Why big breasted women for men in Heaven?
Earth is a little preview of what is in store in Heaven from good things for the Believers. Of course, there is infinite fold Good and Greatness in Heaven that can't be imagined. The Almighty,
who engineered all aspects of sex (vagina, womb, egg, cum, wet, penis, testicles, cum, sperms, water, pregnancy, sensational feelings, etc...) here on earth is well able to put it all in Heaven and much more.
I really always pondered upon how a male entering a female and making strokes puts super sensational pleasure in him. Like two humans physically touching, in a certain way, is
more fun and sensational than having all of this world's wealth. That always made me stop and think. Like one could be very poor and still experiences super pleasure just by having another flesh and blood with him and her touching each other in a certain way.
So if, insha'Allah (Allah Almighty Willing), big-breasted maidens are in store for me, then that's wonderful!
No need to apologize for Islam. The male and female whores of the infidels can all go to Hell. They are not even qualified to lecture on the morality of sex to others. For ample details, visit:
Men taken to Heaven with their genitals:
Also in the Islamic Heaven, we will multiple. So there will be sex in Heaven. Also in the Jewish and Christian texts, we read about men who were taken up to Heaven, in their physical bodies, without ever dying. Here are a few examples:
1- Melchizedek.
2- Jesus.
3- Enoch.
4- Ezra.
5- Elijah.
Paul also went to Heaven and came back. Also
Adam and Eve are now in Heaven in their physical bodies. There will be sex in Heaven. The infidels can all get lost to Hell.
Again, visit:
Take care,
Osama Abdallah