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15 Questions raised by a Kafir
« on: June 10, 2013, 07:04:37 AM »
A KAFIR asked 15 Questions. Below are the Questions. I got it from an anti-Islamic site.As it might mislead the muslims I am not posting the link to that site. Brother OSAMA please please please answer the Questions so that I can send them to that Kafir.

 The Kafir says,

  Here’re my questions to Muslims:

Q1. Why would God want his creation to not ask, questions, criticize, debate or experiment ideas that he gave us? This can only happen to cover up lies. This is the reason why we can’t question clergy about things like What’s the proof that God exists and what’s the proof that Muhammad is the prophet of God. Seems like a great deceit to make sheep out of humans. Only truth can stand the fierce scrutiny and criticism and still stand tall.

Q2. Why would God make religions appear only in poor, illiterate and desert areas? 1400 years ago, Greek were more scientific and progressive, why religion didn’t appear there instead? I tell you why. Because Muhammad could have only mislead the gullible, ignorant and poor people. In fact, his first followers were actually poor. Rich and literate people thought of him as crazy. Even today, if I go to a illiterate village and proclaim myself as a big saint, millions will follow me. That’s how easy it is to make stupid people more stupid. That’s why you don’t see new religions forming in Europe.

Q3. If there is Science in Islam, why didn’t God tell us how old the Universe is, how old Earth is, whether it is round or flat, how long it took for it to cool down, how Life began, how Life evolved? It seems that Allah knew only things that were already known at that time by the Greek and ancient scientists and philosophers. If I start a religion today, I wouldn’t forget to add an ayat, “And thou will not spread mischief in the earth which took us fifteen billion years to make. There are altogether eleven dimensions, yet the unbelievers deny our signs.” Ridiculous!

Q4. Why Abrahamic religions, specifically Islam is exclusivist? How can a truth be confined to some people and not others (people living in other places, other times etc. can’t be all wrong). Buddhism on the other hand is not exclusivist like Islam. Buddha even said don’t believe me, don’t believe your holy books, don’t believe what people say, but believe only what’s true to your heart and mind, because truth can only come from inside, not outside (outside = scriptures, prophets, gods).

Q5. Why would God care about whether people believe in him or not? The creator of the universes and each and every atom in them, can’t be so narrow minded, arrogant or stupid. Because arrogance means ‘covering up negative feelings about self’ and genuine God would rather be full of self-esteem than arrogance. God’s name being ‘Al-Mutakab-bir’ is beyond me.

Q6. Why would God choose a mass murderer, rapist, blasphemer, pedophile, madman and power and sex hungry person as his prophet? Marriage with 9 year old Aisha, Marriage with his daughter-in-law Zainab, Marriage with Javairah, his slave after killing his father, husband and brother the same day, killing others just because they don’t believed him, killing someone if they change their religion, killing without reason, spreading Islam not with discussion, logic or spirituality but with murder and war is beyond me.

Q7. Ali Sina says that Muhammad was a mentally sick person or what you call a narcissist having temporal lobe epilepsy. I watched a video on ‘Temporal Lobe Epilepsy’ on YouTube. It is a BBC documentary and the way it describes about the experiences of people with sensitive temporal lobe resembles exactly how Muhammad acted when he used to get revelations, sweating, feeling guilty and sad, feeling that he’ll go mad and that sort of thing. Furthermore, why an angle would make him feel so demonic and depressed is beyond me? Aren’t we humans supposed to experience something enlightening, happy and peaceful when such alleged experiences take place?

Q8. Why shouldn’t we accept for others, laws and morals we deem perfect for ourselves. That’s the only measure of truth. If I speak truth, do good, be gentle, I would want the same to happen to all people. Following this logic, if a Muslim who becomes a Hindu should be killed, shouldn’t we teach these great laws to all other religions. Shouldn’t Hindus, Christians and Jews also kill people who become Muslims? Why not? If what we regard as moral and as truth, shouldn’t that be true to all others?

Q9. It seems that Muhammad was not a nice man, I couldn’t find a single act of kindness from this person in the whole of Islam’s history. The only two stories of kindness were the story of Jew lady who used to throw garbage at prophet and he, at the time of her death came to visit her. And another incident about a young man who used to eat too much sugar and her mother requested Muhammad to ask him to stop it. He didn’t ask him to stop anything but later asked him to stop eating too much sugar because this time around he himself stopped eating too much sugar. Both of these stories are fables and are not found in Quran, Hadiths or the complete Islamic History. If I am wrong, find me any ayat or hadith matching these stories. I will not become apostate if you can tell me a single incident of kindness ever done by Muhammad. Remember, you can’t tell me about what Muhammad said to his followers about how to conduct life and be kind etc. I want his own personal acts of kindness only. Any Schmuck can ask others to do good and himself do otherwise.

Q10. Why a person who is religious is more prone to absurdities and away from reality of life? Why an educated person is less likely to be religious? Doesn’t that mean that religion is for the gullible, weak and immature? Why was Einstein, the most intelligent person who walked on earth was not religious. If it didn’t worked for him (most intelligent) How can you claim that you know better? If he worked it out without religion, why it won’t work for you?

Q11. If God created us and sent Adam from Heaven to Earth, why are there fossils found for all early primates that were neither chimp nor humans? Checkout  this link. What does God created something actually mean? Wherever science looks, it finds some process involved, no magic! Is God subjugated to natural laws? In our present lives we don’t see magic happening, no waters parted, no virgin births, no moons being cut and no back to the future Miraj happening. Humans have always attributed magical thinking to past and future events to make a sense of the world they live in. In other words, ‘I didn’t see it happen therefore magic man did it!’ Doesn’t it make sense?

Q12. If we have souls and are either to go to heaven or hell, why don’t animals have souls? Since we’ve evolved from animals, and early humans like homo erectus or homo habilis were intelligent too (slightly lower than us) would they also be judged on the judgment day? If not, why not? They didn’t have any prophets too, because their brains didn’t think in malignant ways like us. We are more clever. Doesn’t that prove that the more clever we get the more potential we have to become notorious and the most likely it is for a God to appear out of no where? (God didn’t made us in his own image, we made God in our own image).

Q13. Buddhists are more moral than Muslims. They won’t burn embassies, temples and churches to prove they are true. They don’t believe in a God. Does it not mean that morality doesn’t depend upon God or absolute laws but inner resolve and commitment? Only immature and morally bankrupt people need fear of hell or greed of heaven to be moral.

Q14. If Quran is the Guidance from God, why can it be shaped in any way of thinking imaginable? A book of guidance from God should be straight forward and objective rather than being subjective and full of discrepancies. But it seems our Omniscient God thinks like humans and learns via trial and error.

Q15. If the only reason one should stick to religion is because of the uncertainties of the afterlife, what if it turned out that, there in fact is a God who tested us all to see whether we become fools at the hands of authority, religion and society or discover the truth and reality of life. All those who allow themselves to become fools may end up in hell and all those who turn to truth and reality are given heaven. Doesn’t it seem more rational for a thinking person to assume, by observing all the multitudes of religions in the world than to follow Islam?

If no Muslim can answer my questions above within one month, I would consider all my accusations along with my questions as true and would proclaim my apostasy (Period).


Nothing But Truth."

Offline Sama

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Re: 15 Questions raised by a Kafir
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2013, 08:28:03 AM »
"Sadly, there are those individuals who are so stuck in their ways, so addicted to their life as it is; and so scared of losing their various gratuitous pleasures; that they choose to live a life ‘free’ from the truth except the one they construct themselves- a fantasy world.

You could call it the ultimate escapism, but as you have probably seen yourself – escapism is not uncommon feature of human beings:
1) People drink and party to forget their life’s problems
2) People in love overlook seriously grave character flaws in their partner
3) People who love their nation to such an extent, overlook their country’s severely unjust tendencies

Perhaps you find it hard to believe that people would deny the truth, but you see, not all truths are palatable - ‘the truth hurts’  as the  saying goes. Just to further make you understand the mentality of the truth denier, consider this:

A woman who really loves her husband, has a great marriage with him, kids, nice house – everything. Then one day, she finds lipstick on one of his shirts. What will she think? The thought of him cheating on her is so horrific for her to consider, she MUST find an alternative explanation! Even if she saw explicit text messages on his phone she would find any explanation other than the most obvious. Of course not everyone will act like that, but most people would (if put in that situation). You see, for the woman in the example, a nice husband, great marriage, nice house and kids is PARADISE for her. She could never face the fact, that everything she always dreamed of, is false. Thus she becomes a ‘kaffir’ (denies the truth) to her husband’s infidelity (no pun intended).

Now consider the person who loves their life like that woman loves her marriage. To be told that this life is deceptive, temporary and comes with a price tag (of accountability), how would that person react? Would they embrace the greater truth? Or would they let their selfishness and self-centredness overcome their sincerity? Unfortunately, most people would prefer to take the ‘blue pill’ (i.e. the latter)."

I was about to take those questions seriously, but when i opened the thread i realized that these are not questions, they are dirty insults by an arrogant close-minded person, that even doesn't deserve a time from a muslim.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2013, 08:29:44 AM by Sama »


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Re: 15 Questions raised by a Kafir
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2013, 01:51:37 AM »
Brther Osama please answer the question raised by the Kafir. I will send them to that Kafir. And if you want you can do it also by visiting Islam watch .And please brother take some actions against Islam watch please. It's deceiving the muslims.It says a muslim named Amar khan exposed the miracles of the Quran. Please do something brother. Please :-[ :-[ :-[ :'( :'( :'(

Offline Sama

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Re: 15 Questions raised by a Kafir
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2013, 05:19:38 AM »
Brther Osama please answer the question raised by the Kafir. I will send them to that Kafir. And if you want you can do it also by visiting Islam watch .And please brother take some actions against Islam watch please. It's deceiving the muslims.It says a muslim named Amar khan exposed the miracles of the Quran. Please do something brother. Please :-[ :-[ :-[ :'( :'( :'(
Assalam alaikum

These are not questions, they are insults in dirty language.

Offline ahmed1991za

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Re: 15 Questions raised by a Kafir
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2013, 05:46:49 PM »
A KAFIR asked 15 Questions. Below are the Questions. I got it from an anti-Islamic site.As it might mislead the muslims I am not posting the link to that site. Brother OSAMA please please please answer the Questions so that I can send them to that Kafir.

 The Kafir says,

  Here’re my questions to Muslims:

Q1. Why would God want his creation to not ask, questions, criticize, debate or experiment ideas that he gave us? This can only happen to cover up lies. This is the reason why we can’t question clergy about things like What’s the proof that God exists and what’s the proof that Muhammad is the prophet of God. Seems like a great deceit to make sheep out of humans. Only truth can stand the fierce scrutiny and criticism and still stand tall.

Q2. Why would God make religions appear only in poor, illiterate and desert areas? 1400 years ago, Greek were more scientific and progressive, why religion didn’t appear there instead? I tell you why. Because Muhammad could have only mislead the gullible, ignorant and poor people. In fact, his first followers were actually poor. Rich and literate people thought of him as crazy. Even today, if I go to a illiterate village and proclaim myself as a big saint, millions will follow me. That’s how easy it is to make stupid people more stupid. That’s why you don’t see new religions forming in Europe.

Q3. If there is Science in Islam, why didn’t God tell us how old the Universe is, how old Earth is, whether it is round or flat, how long it took for it to cool down, how Life began, how Life evolved? It seems that Allah knew only things that were already known at that time by the Greek and ancient scientists and philosophers. If I start a religion today, I wouldn’t forget to add an ayat, “And thou will not spread mischief in the earth which took us fifteen billion years to make. There are altogether eleven dimensions, yet the unbelievers deny our signs.” Ridiculous!

Q4. Why Abraham religions, specifically Islam is exclusivity? How can a truth be confined to some people and not others (people living in other places, other times etc. can’t be all wrong). Buddhism on the other hand is not exclusivist like Islam. Buddha even said don’t believe me, don’t believe your holy books, don’t believe what people say, but believe only what’s true to your heart and mind, because truth can only come from inside, not outside (outside = scriptures, prophets, gods).

Q5. Why would God care about whether people believe in him or not? The creator of the universes and each and every atom in them, can’t be so narrow minded, arrogant or stupid. Because arrogance means ‘covering up negative feelings about self’ and genuine God would rather be full of self-esteem than arrogance. God’s name being ‘Al-Mutakab-bir’ is beyond me.

Q6. Why would God choose a mass murderer, rapist, blasphemer, pedophile, madman and power and sex hungry person as his prophet? Marriage with 9 year old Aisha, Marriage with his daughter-in-law Zainab, Marriage with Javairah, his slave after killing his father, husband and brother the same day, killing others just because they don’t believed him, killing someone if they change their religion, killing without reason, spreading Islam not with discussion, logic or spirituality but with murder and war is beyond me.

Q7. Ali Sina says that Muhammad was a mentally sick person or what you call a narcissist having temporal lobe epilepsy. I watched a video on ‘Temporal Lobe Epilepsy’ on YouTube. It is a BBC documentary and the way it describes about the experiences of people with sensitive temporal lobe resembles exactly how Muhammad acted when he used to get revelations, sweating, feeling guilty and sad, feeling that he’ll go mad and that sort of thing. Furthermore, why an angle would make him feel so demonic and depressed is beyond me? Aren’t we humans supposed to experience something enlightening, happy and peaceful when such alleged experiences take place?

Q8. Why shouldn’t we accept for others, laws and morals we deem perfect for ourselves. That’s the only measure of truth. If I speak truth, do good, be gentle, I would want the same to happen to all people. Following this logic, if a Muslim who becomes a Hindu should be killed, shouldn’t we teach these great laws to all other religions. Shouldn’t Hindus, Christians and Jews also kill people who become Muslims? Why not? If what we regard as moral and as truth, shouldn’t that be true to all others?

Q9. It seems that Muhammad was not a nice man, I couldn’t find a single act of kindness from this person in the whole of Islam’s history. The only two stories of kindness were the story of Jew lady who used to throw garbage at prophet and he, at the time of her death came to visit her. And another incident about a young man who used to eat too much sugar and her mother requested Muhammad to ask him to stop it. He didn’t ask him to stop anything but later asked him to stop eating too much sugar because this time around he himself stopped eating too much sugar. Both of these stories are fables and are not found in Quran, Hadiths or the complete Islamic History. If I am wrong, find me any ayat or hadith matching these stories. I will not become apostate if you can tell me a single incident of kindness ever done by Muhammad. Remember, you can’t tell me about what Muhammad said to his followers about how to conduct life and be kind etc. I want his own personal acts of kindness only. Any Schmuck can ask others to do good and himself do otherwise.

Q10. Why a person who is religious is more prone to absurdities and away from reality of life? Why an educated person is less likely to be religious? Doesn’t that mean that religion is for the gullible, weak and immature? Why was Einstein, the most intelligent person who walked on earth was not religious. If it didn’t worked for him (most intelligent) How can you claim that you know better? If he worked it out without religion, why it won’t work for you?

Q11. If God created us and sent Adam from Heaven to Earth, why are there fossils found for all early primates that were neither chimp nor humans? Checkout  this link. What does God created something actually mean? Wherever science looks, it finds some process involved, no magic! Is God subjugated to natural laws? In our present lives we don’t see magic happening, no waters parted, no virgin births, no moons being cut and no back to the future Miraj happening. Humans have always attributed magical thinking to past and future events to make a sense of the world they live in. In other words, ‘I didn’t see it happen therefore magic man did it!’ Doesn’t it make sense?

Q12. If we have souls and are either to go to heaven or hell, why don’t animals have souls? Since we’ve evolved from animals, and early humans like homo erectus or homo habilis were intelligent too (slightly lower than us) would they also be judged on the judgment day? If not, why not? They didn’t have any prophets too, because their brains didn’t think in malignant ways like us. We are more clever. Doesn’t that prove that the more clever we get the more potential we have to become notorious and the most likely it is for a God to appear out of no where? (God didn’t made us in his own image, we made God in our own image).

Q13. Buddhists are more moral than Muslims. They won’t burn embassies, temples and churches to prove they are true. They don’t believe in a God. Does it not mean that morality doesn’t depend upon God or absolute laws but inner resolve and commitment? Only immature and morally bankrupt people need fear of hell or greed of heaven to be moral.

Q14. If Quran is the Guidance from God, why can it be shaped in any way of thinking imaginable? A book of guidance from God should be straight forward and objective rather than being subjective and full of discrepancies. But it seems our Omniscient God thinks like humans and learns via trial and error.

Q15. If the only reason one should stick to religion is because of the uncertainties of the afterlife, what if it turned out that, there in fact is a God who tested us all to see whether we become fools at the hands of authority, religion and society or discover the truth and reality of life. All those who allow themselves to become fools may end up in hell and all those who turn to truth and reality are given heaven. Doesn’t it seem more rational for a thinking person to assume, by observing all the multitudes of religions in the world than to follow Islam?

If no Muslim can answer my questions above within one month, I would consider all my accusations along with my questions as true and would proclaim my apostasy (Period).


Nothing But Truth."

Q1 where did he come up with that? why do you think debates exist ? even quran ask us to debate people (quran 16:125)

Q2 wow how ignorant like Christianity came out from rich family remember how Jesus was poor? why would god show up in poor form??

Q3 it seems this guy is too ignorant why don't you ask him how the bible said the earth stand on pillares ha? brother seemed you didn't use the search function on this web site type in your claim and chose title it will appear all responds to this guy

Q4 it's not exclusivity Islam was send to mankind while the bible was only for Jews like how jesus said i was only sent to the lost sheeps of Israel it called them the people of the book because they are wroung in there claims and there books are full of errors just like we proved it

Q5 it seems you don't know how evil god of Christianity really is i would rather make it short and you check out this website called (evil bible)

Q6 that is the biggest lie ever the god of Christianity is the biggest monster and mass murderer (jesus) he slaved people killed them and bashed there children in the rocks check evil bible website

Q7 ali sina is the biggest fool ever he can't even debate any one to Coward no one even know his real face know ask him to give the sanad of his claim show me the sanad of his clam weather matrok or not true sanad is used to athourize a hadith about prophet Muhammad

Q8 Muslims can follow other lows no problem with that unless it conflict there belifes and stand in there way and prevent them from doing prays

Q9 like i said in q7 give me a sanad to all his claims a sanad to hadithes to prove it authorized or not

Q10 wow i"m quite happy he mentioned albert einstein becaues albert einstein said (science without religion is lame religion without science is blind) he also said (I'm not an atheist)

Q11 you really should ask him how cloud mutation turn a single cell creature into multi-cell creature????
pleases send him this questions if he can answer it

1- what does evolution say about bacterial resistance

2-have you heard about( the conservation of angular momentum) ? if we rotate a ball in clock wise then release it it will flow away in the clock wise direction if that is true? why do we have tow planets (Uranus and Venus ) rotating in backward ?very confusing not only that he have 6 of 63 moons rotate backward (Jupiter,Saturn and Neptune ) have moons orbiting in the same direction ? as well there is a galaxy named goofy galaxy spins at the wrong direction who is that possible?

info about goofy galaxy

(CNN) -- A galaxy captured by the camera of the Hubble Space Telescope seems to be rotating in the direction opposite of what it should, astonished astronomers announced this week.

Most spiral galaxies have arms of gas and stars that trail behind as they turn. But this galaxy, known as NGC 4266, has two leading outer arms that point toward the direction of the galaxy's rotation, according to Hubble researchers.

"NGC 4622 suggests that maybe people do not know all that there is know about spiral structure yet. Our study may lead to a new understanding of spiral arm production in galaxies," scientists Ron Buta and Gene Byrd said in an e-mail to CNN. A Hubble observatory photo shoot indicated which edge of the galaxy tilts closer to the Earth, allowing the astronomers to determine the spin of the galactic oddball.

"I believe this kind of structure is rare, if not unique, among the relatively small number of galaxies we can see with sufficient detail that we could detect it," said Keith Noll, another Hubble scientist.

This high-resolution image, besides showing the reverse spin of the galaxy, unveils the blue bursts of recently formed stars in the outer pair of galactic arms.

A closer inspection reveals another enigma: a trailing inner arm that wraps around the galaxy in the opposite direction of its rotation, just like conventional arms of spiral galaxies.

"It is pretty clear that there are both clockwise and counter-clockwise spiral arms, so something funny is going on," Noll said.

What could make it comport itself so strangely? That its two outer arms are lopsided suggests that something major disturbed it. It could have hit and ingested a much smaller galaxy, the astronomers theorized.

"What caused us to suspect that a collision or merger might be involved in this galaxy is that we found a strong, sharp dust lane right across the nucleus of the galaxy. We suspect a companion was destroyed in the merger and that the dust lane is the surviving evidence," Buta and Byrd said.

NGC 4622 resides 111 million light-years away in the direction of the constellation Centaurus.

Galaxies, which consist of stars, gas and dust, rotate extremely slowly. Our sun, located in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way, goes around the galactic center about once every 250 million years.

3- according to big bang supernovas happen every 30 years a star dies and makes what called super nova( a died star explosion) the big bang says the universe is over 13.5 billion years old BUT today we have over 300 super novas discovered if that is true that the universe is 13.5 billion years old how can we have only 300 super novas when every 30 years a super nova happens we should have at lest millions of super novas discovered?????????

4- if big bang gave us hydrogen and made fusion with helium that formed our star and the earth and the moons then were did the rest of the elements came from????????????

Q12 what makes him think animals don't have souls all living things have souls and what makes him think erectus or homo habilis have intelligence they don't even know how to communicate creatures before humans has no iteligent if they had? why wouldn't"t we saw any signs of civilization from them??????

Q13 oh really Buddhist are peaceful?? why don't you check this out

Q14 what subjective the quran in for every one (25:1,38:87,3:108) there is no errors in the quran i suggest doning into this website and also Islam awareness to see the responds

Q15 Islam doesn't say if you don't became a muslim you will burn in hell (17:15,2:268,5:48,5:69,) and there is many examples so no you don't have to be Muslim to go to heaven its your deeds will be your judgment if you are not a muslim

Aiman Reyaz

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Re: 15 Questions raised by a Kafir
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2013, 05:57:40 AM »
While giving dawah to my friend, she asked my why is God so selfish? Why can't He forgive even Shirk, if He is the most gracious and most merciful? What shall I say? I listened to Dr Zakir Naik's reply to a similar question and I will use that, but I want you, Brother Osama or anyone who could give me a good answer. Thank you


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Re: 15 Questions raised by a Kafir
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2013, 11:21:47 AM »

 Allah is obviously kind and gracious. Allah said :

 '"Allah is certainly very affectionate and gracious to human being.''(1:143)

 Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Allah the ever-gracious has divided all the graces, kindness, affection, love into one hundred parts and kept ninety nine parts of it for Himself. And he distributed the remaining one part to the whole Universe."( Sahih Bukhari)

 So its clear that there is no one as affectionate  and kind as Allah. Now some people like to ask, if Allah is so kind then why will He punish the Mushrikhs and Kafirs in the Akhirat.

 Okay, if Allah is not kind then why Allah is allowing the Mushrikhs and Kafirs to live on this Earth and enjoy all the Niymats or gifts so easily? Why isn't Allah punishing them instantly? This is because Allah is kind and the most gracious. If He had not been so kind then the Human civilization would have been wiped out by now due to their sins.

 We Muslims and also the Christens and Jews are committing severe crimes on daily basis but what are we seeing is that Allah is not punishing us instantly rather He is giving us several chances to repent. Jews are killing Muslims on daily basis but is Allah punishing them instantly? No. Instead we are seeing that Allah is patient. It's only possible for someone who is extremely kind and gracious to remain patient after all these. It's not possible for any human being to be patient to that extent.

  We're having thousands of chances to repent just because Allah is the Most affectionate. After our death we won't be given any chance to repent, because we had several chances and Allah showed us Mercy in the worldly life. Yet some Muslims will be forgiven by Allah inspite of committing severe crimes on the Day of Judgment and will be allowed to enter Jannah. This will only happen because Allah is the most affectionate and kind.

 So, I've tried my best to interpret this fact. May Allah forgive me if I've misinterpreted the fact.

 May Allah grant us Hidayah. Ameen

« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 11:42:10 AM by FARHAN_UDDIN »


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