This is a quote from the link that you gave. Mr. Ramanujan might be a mathematical genius, and an expert in Calculus and Differential Equations, and has a great analytical mind, but he is not Messenger of GOD Almighty.
I understand you to mean that Ramanujan was too smart to be trusted as receiving "external" revelation. Ramanujan should have been intelligent enough to produce his revelation "internally". Nice compliment for Muhammad's intelligence (i do not share this view).
I don't think you really read with care what I wrote to you, Mokko. The Glorious Quran's Miracles in Science and Mathematics are what NASA and the Computer Age of today have begun to unveil. And Allah Almighty made it very clear that He put those Miracles in the Holy Quran as a proof to Its Divinity.
So again, why don't you bring your best argument against the Holy Quran's Scientific Miracles and see if our Holy Book is Miraculous or not?
My second best argument is that proofs are built on precision and clarity. If science did not pay attention to precison, it would split into sects, like some religions. I am sorry to say that your "miracles" are not precise enough to be useful for ordinary people. Most science is made by ordinary people, not geniuses, and these people need straightforward proofs, step-by-step arguments, like children. Otherwise, they do not understand. They are too dumb to read between the lines accurately.
If you can find the receipe of a drug against cancer in the Holy Book, it would be nice to share it. Ibn Kathir did not. This proof is not sufficient for you?
My best argument is: if you seriously believe in your theory, apply it yourself: use Allah's knowledge to solve hard scientific problems (you have plenty of choice), unveil them before the Nasa does, and believe me, many people will follow your method, as there is a lot of money at stake.
Example: here: you say that the speed of light can be determined from the verse: [Quran 32.5] "(Allah) Rules the cosmic [btw, do we find the word "cosmic" in the arabic version?] affair from the heavens to the Earth. Then this affair travels to Him a distance in one day, at a measure of one thousand years of what you count."
I honestly do not see how this verse could have anything to do with the speed of light. But maybe you have better ijtihad skills than me, and in this case, you can help the world: can you tell us how to predict the three-dimensional structure of a protein from its amino acid sequence?
see: not wait until someone else solve this problem, in order to tell us which verse to read, and how to interpret it. Millions of lives are at stake (cancer, viruses...), it is an emergency.
Up to now, the most famous application of this kind of method is Ibn Baz's famous proof, in 1969, that the earth was flat. He carefully read hadith and Quran, and did not care about "non-Islamic" information. In short, Ibn Baz conducted what doctors call a "blind experiment" (!).
It is enough to show that this "knowledge" does not produce interesting results. Maybe tomorrow, with a better method of ijtihad (out of reach with today's knowledge), some Muslims will do better. After all, it is not impossible: science also needs confidence and inspiration.