Author Topic: was the story of baptisim put into the bible  (Read 5323 times)

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Offline Isa27James

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was the story of baptisim put into the bible
« on: January 19, 2015, 08:05:08 AM »
 Assalam alykam Jesus was a jew   and judaism dont practice this

is baptsim  a pagan teaching that crept into the bible?

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Re: was the story of baptisim put into the bible
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2015, 09:12:43 AM »
Assalam alykam Jesus was a jew   and judaism dont practice this

is baptsim  a pagan teaching that crept into the bible?

Wa Alaikum As'salam dear brother,

Very interesting point you brought up, akhi.  The Islam-hating missionaries sometimes attack Islam by saying that there are Laws in Islam that don't exist in the Bible, and therefore Islam is false.  Yet, we here have one of Christianity's main pillars, Baptism, doesn't even exist in the Old Testament.  I never thought about this point.  I will investigate it and circle back with you, Insha'Allah.  I will also investigate whether baptism is former pagan practice or not.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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Re: was the story of baptisim put into the bible
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2015, 03:59:41 PM »
Baptisim is symbolic ceremony of washing away your past sins and accepting God as the one true God. In Bible it is introduced in the New Testament and is a symbolic practice to bring you into the community of believers and followers of the one God, that you rejected the practices that then existed in Judaism or paganism. So Christians do this when they become Christians to show they accept a new life following God and rejecting old life of sin. For many it should only be done when you are an adult and make the decision to follow God. Whether it was practiced in other pagan beliefs before, I do not know.
What I do know about pagan practices are the followers of the pagan god Hubal, whose followers kept time in accordance with the moon cycle and not the sun, if that's of any help.

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Re: was the story of baptisim put into the bible
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2015, 09:27:14 PM »
What I do know about pagan practices are the followers of the pagan god Hubal, whose followers kept time in accordance with the moon cycle and not the sun, if that's of any help.

First of all, scientifically speaking the Lunar Calendar was proven to be the most accurate one:

These types of desperate lies that the polytheist trinitarian pagans keep inventing about Islam following a mood god and others are getting too old.  This nonsense is refuted here:

The point that was raised about baptism was that it had no origins in the Jewish Law.  The cleaning of sins through water practice has no origins in Judaism.  So it is quite possible that it originated from paganism like your Christmas tree and the pagan practices that come with it.

If pagans hijacked Islam, then that doesn't disprove Islam:

As to Islam, Islam started in Arabia through Abraham and Ishmael, peace be upon them.  If centuries later the pagans in Arabia hijacked Mecca and the House of GOD Almighty and the Original Islam and turned them into pagan practices that still doesn't prove that Islam is pagan.  This is like the Jews' golden calf.  They tried to hijack Judaism (or Islam) with it.  But we know that Islam (Judaism) isn't about worshiping a golden calf.

Visit the following link to see the trinity lie being thoroughly refuted:

And last and not least, the reader can visit the following link to see the Glorious Quran's Overwhelming Scientific Miracles:

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: was the story of baptisim put into the bible
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2015, 09:50:58 PM »
Baptisim is symbolic ceremony of washing away your past sins and accepting God as the one true God. In Bible it is introduced in the New Testament and is a symbolic practice to bring you into the community of believers and followers of the one God, that you rejected the practice...... ....
What I do know about pagan practices are the followers of the pagan god Hubal, whose followers kept time in accordance with the moon cycle and not the sun, if that's of any help.

phrase 'one true God' for Pauline Christians actually mean three distinct Gods in equal union of oneness.

As for using lunar moon cycle  it is not only used by descendant of Ishmael but descendant of Isaac as well.

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Re: was the story of baptisim put into the bible
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2015, 01:17:38 AM »
As for using lunar moon cycle  it is not only used by descendant of Ishmael but descendant of Isaac as well.

Yes dear brother, and in the link that I provided the polytheist trinitarian pagan above, he'll see the following verses from the Bible:

Numbers 10:10 During the celebration of the New Moon Festival and other religious festivals, sound the trumpets while you offer sacrifices. This will be a reminder that I am the LORD your God.

1 Samuel 20:5 David answered: Tomorrow is the New Moon Festival, and I'm supposed to eat dinner with your father. But instead, I'll hide in a field until the evening of the next day.

1 Samuel 20:18 After this Jonathan said: Tomorrow is the New Moon Festival, and people will wonder where you are, because your place will be empty.

1 Chronicles 23:31 They must also give thanks and sing praises when sacrifices are offered on each Sabbath, as well as during New Moon Festivals and other religious feasts. There must always be enough Levites on duty at the temple to do everything that needs to be done.

The anti-Islamics always prove themselves to be fully ignorant of their own Bible.  What they attack Islam on is usually many times worse in the Bible.  Here we have celebrations of the New Moon, while in Islam we don't have that.

To the ignorant Polytheist Trinitarian Pagan:

So now, are you a pagan for celebrating New Moon Festivals according to the Bible?  And you do know that in Islam we don't even celebrate the New Moon nor anything else that is created.  But in the Bible you have that.  So what you attacked Islam on turned out to be in the Bible and not Islam.

Again, typical ignorant anti-Islamic.

Osama Abdallah


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