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Jesus: Spirit of Truth is Prophet Muhammad (John 16:13)
« on: April 11, 2020, 06:33:01 AM »
As'salamu Alaikum Everyone,

Here is my brainstorm to my upcoming article before I begin a major advertisement campaign for the website, insha'Allah.  This should, insha'Allah, bring everything needed to the reader to be thoroughly convinced that Islam is indeed the Divine Truth from GOD Almighty.

Links that cover much of the following are:

Spirit of Truth is Prophet Muhammad:

1-  Holy Spirit was already with them.  Yet, even that is a questionable one. Example: they had to cast lot (game of chance) to choose the 12th disciple.  Also, when it was time to collect money, the holy spirit was there.  But when they had to choose the 12th disciple, it wasn't.

2-  Physical flesh and blood Prophets were called SPIRIT throughout the Bible.

3-  Jesus spoke to the disciples and others to watch out for future false Messiahs that will impersonate him.  But if they knew his face, features and even his smell, then how could they be fooled by another one?  And what about Jesus' Miracles?  The false one won't be able to perform them.  So this Prophecy is for the latter generations.

4-  So Jesus telling about the SPIRIT OF TRUTH to come and to teach all what is remaining from the Truth, this prophecy is a future one for the latter generations.

Not the Holy Spirit:

John 16:13
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

Is there now another Spirit that inspires the Holy Spirit?  We know the Spirit of the Truth is a combination of the following Spirits:

Isaiah 11:2
The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord

Isaiah 28:6
He will be a spirit of justice to the one who sits in judgment, a source of strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.

We also know that this Spirit of the Truth will come from Arabia:

Isaiah 42:1
[ The Servant of the Lord ] “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will bring justice to the nations.

5-  We know in the Old Testament, two Servants will come: (a) One born from Bethlehem.  We know this is Jesus.  (b) One from the desert of Teman, Kedar, Deedan, and the valley of Paran.  Centuries before Islam, even by Christian writers, PARAN WAS SAID TO BE LOCATED where Mecca is today.

6-  In the New Testament, John the Baptist was asked if he was (a) Elijah, and he said no; (b) the Messiah, and he said no; (c) THE PROPHET, and he said no.

7-  In the Old Testament, we know this Prophet will be from the cousins of the Israelites, the Ishmaelites.  He will also be like Moses.

8-  In the Glorious Quran, GOD Almighty spoke about two THIKRS (LAWS): (a) The one that came to Moses and Aaron; and (b) the one that came down to Muhammad, the Quran.

9-  Who is this THE PROPHET?  The NT writers lie and say that Jesus is both the Messiah and Prophet.  The Prophet is different.

8-  Who is this SPIRIT OF TRUTH?  It is the future THE PROPHET.

9-  Jesus gave the Sign of Jonah as the LAST SIGN for the cross.  We know (a) Jonah was alive at the shore; (b) alive when he was swallowed by the whale; (c) alive when he was vomitted out of the whale.



12-  We also know in the OT GOD Almighty promised to save the Messiah from death and all pain, and will send down the Angels to protect him and to lift him up.


14-  We also know that Jesus was never burried inside any coffin.  He laid on the floor inside a cave (tomb), got healed, and got up and left.

15-  In the NT, Jesus always referred to himself as ALIVE after the cross' experience, NOT RESURRECTED.  He said it many times.  I AM ALIVE.

    -  Jesus gave Sign of Jonah as the last one before the cross.
    -  Jonah was alive at the shore, alive while in the whale's belly, and alive when he was vomitted out.
    -  Romans had to rush Jesus' "crucifixion" and bring him down and empty the entire field because of the Jews PASSOVER.
    -  Half a million Jewish pilgrims were about to arrive.  The field and crucifixions would've created a great deal of danger, chaos and even bloodshed between the Roman soldiers and the people.
    -  LARGE GROUPS MANAGEMENT and psychology is used today by police and other law enforcement units today with large crowds and with crowds that are opposing to each other.
    -  Rushing Jesus down saved his life.
    -  Isaiah 53, Psalm 91 and others declare that GOD Almighty will send down His Angels and lift and save Jesus from all harm and death.
    -  Jesus was miraculous in nature anyway.  Example: healed a maimed ear with one touch; healed blindness with one touch; walked on water; raised the dead after begging GOD Almighty to enable him to do it for his dead friend, Lazarus.  GOD Almighty raised the dead, not Jesus.  But the Miracle was done through Jesus.

Burden upon Arabia (Isaiah's prophecy):

16-  We also know in the OT that the future burden of GOD Almighty will be upon ARABIA.

17-  The same word, "burden," was also used for Noah and others when they were given their moumental tasks.

18-  We also know that GOD WILL COME FROM TEMAN, and his Holy one from Paran (again Mecca even according to Christians centuries before Islam).

19-  Islam is Arabia's Divine Burden.

20-  Arabia is and has been a victim of world-wide plots and conspiracies, and is also carrying the burden of having evil Israel in it.

Burden upon Arabia (Isaiah 21) is the SAME WORD used for Noah and Lot in Genesis.
   -  Burden upon Arabia (Bible), and the nations will conspire and gather against you as predators do to prey (Hadith prophecy).
   -  Woe to the Arabs from evil drawing near (Hadith prophecy).
   -  Isaiah 14:12.  Islam killed the moon god and stars and all idols worship.

21-  Prophet Daniel prophesied that the evil kingdom will be established from Jerusalem to the Mediterranean sea.  THAT IS PRESISELY ISRAEL TODAY, and excludes the Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza.

22-  Also, Damascus will be no more OT Prophecy.  Prophet Muhammad said that Jesus will return from there.  I believe that Damascus will be no more in a way that it will transform into the Mighty capital of all good vs all evil when the Messiah returns.

Again, links that cover much of this are:

Other points:

Christians' wrong standards on Bible Prophecy taken literally:

1-  Isaiah 53 talks about the servant's death.  Christians take this literally.  Yet, in the NT Jesus never died.  He claimed many times that he is still ALIVE.  Again, in the NT, Jesus always referred to himself as ALIVE after the cross' experience, NOT RESURRECTED.  He said it many times.  I AM ALIVE.

    -  Jesus gave Sign of Jonah as the last one before the cross.
    -  Jonah was alive at the shore, alive while in the whale's belly, and alive when he was vomitted out.
    -  Romans had to rush Jesus' "crucifixion" and bring him down and empty the entire field because of the Jews PASSOVER.
    -  Half a million Jewish pilgrims were about to arrive.  The field and crucifixions would've created a great deal of danger, chaos and even bloodshed between the Roman soldiers and the people.
    -  LARGE GROUPS MANAGEMENT and psychology is used today by police and other law enforcement units today with large crowds and with crowds that are opposing to each other.
    -  Rushing Jesus down saved his life.
    -  Isaiah 53, Psalm 91 and others declare that GOD Almighty will send down His Angels and lift and save Jesus from all harm and death.
    -  Jesus was miraculous in nature anyway.  Example: healed a maimed ear with one touch; healed blindness with one touch; walked on water; raised the dead after begging GOD Almighty to enable him to do it for his dead friend, Lazarus.  GOD Almighty raised the dead, not Jesus.  But the Miracle was done through Jesus.

2-  Spirit of Truth to Christians is the Holy Spirit to the disciples.  Yet, Jesus spoke about future return for the latter generations.

3-  GOD came from Teman and His holy one from Paran.
    -  Also GOD came with 10,000 believers prophecy in the OT and NT.  Islam fulfilled it with the liberation of Mecca with the Muslims' 10,000-man army of believers.
    -  Christians never interpret this prophecy in their scriptures right.

4-  Daniel's "daily sacrifices will stop" by the evil ones future prophecy.  Yet, Christians now do not interpret this literally.

5-  Daniel's evil shepherd will change "Law and Time" prophecy.  Yet, Christianity changed the Law and created the AD Gregorian calendar is no issue.

6-  Discontinued Sabbath, despite that GOD Almighty in the OT supposedly swore on His Holy Name that it will not, and that the day will come when all nations on earth will take the Sabbath as a holiday.

7-  Physical temple.  Jesus discontinued it.

Other examples at:

So now, when it comes to Arabia's Prophecies in the OT about GOD Almighty's NEW COVENANT and NEW SERVANT will come from it, they twist and pervert the meanings.  So they also get the burden upon Arabia prophecy wrong.

Take care,
Osama Abdallah


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