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Why did quran mention only the proven facts -Chance ?

Assalam alaikum

The ayah is about Yawm Al-qiyamah=Day of judjment.

But what about those Hadiths that admit that parts of the Quran has been corrupted. Apparently on Sahih muslim 2286, an entire chapter was lost!

Assalam alaikum

One of the favorite topics of missionaries is Abrogation in Qurān. Giving a notion as if abrogated verses were lost they try to put the authenticity of Qurān to doubt. Let’s today explain as to what abrogation is and what are the facts about specific narrations they bring forward?

What is abrogation and the Quranic scheme about it?

Now let me explain abrogation is and what it’s not as I know Christians normally tend to be very amazed at God abrogating His own verses. But unfortunately their amazement is only when it comes to Qurān.

When some rules are abrogated and replaced by some other rules then it means that Allah in His wisdom changed the rules. It is just like ‘…A physician prescribes a medicine for the patient in view of his present conditions, but he knows when the patient has been using it for two days, his conditions will change and require a new medicine – with this realization, he prescribes a medicine suitable for that day, but two days later, when circumstances have changed, he prescribes a new one. The physician can easily give the patient written instructions for the whole course of treatment, with all the changes in medicine duly indicated. But this would be putting too much burden on already feeble patient and there would also be danger of harm through a possible error or misunderstanding.’ (Ma’ariful Qurān vol.1 under 2:106)This is a manifestation how Allāh causes people to forget the previous revelations He intends not to be retained and preserved.

Further about abrogation Allāh Almighty says in the Qurān;

مَا نَنْسَخْ مِنْ آَيَةٍ أَوْ نُنْسِهَا نَأْتِ بِخَيْرٍ مِنْهَا أَوْ مِثْلِهَا أَلَمْ تَعْلَمْ أَنَّ اللَّهَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

“None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?” (Qurān 2:106)

Sometimes it was plainly told that a verse previously revealed stands abrogated and sometimes before such any announcement people were made to forget it. An account of it is given in a Hadīth which says that a person tried to recite a sūrah but he couldn’t remember it except for ‘Bismillahi Ar-Rahmān Al-Rahīm’ so next morning he came to the Holy Prophet (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) to ask about it and similarly some other people also as the same happened to them as well. So the Holy Prophet (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said in response:

نسخت البارحة
‘This was abrogated yesterday.’

(Mushkil Al-Athār 5/35 Hadīth 1711. the narration is authentic. See Footnote to Al-Ittiqān section 47 p.1463 pub. Saudi Ministry of Islamic publications)

The hadeeth says they were 300, the best of them, none of them said, o wait it's not abrogated, they were hufaaz.

"We used to recite a sūrah which resembled in length and severity to (Sūrah) Bar’āt."

iCertainly we do not find a sūrah with this verse this verse in the Qurān now. So what happened of it? Infact it was abrogated and another sūrah was revealed instead;

عَنْ أَنَسُ بْنُ مَالِكٍ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ لَوْ أَنَّ لِابْنِ آدَمَ وَادِيًا مِنْ ذَهَبٍ أَحَبَّ أَنْ يَكُونَ لَهُ وَادِيَانِ وَلَنْ يَمْلَأَ فَاهُ إِلَّا التُّرَابُ وَيَتُوبُ اللَّهُ عَلَى مَنْ تَابَ وَقَالَ لَنَا أَبُو الْوَلِيدِ حَدَّثَنَا حَمَّادُ بْنُ سَلَمَةَ عَنْ ثَابِتٍ عَنْ أَنَسٍ عَنْ أُبَيٍّ قَالَ كُنَّا نَرَى هَذَا مِنْ الْقُرْآنِ حَتَّى نَزَلَتْ أَلْهَاكُمْ التَّكَاثُرُ

Narrated Anas bin Mālik the Messenger of Allāh (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ) said; "If the son of Adam were given a valley full of gold, he would love to have a second one; and if he were given the second one, he would love to have a third, for nothing fills the belly of Adam's son except dust. And Allah forgives he who repents to Him."
Ubai said, "We considered this as a saying from the Qur'an till the Sura (beginning with) 'The mutual rivalry for piling up of worldly things diverts you..' (102.1) was revealed."
(Sahīh Bukhari, Kitābul Riqāq, Hadīth 5959)

Now if you compare the known part of the abrogated sūrah, 'If the son of Adam were given a valley full of gold, he would love to have a second one; and if he were given the second one, he would love to have a third, for nothing fills the belly of Adam's son except dust' with Quran chapter 102 'The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things), Until ye visit the graves'...Both these clearly relate to man's insatiable crave for worldly riches. It thus complies with the general principle of abrogation; 'but We substitute something better or similar.’

The discussion above proves abrogation doesn’t cause any doubt about the preservation and authenticity of the Holy Qurān. Only such parts have been taken away which were not required to be preserved and were dropped according to the Divine plan after verses similar or better were revealed instead.

I always hear Atheists say:

1. If God is so merciful, why does he allow people to burn in hell forever?

Intention is the Key to Eternal Living in Paradise or Hell-Fire
 Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab:

I heard Allah's Messenger (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) saying, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended."

If God created humans this way and he created us without proof of his existence, why would he punish people who rejected him?

Slippery slope

His existence & the whole universe existence indicates the certainty that a great creator created the whole universe.

(the question is already answered above)
Their only answer is: we r created by chance, ok !
How is this merciful?

Allah says: “Say: O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Sûrah al-Zumar: 53]

This verse speaks about those who repent. It tells us that any sin, no matter how major, is expiated by sincere and proper repentance.

There are conditions for repentance to be sincere and proper. The first of these is that the penitent person desists from the sinful act. The second is that he feels deep and genuine regret for having committed the sin. The third is that he resolves in his heart never to return to the sin again. Finally, if the sin caused a transgression against the rights of another person, he needs to do his best to make amends.

When Allah sees this sincere repentance from one of His servants – a servant who truly turns to his Lord in fear and hope – He not only forgives the sin, but replaces those sins for good deeds to the servant’s credit. This is from Allah’s infinite grace and munificence.

Allah says: “Unless he repents, believes, and works righteous deeds, for Allah will change the evil of such persons into good, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful,” [Sûrah al-Furqân: 70]

Allah says this right after mentioning the sins of polytheism, murder, and adultery. However, this blessing is only for one who have faith, whose repentance is sincere, and who strives to work righteous deeds.

Allah’s generosity is so far-reaching, that we are not only forgiven through our specific repentance for each sin that we commit, but we can attain forgiveness simply through our constant appeals Allah to forgive us.

Another way that we attain Allah’s forgiveness is through the performance of good deeds. Allah says: “Establish worship at the two ends of the day and in some watches of the night. Lo! Good deeds annul evil deeds. This is reminder for the mindful.” [Sûrah Hûd: 114]

Some scholars are of the view that his verse is only speaking about the forgiveness of minor sins, and that major sins need specific repentance. They cite the following verse in support of this interpretation:

Allah says “If you shun the most heinous sins which you are forbidden, We will do away with your small sins and admit you to a gate of great honor.” [Sûrah al-Nisâ’: 31]

They also cite a number of hadîth, including the hadîth related by `Uthman that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Any Muslim who offers the prescribed prayer, doing justice to its motions and to the humility that it requires, it will expiate for the sins that preceded it, as long as the person did not commit a major sin.” [Sahîh Muslim]

However, Ibn Taymiyah and a number of other scholars consider the verse “Good deeds annul evil deeds” to be general in meaning. It applies to all sins, major and minor. Even if a person’s good deeds do not expiate for the sin directly, there can be no doubt that those good deeds weigh in the balance of deeds on the Day of Judgment in a person’s favor. Whoever has his good days outweigh his evil deeds on that Day will attain salvation.

Allah says: “The balance that day will be true: those whose scale (of good) will be heavy will prosper, and as for those whose measure (of good deeds) is light, their souls will be in perdition, for that they wrongfully treated Our signs.” [Sûrah al-A`râf: 8-9]

Ibn Mas`ûd said: “People will be take into account on the Day of Judgment. Whoever has a single sin to his account more than his good deeds will enter the Fire. Whoever has a single good deed to his account greater than his sinful deeds will enter Paradise.”

Then Ibn Mas`ûd recited Allah’s words: “…those whose scale (of good) will be heavy, will prosper”.

Then he said: “Indeed, the balance will weigh an atom’s weight one way or another.”

Allah also forgives us our sins through the difficulties that we face in life. When we are stricken with illness or suffer from circumstances, we will earn forgiveness if we bear them patiently seeking Allah’s reward.

Allah forgives our sins on account of the supplications that others make to Allah asking for our forgiveness, including our funeral prayers. We earn forgiveness through the charity we gave in our lives that continue to provide benefit to others after our deaths. We earn forgiveness if we have pious children who beseech Allah on our behalf.

A Muslim’s sins are likewise forgiven through the punishment he may receive in the grave. Those sins are also forgiven by the intercession that the Prophet (peace be upon him) will make on that day, and then by the intercession those who are granted intercession. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “My intercession is for those who committed major sins from among my followers.”

Above and beyond all of this is the mercy of the Most-Merciful Lord who pardons on that Day all sins as He pleases, as long as the person meets Him worshipping Him alone without ascribing to Him any partner.
Read also:

If God is all knowing/omnipotent, wouldn't he know that most of these disbelievers are in fact innocent and they disbelieve because of their experiences in life and the way their brains have been developed? Why would an all knowing being punish people?

God being All-knowing is irrelevant to your desire to reject the truth !
If God isn't all-knowing, he wouldn't be God anymore, U don't know whether U may accept islam in the future or die in darkness. God only knows.

Salam alaikum

"Sadly, there are those individuals who are so stuck in their ways, so addicted to their life as it is; and so scared of losing their various gratuitous pleasures; that they choose to live a life ‘free’ from the truth except the one they construct themselves- a fantasy world.

You could call it the ultimate escapism, but as you have probably seen yourself – escapism is not uncommon feature of human beings:
1) People drink and party to forget their life’s problems
2) People in love overlook seriously grave character flaws in their partner
3) People who love their nation to such an extent, overlook their country’s severely unjust tendencies

Perhaps you find it hard to believe that people would deny the truth, but you see, not all truths are palatable - ‘the truth hurts’  as the  saying goes. Just to further make you understand the mentality of the truth denier, consider this:

A woman who really loves her husband, has a great marriage with him, kids, nice house – everything. Then one day, she finds lipstick on one of his shirts. What will she think? The thought of him cheating on her is so horrific for her to consider, she MUST find an alternative explanation! Even if she saw explicit text messages on his phone she would find any explanation other than the most obvious. Of course not everyone will act like that, but most people would (if put in that situation). You see, for the woman in the example, a nice husband, great marriage, nice house and kids is PARADISE for her. She could never face the fact, that everything she always dreamed of, is false. Thus she becomes a ‘kaffir’ (denies the truth) to her husband’s infidelity (no pun intended).

Now consider the person who loves their life like that woman loves her marriage. To be told that this life is deceptive, temporary and comes with a price tag (of accountability), how would that person react? Would they embrace the greater truth? Or would they let their selfishness and self-centredness overcome their sincerity? Unfortunately, most people would prefer to take the ‘blue pill’ (i.e. the latter)."

I was about to take those questions seriously, but when i opened the thread i realized that these are not questions, they are dirty insults by an arrogant close-minded person, that even doesn't deserve a time from a muslim.

salam alaikum

Where is the alleged errors exactly ? If anti-islamic site deny quran being from God, (how can it be God word, it must has errors), but my genuine question: What is that 'horrible error '  :o

How did he know that verse 32:5 is not true, did he help in creating a planet or galaxy before ?

« on: June 10, 2013, 06:49:50 AM »
Assalam alaikum

Neglect of Islam, Dawa and Jihad is the cause of humiliation

Hadith 60, If people withhold (hoard) dinars and dirham and trade according to al-eena (a type of trade which is similar to riba) and they follow the tails of the cows and leave the Jihad in the Path of Allah, Allah places upon them humiliation which will not be raised from them until they return to their deen (Ahmed)

A: The phrase to “follow the tails of cows” indicates the increase in the agriculture, and the narration is talking about the seeking wealth or in other words to become engrossed in increase of material things of this world.

B: Jihad is to carry the call of Islam to the rest of the world, in order to make the Word of Allah (SWT) most High. To leave the call to Islam, and neglect the Jihad, means a weakening of the Aqeedah in the Ummah since the role of this Ummah on the Earth is to call to the deen of Allah (SWT) and establish it among the people. And so to leave the Jihad is to leave a fundamental reason for our Ummah, and to dilute our Aqeedah which is the source of our strength since it is the basis for our actions, and with this weakening comes the humiliation which will not be raised until the Ummah returns to the deen - which is to return to its implementation, and to the calling of the rest of the World to come under the banner of la ilaha illa Allah.

C: "al-eena" - is to agree to sell something at a particular price and to buy it back at an agreed time for a fixed price. In other words it is similar to an interest based transaction but with a nominal good involved.

D: There can be no victory, and no 'izza for the Muslims except through the return to Islam, and not simply by the increase in economic development and so on since this narration explained that all the other solutions and proposals being presented cannot raise the humiliation place upon them by Allah (SWT).

Hadith with commentary each week, taken from The Sixty Sultaniyya compiled by Abu Luqman Fathulla

Sayyidina AbduLlah bin Umar (Radiallahu anhu) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) once said with great urgency:

“0 people of the Muhajireen there are five things which if you ever indulge therein, calamities will engulf you. Allah forbid that you ever indulge therein. One is that when among any people promiscuity (fornication and adultery) become widespread, plague will overtake them as well as new diseases which were previously unknown, and when any people cheat in weighing and measuring they will face drought, famine, hardship and the wrath of unjust tyrant rulers; and when any people withhold Zakaat, rains from the heavens will be withheld from them and had it not been for the presence and needs of mute animals even a little sprinkle of rain would not fall; and those people who break their covenant with Allah and His Rasul (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) will fall prey to enemies; and the people who enforce unjust laws will
be involved in civil war and rebellion

“The people who are guilty of breaking their trusts will face bloodshed and civil war. And where indulgence in immorality and promiscuous behaviour occur there will be much death. And the people who withhold Zakaat, from them rain will be withheld.”

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) also said:

“Fear for others will engulf the hearts of the people among whom there is much bribery.”

“By Him in Whose Hand my life lies, you shall continue to exhort others towards righteousness and continue to prohibit them from the doing of evil. Otherwise Allah will send down upon you such calamities and punishment that you will pray to Him but He will not answer you.”

Conversely, obeying Allaah and His Messenger sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam is the source of victory. Allaah says that which translates as: “O you who have believed, if you support Allaah, He will support you [by giving you victory].” (Muhammad: 7)

Read also :

If a person thinks like this, ask God to cure him

Send this to him:

« on: June 09, 2013, 12:17:13 PM »
Assalam alaikum

The person u r talking to aims to deceive you and keep telling u he is 'not convinced' when u show him how his points are ridiculous.

He said 'The testicles produce only 5% of the sperm.' So his own statement is clearly in error.
The testicles actually produce only 100% of the sperm cells.

Now back to the ayah:
" He is created from a water gushing forth
 Proceeding from between the back-bone and the ribs"

To prove a scientific error, he has to 'prove' that genital organs or passages actually exist outside the area determined by God, otherwise his claims are to be ignored.

« on: June 08, 2013, 02:44:41 PM »
But brother what's the meaning of setting of the stars?????

And brother the verse that I have posted is the same only the translation is different.So are "setting of the stars" and "places of the stars" same????? Brother Sama please clarify the matter.
assalam alaikum

mawaqi' is he plural of mawqi' which means site/place , may be brother Usama can further explain InshaaAllah

« on: June 08, 2013, 01:52:05 PM »

 What does Quran mean by the places or setting of the stars.Does it mean SUPERNOVA.If so then how?.Please refer to the following verse 75 of Surah Waqiah

       Sahih International: Then I swear by the setting of the stars,

Pickthall: Nay, I swear by the places of the stars -
 Brothers and Sisters please help me to remove my confusions.

wa alaikum assalam

This ayah is an amazing miracle  :)

Scientists say we see this galaxy as it was millions of years ago, but as for its real location, we can not comprehend because the light it transmits takes millions of years until it reaches us. This means that the real locations of the stars is known only to Allah, the Almighty, and that is why Allah took an oath by them, Allah stated in Glorious Quran AL-WAQIA (THE EVENT, THE INEVITABLE) 56:75, ‘Furthermore I call to witness the setting of the Stars,’ Who has informed Allah Messenger  this truth about the cosmos?

For further amazing miracles, please visit:

« on: June 08, 2013, 12:16:53 PM »
We know Quran says everything is made in pair. But what about unicellular animals? There is no male in them. Only female. Please help me remove my confusion.

Assalam alaikum

There is no female unicellular organism.

    "And from everything We have created pairs that you may be mindful."         Surat Adh-Dhāriyāt (51) Ayah 49

In the name of Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah ...

In their trial to find an "error" in quran, Islam haters argued that this ayah is false due to asexual reproduction of some organisms !!

First of all we need to read this article to understand "the concept of parity" as a universal phenomenon

Then,  Why doesn't asexual reproduction contradict the ayah by any way ?

The ayah didn't say "Everything", rather it said "from/of everything ". It's an arabic expression used to mean "many/ a lot of".
Let's examine other ayahs first

1- God says in surat Annaml 27:23 :
إِنِّي وَجَدتُّ امْرَأَةً تَمْلِكُهُمْ وَأُوتِيَتْ مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَلَهَا عَرْشٌ عَظِيمٌ
Sahih International
Indeed, I found [there] a woman ruling them, and she has been given of all things, and she has a great throne.
In the same surah ayah 16:
وَوَرِثَ سُلَيْمَانُ دَاوُودَ ۖ وَقَالَ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ عُلِّمْنَا مَنطِقَ الطَّيْرِ وَأُوتِينَا مِن كُلِّ شَيْءٍ ۖ إِنَّ هَٰذَا لَهُوَ الْفَضْلُ الْمُبِينُ
Sahih International
And Solomon inherited David. He said, "O people, we have been taught the language of birds, and we have been given from all things. Indeed, this is evident bounty."

     We don't need to say that Sulayman- Peace be upon him- and the woman didn't have "every thing" but they were given "from" every thing as the woman's kingdom wasn't given to Sulayman and vise versa. It refers to those things only which are needed by the government or an empire. Otherwise it is obvious that they did not have cars or railways in those days. It means that whatever services are needed to a king or an aristocrat according to their time, they all were available to her. It is, however, obvious that those things that were not available to them, their unavailability is not in conflict with this verse.

    The same expression was used in the ayah above "و من كل شيء" "from/of every thing"

2-  In surat Alanbyaa' 21:
 Ayah 30:
وَجَعَلْنَا مِنَ الْمَاءِ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ حَيٍّ ۖ أَفَلَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
and we made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?
 Ayah 35:
كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ ۗ وَنَبْلُوكُم بِالشَّرِّ وَالْخَيْرِ فِتْنَةً ۖ وَإِلَيْنَا تُرْجَعُونَ
Sahih International
Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be returned.

     God didn't say in this ayah "from everything" but "every thing-every soul " and this means no exceptions !!

Quran is the final testament from God. A distinct feature of the Qur’anic diction is that it encloses a vast range of meaning in a surprisingly small number of words without losing its charm and majesty in the least.
The language of the Qur’an contains all possible kinds of eloquence, metaphor, similes, comparisons, transitions, inversions etc., but at the same time it is free of any hint of verbiage like false exaggeration, hyperbolical statements and all other defects of falsehood . Human writing does not usually combine all the aspects of eloquence in one work. People have tried in vain to accommodate all these qualities. The Holy Qur’an, however, does so superlatively.

Assalam alaikum

First of all let me congratulate you for becoming muslim despite visiting such sites  ;D

They KNOW that they spread lies, but their intention is to misguide, so yes they do their job well.
Example: I'll keep my lies:

You are right of course "It is human nature to exaggerate certain things and put your own interpretations into a book. And the Hadiths are not preserved like the Quran"
That's the reason for development of a science to filter austhentic hadeeth as much as we can.

To be a source or authority of Islamic law, a hadith must be from the categories of sahih (authentic) or hasan (good). In order for a hadith to be authentic or good it must meet the following criteria:

1) The chain of narration must be unbroken. In other words, each source must have received the hadith directly from the one whose authority he is relating it all the way back to the Prophet peace be upon him. If there is any missing authority, the chain would be considered broken and unacceptable.

2) Every narrator in the chain must be of acceptable righteousness and character; in other words, each narrator must be morally fit. Impious people are not accepted, for their impiety is a sign that they don’t fear Allah and, hence, they can’t be trusted to take extreme care in narrating the statements of the Prophet peace be upon him. If just one narrator in the chain does not meet these criteria the hadith will have to be rejected.

3) Moral characteristics are not sufficient. Each narrator must be proficient and exact when it comes to narrating hadith. If a person is known to make lots of mistakes when narrating hadith either from his memory or from his writing, his hadith will not be acceptable.

4) Both the chain and the text of the hadith must be such that they don’t contradict what has been narrated through stronger means.

5) Upon inspection of the different ways a hadith is narrated, it must be the case that no mistake or defect is spotted in either the chain or the text of the hadith

If any of these conditions are not met, the hadith will be rejected as weak or very weak depending on the magnitude of the weakness.
Hadith which are graded weak or very weak are not considered authorities in Islamic law.

This topic may be confusing at first but with going to your local masjid, asking questions, reading books given in the link, this will be clear, inshhaaAllah.

Quran Morality and Moral Code, Laws & QA / Re: Evolution
« on: May 27, 2013, 06:44:55 PM »
Evolution is a subject that mainstream atheists use against religion. I believe it is an extremely important subject when it comes to Islam.

There is an article here that talks about how evolution (from lesser beings) could have been Allah's (swt) method of human creation:

I'd like to know what you think.
Read this about basic confusing terms and the fallacies used by pseudoscientific atheists to propagate their rubbish of microbe-to-man evolution:
(especially: Evolution: That Slippery Little Word & The Fallacy of Equivocation)

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