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you (O men.)

As for Islam saying that Holy spirit is referring to gabriel is a misconception mis interpretation created by the Trinitarians II. Not a single verse in the Quran says that Gabriel is holy spirit. Some had guessed it to be Gabriel but this is an assumption or guess work but Quran says

Quran 53:28 . They follow but a guess and verily guess is no substitute for the truth

Also God in the Quran says 112:4 . And there is none like unto Him. 

So if they compare it to a spirit which is in all creatures . they are contradicting the above verse which says that there is nothing like God.

The spirit of truth is said by muslims in John 14 is referring to Prophet Mohammed pbuh and not holy spirit

Jn 14:16. As for spirit of truth . And I will ask the Father and he will give you another Counsellor to be with you for ever 17.  the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him for he lives with you and will be Some early manuscripts and is in you.

To be with you forever  means  His teachings which are recorded in Hadith translated as tradition it contains deeds and saying of Prophet Mohammed pbuh which a good practicing muslim tries to implicate or apply  in his everyday life hence in this way he is with us forever.To be with us forever  should not be taken literally as in heb 9:27 is mention ed that everybody will die . If not then it contradicts the statement of jesus in the above verse.

What do you think now  Who is confused on the issue of holy spirit ?Islam OR  christianitys Trinitarians II  i.e the false prophets prophesied by jesus in Mt 24:5.

So dear christian readers
Accept Islam . Profess in ur heart and believe that . That there is only one God and jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them both) are His messengers.

Quran 17:7 .  if you do good you do good for your ownselves and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves.

Quran 36:17 . My duty is convey the message

Finally  Allah knows the best

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