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 Brothers, I want to know one thing that is, do Muslims in America feel safe to reside there?
You know, Muslims in America often fall victim to FBI's trap and suffer in the prison. So, I really wonder, do Muslims in America really feel safe? I'm planning to go to America for higher studies  But I'm not sure how safe I'll be there. Specially after Boston conspiracy by the Zionist Israelis in order to trap Muslim brothers. So I'm really scared to go to America.

Please someone explain me this

Brother Osama, a site claims that two false verses had been added to chapter-9 of the Quran by the scribes. Please explain the matter. I am confused, it also claims that Allah didn't take the responsibility to preserve the Quran from man made corruption, rather Allah has promised to preserve the Quran at Lauhe Mahfuz. Brother, bellow is the article from that site. I'm not posting the link as it may mislead other muslim brothers. Brother, that site claims itself as an Islamic site.

(Two False Verses Removed from the Quran

Nineteen years after the Prophet's death, some scribes injected two false verses at the end of Sura 9, the last sura revealed in Medina. The evidence, both historic and from the Quran itself, confirms this addition of the last two verses in Sura 9. The mathematical code of the Quran illustrates a major function of the Quran's mathematical code, namely, to protect the Quran from the slightest tampering.

"Indeed, it is We who have brought down the Reminder (Quran) and We will preserve it." 15:9

It is noteworthy here to emphasise that God promises to preserve the Quran and not the "mushaf", the mushaf is the printed Quran.

A confirmation of this issue can be seen in the variations of certain words in the Hafz and Warsh versions of the Quran. The different spelling of a number of words between these two widely accepted versions of the Quran demonstrates that God does not preserve what humans print, but only preserve the Quran which can be accessed by all humans and which is preserved through the code of the Quran.

The Quran is called "mahfooz" (preserved) only in the master tablet with God (85:21) and not in the paper copy printed by humans.

Full details of the correct meaning of the preservation of the Quran are at: The Preservation of the Quran

 Nineteen years after the death of Prophet Muhammad, and during the reign of Khalifa Uthman, a committee of scribes was appointed to write several copies of the Quran so as to be dispatched to the new Muslim lands. The copies were to be made from the original Quran which was written by Muhammad's hand (see: The Issue of Muhammad's illiteracy).
 This committee was supervised by Uthman Ibn Affaan, Ali Ibn Abi Taaleb, Zeid Ibn Thaabet, Ubayy Ibn Ka`ab, Abdullah Ibn Al-Zubair, Sa`eed Ibn Al-Aas and Abdul Rahman Ibn Al-Haareth Ibn Heshaam. The Prophet, of course, had written the Quran in its chronological order of revelation, together with the necessary instructions to place every piece in its proper position. The last sura revealed in Medina was Sura 9. Only Sura 110, a very short sura, was revealed after Sura 9, in Mina.
 The committee of scribes finally came to Sura 9, and put it in its proper place. One of the scribes suggested adding a couple of verses to honour the Prophet. The majority of scribes agreed. Ali was outraged. He vehemently maintained that the word of God, written down by the hand of His final prophet, must never be altered.
 Ali's protest is documented in a number of references such as:

Source : Al-Itqaan Fee Ulum Al-Quran, by Jalaluddin Al-Suyuty, Al-Azhareyyah Press, Cairo, Egypt, 1318 AH, page 59

 The horrendous dimensions of this crime can be realized once we look at the consequences:
 (1) Uthman was assassinated, and Ali was installed as the fourth Khalifa.
 (2) A 50-year war erupted between the new Khalifa and his supporters on one side, and the Mohammedan distorters of the Quran on the other side.
 (3) Ali was martyred, and eventually his family, the prophet Muhammad's family, except for some women and children, were killed.
 (4) The disaster culminated in the infamous Battle of Karbala, where Ali's son, Hussein, and his family were massacred.
 (5) The Muslims were deprived of the pure, unaltered, Quran for 1400 years.

The distorters of the Quran finally won the war, and the "official" history that came to us was a distorted version which represented the victor's point of view. This apparent victory for God's enemies was, of course, in accordance with God's will. In just two decades after the Prophet's death, the idol worshipers who were defeated by the Prophet in the conquest of Mecca (632 AD) reverted to idolatry. Ironically, this time around their idol, the Prophet himself. Such idol worshipers obviously did not deserve to possess the pure Quran. Hence the blessed martyrdom of the true believers who tried to restore the Quran, and the apparent victory for the distorters of God's word.

 The first peace time ruler after this lengthy and disastrous war was Marwan Ibn Al Hakam (died 65 AH/684 AD). One of the first duties he performed was to destroy the original Quran, the one that was so scrupulously written by the Prophet's own hand, "fearing it might become the cause of new disputes" [see 'ULUM AL-QURAN', by Ahmad von Denffer, Islamic Foundation, Leicester, United Kingdom, 1983, Page 56.]. The question an intelligent person must ask is: "If the original Quran were identical to the Quran in circulation at that time, why did Marwan Ibn Al-Hakam have to destroy it?"

 Upon examining the oldest Islamic references, we realize that the false injections, 9:128-129, were always suspect. For example, we read in Bukhari's famous Hadith, and Al-Suyuty's famous Itqaan, that every single verse in the Quran was written down only after it was verified by a multiplicity of witnesses "except Verses 128 and 129 of Sura 9; they were found only with Khuzeimah Ibn Thaabet Al-Ansaary." When some people questioned this improper exception, someone came up with a Hadith stating that "the testimony of Khuzeimah equals the testimony of two men"!

Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 61, Number 511:

Narrated Zaid bin Thabit:
 Abu Bakr sent for me and said, "You used to write the Divine Revelations for Allah's Apostle : So you should search for (the Qur'an and collect) it." I started searching for the Qur'an till I found the last two Verses of Surat At-Tauba with Abi Khuzaima Al-Ansari and I could not find these Verses with anybody other than him.

But there is more evidence. When we look at the title of Sura 9 in the "mushaf" we note that 9:128-129 are labeled as "Meccan" while the first 127 verses are labelled as Medinan:

The Title Figure of Sura 9 from a standard Quran, shows that this sura is Medinan, except for the last two verses; they are Meccan!

 How could these `Meccan' verses be found with Khuzeimah, a late `Medinan' Muslim? How could a Medinan sura contain Meccan verses, when the universal convention has been to label as `Medinan' all revelations after the Prophet's Hijerah from Mecca??!!

 Despite these discrepancies, plus many more glaring contradictions associated with Verses 9:128-129, no one dared to question their authenticity. The discovery of the Quran's mathematical code in 1974, however, ushered in a new era where the authenticity of every element in the Quran is proven.

The missing 'basmalah'

Nothing in the Quran is a coincidence. All the Sura's of the Quran start with the basmalah "In the name of God ....", however we note that Sura 9 is the only Sura which does not start with a 'basmalah'. This is without any doubt a deliberate act by God. Instead God starts the Sura with the words:

 "Exoneration is issued for God and His messenger towards the Mushrikeen with whom you have entered into a treaty"

Why would God not start this Sura with the words "In the name of God"? Unless God knows that there will come a time when some words in this Sura will not be in His name? Words that are not God's words cannot be described as "In the name of God".

In addition, what does God exhonerate Himself and the messenger from and which requires God to start this Sura with these words? There can only be the same reply, it is because some of the words in this Sura are not God's words. It follows that God and the messenger are exonerated of this corruption.

We can cite the example of a messenger in the old middle ages who is sent to a certain people with a decree from the king. He arrives with a scroll in his hand, he unfolds the scroll and starts reading:

"In the name of the King, it has been decreed that .....".

What this means is that everything in the scroll which the messenger is reading is the words of the King and hence the words start with "In the name of the King".

This is not any different in Sura 9, if some words in this Sura are not God's own words, the Sura cannot start with the words "In the name of God ....". Thus the missing 'basmalah' in Sura 9.

As it turns out, the injection of the two false Verses 9:128-129 resulted in:
 (1) demonstrating the major function of the Quran's mathematical system, and
 (2) producing an awesome miracle in its own right, and
 (3) distinguishing the true believers from the hypocrites (they uphold traditions).

The translation of the two false verses is as follows:

9:128 A messenger has come to you from among you who is grieved by what you endured of hardship, and who cares about you, and is 'ra'oof' (benevolent) and 'raheem' (merciful) towards the believers.
 9:129 If they turn away, then say, 'God is sufficient for me, there is no god except He. I put my trust in Him. He is the Lord of the great throne.

 For the full mathematical evidence of this matter, please go to: The Physical Evidence)

 Brothers, Islam watch claim that Muslim scholars are made lots of efforts to tuck a story about,Ibn Abu Al Sarh. Brother strong response is needed to their claim.The story is given bellow:

( The story of Ibn Abu Al Sarh:

This is a very important and very little known story about the Quran. Muslim scholars make every effort to tuck it away and keep it out of sight of ordinary Muslims. I only learned about this story after I left Islam.

In short: Abdulla Ibn Abu Al Sarh was one of the scribes in Medina. Once Muhammad dictated to him a verse that had one of the common endings like aleem khabeer or hakeem aleem. When Ibn Abu Al Sarh reached the end of the verse he double checked with Muhammad: “Oh prophet of Allah, is it hakeem aleem?” to which Muhammad said ‘yes, it is’. Ibn Abu Al Sarh became suspicious because he thought it was aleem khabeer. Ibn Abu Al Sarh decided to test Muhammad in future verses and noticed that Muhammad accepts his suggestions of aleem khabeer or hakeem aleem or other endings that do not distort the meaning.

Ibn Abu Al Sarh concluded that Muhammad was not a prophet but an impostor. He denounced Islam and defected to Mecca and told the Quraysh of what happened. Muhammad became very angry and vowed to kill him once he conquers Mecca, which he was preparing for. When Muhammad conquered Mecca, Ibn Abu Al Sarh was arrested but was saved from the death sentence by Uthman, his brother in breast feeding. Ibn Abu Al Sarh survived and had a successful career under the Umayad dynasty, which speaks volumes of the faith of the Umayads!

We do not know which verses were scribed by Ibn Abu Al Sarh, but we know that at least those verses were not accurate!)

« on: June 24, 2013, 05:47:25 AM »
I got my answer

William Shakespeare, who was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language, is often used as an example of unique literature. The argument posed is that if Shakespeare expressed his poetry and prose in a unique manner – and he is a human being – then surely no matter how unique the Qur’an is, it must also be from a human being.

However there are some problems with the above argument. It does not take into account the nature of the Qur’an’s uniqueness and it doesn’t understand the uniqueness of literary geniuses such as Shakespeare. Although Shakespeare composed poetry and prose that received an unparalleled aesthetic reception, the literary form he expressed his works in was not unique. In many instances Shakespeare used the common Iambic Pentameter (The Iambic pentameter is a meter in poetry. It refers to a line consisting of five iambic feet. The word “pentameter” simply means that there are five feet in the line.) However in the case of the Qur’an, its language is in an entirely unknown and unmatched literary form. The structural features of the Qur’anic discourse render it unique and not the subjective appreciation of its literary and linguistic makeup.

With this in mind there are two approaches that can show that there are greater reasons to believe that the Qur’an is from the divine and a miraculous text. The first approach is rational deduction and the second is the philosophy of Miracles.

Rational Deduction

Rational deduction is the thinking process where logical conclusions are drawn from a universally accepted statement or provable premises. This process is also called rational inference or logical deduction.
 In the context of the Qur’an’s uniqueness the universally accepted statement supported by eastern and western scholarship is:

“The Qur’an was not successfully imitated by the Arabs at the time of revelation”

From this statement the following logical conclusions can be drawn:

1. The Qur’an could not have come from an Arab as the Arabs, at the time of revelation, were linguists par excellence and they failed to challenge the Qur’an. They had even admitted that the Qur’an could have not come from a human being.

2. The Qur’an could not have come from a Non-Arab as the language in the Qur’an is Arabic, and the knowledge of the Arabic language is a pre-requisite to successfully challenge the Qur’an.

3. The Qur’an could not have come from the Prophet Muhammad due to the following reasons:

a. The Prophet Muhammad was an Arab himself and all the Arabs failed to challenge the Qur’an.

b. The Arabs linguists at the time of revelation never accused the Prophet of being the author of the Qur’an.

c. The Prophet Muhammad experienced many trials and tribulations during the course of his Prophetic mission. For example his children died, his beloved wife Khadija passed away, he was boycotted, his close companions were tortured and killed, yet the Qur’an’s literary character remains that of the divine voice and character. Nothing in the Qur’an expresses the turmoil and emotions of the Prophet Muhammad. It is almost a psychological and physiological impossibility to go through what the Prophet went through and yet none of the emotions are expressed in the literary character of the Qur’an.

d. The Qur’an is a known literary masterpiece yet its verse were at many times revealed for specific circumstances and events that occurred. However, without revision or deletion they are literary masterpieces. All literary masterpieces have undergone revision and deletion to ensure literary perfection, however the Qur’an was revealed instantaneously.

e. The hadith or narrations of the Prophet Muhammad are in a totally different style then that of the Qur’an. How can any human being express themselves orally over a 23 year period (which was the period of Qur’anic revelation) in two distinct styles? This is a psychological and physiological impossibility according to modern research.

f. All types of human expression can be imitated if the blueprint of that expression exists. For example artwork can be imitated even though some art is thought to be extraordinary or amazingly unique. But in the case of the Qur’an we have the blueprint – the Qur’an itself – yet no one has been able to imitate its unique literary form.

4. The Qur’an could not have come from another being such as a Jinn or Spirit because the basis of their existence is the Qur’an and revelation itself. Their existence is based upon revelation and not empirical evidence. Therefore if someone claims that the source of the Qur’an to be another being then they would have to prove its existence and in this case proving revelation. In the case of using the Qur’an as the revelation to establish Jinns existence then that would mean the whole rational deduction exercise would not be required in the first place, as the Qur’an would already have been established as a divine text, because to believe in Jinns existence would mean belief in the Qur’an in the first place.

5. The Qur’an can only have come from the Divine as it is the only logical explanation as all other explanations have been discarded because they do not explain the uniqueness of the Qur’an in a comprehensive and coherent manner.

Philosophy of Miracles

The word miracle is derived from the Latin word ‘miraculum’ meaning “something wonderful”. A miracle is commonly defined as a violation of a natural law (lex naturalis); however this is an incoherent definition. This incoherence is due our understanding of natural laws, as the Philosopher Bilynskyj observes “…so long as natural laws are conceived of as universal inductive generalisations the notion of violation of a nature law is incoherent.”

Natural laws are inductive generalizations of patterns we observe in the universe. If the definition of a miracle is a violation of a natural law, in other words a violation of the patterns we observe in the universe, then an obvious conceptual problem occurs. The problem is: why can’t we take this perceived violation of the pattern as part of the pattern? Therefore the more coherent description of a miracle is not a ‘violation’ but an ‘impossibility’. The Philosopher William Lane Craig rejects the definition of a miracle as a “violation of a natural law” and replaces it with the coherent definition of “events which lie outside the productive capacity of nature”. What this means is that miracles are acts of impossibilities concerning causal or logical connections.

The Miraculous Qur’an

What makes the Qur’an a miracle, is that it lies outside the productive capacity of the nature of the Arabic language. The productive capacity of nature, concerning the Arabic language, is that any grammatically sound expression of the Arabic language will always fall within the known Arabic literary forms of Prose and Poetry.

The Qur’an is a miracle as its literary form cannot be explained via the productive capacity of the Arabic language, because all the possible combinations of Arabic words, letters and grammatical rules have been exhausted and yet the Qur’an’s literary form has not been imitated. The Arabs who were known to have been Arab linguists par excellence failed to successfully challenge the Qur’an. Forster Fitzgerald Arbuthnot who was a notable British Orientalist and translator states:

“…and that though several attempts have been made to produce a work equal to it as far as elegant writing is concerned, none has as yet succeeded.”[1]

The implication of this is that there is no link between the Qur’an and the Arabic language; however this seems impossible because the Qur’an is made up of the Arabic language! On the other hand, all the combinations of Arabic words and letters have been used to try and imitate the Qur’an. Therefore, it can only be concluded that a supernatural explanation is the only coherent explanation for this impossible Arabic literary form – the Qur’an.

When we look at the productive nature of the Arabic language to find an answer for the unique literary form of the Qur’an, we find no link between it and the divine text, thus making it an impossibility requiring supernatural explanation. So it logically follows that if the Qur’an is a literary event that lies outside the productive capacity of the Arabic language, then, by definition, it is a miracle.



   Brother thanks for the nice explanation. Brother just answer the last two Questions of mine. And it's one of the major Questions asked by some Muslims.

 How will you prove that no new hadith have been added to the volume of Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmizi or other hadith collections by the Muslim scholars?

And brother, they often ask, is the hadiths which Muslims have today and which they used to have 1000 years ago the same? if it is then what's the proof? 

 Please brother answer this. And it will crystallize the whole matter.

Please read the following article. It says about "EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL LIFE IN THE QURAN."


    Brothers, Quran supports the concept of Extra-terrestrial life. I was very interested to know wether Quran says anything about extra-terrestrial life or not. I found my answer. I just found an article which states this fact. Wait till I post the article.

Please Brothers . Answer my Questions in detail. I am confused. Quick response needed.

« on: June 22, 2013, 08:37:59 AM »
Brother thanks. An excellent explanation

« on: June 22, 2013, 07:16:25 AM »

  Is Ka'ba an asteroid. If it is, then is there any absolute proof?

Brothers, tell me one thing,
 Is there any definite number of Hadiths?

if not then , Non-muslims even some Muslims claim that, muslim scholars have inserted and are inserting new hadiths with the old one.

 And they also claim that, the hadith which are said to be Muhammad's (SAW), about the future predictions before Qiyamah are also the new hadiths inserted by the Muslims. Specially the hadith where Muhammad(SAW) says that there will be tall buildings before Qiyamah, is claimed to be a new hadith inserted by the Muslims.

 Brothers please help me removing by confusions by answering the above allegations in detail.

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