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Messages - shaad

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I'm very glad that Brother Albarra found it blasphemous by the way....any real Muslim would have the same reaction...MashAllah...

Brother Ghazali, i've got one question, you said that the universal epistles don't mention the crucifixion, can you please give some info about this?


Though Douglas is a unitarian i don't take him too seriously most of the time due to the fact that the "sect" he belongs in have some different beliefs and interpretations different from other unitarians for example about John 1:1...the only reason i showed the link was because of the quotes...thanks for those great comments by the way bro...

Thanks for the link brother Ghazali, it's very didn't tell me the name of Douglas' article about Helel...i'm interested to read it...concerning 2 peter, according to him, the word  "dysnoetas" should be translated as "nonsensical"...i don't know if this is it's literal meaning or not but he says that Lucian used the same word when he was talking about Alexander's responses....

GENERAL TOPICS | BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS / Re: Any Good response to a Nazi?
« on: October 24, 2017, 10:57:57 PM »
Nowhere, but this is what some websites claim, i wonder where they got that....when i think about it, the seller must have asked for two slaves in exexchange...


ἐν  οἷς     ὁ     θεὸς
En  Hois  Ho Theos

So it is not "Ton Theon" but "Ho Theos", and i agree it is used for YHWH, what i want to say is that we should take the epistles into context first otherwise we can use the same logic in the old testament and say it contains blasphemy because humans are called Elohim and i'm pretty sure you know that Elohim is used for YHWH as well...or a better example is John 20:28 which can cause confusion, so it's all a matter of context..

« on: October 24, 2017, 02:05:13 PM »
Assalamualaikum guys,

There's a Nazi guy who's got a new toy to play with, apparently he copied it from TROP or Answering basically he claims that Muhammad PBUH was a racist because he traded 2 black slaves for one Arab's the hadith...any good response to shut him up?

It was narrated that Jabir Sair:

"A slave came and gave his pledge to the Messenger of Allah to emigrate and the prophet did not realize that he was a slave.Then his master came looking for him.The prophet said; 'sell him to me.' so he bought him for two black slaves, then he did not accept until he had asked; 'Is he a slave?'''

Sunan an-Nasa'i book 44 hadith 4625"

TROP says it's from
Sahih Muslim 3901


"But this man also believes Isaiah's condemnation of the King of Babylon, Helel son of Shachar(can mean Venus, lie, and is not talking about the fall of Satan) actually refers to Satan, as well as Ezekiels King of Tyre."

Which man are you talking about? Lucian? Or Douglas the author? Can you give the title of the Article about Helel?

He does a great job exposing modern translations though and this is a lesson for muslims as well due to the fact we often get bombarded with bible verses when having discussion with missionaries....

Look brother, i'm just tryna say that the word "God" has a wider meaning in the bible...when  Paul says that Satan is the god of this world he doesn't mean that the devil is God Almighty himself, what he really means is that Satan has a major Influence on this world and he's kinda like a ruler...please read Psalm 82:1-6 and Exodus 7:1 to understand what i'm trying to say...

It's not blasphemy at all if we take the bible into context for example Psalm 82:1-6

Asadullah's gonna start a channel soon right?

Thanks brother Sama...that was useful

Brother Osama, i've finally realised how to refute's time for me to turn the tables...his knowledge about Mutawatir seems terrible...thank you by the way, sorry for the trouble

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