To be updated...
1) Firaun's body
2) The famine of Firaun
3) Egyptian afterlife belief: A balance in which the heart and a feather would be weighed (metaphorical)
4) Ancient Egyptian paintings show a man receiving a code of law from a mountain
5) The 10 commandments are in the Egyptian book of the dead
6) The statue of Thutmose II, looks Hebrew, not Egyptian
7) Mention of
Haman in ancient Egyptian glyphs
Haman is mentioned in the Qur'an as the person who directed construction work under the command of the Pharaoh.
8) The splitting of the seas miracle:
From Amenamoni, head of the protective books of the white room of the palace, to the scribe Penterhor:
When this letter reaches you and has been read point by point, surrender your heart to the sharpest pain, like a leaf before the storm, when you learn of the sorrowful disaster of the drowning in the whirlpool…
Calamity struck him suddenly and inescapably. Depict the destruction of the lords, the lord of the tribes, the king of the east and the west. The sleep in the waters has made something helpless out of something great. What news can compare to the news I have sent you?(British Museum, Egyptian Papyri No.6.)
9) Moses referred to as a magician in the Qur'an: Mentioned by scribes
This is written on the second day of the seventh month of Payni during the reign of Ramses, the elder brother of Ammon, the Sun's son who is the administrator of justice, and who lives eternally like his father, the Sun… When you receive this letter, rise, set to work and undertake the supervision of the fields. When you hear the news of a new misfortune such as a flood ruining the entire cereals, think. Hemton destroyed them by consuming them greedily, granaries are cracked, rats are clumped in fields, fleas are like hurricane, scorpions are eating up greedily, wounds caused by little flies are too many to count. And these grieve the people… The Scribe [probably referring to the Prophet Musa (as)] fulfilled the purpose to destroy the total amount of cereals… Sorceries are like their bread. Scribe… is the first of men in the art of writing.