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Responding to crictic
« on: June 28, 2018, 09:21:56 PM »

Please help me while debating a christain he argues that

Why did Satan offer Jesus the kingdom?, because they belong to Satan thats why! He stole them from Adam and Eve, in fact man gave them to Satan, thats why Satan says its been given to me, he lied to Jesus and Jesus being God knew he was lieing.,, Satan by PRETENDING to offer Jesus all these things would effetivly be God if he could simply tempt him

Hebrews 2:17-18 says he is able to help those who are being tempted….How so??? is it because he passed with flying colours? and didnt sin?

You sound like a broken record, ive acknowledged that you beleive from the Pslam and Isiaha that he will be saved while at the same time you dont beleive its anything at all about crucfixion or him being harmed in anyway….BUT

What you wont acknowlegde is that isiaha says he will be harmed! and plus what prayer did jesus say on the cross because it wasent pslam 91….REMEMBER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE TEMPTATION NOT THE CRUCIFIXION…what has dieing on the cross got to do with jumping off a cliff…why doesent Satan quote a pslam when Jesus is being crucified?

YOU use the pslam to say jesus was saved when i can use isiaha and refute you and say he was led like a lamb to the slaughter

It is christians who have the Messianic understanding of scripture….Im asking you …what evidence do you have that makes psalm 91 Messianic? first show me it is Messanic and then show me it has anything to do with Jesus then we can discuss your application of scripture as you contradict yourself since Isaiah 53:10 says it pleased the lord to bruise him which contradicts your claim about pslam 91

notice your hypocrisy with Isaiah 53:10-11 saying ‘with long life i will satsify him’ (what for?)….your missing the rest of it saying ‘my righteous servant will justify many,and he will bear their iniquities’ ….your also jumping too far ahead of yourself not even you can declare his generation (53:8)

the original Hebrew for offspring is zera which has a few meanings, such as a Royal Race or if meant in bad sense then it means just a race of men ….it doesnt mean having children, like i said Jesus is worshiped worldwide as God (so he does get to see his children) ..thats his offspring and its a spiritual seed…the bible also says Satan has a seed, Jesus explains this in Mathew 13:37–29

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Re: Responding to crictic
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2018, 01:37:20 AM »
Wa Alaikum As'salam,

The following are Stupidianity's points and my refutations to it:

Why did Satan offer Jesus the kingdom?, because they belong to Satan thats why! He stole them from Adam and Eve, in fact man gave them to Satan, thats why Satan says its been given to me, he lied to Jesus and Jesus being God knew he was lieing.,, Satan by PRETENDING to offer Jesus all these things would effetivly be God if he could simply tempt him

Hebrews 2:17-18 says he is able to help those who are being tempted….How so??? is it because he passed with flying colours? and didnt sin?

Gnostic or not Gnostic?

This is a point I made with the doomed-to-Hell, Nabeel Qureshi, in one of my debates with him.  Stupidians often dismiss any non-canonized text as gnostic writing.  Gnostics are those who believe that GOD and Satan are two different GODs equal in power.  Stupidians often say that GOD Almighty is the Ultimate.  That's true, but in the same breath they toilet-dump statements such as:

Satan offered Jesus the World because Satan owns it??

Stupidianity is indeed more stupid than the hindu pagans who worship cows, rats, priests' pee and idols.  Satan owns nothing.  And the one who doesn't own can not offer the thing he does not own, ESPECIALLY IF THE THING IS OFFERED TO ITS OWNER!  I mean if Jesus is our Creator, as stupidianity claims, then how could satan offer him the earth?  And what value does earth have in all of Creations out there?  What is earth to GOD Almighty's Heaven?  It is nothing.  It is like me offering you my feces in return to licking my shoes.  The offer is very ridiculous.  But this is what Jesus was tempted on for 40 days and 40 nights, and was coveting and having "evil desires" in him according to bible:

The Divine Setup for Conjecture:

I don't need to refute any of the nonsense that your Christian gave.  All of his points are simply destroyed in the following points:

1-  The translation of Isaiah 53 does not say he will die.  It says:

a.  He will be condemned to death.
b.  He will overpower death.
c.  His life will be extended.

2-  Ample passages in the Old and New Testaments clearly spell out that Jesus will not be crucified.

3-  The fact that Jesus prayed to GOD to save him from crucifixion (also prophesied in the OT) clearly proves that nothing is set in stone, even if the false points that your friend gave above were true.  It is easy for the NT to abrogate the OT.  But we don't even have that here.  Both the OT and NT clearly spell out that Jesus did not get crucified.  See links above.

4-  The parts in the NT that say Jesus got crucified are clearly a corruption and are in direct contradiction with other passages.

5-  In the gospel of Matthew, we read about Pontus Pilate stood between two persons who were exactly named:

a.  Jesus Barabbas.
b.  Jesus Barabbas.

Both men named exact name.  Both were to be executed on the same month, same week, same day, same hour.  Not different months or years.  And Pilate released one of them your bible says.  Now keep in mind the following facts:

a.  The Jesus, who was not our Christ, was a Jewish revolutionist who killed Roman soldiers, because he wanted to free his people from the pagans.

b.  Pilate's wife got sick from our Jesus Christ's charge, because he was innocent, and she strongly warned her husband, Pilate, against killing Christ.

c.  Pilate himself objected to killing Christ.

It is clear that Pilate released our Christ and killed the revolutionist who killed his men.  Pilate was a military General.  So killing his soldiers would've been big deal to him.

It was no coincident to have both Jesus Barabbas standing with Pilate between them.  It was clearly a Divine Setup for Conjecture.  This is why Allah Almighty calls Christianity as conjecture and Judaism as Shackles.  Islam came:

1-  To restore the original Faith.

2-  To free the Jews from their shackles.  Among those harsh Laws is that a Jew will be punished seven fold for his/her sin.  And Judaism has a long list of strict and difficult Laws.

3-  To free the Christians from their conjecture.

Islam is the Divine Truth!  Everything else belongs to the toilet.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah

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Re: Responding to crictic
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2018, 08:23:43 AM »
Just trace back to how Hellenistic Christianity was spread among the Hellenistic Romans / Greeks. If you look at the admission by the early Christians. They accepted the faith of Christianity due to the fact that the concept of son of God and his miracles are harmonious and do not contradict their Hellenistic idolatry belief.
Shall the religion of Christianity contradicts their Hellenistic belief, they would never accepted Christianity in the first place.


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