Author Topic: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah  (Read 10900 times)

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Quran 50:38 We have created the heavens, the earth and what is between them in six days, and no fatigue touched Us.

Quran 7:40 Those who have denied Our signs, and reacted to them with arrogance, the gates of the sky will not open for them, nor will they enter paradise until the camel passes through the eye of a needle. It is such that We recompense the criminals.

1- God is not tired.

2- Not rich people, the disbelievers/bad peoples will go to hell.


Quran 43:71 They will be served with golden trays and cups, and they will find everything the self desires and the eyes wish for, and you will abide therein forever.

There are all sorts of blessings in Paradise, including marriage, eating and drinking.


The Noah Flood was regional.

It was only for the people of Noah.

Probably Noah and the community lived on an island.

And only the people of Noah were destroyed.

Allah punishes badmen only.

Only the Qur'an tells the truth.

The Qur'an clearly states that the Flood was regional.


3:67 "Abraham was neither Jewish, nor Christian; he was a monotheist submitter. He never was an idol worshiper."

Allah always sends us the religion of Islam.

But people have always changed their religion, books in the past.

They even changed the names of their religions. Like Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism.

There is only one God and always sends the same religion.

Abraham, Jesus, Muhammad are all true Prophet of Islam.


Christians worship/believe 3(three) gods.

And In addition , their saints and priests like their Gods.

They share in the judgment of God (In christianity).

9:31 "They took their scholars and priests to be lords besides God, and the Messiah son of Mary, while they were only commanded to serve One god, there is no god but He, be He glorified for what they set up."

The Pagans think they believe in one God, but in reality they have faith in many gods.

Example; Hindus saying "333 in 1" and Christians saying "3 in 1".


Quran 21:43 Or do they have gods that will protect them from Us? They cannot help themselves, nor can they be protected from Us.

The verse tells one of the reasons for the to attribute a partner to (God) of the villains; To seek refuge in the imaginary gods to protect themselves from God...

For example, seeing Jesus as a partner in God is a kind of.

Bad people seek refuge in the partners to escape from God.


According to the false Bible, the number of people who fled Egypt with Moses is in the millions:

The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Sukkoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. Many other people went up with them, and also large droves of livestock, both flocks and herds. [Exodus 12:37-38]

And as it turns out, this community also met Egypt's labor needs. If millions of such people had actually left the country overnight, considering the scarcity of the world's population at that time, it would have been a terrible exodus mentioned in the history books. That's not the case, of course.

The Qur'an again wrote the truth, and it was a small community that set out with Moses and Aaron:

Quran: And We inspired to Moses, “Travel by night with My servants; indeed, you will be pursued.” Then Pharaoh sent among the cities gatherers [And said], “Indeed, those are but a small band” [Chapter 26, verses 52-54]


Quran saying The elites always kept the books from you.

Quran 6:91 They did not value God as He deserves to be valued, for they said, "God has never sent down anything to any human being." Say, "Who then has sent down the book which Moses had come with, a light and guidance for the people? You treat it just as scrolls of paper; you show some of it and conceal much, though you were taught what neither you nor your fathers knew." Say, "God has." Then leave them playing in their folly.

Matthew Mark or Yuhanna always wrote hadith books.

Mattheww or Mark are like Bukhari. They are hadith writers. You(Christians, Jews) have not got holy books.

God's word hasn't changed. Your priests have adopted fake books. They gave you the hadith books as the Bible and deceived you.

Offline Emre_1974tr

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2022, 06:43:57 PM »
All polytheistic religions, from Hinduism to New Age religion, worship many gods as a reflection or manifestation of the one God. Christianity has the same pagan doctrine. In fact, it is in itself a pantheistic philosophy.

As it is stated in the Holy Qur'an, the elite hid the Torah and the Gospel, they only shared some of its pages with humanity. So we don't have the Injeel or the Torah now.

And unfortunately, the people had to adopt the hadith books like Barnabas, Enoch, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, which were written by human beings, that is to say fake books, as Gospels. There are many more fake Gospels. But the pagan religious leaders adopted four of them and deceived people with these books. Whatever Bukhari or Tırmizi books are, these are the same. They are hadith books. Bible is not Torah or Injeel.

But some Christians, in spite of these pagan false books, realized that the belief in the trinity was a heresy and fought against this heresy. Because with the revelation inherent in their genes, man is inclined towards the truth. As long as he keeps his heart pure.(unitarians)


 Almost all polytheistic religions have the same trap, that the demons are making them adopt the lie that there are multiple reflections of one God.

Hindus also think that they believe in one God, pantheists also, Christians also. They have been made to believe that the one God is manifested in different ways. From Indian religions to Far Eastern religions, they all have the same fallacy. People who worship idols actually believe in one God. All idols are manifestations or parts of the original God in paganism. Hindus or other idol worshippers say the same thing. So they have exactly the same belief as the lie they are being fed.

Satan cannot make people polytheists directly, for the most part. Because there is true knowledge/revelation in the genes of human beings and people innately know that there is only one God. That's why Satan insidiously makes people polytheistic. He says that the one God manifests in different ways. And he deceives the pagans mostly in this way. Hindus, Native Americans, Asian pagans, new age believers, Christians  think they believe in one God, but in reality they are polytheists. They have associated partners with Allah, so you are in shirk.

Hindus "333 in 1"

Christians "3 in 1".

Pantheists "everything in 1"

New Agers "we are in 1"

This is paganism.

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2022, 07:09:21 PM »
Jazaka allah khir brother
Christians always try to deny the polytheism in their religion with stupid excuses such as "horus story was took from messiah prophecies" ,or "1×1×1=1"

Offline Emre_1974tr

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2022, 07:11:53 PM »
Holy Quran 3:59 The example of Jesus with God is similar to that of Adam; He created him from dust, then He said to him "Be" and he was.

Adam and his wife, as well as the other humans first created in paradise, were created directly, just like Jesus. They have no father and mother.

And the verses explains that the creation in the hereafter is also a creation without ancestors, and that people will be created directly.

Also, as I have shown in my article, some special people, such as martyrs and prophets, have already been created in Paradise/the Floor of God and have already started their eternal life:

So Jesus and the other prophets are now living in the Hereafter Universe in the flesh.

In short, the situation of Adam and his wife, the situation of the other people created in paradise, and the situation of all the people created in the Hereafter Universe is like the situation of Jesus. They were created directly without ancestors and continue to be created. In other words, sexuality is not mediated in their creation.

And this ancestorless creation gives them no divinity. God creates as he wills. The creation of Jesus is just like any other example of creation without ancestors, there is no divinity in it.

Thus the Holy Qur'an once again corrects the false Bible on the market.

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2022, 05:24:07 PM »
Holy Quran
96:18 We will call on the guardians/Zebanis/forces of heavenly chastisement.

You Christians confuse Zebanis(guardians of Hell/forces of heavenly chastisement!) with demons.

The angels in charge of hell are not demons. Devils, evil demons, will burn in hell just like bad people.

Your false Bible has deceived you again.

Jinns are not fallen angels.

Jinns are tested just like human beings and they have good and bad ones. The bad ones will go to hell.

By the way, the famous jinn Iblis will also burn in hell. This information is given very clearly in the verses.

Satan is the adjective name given to the wicked, deviant ones of jinn and humans.

Iblis is the special name of that famous jinn devil(The Jinn who made Adam and his wife eat the forbidden fruit). That is a personal name.

Surah Nas briefly explains the subject:

Holy Quran

114:1 Say: "I seek refuge with the Lord of the people,"

114:2 "The King of the people,"

114:3 "The god of the people,"

114:4 "From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,"

114:5 "Who whispers into the chests of the people."

114:6 "From the Jinn and the people."

Offline Emre_1974tr

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2023, 07:30:48 PM »
Almost all pagans are pantheists.

Pagans who worship idols or humans are aware that the things they worship are not gods. But in their perverted pantheistic philosophy, they see what they worship as a reflection, a manifestation, a part of God. Thus, they fall into the trap of the devil. They think they are monotheists, but they are actually polytheists.

The fact that the pharaoh sees himself as a Lord is also the result of this pantheist philosophy. He thought of himself as the reflection, that is, the manifestation of God. Like all pantheists, he worshiped himself and the universe.

The Holy Qur'an clearly explains these facts. At the moment, the only real holy book we have is the Qur'an. On the other hand, the elites hiding the books like the Torah and gave the Fake Torah and false Bibles to the people(hadith books).

Offline Emre_1974tr

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2023, 07:34:09 PM »
Only Paradise is forever.

The verses emphasize that those in paradise, unlike those in hell, will not taste death except the first death. Those in paradise will live forever, while those in hell may one day be destroyed along with hell itself.

Saffat 55. When he looks, he finds him in the middle of Hell. 56. He says, "By Allah, you almost destroyed me too." 57. "Were it not for the Blessing of my Lord, I would have been with you now." 58-59. But then, [O my friends in paradise,] is it [really] so that we are not to die.
[again,] beyond our previous death, and that we shall never [again] be made to suffer?

They will not taste death there except the first death. Allah has protected them from the torment of Hell.(Surat al-Duhan, verse 56)

Yes, those in paradise will live forever, while those in hell will one day be destroyed with hell.

And according to these verses I have given, those in paradise will taste death only once in their lives. That is, their death on earth. But those in hell will taste a second death. Because they died once on earth and now they will die once in hell.

Those in paradise will have experienced a total of one death, while those in hell will have experienced a total of two deaths.

Another piece of information these verses give us is that there is no such thing as reincarnation. Because, as God says, there is only one taste of death on earth.


Holy Quran

40:40 "Whosoever does an evil deed, he will not be requited except for its equivalent, and whosoever does good, whether male or female and is an acknowledger, so those will be admitted to Paradise, where they will receive provision without limit."

6:160 Whoever comes with a good deed, he will receive ten times its worth, and whoever comes with a sin, he will only be recompensed its like; they will not be wronged.

1- Hell will end one day.

2- There is no reincarnation.

3- The reward is always greater and eternal than the punishment.

4- Those in paradise will have tasted only one death (their death on earth). But those in hell will taste a second death (they will die once more in hell in addition to their death on earth).

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2023, 08:15:42 PM »
Holy Quran 6:146 For those who are Jewish, We forbade all that have claws; and from the cattle and the sheep We forbade their fat except what is attached to the back, or entrails, or mixed with bone. That is a punishment for their rebellion, and We are truthful.

Prohibitions such as clawed animals and the Sabbath were temporary punishments and tests for a tribe.

Jesus/Yusha, the nephew of the Prophets Moses and Aaron, and the Injeel, which came shortly after the Torah, already announced the end of these prohibitions.

Holy Quran 3:50 "Authenticating what is present with me of the Torah, and to make lawful some of what was forbidden to you; and I have come to you with a sign from your Lord, so be aware of God and obey me."


There is no limit to the amount of wealth in Islam, as long as it is acquired through lawful means. If there were a limit, there would be a limit of wealth equivalent to a certain weight/amount of gold or diamonds, but there is absolutely no such restriction in the verses.


Jinns are not fallen angels.

Jinns are tested just like human beings and they have good and bad ones. The bad ones will go to hell.

By the way, the famous jinn Iblis will also burn in hell. This information is given very clearly in the verses.

Satan is the adjective name given to the wicked, deviant ones of jinn and humans.

Iblis is the special name of that famous jinn devil(The Jinn who made Adam and his wife eat the forbidden fruit). That is a personal name.

Surah Nas briefly explains the subject:

Holy Quran

114:1 Say: "I seek refuge with the Lord of the people,"

114:2 "The King of the people,"

114:3 "The god of the people,"

114:4 "From the evil of the sneaking whisperer,"

114:5 "Who whispers into the chests of the people."

114:6 "From the Jinn and the people."

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2023, 02:42:28 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum dear brother Emre,

Jazaka Allah Khayr for your beautiful posts and research!  Keep up the great work akhi.  May Allah Almighty shower you with ample rewards of good deeds.  Ameen.

I have added a link to your thread at:

Your brother,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Emre_1974tr

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2023, 06:30:52 PM »
Wa alaikum Salam my dear brother Osama Abdallah;

Thank you very much, I'm really happy.

Greetings and love

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2023, 09:58:08 PM »
You're most welcome, dear brother Emre.  It is my honor and pleasure to have you, great brother, on this board, akhi.  Jazaka Allah Khayr for your great posts and research that serve Islam well.

Your brother,
Osama Abdallah

Offline Emre_1974tr

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2023, 07:16:25 PM »
In the Quran, an event is not described in a single surah. Different details of the same event are given in many suras. For example, the story of Noah is told very little in Surah Noah. But if you look at all the suras, that is, if you read the whole book, you can see all the details about the prophet Noah and Noah's flood. In the same way, all the details of all other events are in the whole Qur'an. Each surah gives some of the details, but if you read the whole book you will see all the details. Not only the events, but for example, how to Salaat, how to perform ablution, are explained in different surahs in different parts. You have to read the whole book to learn how to worship.

The false gospels/Bible are man-written books, so they are written in the style of history books. They distract you from the truth by giving you false information.

The only true holy book we have at the moment is the Qur'an.


The entire Qur'an is a guide to goodness and virtue. Even the verses that tell us to fight evil are positive moral guidance. But if you want examples of verses, here are a few.

Holy Quran

16:90 God orders justice and goodness and that you shall help your relatives, and He prohibits immorality and vice and transgression. He warns you that you may remember.

2:44 Do you exhort the people to do good, but forget yourselves, while you are reciting the Book? Do you not comprehend?

2:83 And We took the covenant of the Children of Israel: "You shall not serve except God, and do good to your parents, and regard the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and say kind things to the people, and hold the contact prayer, and contribute towards purification." But then you turned away, except for a few of you; you were objecting.

2:148 And to each is a direction that he will take, so you shall race towards good deeds. Wherever you may be, God will bring you all together. God is capable of all things.

2:177 Piety is not to turn your faces towards the east and the west, but pious is one who believes in God and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Book, and the prophets, and who gives money out of love to the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and those who ask, and to free the slaves; and who upholds the contact prayer, and who contributes towards purification; and those who keep their pledges when they make a pledge, and those who are patient in the face of adversity and hardship and when in despair. These are the ones who have been truthful, and these are the righteous.

2:262 Those who spend their money in the cause of God, then they do not follow what they have spent with either insult or harm; they will have their recompense with their Lord, there is no fear over them nor will they grieve.

2:272 You are not responsible for their guidance, but it is God who will guide whoever He wishes. And whatever you spend out of goodness is for your own souls. And anything you spend should be in seeking the face of God. And whatever you spend out of goodness will be returned to you, and you will not be wronged.

3:134 The ones who spend in prosperity and hardship, and who repress anger, and who pardon the people; God loves the good doers.

11:115 And be patient, for God does not waste the reward of the good doers.

13:22 Andthose who are patient seeking the face of their Lord; and they hold the contact prayer, and they spend from what We have bestowed upon them secretly and openly, and they counter evil with good; these will have an excellent abode.

16:90 God orders justice and goodness and that you shall help your relatives, and He prohibits immorality and vice and transgression. He warns you that you may remember.

16:128 God is with those who are aware and are good doers.

23:61 These are the ones who race in doing good, and they are the first to it.

27:89 Whoever comes with a good deed will receive better than it, and from the terror of that Day they will be safe.

28:54 To these We grant twice the reward for that they have been patient. And they counter evil with good, and from Our provisions to them, they give.

28:77 "And seek with the provisions bestowed upon you by God the abode of the Hereafter, and do not forget your share in this world, and do good as God has done good to you. And do not seek corruption in the land. God does not love the corrupters."

28:84 Whoever brings forth a good deed, he will receive a better reward than it. And whoever brings forth a sin then the retribution for their sins will be to the extent of their deeds.

46:15 And We enjoined man to do good to his parents. His mother bore him with hardship, gave birth to him in hardship, and his bearing and weaning lasts thirty months. So that, when he has reached his independence, and he has reached forty years, he says: "My Lord, direct me to appreciate the blessings You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to do good work that pleases You. And let my progeny be righteous. I have repented to You; I am of those who have submitted."

55:60 Is there any reward for goodness except goodness?

99:7 So whoever does the weight of an atom of good will see it.

4:35 And if you fear a permanent rift between them, then send a judge from his family and a judge from her family. If they want to reconcile, then God will bring them together. God is Knowledgeable, Expert.

8:61 And if they seek peace, then you also seek it, and put your trust in God. He is the Hearer, the Knowledgeable.

25:63 Andthe servants of the Almighty who walk on the earth in humility and if the ignorant speak to them, they say: "Peace."

2:25 And give good news to those who believe and do good works that they will have estates with rivers flowing beneath them. Every time they receive a provision of its fruit, they say: "This is what we have been provisioned before," and they are given its likeness. And there they will have pure mates, and in it they will abide.

2:82 And those who believe and do good works, they are the people of the Paradise, in it they will abide.

90:17 Then he has become one of those who have believed, and exhort one another to patience, and exhort one another to kindness.

4:58 God orders you to deliver anything you have been entrusted with to its owners. And if you judge between the people, then you shall judge with justice. It is always the best that God prescribes for you. God is Hearer, Seer.

4:135 O you who believe, stand with justice as witnesses to God, even if against yourselves, or the parents or the relatives. Even if he be rich or poor, God is more worthy of them, so do not follow desire into being unjust. And if you twist or turn away, then God is Expert over what you do.

11:85 "And my people, give full in the measure and the weight equitably, and do not hold back from the people what is theirs, and do not roam the land corrupting."

38:26 O David, We have made you a successor on the earth. Therefore, you shall judge among the people with the truth, and do not follow desire, lest it diverts you from the path of God. Indeed, those who stray off the path of God will have a severe retribution for forgetting the Day of Reckoning.

49:9 And if two parties of believers battle with each other, you shall reconcile them; but if one of them aggresses against the other, then you shall fight the one aggressing until it complies with the command of God. Once it complies, then you shall reconcile the two groups with justice, and be equitable; for God loves those who are equitable.

55:9 And observe the weight with equity, and do not fall short in the balance.

60:8 God does not prohibit you from those who have not fought you because of your system, nor drove you out of your homes, that you deal kindly and equitably with them. For God loves the equitable.

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Re: The Qur'an corrects the mistakes of the false Injeel/Torah
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2024, 06:37:20 PM »
Incidentally, the Holy Quran again corrects the errors in the false Bible by saying that the moon, sun and earth move in different orbits.

Holy Quran

36:40 The sun is not required to overtake the moon, nor will the night precede the day; each of them is swimming in its own orbit.

6:96 [He is] the One who causes the dawn to break; and He has made the night to be [a source of] stillness, and the sun and the moon to run their appointed courses [all] this is laid down by the will of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.

14:33 and has made the sun and the moon, both of them constant upon their courses, subservient [to His laws, so that they be of use] to you; and has made the night and the day subservient [to His laws, so that they be of use] to you.

36:38 The sun runs to a specific destination, such is the design of the Noble, the Knowledgeable.

21:33 He is the One who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each swimming in an orbit.


There is no angel named Azrael in the Qur'an. The angels of death are mentioned in general and they are innumerable. I mean, there could be quadrillions of them. And none of these angels in charge of taking life are named in the verses. Just like the scribe angels.


All prophets and messengers are Muslims.

Holy Quran

3:67 Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Nazarene, but he was a monotheist who submitted; he was not of the polytheists.

2:132 This very legacy Abraham left to his children, and so did Jacob, saying, "O My children! Indeed, God has chosen for you the Way of Life. Therefore, let not death overtake you except that you are Muslimoon" (Muslims = Submitters to God alone, guardians of peace. 2:236, 22:78).

3:80 Nor does He order you that you take the angels and the prophets as patrons. Would He order you to rejection after you have submitted?


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