Salam aleikum brothers, you have reason brother submit, searching some parallel with the Qur'an in other books is their norm. But thay forget that those books was not able to prophet Muhammad. Many, like Targum Esther, are in other languages, Hebrew, Hindu, etc. And could not be read by an arab. Now, the very Encyclopedia Judaica says that Targum Esther is posterior to Qur'an with evidences. The simple fact that a teacher says that Targum is older than Qur'an is only his opinion. Indeed, I searched what was refearing that Teacher, Crossfield, in his researching. And he was talkung about the Book of Esther, and not about Targum Esther. So, The book of Esther was the book existed before Qur'an. But the Targum was after. Thanks for all. Salam Aleikum.