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200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
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Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [


Rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Sinking to Dead Sea Levels" article:

The following article is a rebuttal to http://www../Responses/Osama/dead_sea.htm.  As thoroughly demonstrated in the table below, Allah Almighty Said: 


The Romans had been defeated around, or in the area of, the lowest land on earth

غلبت الروم  في ادنى الارض


Below, the reader will clearly see how Sam Shamoun and Jochen Katz:

1-  Contradicted and refuted themselves on the topic of the Hadiths.

2-  Fabricated a desperate lie to cover up for the humiliating documentations that we've post on our web site regarding Sam Shamoun's toilet mouth - a mouth that is as low as a toilet because of all of the countless and graphic foul rubbish that it utters.

3-  They lies by fabricating a quote on my mouth which I have exposed below.

Also visit:

  • Quran's correct prophecy of defeat of Romans.


    They wrote:

    Sinking to Dead Sea levels

    In search of the lowest point in Muslim apologetics

    Sam Shamoun & Jochen Katz

    Osama Abdallah is really trying hard to redeem himself after his humiliating loss in our debate on the subject of whether Muhammad was a true prophet (here).


    My response:

    Again, as thoroughly demonstrated in the following table, Allah Almighty Said: 


    The Romans had been defeated around, or in the area of, the lowest land on earth

    غلبت الروم  في ادنى الارض


    Latest Rebuttal Update!


    From: Detailed Analysis from Lisan Al-Arab (this alone is 10 big books) and 7 other dictionaries proving the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran in Great Details.


    3-  Geology of the Earth, its Shape, its Movement in Space, its Atmosphere, and the Formation of Rain:
    Noble Verse(s) 30:2-30:3
    Yusuf Ali:

    [030:002]  The Roman Empire has been defeated-

    [030:003]  In a land close by; (WRONG TRANSLATION as thoroughly demonstrated below) but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious-


    [030:002]  Ghulibati alrroomu

    [030:003]  Fee adna al-ardi wahum min baAAdi ghalabihim sayaghliboona

    Arabic (from right to left):

    30:2 غلبت الروم

    30:3 في ادنى الارض وهم من بعد غلبهم سيغلبون

    "In a land close by" is a mistranslation that is even contradicted by the translators' translations of the Holy Word in the following Noble Verses:

    Noble Verse(s) 32:21
    Sher Ali:

    [032:021]  And most surely WE will make them taste of the lesser punishment before the greater punishment, that they may return to US with repentance.


    [032:021]  And verily We make them taste the lower punishment before the greater, that haply they may return.


    [032:021]  Walanutheeqannahum mina alAAathabi al-adna doona alAAathabi al-akbari laAAallahum yarjiAAoona

    Arabic (from right to left):

    32:21 ولنذيقنهم من العذاب الادنى دون العذاب الاكبر لعلهم يرجعون


    Noble Verse(s) 53:9
    Dr. Munir Munshey (one of www.answering-christianity.com's authors):

    [053:009]  He was two bow-lengths away, or less,


    [053:009]  Fakana qaba qawsayni aw adna

    Arabic (from right to left):

    53:9 فكان قاب قوسين او ادنى

    The "OR" in this Noble Verse talks about a relativistic and varrying calculation depending on HOW ONE WANTS TO CALCULATE IT and long is the bow the person uses.


    Noble Verse(s) 58:7
    Yusuf Ali:

    [058:007]  Seest thou not that God doth know (all) that is in the heavens and on earth? There is not a secret consultation between three, but He makes the fourth among them, - Nor between five but He makes the sixth,- nor between fewer nor more, but He is in their midst, wheresoever they be: In the end will He tell them the truth of their conduct, on the Day of Judgment. For God has full knowledge of all things.

    Dr. Munir Munshey (one of www.answering-christianity.com's authors):

    [058:007]  Do you not realize that Allah knows everything in the heavens and on earth? Never is there a secret conference of three, where He is not the fourth (listening in); nor of five, where He is not the sixth (listening). Even when there are less (than three) or more than that number (holding secret talks), He is (always) with them no matter where they might happen to be. Later, on the Day of Judgment, He will tell them everything they had done! Indeed, Allah knows every single thing!


    [058:007]  Alam tara anna Allaha yaAAlamu ma fee alssamawati wama fee al-ardi ma yakoonu min najwa thalathatin illa huwa rabiAAuhum wala khamsatin illa huwa sadisuhum wala adna min thalika wala akthara illa huwa maAAahum ayna ma kanoo thumma yunabbi-ohum bima AAamiloo yawma alqiyamati inna Allaha bikulli shay-in AAaleemun

    Arabic (from right to left):

    58:7 الم تر ان الله يعلم مافي السماوات ومافي الارض مايكون من نجوى ثلاثة الا هو رابعهم ولاخمسة الا هو سادسهم ولاادنى من ذلك ولااكثر الا هو معهم اين ماكانوا ثم ينبئهم بما عملوا يوم القيامة ان الله بكل شئ عليم

    Sher Ali:

    [058:007]  Seest thou not that ALLAH knows all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth ? There is no secret counsel of three, but HE is their fourth, nor of five but HE is their sixth, nor of less than that, nor of more, but HE is with them wheresoever they may be. Then on the Day of Resurrection HE will inform them of what they did. Surely, ALLAH has full knowledge of all things.


    [058:007]  Do you not see that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth? Nowhere is there a secret counsel between three persons but He is the fourth of them, nor (between) five but He is the sixth of them, nor less than that nor more but He is with them wheresoever they are; then He will inform them of what they did on the day of resurrection: surely Allah is Cognizant of all things.


    [058:007]  Hast thou not seen that Allah knoweth all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth ? There is no secret conference of three but He is their fourth, nor of five but He is their sixth, nor of less than that or more but He is with them wheresoever they may be; and afterward, on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of what they did. Lo! Allah is Knower of all things.


    [058:007]  Dost thou not perceive that God knoweth whatever is in heaven and in earth? There is no private discourse among three persons, but He is the fourth of them; nor among five, but He is the sixth of them; neither among a smaller number than this, nor a larger, but He is with them; wheresoever they be: And He will declare unto them that which they have done, on the day of resurrection; for God knoweth all things.

    Muhammad Al-Hilali & Muhsin Khan:

    [058:007]  Have you not seen that Allah knows whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth? There is no Najwa (secret counsel) of three, but He is their fourth (with His Knowledge, while He Himself is over the Throne, over the seventh heaven), nor of five but He is their sixth (with His Knowledge), not of less than that or more, but He is with them (with His Knowledge) wheresoever they may be; and afterwards on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of what they did. Verily, Allah is the All-Knower of everything.


    [058:007]  Dost thou not see that God knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth? and that there cannot be a privy discourse of three but He makes the fourth? nor of five but He makes the sixth? nor less than that nor more, but that He is with them wheresoe'er they be? then He will inform them of what they have done upon the resurrection day; verily, God all things doth know!


    [058:007]  God has numbered it, and they have forgotten it. God is witness over everything. Hast thou not seen that God knows whatsoever is in the heavens, and whatsoever is in the earth? Three men conspire not secretly together, but He is the fourth of them, neither five men, but He is the sixth of them, neither fewer than that, neither more, but He is with them, wherever they may be; then He shall tell them what they have done, on the Day of Resurrection. Surely God has knowledge of everything.

    Khalifa: (why is he here?)

    [058:007]  Do you not realize that GOD knows everything in the heavens and everything on earth? No three people can conspire secretly without Him being their fourth, nor five without Him being the sixth, nor less than that, nor more, without Him being there with them wherever they may be. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of everything they had done. GOD is fully aware of all things.


    [058:007]  Dost thou not see that God knoweth all that is in the Heavens and all that is in the Earth? Three persons speak not privately together, but He is their fourth; nor five, but He is their sixth; nor fewer nor more, but wherever they be He is with them. Then on the day of resurrection He will tell them of their deeds: for God knoweth all things.

    As virtually every single English translator on my web site, www.QuranSearch.com, have translated ADNA ادنى in this Noble Verse, 58:7, to "lower" or "lesser", then based on what objective ground will we now reject the same translation of "lowest land" to be applied to Noble Verse 30:3?

    According to

    1.  Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book 8, Page 256, 257.

    2.  Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page 1180.

    3.  Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Page 299.

    4.  Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section [4], Page 552.

    6.  Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr dictionary [6], Page 294.

    Yes, Adna ادنى  does mean near or to bring nearer.  But it also means:

    ادنى (adna):  السَّفِلُ (al-safilu) the lower or lowest.

    الادنى (adna): الخسيس  (al-khasees) the despicable or most despised.

    الدَّنِىُّ (al-daniyyu): الخسيس  (al-khasees) the despicable or most despised.

    "اتستبدلون الذي هو ادنى"  (The Noble Quran, 2:61)اى الذى هو اخس   the thing that is the least in value.

    دَنِىٌّ يُدَنِّى فى الامور تَدْنِيَةً (daniyyun yudanni fil umoori tadniyatan): يتبع خسيسها و اصاغرها  he follows their most despicable and least ones.

    دانئٌ (daani'un): خبيث  (khabeeth) deceptive.

    دَنُوَ (danuwa): ضعف و خس (daufa wa khas) became weak and lame, or lost much weight and became too weak.

    دنت (danat): went down as inدنت الشمس للغروب (danat al-shamsu lil-ghuroob) the sun has went down and set.

    دناَ (danaa):  to be low, mean, base, vile, contemptible, despicable.

    دنئ (daneea'):  of poor quality, second-rate, inferior.

    دناءة (danaa'aa): lowness, baseness, meanness, vileness, inferiority.


    Also, according to

    1.  Lisan Al-Arab dictionary [1] , Book 8, Pages 604-606.

    2.  Al-Muheet dictionary [2], Page 1214.

    3.  Al-Muajam Al-Waseet dictionary [3], Page .

    4.  Al-Mawrid dictionary Arabic-English section [4], Page 838.

    6.  Arabic-English dictionary the Hans Wehr dictionary [6], Page 734.

    Fi في , as in في ادنى الارض , which was translated as "IN", also means:

    فى (fi):  وسط (wasat) in the middle.

    فى (fi):  داخل (daakhil) inside, or in.

    فى (fi):  على (aala) on.

  • " ولاصلبنكم في جذوع النخل " (The Noble Quran, 20:71):  المعنى على جذوع النخل  the meaning is I will crucify you ON the palm trees' trunks.  
  • فى (fi):  مع (maa') with.

  • " وجعل القمر فيهن نورا  " (The Noble Quran, 71:16):  أى معهن  meaning with them.    
  • فى (fi):  مِن (min) which, who, whom.

  • ضربت فيمن رغبت  :  means أي ضربت من رغبت  it struck whom it desired.     
  • فى (fi):  إلى (ila) to.

    فى (fi):  بِ (bi) by, at, to.

  • فى طَعنِِ  (fi taani):  أى بطعن  meaning by stabbing.
  • فى (fi): بعد (baad) after, beyond.

  • فى عقب ثلاثة أحوال :  means بعد ثلاثة أحوال  after three years.               
  • فى (fi): من (min) from.

  • " وادخل يدك في جيبك تخرج بيضاء من غير سوء في تسع ايات " (The Noble Quran, 27:12):  في تسع ايات أى من تسع ايات  fi nine Signs means FROM nine Signs.
  • و فيها فحلان (wa feeha fahlan):  اي و منها فحلان  means and FROM HER two knights.   
  • فى (fi):  in, at, by, near, within, about, on, concerning, with reference to, as to, according to, in proportion to, AFTER as in كذب في كذب  lie AFTER lie, BEFORE as in فيما مضى  before what passed.   


    So as we clearly see, the land which the Romans were defeated in were:

    1-  The lowest lands.

    2-  The most despicable lands, as the interpretation of Noble Verse 2:61 above, from Lisan Al-Arab dictionary, along with the many other proofs that I've provided clearly prove that ADNA means the LOWEST and MOST DESPISED.

    3-  At and near and around "ADNA" ادنى  "THE LAND" الارض And what is this "land"?  It is the most despicable and lowest land! 

    Important Note:  Perhaps, that is why Allah Almighty preceded "land" ارض with the definite article THE ال,  and didn't say: ادنى ارضكم near YOUR LAND!  No, He, the Almighty, instead said ادنى الارض - making the reference to a specific foreign land, which also happens to be the lowest and most despicable one.

    So ADNA ادنى here is applied to the status of the land, making it despicable and lowest, and with the definite article THE ال , the defeat of the Romans happened near and around that referenced doomed piece of land.

    So to put it together in a simpler form, Noble Verses 30:2-3 should read:

    30:2 غلبت الروم

    30:3 في ادنى الارض

    The Romans had been defeated at near and around THE MOST DESPICABLE AND LOWEST LAND.


    It just so happens that these lands were near the lowest spot on earth, the dead sea area, which is approximately 400 meters below the sea level, and which also happens to be the land where Sodom and Gomorrah were doomed in.


    Also, Surah 30 contains a remarkable historical Prophecy which was fulfilled:

    ‏‏30:2 غلبت الروم

    30:3 في ادنى الارض وهم من بعد غلبهم سيغلبون

    30:4 في بضع سنين لله الامر من قبل ومن بعد ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون

    30:5 بنصر الله ينصر من يشاء وهو العزيز الرحيم


    [030:002]  Romans have been defeated,

    [030:003]  In the lowest land! But after being defeated they will emerge victorious,

    [030:004]  Within several years! To Allah belong the decision and the decree prior to this (event) and later. That day, the believers would rejoice,

    [030:005]  Over the victory granted by Allah. He helps whom He wants. And He is the most Powerful and the most Merciful.

    Note:  Thorough analysis on the Key Noble Words in these Noble Verses are discussed using several encyclopedic Arabic dictionaries at:

  • The Stunning Geological Miracle in Noble Verses 30:2-5 (the place where the Romans were defeated)!
  • Quran's correct prophecy of defeat of Romans.

    Also, the Romans came back Victorious:

    In 617 A. D. … The Roman Emperor sent an envoy to Khusrau, praying that he was ready to have peace on any terms, but he replied, "I shall not give protection to the emperor until he is brought in chains before me and gives up obedience to his crucified god and adopts submission to the fire god."
    At last, the Emperor became so depressed by defeat that he decided to leave Constantinople and shift to Carthage (modern, Tunis). In short, as the British historian Gibbon says, even seven to eight years after this prediction of the Quran, the conditions were such that no one could even imagine that the Byzantine Empire would ever gain an upper hand over Iran. Not to speak of gaining domination, no one could hope that the Empire, under the circumstances, would even survive.
    في بضع سنين
    The Bible uses "few years" and "many years":
    -Daniel (ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ) 11:19, Luke 7:34-21, Job (ﺃﻳﻮﺏ) 16:21-23, 1 Kings 17:1-3 (ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ) , Leviticus (ﺍﻟﻼﻭﻳﻲ) 25:51-53.


    Just to please the Prophet and the Believers:

    Allah Almighty promised to make the Romans be victorious over the Persians just to please the Prophet and the Believers.  And this Divine Prophecy and Promise indeed did come to pass after several years!  Indeed, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone for making the Noble Quran be the Perfect and Everlasting Miracle, for us humans, out of all of His Divine Miracles!  And may Allah Almighty send His Peace, Mercy and Blessings upon our Beloved and Blessed Prophet, Teacher and Role Model, Muhammad.  Ameen.

    Please visit: Quran's correct prophecy of defeat of Romans.


    The Quranic Prophecy of the upcoming victory of the Romans is compared with the Bible in the following table.  The following was taken from www.answering-christianity.com/trinity_crucified.htm:
    Just to please Prophet Muhammad:
    8 They thought Jesus was claiming to be GOD:

    They thought Jesus was thinking he was GOD (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).  Here is how Jesus answered them:

    Matthew 9:3-4 (CEV)
    3 Some teachers of the Law of Moses said to themselves, "Jesus must think he is God!"
    4 But Jesus knew what was in their minds, and he said, "
    Why are you thinking such evil things?
    5 Is it easier for me to tell this crippled man that his sins are forgiven or to tell him to get up and walk?
    6 But I will show you that the Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth." So Jesus said to the man, "Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home."
    7 The man got up and went home.
    8 When the crowds saw this, they were afraid and praised God for giving such authority to people.

    The context here is that Jesus was forgiving sins by Allah Almighty's Permission.  Jewish priests in the Old Testament and John the Baptist were also allowed to forgive sins: Leviticus 4:31, Mark 1:4, Luke 7:30 (those who rejected the baptism rejected the counsel of GOD).  So the blaspheming part was they thought that he was claiming that he was GOD Almighty.  Jesus responded to this.  So trinity remains a lie and Jesus himself directly refuted it.

    Jesus had no power over his Miracles.  They were all given to him by GOD Almighty on limited occasions.  Jesus thanked GOD Almighty for every Miracle.  He gave thanks for every Miracle: John 11:38-42, Matthew 15:35-37, Luke 22:14-20, Matthew 11:25, Luke 10:21, Acts 2:22.  He sought permission from Allah Almighty before performing them.  Otherwise, he was utterly powerless!  He had no Miracle except what GOD Almighty gave him.  And they were limited, not infinite.  Jesus also said:

    John 5:31 Jesus told his followers that if he bears witness of himself, then his testimony would be false.  In other words, he would be a liar! [1]

    While on the subject of lies and lying, the following links are important:

    John the Baptist called Jesus a liar before he died! (Matthew 11:1-6).
    The Glorious Quran's STUNNING Miracle on where lying is generated in the brain.


    John 5:30
    30 I cannot do anything on my own. The Father sent me, and he is the one who told me how to judge. I judge with fairness, because I obey him, and I don't just try to please myself.

    Also Jesus could not determine who gets to sit on his right and on his left in Heaven.  Only GOD alone decides this, Jesus said.  He also said:

    John 5:31 "If I (Jesus) bear withness of myself, then I would be a liar!"


    Matthew 9:3-4: Jesus said: Thinking I am GOD is an evil thought!


    Jesus satan Christ according to Jesus?  Of course Jesus is not the cursed satan!  But, Jesus called Peter satan for telling Jesus that GOD would not allow Jesus to get hurt, crucified or killed "suffer many things".  Yet, Jesus begged GOD (Luke 6:12, Matthew 26:36-44, Matthew 16:39, Matthew 6:5-8) to save him from crucifixion and all hurt.  And the Psalms all prophesied about Jesus will be saved from death and all hurt: Psalm 91Isaiah 53Psalms 116, 117, 118.  According to Islam, GOD Almighty honored Jesus' request and saved him.  The gospel of Matthew even says that Pontus Pilot was standing between two Jesus Barabba (son of his father), one who killed Roman soldiers and the other is our innocent Messiah.  Pilot opposed killed Jesus and Pilot's wife got sick and had a terrifying dream warning Pilot about the sin of killing Jesus.

    The two double-Jesus men & Pontus Pilate in Matthew 27:16-17: [21html]

    So according to Christians, GOD Almighty DENIED Jesus' cries.  But of course, according to Islam, GOD honored the cries of his beloved servant and creation, Isa (Jesus), and saved him.  The OT even prophesied about Jesus and Mary begging GOD and Praising GOD for saving Jesus: Psalm 91Isaiah 53Psalms 116, 117, 118.

    Isa (Jesus), the Islamic Messiah and creation of Allah Almighty, is NOT our Creator:

    Jesus, in the Bible, said he does not know when the Hour will come, only GOD alone Knows, Jesus said.
    Jesus said if he bears witness of himself he would be a liar.
    Jesus prostrated on his face and prayed and begged GOD all night long to save him from crucifixion.
    Is Jesus greater than Adam?  NT says no.

    The disciples arguing about the Sabbath and other Laws.  Jesus promised them that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths and that there will be no arguments, confusions or riddles.  Yet, the NT is marred with open arguments, vilifications (calling each other cursed by GOD "anathema", satanic, false, wrong).  Where is Jesus' promise??  Totally a false promise!

    Where is Jesus' promise??

    -  He promised that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, guide them in all ways, and that it will be the Holy Spirit speaking, not them.
    -  They ended up splitting into
    Paul vs. Peter two opposing groups, and were at odds with each other on several theological issues.
    1 Corinthians 7:40  Paul wasn't sure if he had the Holy Spirit in him or not. He said "I think I have the Holy Spirit".
    -  Their differences remain unsettled till this day in the NT.  They were never resolved.

    -  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    -  They were barking at each other like
    rabid dogs calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan!
    [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?


    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in their conflicting scriptures?



    If Paul is false, then Jesus is insufficient:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Holy Gambling:
    Sam Shamoun promoted Christianity's
    Holy Gambling, and he even funded other gamblers.  He himself spent 10s of thousands of dollars on it.  Also, the 12th disciple, Mathias, was chosen via gambling by the other disciples.  They literally rolled the holy dice [1] amongst each other to choose him from among other choices.  Then they claimed it was the Holy Spirit that chose him (??).  Dice and chance had nothing to do with it.

    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.


    Yet, Paul admits that he speaks through a lying spirit  (Romans 3:7  But if through my lie God's truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner?), while Jesus promised all of the disciples that the Holy Spirit will take over the disciples' mouths, and that it will not be them speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Yet, Paul says he was lying.  12th disciple was also chosen by holy gambling

    Paul and his team of disciples were also calling Peter's team, - and vice versa, - anathema ἀνάθεμα (cursed by GOD), false, bewitched, dogs, and many other things.  Jesus' original message got corrupt from the false christianity and the deification of flesh and blood creations like Jesus, Mary and others like they used to do in ancient Europe in Greece, Rome, Byzantine and throughout ancient ancient Europe of three-headed gods and trinities, such as the trinity of Zeus, Athena and Apollo; also Hell's three-headed guardian dog, or the trinity of Delian, Artemis and Apollo and many other ancient trinities.  Only Islam completes GOD Almighty's Religion.  See ample prophecies.
      Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Matthew 7:22-23: GOD sent Jesus to be Christianity's lying spirit

    Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.
    hebrew_2.gif (3861 bytes)

    "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah

    Eesa  is Iesu and Iesus in Latin and Greek for Jesus, and Eesa is also a Hebrew word that means doctor



    Dismal Spiritual Failures:

    Let us examine the following:

    Romans 3:23 ESV
    For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

    Ecclesiastes 7:20 ESV
    Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins.

    No man is sinless and faultless.  The NT even says Jesus himself sinned via coveting the sins of the world.  Paul then barfs the following gem:


    1 Corinthians 2:15
    A spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself
    is not subject to any man's judgment.



    How can any flesh and blood sinner not be subjected to judgment?  The world has seen how disastrous your pedophilic and corrupt priests, ministers and churches are, from sex abuse on children, theft, prostitution and so much more.  Ironically also, Paul and the disciples themselves dismally failed this standard when they turned into rabid dogs in harsh judgments on each other; calling each other cursed, false, liar, satanic, your gospel is from satan! [1]  Their books didn't even exist for the first 200 to 300 years, says most Bibles theologians.  They are very highly corrupted.  Also, Trinity is a lie from Hell.  Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?  There is also conflict regarding misogyny:

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Which book were the people of the Book reciting (فسأل الذين يقرؤون الكتاب) during Prophet Muhammad's days according to the Glorious Quran 10:94?


    Insufficient Jesus:

    Edward Dalcour says that Jesus would be insufficient if Paul was proven to be false:

    Sam Shamoun thoroughly demolishes trinity and the early bibles' writings.  See also: 24 other thrones besides Jesus'.  Virgin Mary is being group-incest-raped by some trinity members.

    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.


    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

    Does Noble Verse 9:31 say that Allah and Jesus are two equal Lords?  Also, thorough refutation to  توحيد الربوبية  (tawheed alruboobiyyah, or Oneness of Lordship between Jesus and Allah) concept by the polytheist trinitarian pagans (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him).

    The Bibles' sacred "book of toiletספר קודש של שירותים    and praised incestuous rape can be read here
    كتاب المرحاض المقدس


    ***** Bibles' OT and NT:  Spirits that GOD Almighty sends down including lying ones in the Bibles.  Jesus in several passages was Commanded by GOD to become one to forge falseianity (christianity) because of the ample blasphemies of the Jews.

    Why was GOD Almighty charitable (χάριτι) and forgiving to Jesus in Luke 2:52:?

    Jesus replaced Satan: (Ezekiel 28:13-19).

    Notice the language of how Satan was:

    1. "You were perfect from the day you were created".  Jesus was also created from the Word of GOD.
    2. Glorious.
    3. "the chosen one".
    4. The "Anointed".
    5. ruler over earth.
    6. Ruler over the "Holy Mount" of GOD

    Matthew 24:25-27 Jesus will return as an Arabian Messiah from Damascus.

    He was all of these and more before arrogance, pride, stubbornness and blasphemies caused Satan to fall from Grace.  Jesus then became the substitute, i.e., the Perfect", "Glorious", "the chosen one", the "Anointed", "ruler over earth" and ruler over the "Holy Mount" chosen one of GOD Almighty.

    Holy Gambling:
    Sam Shamoun promoted Christianity's
    Holy Gambling, and he even funded other gamblers.  He himself spent 10s of thousands of dollars on it.  Also, the 12th disciple, Mathias, was chosen via gambling by the other disciples.  They literally rolled the holy dice [1] amongst each other to choose him from among other choices.  Then they claimed it was the Holy Spirit that chose him (??).  Dice and chance had nothing to do with it.

    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: 


    Paul commanded women to not expose sex predators in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 2:11-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:15 and other passages.


    Jesus also said the direction of the Prayer towards Jerusalem will be no more (Psalm 138:2, John 4:21, Matthew 21:43, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 60, Genesis 25:12-13).  It will be replaced with the Qibla (direction) to Mecca and the Holy Path to Mecca.  Only Islam is the Divine Truth from Allah Almighty.  Christianity is pagan.  Even Christmas is an ancient Roman pagan holiday (video clip) according to the Christian theologians themselves:

    Jesus too carried the Spirit of GOD in him, and he carried also the Spirit of fearing GOD in him.  Jesus was also called slave of GOD in the OT many times.  He also had no Divine WillTrinity is a lie from Hell.

    See also 24 other Thrones and Messiahs besides Jesus (Revelations 4 & 5).

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    Eid Al-Adha: Ishmael or Isaac?  GOD's peace be upon them both.  Who was the son to be sacrificed?  Bibles and Quran agree it was Ishmael.


    Satan & Peter VS. Paul: 2 Corinthians 12:7-11.  Paul literally put Peter and Satan in one team.


    Sam Shamoun also exposes the ample  holy group sex that occurs in his circle:



    Paul ordered the execution (actual killing) of some sinners.

    Paul ate his vomit.

    Paul proves the book of Revelation is a forgery; a book of misogyny:


    Bibles' manuscripts prove that Jesus was only sent for a limited Generation, as he himself stated, and his final return from the east (Matthew 24:25-27) is a new Covenant from Arabia and Islam; also false christs and prophets during and after Jesus [1] [2] at the time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).


    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women:

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:

    Quran: All Bibles are mostly corrupt [1]  قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.

     (Sam Shamoun declares gambling is allowed in Christianity)

    Jesus amputated his unholy testicles and head of penis to remain holy.  If his body was holy, were his testicles cursed and unholy, especially that he commanded to maim your sinful body parts?  You mean to tell me that they were not part of the Creator of the Universe's body??  Paul said maimed flesh gets sent to satan.


    Why did Jesus amputate his own (NT calls them satanic flesh) testicles and penis' head?




    Jesus was called slave of GOD in Old Testament.


    Jesus Crying for the death of his friend:

    Notice in John 11:38-44:

    John 11 (KJV)
    38 Jesus therefore again groaning (crying) in himself cometh to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay upon it.

    John 11 (WYC)
    38 Therefore Jesus again making noise in himself, came to the grave. And there was a den, and a stone was laid thereon.

    John 11 (KJ21)
    38 Jesus therefore again, groaning (crying) in Himself, came to the grave. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it.

    John 11 (ISV)
    Groaning (crying) deeply again, Jesus came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone was lying in front of it.

    John 11 (NABRE)
    38 So Jesus, 
    perturbed again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay across it.

    John 11 (NET)
    38 Jesus, intensely moved again, came to the tomb. (Now it was a cave, and a stone was placed across it.)

    Begged GOD to hear:

    Notice also in John 11:42, Jesus begs GOD to hear him and to resurrect Lazarus:

    John 11:42 And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.

    Who resurrected Lazarus?  Jesus or GOD?  Let me help you get it:

          Who created the live snake from a stick?  Moses or GOD?

    Trinity is a lie from the pits of Hell!!  It is exactly like saying it was Moses who created the snake, and that Moses is part of GOD.

    Jesus was not putting on a false show of crying and moaning here.  Prior to crying for the loss of of his friend Lazarus, Jesus had no knowledge that the stench-smelling decayed man will be resurrected back to life "....the body decayeth; for he hath been dead four days..." (John 11:39).  So Jesus cried for the loss of his friend.  It was all in GOD Almighty's Hand and Permission, ALONE, to resurrect Lazarus.

    Oxymoron Trinity: Jesus is the resurrection (John 11:25), but yet he doesn't know when the Hour of the resurrection will come (Matthew 24:36) [1], and he had to cry, weep and beg GOD to resurrect Lazarus back to life.  And this proves he is our Creator?  And how is he exactly The Resurrection?  Could Jesus and the disciples honestly even resurrect or create a fly on their own?  This is one of the Glorious Quran's challenges to the polytheists from mankind who insist on deifying flesh and blood, dust and water, and idols.  All are helpless.

    John 5:30
     "I cannot do anything on my own."
      (i.e., I am totally powerless.  In other verses, Jesus could not even perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).  And Jesus could not determine (Mark 10:40) who gets to sit on his right and on his left in Heaven.  Only GOD alone decides this, Jesus said.  He also said:

    John 5:31 "If I (Jesus) bear withness of myself, then I would be a liar!"


    Matthew 9:3-4: Jesus said: Thinking I am GOD is an evil thought!



    Prophet Muhammad's similar experience:

    GOD Almighty loves His Prophets.  Yes, He, the Almighty, puts them sometimes through many hardships, but He also shows them ample love.  Here, GOD Almighty enabled Jesus, peace be upon him, to resurrect Lazarus because Jesus was very upset for the loss of his friend.

    Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, also had a similar experience.  When the Romans lost their battle with the Persians in year 617 AD, the Prophet was very upset, because:

    1-  His wife, Maria the Coptic, was a Christian who became a Muslim.  Her real name is Maria Shamoun [1].

    2-  The Christian king of Abyssinnia, king Ashama ibn Abjar, - also known as King Armah and/or Ella Tsaham, - and who was also called with the Abyssinians royal title Al-Najashi in Arabic, - translates as Negas in English, - was the kindest to the Muslims who migrated to him after they fled the tortures and persecution of the pagans of Mecca [2].

    Allah Almighty Said in the Glorious Quran:

    ‏‏30:2 غلبت الروم
    ‏30:3 في ادنى الارض وهم من بعد غلبهم سيغلبون
    ‏30:4 في بضع سنين لله الامر من قبل ومن بعد ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون
    ‏30:5 بنصر الله ينصر من يشاء وهو العزيز الرحيم

    [030:002] Romans have been defeated,
    [030:003] In the lowest land! But after being defeated they will emerge victorious 
    وهم من بعد غلبهم سيغلبون,

    [030:004] Within several yearsفي بضع سنين To Allah belong the decision and the decree prior to this (event) and later. That day, the believers would rejoice ويومئذ يفرح المؤمنون,

    [030:005] Over the victory granted by Allah. He helps whom He wants. And He is the most Powerful and the most Merciful.

    The Romans indeed fought the Persians seven years later and defeated them in year 624 AD.  This Divine Promise from Allah Almighty happened just to make the Prophet and the Believers happy and to rejoice!  And no surprise there, the Divine Promise and Prophecy perfectly happened.  Please visit:


    This is another powerful proof that the Quran wasn't a convenient false revelation invented by a liar.  The Glorious Quran is different.  And to every polytheist trinitarian pagan:

    If you believe that Jesus is our Creator, then I quote Jesus for you:

    Why are you thinking such evil things?


    GOD Honored Jesus' Cries:

    By the way, similar to Jesus' cry over Lazarus' death, and Prophet Muhammad's upset over the Romans' defeat, and how Allah Almighty honored both of the Prophets' requests, it is quite clear that Allah Almighty also honored Jesus' cries on the night of the crucifixion to save him.  And Allah Almighty indeed did save him from the crucifixion and death.  Please visit:

    Set up for Conjecture: [21html]

    The html link is a backup for the entire thread in case the blog is down.

  • The Bible declares: They were set up for conjecture [2].  See Matthew 27:16-17 and many other verses. 
  • Roman's Law:  Survive the cross = YOU LIVE! [2].
  • This conversation is further expanded on this website's blog [1html].
  • Also visit:

    Questions about Jesus that prove Trinity is a lie.
    Is Jesus greater than Adam?  NT says no.

    Matthew 9:3-4, Leviticus 4:31, Mark 1:4, Luke 7:30, John 11:38-42, Matthew 15:35-37, Luke 22:14-20, Matthew 11:25, Luke 10:21,

    Quran 30:2-5


    Continuing on with my initial rebuttal...

    The sub-sections here are:

    1-  Their own quote refutes their claim.
    2-  What is their real motive for making this personal?

    Osama Abdallah is not trying to redeem himself because he has destroyed your lies and absurdities at: www.answering-christianity.com/is_muhammad_true_prophet.htm.  And as to me getting humiliated in the debate, well, anyone who listens to the debate will clearly see that I have thoroughly demonstrated, through quoting ample quotes from the Bible's theologians' commentaries, that the Bible's authors are unknown and were not the original Prophets of GOD Almighty.  I also gave many Bible-verses contradicting each others - proving that the Bible is not the Pure and True Word of GOD Almighty because GOD Almighty's Holy Words can not contain contradictions in them, let alone countless contradictions and errors as we have thoroughly documented on the site.  Sam Shamoun literally remained silent to all of these devastating charges.

    I also demonstrated that a person (Jesus) who ran for his life from King Herod to Egypt can not be the Creator of the Universe.  Sam Shamoun again remained silent on this charge.

    I also thoroughly demonstrated that Shamoun's stories that he quoted were written 200-300 years after Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) natural death.  Therefore, whether they were good stories or bad stories (everything is relative to the person's perspective and point of view), they were nonetheless not accurate either way because of the major time-gap.


    1-  Their own quote refutes their claim:

    Ironically, Shamoun and Katz both agree with this in their own quote below:

    "After all, appealing to secondary sources which were compiled some 100-200 years after the death of Muhammad proves that the Quran is not a complete record and to accurately understand it one needs to consult highly questionable sources; materials which were not written during the time these events allegedly took place."

    So not only they're liars for saying that I lost a "humiliating loss" in the debate, but they are also dumb because their own quotes refute their own points.


    Can you find something more hilarious than this?


    To the reader, please visit the following link for clarification:

    What Hadiths and Bible verses do I believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?


    2-  What is their real motive for making this personal?

    Just a few days ago, I have posted a devastating article that further embarrassed and exposed Sam Shamoun's foul mouth - this time not with actual graphic and foul quotes as we have documented countless of them, but posting Sam Shamoun's response to our documentations and further exposing how stupid (pardon my language) and low-life this foul-mouthed scum truly is.

    To the reader, please visit our new article at: http://www.answering-islam.com/shamouns_ludicrous_response.htm.

    Feeling deeply helpless and enraged, the two con artists found no other choice but to resort to a new lie in a hope to deceive the reader.  But their lies all stop here!



    They wrote:

    Just recently he has posted an article where he seeks to prove that Q. 30:2-4 is not only a genuine prophecy, but also scientifically correct, thereby vindicating Muhammad.

    Here is the text in question:

    The Roman Empire has been defeated - in a land close by (fee adna al-ardi): But they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious - within a few years. Y. Ali

    Is it the Dead Sea?

    O. Abdallah insists that the correct translation of adna al-ardi should be "lowest land on the earth," not "in a land close by." Abdallah feels that adna means lowest whereas ardi with the definite article al refers to the entire earth, not just a specific land per se.


    My response:

    (the definite article issue is dealt with few sections below)

    So not only we're dealing with con artists here, but we're also dealing with total ignorants in the Arabic language.  There is nothing wrong with that if they both don't speak Arabic, but when they purposely ignore the Noble Verses that I provided that clearly and indisputably proved my claim, then the matter becomes quite different.  Ignorance is not an excuse that can be given to them, because the Truth was made manifest to them.  It is rather lying and deceiving the reader and twisting the meanings of the Arabic words and the Noble Quran is the more proper thing to say about them.

    With this said, let us look at the evidence that I have already provided in the article with one dedicated section for it:

    From http://www.answering-islam.com/lowest_land_miracle.htm:

    2-  More proofs from more Noble Verses regarding the word "lowest" (ادنى):

    In Arabic, when "el" is added to the noun, it makes the entire statement a generalizing one.  Similar to English, when we say THE EARTH, we are referring to the entire planet.  When Allah Almighty Said: في ادنى الارض  and added "el" to EARTH before the word  ادنى , He clearly and indisputably made the meaning of   ادنى  to be measured against the entire earth's other areas.  في ادنى الارض  LITERALLY means in the lowest spot/area on earth.

    If "el" was not added to earth, then the meaning of the term would be in the lowest spot of the area.  This would limit the term only to the lands near where the battle took place.  But since Allah Almighty added "EL" to earth, making it THE EARTH in English, then this makes the term go against the entire earth and not just a limited area.


    Here are more proofs that the word  ادنى  means lowest from the Noble Quran:

    32:21 ولنذيقنهم من العذاب الادنى دون العذاب الاكبر لعلهم يرجعون

    58:7 الم تر ان الله يعلم مافي السماوات ومافي الارض مايكون من نجوى ثلاثة الا هو رابعهم ولاخمسة الا هو سادسهم ولاادنى من ذلك ولااكثر الا هو معهم اين ماكانوا ثم ينبئهم بما عملوا يوم القيامة ان الله بكل شئ عليم

    The Noble Verses translate as follows:

    Dr. Munir Munshey (one of www.answering-christianity.com's authors):

    [032:021]  Prior to that greater punishment (in the afterlife), We will also, most certainly, have them taste (many) smaller miseries (in this world). Perhaps they will come back (to their senses).

    Sher Ali:

    [032:021]  And most surely WE will make them taste of the lesser punishment before the greater punishment, that they may return to US with repentance.


    [032:021]  And verily We make them taste the lower punishment before the greater, that haply they may return.

    Khalifa: (why is he here?)

    [032:021]  We let them taste the smaller retribution (of this world), before they incur the greater retribution (of the Hereafter), that they may (take a hint and) reform.


    Yusuf Ali:

    [058:007]  Seest thou not that God doth know (all) that is in the heavens and on earth? There is not a secret consultation between three, but He makes the fourth among them, - Nor between five but He makes the sixth,- nor between fewer nor more, but He is in their midst, wheresoever they be: In the end will He tell them the truth of their conduct, on the Day of Judgment. For God has full knowledge of all things.

    Dr. Munir Munshey (one of www.answering-christianity.com's authors):

    [058:007]  Do you not realize that Allah knows everything in the heavens and on earth? Never is there a secret conference of three, where He is not the fourth (listening in); nor of five, where He is not the sixth (listening). Even when there are less (than three) or more than that number (holding secret talks), He is (always) with them no matter where they might happen to be. Later, on the Day of Judgment, He will tell them everything they had done! Indeed, Allah knows every single thing!

    Sher Ali:

    [058:007]  Seest thou not that ALLAH knows all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth ? There is no secret counsel of three, but HE is their fourth, nor of five but HE is their sixth, nor of less than that, nor of more, but HE is with them wheresoever they may be. Then on the Day of Resurrection HE will inform them of what they did. Surely, ALLAH has full knowledge of all things.


    [058:007]  Do you not see that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth? Nowhere is there a secret counsel between three persons but He is the fourth of them, nor (between) five but He is the sixth of them, nor less than that nor more but He is with them wheresoever they are; then He will inform them of what they did on the day of resurrection: surely Allah is Cognizant of all things.


    [058:007]  Hast thou not seen that Allah knoweth all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth ? There is no secret conference of three but He is their fourth, nor of five but He is their sixth, nor of less than that or more but He is with them wheresoever they may be; and afterward, on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of what they did. Lo! Allah is Knower of all things.


    [058:007]  Dost thou not perceive that God knoweth whatever is in heaven and in earth? There is no private discourse among three persons, but He is the fourth of them; nor among five, but He is the sixth of them; neither among a smaller number than this, nor a larger, but He is with them; wheresoever they be: And He will declare unto them that which they have done, on the day of resurrection; for God knoweth all things.

    Muhammad Al-Hilali & Muhsin Khan:

    [058:007]  Have you not seen that Allah knows whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth? There is no Najwa (secret counsel) of three, but He is their fourth (with His Knowledge, while He Himself is over the Throne, over the seventh heaven), nor of five but He is their sixth (with His Knowledge), not of less than that or more, but He is with them (with His Knowledge) wheresoever they may be; and afterwards on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of what they did. Verily, Allah is the All-Knower of everything.


    [058:007]  Dost thou not see that God knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth? and that there cannot be a privy discourse of three but He makes the fourth? nor of five but He makes the sixth? nor less than that nor more, but that He is with them wheresoe'er they be? then He will inform them of what they have done upon the resurrection day; verily, God all things doth know!


    [058:007]  God has numbered it, and they have forgotten it. God is witness over everything. Hast thou not seen that God knows whatsoever is in the heavens, and whatsoever is in the earth? Three men conspire not secretly together, but He is the fourth of them, neither five men, but He is the sixth of them, neither fewer than that, neither more, but He is with them, wherever they may be; then He shall tell them what they have done, on the Day of Resurrection. Surely God has knowledge of everything.

    Khalifa: (why is he here?)

    [058:007]  Do you not realize that GOD knows everything in the heavens and everything on earth? No three people can conspire secretly without Him being their fourth, nor five without Him being the sixth, nor less than that, nor more, without Him being there with them wherever they may be. Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will inform them of everything they had done. GOD is fully aware of all things.


    [058:007]  Dost thou not see that God knoweth all that is in the Heavens and all that is in the Earth? Three persons speak not privately together, but He is their fourth; nor five, but He is their sixth; nor fewer nor more, but wherever they be He is with them. Then on the day of resurrection He will tell them of their deeds: for God knoweth all things.




    They wrote:

    In light of these assertions Abdallah argues that this so-called prophecy is an example of the Quran’s prescience in that it correctly identifies the Dead Sea as the lowest point of the earth. Abdallah translates a passage from a book which identifies the unnamed land mentioned in the Quran as the Dead Sea and also provides several sources which affirm that this is in fact the lowest spot on the earth:

    After the (scientists') geological sweeping of the planet earth, the scientists discovered that the lowest land-area on earth is the area of the dead sea, and the dead sea's water reduces approximately 380 meters.  And when the Romans were defeated IN THIS LAND, the following Noble Verses were revealed:

    O. Abdallah is trying to pull a fast one over his readers since he deceptively claims that the land that the Quran is referring to is actually the Dead Sea. The fact is that the Quran never mentions the name of the land and none of the Muslim scholars that we consulted believed that it refers to the Dead Sea. Quotations from these scholars will be given later.

    Moreover, even though there are certain Islamic sources that do mention Jerusalem, this doesn’t help Abdallah since, unlike the Dead Sea, it is way above sea level and is definitely not the lowest part of the earth! For instance, Abdallah cites a few sources which say that the Dead Sea is roughly 1000 (or approximately 1,373) feet below sea level. Jerusalem, however, is roughly 2500 feet ABOVE sea level (Wikipedia)!

    Since Abdallah claims that the Arabic phrase, fee adna al-ardi, literally means "in the lowest land on earth" he has basically proven that Muhammad was a false prophet since he mistakenly assumed that Jerusalem was the lowest part of the earth!

    In his written debate with Nadir Ahmed, the former Muslim turned agnostic Ali Sina used the same argument against a similar claim:

    Mr. Ahmed claims that the word near (Adna) can also be translated as lower and hence the above could be read: The Roman Empire was defeated in the lowest land ... Then Mr. Ahmad claims that since the Black Sea is it the lowest point on earth (1300 ft bellow sea level) then Muhammad has said something that no one could have known.

    This is of course wishful thinking of a deluded believer and the absurdity of that is self-evident. The Romans were not defeated in the Red Sea but in Jerusalem and Jerusalem is above sea level. If we had to take Mr. Ahmed for his word and disregard the obvious meaning of the word, this verse would have become yet another blunder of Muhammad. However all the interpreters of the Quran have translated the verse correctly. If Muhammad really wanted to impress his readers he could have easily said that the Red Sea is the lowest land on Earth. Note that the verse is mentioning land and not sea. Muhammad is talking about the Jerusalem and not about the Red Sea. (Source)

    Although Sina mistakenly refers to the Black and Red Seas, his point still applies to Abdallah’s argument.

    Hence, what Abdallah thought was a definite proof for Muhammad’s prophethood ends up being a strong argument against him, serving to expose him as a false prophet! Wonderful work, Mr. Abdallah, we highly encourage you to keep it up.

    With the foregoing behind us, we proceed to unpack some additional problems with Abdallah’s points.


    My response:

    The sub-sections here are:

    1-  Allah Almighty's use of "fi" (in) and not "ala" (on).
    2-  Proofs that the northern part of the Middle East is the lowest spot on earth!


    My quote above (in dark green) was a translation of a quote taken from Dr. Zaghlool Al-Naggar's web site - a world-wide renowned Geologist and is considered one of the world's top 7 Geologist, which stated that the lands around the dead sea are considered the lowest in terms of altitude on earth.  It is in these lands the Romans were defeated.  So when Allah Almighty Says "fee adna al-ard," and we 1500 years ago find out that the land is indeed the lowest land on earth, then we are left with no choice but to accept this great Divine Statement as a Scientific Notion as many others exist in the Noble Quran which we have documented only some of them on our web site.

    So if I only prove that the area of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine is, or does contain, the lowest spot on earth, then my argument is done and your objection is refuted.


    1-  Allah Almighty's use of "fi" (in) and not "ala" (on):

    The fact that Allah Almighty used the word "in" and not "on," proves that He spoke about a region and not an exact precise spot.  Allah Almighty Noble Verses 30:2-3 talked about the region/area that the battle took place in as the lowest spot on earth.

    The following Noble Verses clearly prove that "fi" (in) in the Noble Quran encompasses a bigger region:

    1-  ‏2:29 هو الذي خلق لكم مافي الارض جميعا ثم استوى الى السماء فسواهن سبع سماوات وهو بكل شئ عليم

    "It is He Who hath created for you all things that are on earth; Moreover His design comprehended the heavens, for He gave order and perfection to the seven firmaments; and of all things He hath perfect knowledge.  (The Noble Quran, 2:29)"

    This Noble Verse is talking about everything that exists on and inside mother earth was created by Allah Almighty.  Allah Almighty used the word "fi" in reference to everything, especially the "everything" that people 1500 years ago saw with their eyes, which were above earth.


    2-  ‏2:30 واذ قال ربك للملائكة اني جاعل في الارض خليفة قالوا اتجعل فيها من يفسد فيها ويسفك الدماء ونحن نسبح بحمدك ونقدس لك قال اني اعلم مالاتعلمون

    "Behold, thy Lord said to the angels: "I will create a vicegerent on earth." They said: "Wilt Thou place therein one who will make mischief therein and shed blood?- whilst we do celebrate Thy praises and glorify Thy holy (name)?" He said: "I know what ye know not."  (The Noble Quran, 2:30)"

    This Noble Verse is talking about Allah Almighty creating a ruler that will rule everything on earth.  The use of "fi" in this Noble Verse clearly shows that He, the Almighty, referred to the entire earth and not just little parts of it here and there.


    3-  ‏2:11 واذا قيل لهم لاتفسدوا في الارض قالوا انما نحن مصلحون

    "And when it is said to them, `Create not disorder in the earth,' they say `We are only promoters of peace.'  (The Noble Quran, 2:11)"

    4-  ‏2:27 الذين ينقضون عهد الله من بعد ميثاقه ويقطعون ماامر الله به ان يوصل ويفسدون في الارض اولئك هم الخاسرون

    "Who breaks the covenant of ALLAH after having established it, and cut asunder what ALLAH has bidden to be joined, and create disorder in the earth; it is these that are the losers.  (The Noble Quran, 2:27)"

    Earth in the Noble Quran is both singular and plural.  "fi al-ard" means in the lands.  In other words, do not go spread evil and sin to every nation and/or tribe that you run into.

    And so on....


    2-  Proofs that the northern part of the Middle East is the lowest spot on earth!

    As I have clearly proven above, when Allah Almighty said في ادنى الارض , He Said: "in the lowest of the earth" --OR-- "in the lowest part on earth" in Noble Verses 30:2-3.

    Let us now look at the geological evidence that proves that the northern part of the Middle East is indeed the lowest part on earth:

    1-  From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Sea#In_Islam:

    (This link was forwarded to me by brother Mahir; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him)

    In Islam

    In Islamic tradition, the Dead Sea was about the land in which the Prophet Lut (Lot in the Hebrew scriptures) lived. The people of the towns and cities were wicked for their acts of homosexuality, raping men, robbery and murder and had therefore been given a punishment for such deeds. The punishment arrived when angels in the form of beautiful men were sent down by God as guests for Lut to host. When Lut's people heard of the men, they rushed to Lut's house to misbehave and rape the men. This was their final test which they failed so the angel Gabriel raised the land where the prophet's people lived, tipped it upside down and threw it back on earth, causing the ground near the impact to cave in. Thus, the lowest land on Earth was formed because of this punishment. The non-believers (in the monotheism doctrine) were destroyed and the followers were saved. According to some interpretations, the sura of ar-Rum of the Quran refers to the Dead Sea as the lowest place on Earth.[13][14]

    Bedouin tribes have continuously lived in this area, and more recently explorers and scientists arrived to analyze the minerals and conduct research into the unique climate. Tourism in the region has been developed since the 1960s.

    Recent History

    The Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves at Qumran at the Dead Sea. The world's lowest road, Highway 90, runs along the Israeli and West Bank shores of the Dead Sea at 393 m (1,289 ft) below sea level.

    There are also health spas and hot springs along the shore, besides the unique water of the Dead Sea itself. A golf course named for Sodom and Gomorrah was built by the British at Kalia on the northern shore. The first major hotels were built in Israel, first at nearby Arad, and since the 1960s at the Neve Zohar resort complex. The Jordanian side has seen increasing development in recent years. For example, three international franchises have opened seaside resort hotels near the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center along the eastern coast of the Dead Sea. [15]


    2-  From http://www.miraclesofthequran.com/predictions_01.html:


    Another miraculous aspect of the Qur'an is its prediction of future events, all of which have so far been fulfilled. This is one of the proofs that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah. In the following pages, we will dwell on some of these events.


    An astonishing prediction is found in the first verses of Surat ar-Rum, which refers to the Byzantine Empire, the eastern part of the later Roman Empire: The Byzantine Empire, which had met with a great defeat, would soon gain victory.

    Alif, Lam, Mim. The Romans have been defeated in the lowest land, but after their defeat they will be victorious within three to nine years. The affair is Allah's from beginning to end. On that day, the believers will rejoice. (Qur'an, 30:1-4)

    These verses were revealed around 620, almost 7 years after the idolatrous Persians had severely defeated Christian Byzantium in 613-14. In fact, Byzantium had suffered such heavy losses that it seemed impossible for it even to survive, let alone be victorious again. Following their defeat of the Byzantines at Antioch in 613, the Persians seized control of Damascus, Cilicia, Tarsus, Armenia, and Jerusalem. The loss of Jerusalem in 614 was particularly traumatic for the Byzantines, for the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was destroyed and the Persians seized the "True Cross," the symbol of Christianity.174 In addition, the Avars, Slavs, and Lombards also were posing serious threats to the Byzantine Empire. The Avars had reached as far as the walls of Constantinople. Emperor Heraclius ordered the gold and silver in churches to be melted and turned into money in order to meet the army's expenses. When this proved insufficient, bronze statues were melted down in order to mint more money. Many governors had revolted against Heraclius, and Byzantium was on the point of collapse.175 Mesopotamia, Cilicia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Armenia, which had earlier belonged to Byzantium, were invaded by the idolatrous Persians.176

    The Dead Sea basin where Byzantium was defeated by Persians. Above is a satellite photograph of the region. The Lake of Lut region, which is the lowest region of the world, is 395 meter below the sea level.

    In short, everyone was expecting Byzantium to be destroyed. But during this time, the first verses of Surat ar-Rum were revealed, announcing that Byzantium would triumph in 3 to 9 years. This predicted victory seemed so impossible that the Arab polytheists thought it would never come true.

    On top a satellite photograph of the Dead Sea basin. The altitude of the Dead Sea could only be determined with modern measurement techniques. These measurements led to the discovery that this region is the "lowest region on the Earth."

    Like all the other predictions in the Qur'an, however, this one also came true. In 622, Heraclius gained a number of victories over the Persians and conquered Armenia.177 In December 627, the two empires fought a decisive battle at Nineveh, some 50 kilometres east of the Tigris river, near Baghdad. This time too, the Byzantine army defeated the Persians. A few months later, the Persians had to sue for peace with Byzantium, which obliged them to return the territories they had taken from it.178

    The Byzantine victory was completed when Emperor Heraclius defeated the Persian ruler Khosrow II in 630, recaptured Jerusalem, and regained the "True Cross" for the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.179 In the end, "the victory of the Romans" proclaimed by Allah in the Qur'an miraculously came true within the verses' stated "three to nine years" time frame.

    Another miracle revealed in these verses is the announcement of a geographical fact that could not have been known by anyone at that time: that the Romans had been defeated in the lowest region of Earth. This Arabic expression adna al-Ard is interpreted as "a nearby place" in many translations. However, this is not the literal meaning, but rather a figurative interpretation. The word adna, derived from the word dani (low), means “the lowest”. The word ard means “the world.” Therefore, adna al-ard means "the lowest place on Earth."

    Some interpreters of the Qur'an, considering the closeness of the region in question to the Arabs, prefer the "closest" meaning of the word. However, the actual meaning indicates a very important geological fact: The Dead Sea, one of the regions in which the Byzantines were defeated in 613-14, is the lowest region on Earth.180

    As stated earlier, for Christian Byzantium, the loss of the True Cross was the heaviest blow in that defeat in Jerusalem, located near the shores of the Dead Sea.

    The Byzantines and the Persians actually fought at the Dead Sea basin, which is situated at the intersection point of the lands belonging to Syria, Palestine, and Jordan. At 399 meters below sea level, the Dead Sea is the "lowest" place on Earth's surface.181

    However, as only modern measuring methods and equipment can prove this fact, it would have been impossible for anyone living at that time to realise this truth. Yet, the Qur'an states clearly that this region was the "lowest land" on Earth and thereby provides further evidence that it is the Word of Allah.

    174. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heraclius.
    175. Warren Treadgold, A History of the Byzantine State and Society (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press: 1997), 287-99.

    176. Ibid.

    177. http://fstav.freeservers.com/emperors/heraclius.html.

    178. Treadgold, A History, 287-99.

    179. http://web.genie.it/utenti/i/inanna/livello2-i/mediterraneo-1-i.htm; http://impearls.blogspot.com/2003_12_07_impearls_archive.html; and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heraclius.

    180. “The Lowest Part on the Face of the Earth,”www.beconvinced.com/science/QURANLOWEST.htm.

    181. “Dead Sea,” World Book Encyclopedia, 2003, Contributor: Bernard Reich, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, George Washington University


    3-  From http://www.islamweb.net/ver2/archive/article.php?lang=E&id=47513:

    ".....When we investigated the lowest part of the earth, we found that it was exactly the same spot that witnessed the battle in which the Romans were defeated. When we informed Professor Palmer about this, he contested saying that there were many other areas, which are lower than the one referred to in the Qur'anic verse. He gave examples and names of other areas in Europe and in the United States. We assured him that our information was verified and correct. He had with him a topographical globe that showed elevations and depressions.

    He said that it would be easy with that globe to ascertain which was the lowest spot on earth. He turned the globe with his hands and focused his sign on the area near Jerusalem. To his astonishment, there was a small arrow sticking out towards that area with words: "the lowest part on the face of the earth."

    Professor Palmer was quick to concede that our information was correct. He proceeded to speak, as you now see him with the globe, saying that this was actually the lowest part of the earth....."


    4-  From http://www.crystaldeadsea.com/dead_sea.htm:

    Dead Sea Facts:

    The sunset touching distant hills with ribbons of fire across the water of the Dead Sea brings a sense of unreality to culminate a day's visit to the lowest spot on earth, some 400 meters (1000 feet) below sea level.


    5-  From http://www.aquatours.com/jordan/deadsea.htm:

    On the shore of the historic Dead Sea, at the lowest spot on earth, stands the unique 5 star Mövenpick Resort & Spa. The resort`s close-to-nature, traditional stone village ambience enhances a world of enchantment.


    6-  From http://www.dead-sea.net/f-cosmetics.htm:

    The Dead Sea is the lowest spot on earth. It is also the richest in concentrated natural minerals, making the area a world - renowned natural health spa. The ancient world knew of the area's wondrous curative properties and throughout the ages people from the four corners of the earth have enjoyed its benefits.


    7-  From http://www.einbokek.com/deadsea.htm:

    At 400 meters (1300 ft.) below sea level, it is the lowest spot on earth. Part of the 6000km Great African Rift Valley. 55km long by 17.5km. at its widest point, with a depth of up to 400m., this inland sea is flanked by the Judean Hills to the west and by the Mountains of Moab in Jordan to the east. Although fed by rivers in Israel and Jordan, as well as springs and winter floods, no water flows out of the Dead Sea. Instead it evaporates in the high temperatures, twice the amount of water entering, leaving one of the world's greatest concentrations of minerals, which supplies vast amounts of raw chemicals for industry, agriculture and medicine; these are extracted, processed and exported all over the world by the Dead Sea Works at Sedom.


    Let us now look at the geological evidence that proves that the northern part of the Middle East is indeed the lowest part on earth:

    8-  From http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761574726/Asia.html:


    Encyclopedia Article
    The continental mainland stretches from the southern end of the Malay Peninsula to Cape Chelyuskin in Siberia. Its westernmost point is Cape Baba in northwestern Turkey, and its easternmost point is Cape Dezhnyov in northeastern Siberia. The continent’s greatest width from east to west is 8,500 km (5,300 mi). The lowest and highest points on the Earth’s surface are in Asia, namely, the SHORE of the Dead Sea (408 m/1,340 ft below sea level in 1996) and Mount Everest (8,850 m/29,035 ft above sea level).


    9-  From

    The Kinneret and Golan:

    Lake Kinneret is so-called because it is shaped like a harp, the name Kinneret originates from the word ‘kinnor’ which means harp. The lake is also known on modern maps as Lake Galilee or Lake Tiberius. The name Galilee derives from where it is located.

    The Kinneret supplies more than 30% of Israel's fresh water. It is the lowest fresh water lake in the world! It is a beautiful lake and Israel’s largest reservoir. In the hot summer you can see thousands of people enjoying themselves on the Kinneret. During the winter time, people like to try the hot springs in the town of Tiberias.

    Lake Kinneret is Israel's largest fresh water lake, approximately 53 kilometers (33 miles) in circumference, about 21km (13 miles) long and 13km (8 miles) wide. At 213 meters below sea level, it is the lowest fresh water lake on Earth and the second lowest point in the world after the Dead Sea. It is not a sea by normal definition; it is called a sea due to tradition. Lake Kinneret provides approximately 50% of the drinking water and 25% of all water for , so the water quality, and hence, the water circulation, is of the utmost importance.
    The lowest point on earth is located on the SHORE of the Dead Sea, on the Israel-Jordan border. The altitude of this point ranges from 394 meters (1,292 ft.) to 400 meters (1,312 ft.) below sea level. Time is the reason this value has changed. With the low replenishment rate, extreme heat, and high evaporation, the level of the Dead Sea is lowering at a rate of approximately 1 meter every 10 years.



    10-  From IslamiCity.com with pictures of found corpses:

    (This link was forwarded to me by brother Mahir; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him)


    The People of Lut and The City which was Turned Upside Down


      The people of Lut rejected (his) warning. We sent against them a violent Tornado with showers of stones, (which destroyed them), except Lut's household: them We delivered by early Dawn,-  As a Grace from Us: thus do We reward those who give thanks. And (Lut) did warn them of Our Punishment, but they disputed about the Warning. (Surat al-Qamar:, 33-36)

    Lut lived at the same time as Ibrahim. The Old Testament says that Lut was Ibrahim's nephew and that they travelled some distance together in Ibrahim's long journeys. 

    Lut was sent as a messenger to one of Ibrahim's neighbouring communities. These people, as the Qur'an tells us, practiced a perversion unknown to the world up to then, namely sodomy. When Lut told them to give up this perversion and brought them Allah's warning, they denied him, refused his prophethood, and carried on with their perversion. In the end, these people were destroyed by a dreadful disaster.

    The city where Lut resided is referred to as Sodom in the Old Testament. Being situated at the north of the Red Sea, this community is understood to have been destroyed just as it is written in the Qur'an. Archaeological studies reveal that the city is located in the area of the Dead Sea which stretches along the Israel-Jordan border. 

    Before examining the remains of this disaster, let's see why the people of Lut were punished in this fashion. The Qur'an tells how Lut warned his people and what they said in reply; 

      The people of Lut rejected the messengers. Behold, their brother Lut said to them: "Will ye not fear (Allah)? I am to you a messenger worthy of all trust. So fear Allah and obey me. No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the lord of the Worlds. Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing (all limits)!" 
      They said: "If thou desist not, O Lut! thou wilt assuredly be cast out!" 
      He said: "I do detest your doings." (Surat ash-Shuara: 160-168)

    The people of Lut threatened him in response to his inviting them to the right way. His people detested him because of his showing them the right way, and wanted to banish both him and the other believers beside him. In other verses, the event is told as follows; 

      We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds."
      And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!" (Surat al-Araf: 80-82) 

    Lut called his people to an obvious truth and warned them explicitly, but his people did not heed any warnings whatsoever and continued to reject Lut and to deny the penalty of which he told them. 

      And (remember) Lut: behold, he said to his people: "Ye do commit lewdness, such as no people in Creation (ever) committed before you. Do ye indeed approach men, and cut off the highway?- and practise wickedness (even) in your councils?" But his people gave no answer but this: they said: "Bring us the Wrath of Allah if thou tellest the truth." (Surat al-Ankaboot: 28-29)

    Receiving the above answer from his people, Lut asked for the help of Allah, 

      He said: "O my Lord! help Thou me against people who do mischief!" (Surat al-Ankaboot: 30)

      "O my Lord! deliver me and my family from such things as they do!" (Surat ash-Shuara: 169)

    Upon Lut's prayer, Allah sent two angels in the form of men. These angels visited Ibrahim before coming to Lut. Giving Ibrahim the good news that his wife would give birth to an infant, the messengers explained the reason of their being sent: the insolent people of Lut were to be destroyed. 

      (Ibrahim) said: "And what, O ye Messengers, is your errand (now)?" They said, "We have been sent to a people (deep) in sin; To bring on, on them, (a shower of) stones of clay (brimstone), Marked as from thy Lord for those who trespass beyond bounds." (Surat adh-Dhariyat: 31-34)

      Excepting the adherents of Lut: them we are certainly (charged) to save (from harm),- All - Except his wife, who, We have ascertained, will be among those who will lag behind. (Surat al-Hijr: 59-60)

    After leaving Ibrahim's company, the angels, who were sent as messengers, came to Lut. Not having met the messengers before, Lut first became anxious, but then calmed down after talking  to them; 

      When Our messengers came to Lut, he was grieved on their account and felt himself powerless (to protect) them. He said: "This is a distressful day." (Surah Hud: 77)

      He said: "Ye appear to be uncommon folk." They said: "Yea, we have come to thee to accomplish that of which they doubt. We have brought to thee that which is inevitably due, and assuredly we tell the truth. Then travel by night with thy household, when a portion of the night (yet remains), and do thou bring up the rear: let no one amongst you look back, but pass on whither ye are ordered." And We made known this decree to him, that the last remnants of those (sinners) should be cut off by the morning. (Surat al-Hijr: 62-66)

    Meanwhile, his people had learned that Lut had visitors. They did not hesitate to approach these visitors perversely as they had approached others before. They encircled the house. Being afraid for his visitors, Lut addressed his people as follows; 

    Lut said: "These are my guests: disgrace me not: But fear Allah, and shame me not." (Surat al-Hijr: 68-69)

    The people of Lut retorted;

    They said: "Did we not forbid thee (to speak) for all and sundry?" (Surat al-Hijr: 70)

    Thinking that he and his visitors subjected to evil treatment, Lut said: 

    "Would that I had power to suppress you or that I could betake myself to some powerful support." (Surah Hud: 80)

    His "visitors" reminded him that they were the messengers of Allah and said; 

    (The Messengers) said: "O Lut! We are Messengers from thy Lord! By no means shall they reach thee! now travel with thy family while yet a part of the night remains, and let not any of you look back: but thy wife (will remain behind): To her will happen what happens to the people. Morning is their time appointed: Is not the morning nigh?" (Surah Hud: 81)

    When the perversity of the city people reached its fullest extent, Allah saved Lut by means of the angels. In the morning, his people were destroyed by the disaster of which Lut had informed them in advance. 

    And they even sought to snatch away his guests from him, but We blinded their eyes. (They heard:) "Now taste ye My Wrath and My Warning." Early on the morrow an abiding Punishment seized them: (Surat al-Qamar: 37-38)

    The verses describe the destruction of this people as follows; 

    But the (mighty) Blast overtook them before morning, And We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay. Behold! in this are Signs for those who by tokens do understand. And the (cities were) right on the high-road. (Surat al-Hijr: 73-76)

    When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer,-Marked as from thy Lord: Nor are they ever far from those who do wrong! (Surah Hud: 82-83)

    But the rest We destroyed utterly. We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): and evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but heeded not)! : Verily in this is a Sign: but most of them do not believe. And verily thy Lord is He, the Exalted in Might, Most Merciful. (Surat ash-Shuara: 172-175)

    When the people were destroyed, only Lut and the believers, who were only as many as one "household", were saved. Lut's wife did not believe either and she was also destroyed. 

    We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? 
    For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women : ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds."
    And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!"
    But we saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who legged behind.
    And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime! (Surat al-Araf: 80-84)

    Thus, Prophet Lut was saved along with the believers and his family with the exception of his wife. As described in the Old Testament, he emigrated with Ibrahim. As for the perverted people, they were destroyed and their dwellings were razed to the ground. 

    "The Obvious Signs" in the Lake of Lut

    The 82nd  verse of Surah Hud, clearly states the kind of the disaster that befell the people of Lut. "When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer"

    The statement of "turning (the cities) upside down" implies that the region was totally destroyed by a violent earthquake. Accordingly, The Lake of Lut, where the destruction took place, bears "obvious" evidence of such a disaster. 

    We quote German archaeologist Werner Keller as follows; 

    As a matter of fact, the Lake of Lut, or the Dead Sea as it is otherwise known, is located right on the top of an active seismic region, that is, an earthquake zone: 

      The base of the dead sea is located with a tectonic rooted downfall. This valley is located in a tension stretching between the Taberiye Lake in the north, and mid of Arabah Valley in the south.(2)

    The event was expressed as "we rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer" in the last part of the verse. This is in all probability meant to be the volcanic explosion that took place on the banks of the Lake of Lut, and because of which the rocks and stones that erupted were in a "baked form". (The same event is related in the 173rd verse of Surat ash-Shuara as "We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): and evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but heeded not)!")
    In relation to this subject, Werner Keller writes; 

      The subsidence released volcanic forces that had been lying dormant deep down along the whole length of the fracture. In the upper valley of the Jordan near Bashan there are still towering craters of extinct volcanoes; great stretches of lava and deep layers of basalt have been deposited on the limestone surface.(3)

    A satellite photograph of the region where the people of Lut lived. 

    These lava and basalt layers constitute the greatest evidence that a volcanic explosion and earthquake had once taken place here. The catastrophe depicted in the following expression as "we rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer" in the Qur'an most probably points to this volcanic explosion, and Allah knows best. The expression "When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down" which occurs in the same verse, must be referring to the earthquake which caused volcanoes to erupt over the surface of the earth with devastating impact, and to the fissures and debris brought by it, and only Allah knows the truth of it. 

    The "obvious signs" conveyed by the Lake of Lut are indeed very interesting. In general, the events which are related in the Qur'an take place in the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt. Right in the middle of these lands, is the Lake of Lut. The Lake of Lut, as well as the incidents that have taken place around it, deserves attention geologically. The Lake is approximately 400 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean. Since the deepest place in the Lake is 400 meters, the bottom of the Lake is 800 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean. 



    The Lake of Lut, or Dead Sea as differently called.

    This is the lowest point on the earth. In other areas which are lower than sea level, the depth is at most 100 meters. Another property of the Lake of Lut is that the salt content of its water is very high, the density being nearly 30 %. Because of this, no living organism, such as fish or moss, can survive in this lake. This is why the Lake of Lut is called the "Dead Sea" in Western  literature. 


    The incident of Lut's people, which is recounted in the Qur'an, occurred around 1800 B.C. according to estimates. Based on his archaeological and geological researches, the German researcher Werner Keller noted that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were in fact located in the Siddim Valley which was the region at the furthers and lowest end of the Lake of Lut, and that there were once big and widely inhabited sites in those regions. 

    The most interesting structural characteristic of the Lake of Lut is an evidence showing how the disaster incidence recounted in the Qur'an took place; 

    On the eastern shore of the Dead Sea the peninsula of el-Lisan protrudes like a tongue far into the water. El-Lisan means "the tongue" in Arabic. Unseen from the land the ground falls away here under the surface of the water at a prodigious angle, dividing the sea into two parts. To the right of the peninsula the ground slopes sharply down to a depth of 1200 feet. On the left of the peninsula the water remains remarkably shallow. Soundings taken in the last few years established depths of only fifty to sixty feet. That extraordinary shallow part of the Dead Sea, from the peninsula el-Lisan to the southernmost tip, was the Vale of Siddim. (4)

    Photographs of the Lake of Lut taken from satellite. 

     Werner Keller noted that this shallow part, which was discovered to have formed subsequently, was the outcome of the aforementioned earthquake and the massive collapse this earthquake had caused. This was the place where Sodom and Gomorrah were situated, that is, where Lut's people lived.

    Once, it was possible to cross this region by walking. However, now, the Vale of Siddim, where Sodom and Gomorrah were once situated, is covered by the flat surface of the lower part of the Dead Sea. The collapse of the base as a result of the dreadful catastrophe that came to pass in the beginning of the 2nd. millennium B.C., caused salt water from the north to flow into this recently formed cavity and filled the basin with salty water. 

    The traces of the Lake of Lut are visible… When one takes a rowing boat across the Lake of Lut to the southernmost point, if the sun is shining in the right direction, one sees something quite fantastic. Some distance from the shore and clearly visible under the surface of the water, there are the outlines of the forests which the extraordinarily high salt content of the Dead Sea preserved.


    An illustration showing the volcanic eruption and the collapse that followed it, which caused the whole people to disappear.


    The trunks and roots in the shimmering green water are very ancient. The Siddim valley, where these trees were once in blossom green foliage covered their twigs and branches, was one of the most beautiful locations in the region.

    The mechanical aspect of the disaster that befell people of Lut is revealed by the researches of the geologists. These reveal that the earthquake which destroyed  the people of Lut, came about in consequence of quite a long crack in the earth (a fault line), along the 190 kilometres distance making up the bed of the River Sheri'at. River Sheri'at makes a fall of 180 meters in total. Both this and the fact that the Lake of Lut is 400 metres below sea level are two important pieces of evidence showing that an enormous geological event has taken place here. 

    The interesting structure of River of Sheri'at and the Lake of Lut make up only a small part of the crack or split passing from this region of the earth. The condition and length of this crack have only recently been discovered. 


    The fault starts from the outskirts of Mount Taurus, stretches to the southern shores of the Lake of Lut and proceeds over the Arabian desert to the Gulf of Aqaba and continues across the Red Sea, ending up in Africa. Along the length of it, strong volcanic activities are observed. Black basalt and lava exist in the Galilee Mountains in Israel, high plain regions of Jordan, the Gulf of Aqaba and other areas nearby. 

    All these remains and geographical evidences show that a catastrophic geological event took place in the Lake of Lut. Werner Keller writes, 

    Together with the base of this mighty fissure, which runs precisely through this area, the Vale of Siddim, including Sodom and Gomorrah, plunged one day into the abyss. Their destruction came about through a great earthquake which was probably accompanied by explosions, lightning, issue of natural gas and general conflagration. The subsidence released volcanic forces that had been lying dormant deep down along the whole length of the fracture. In the upper valley of the Jordan near Bashan there are still towering craters of extinct volcanoes; great stretches of lava and deep layers of basalt have been deposited on the limestone surface. (5)

    Overhead view of the mountains around the Lake of Lut.


    National Geographic makes the following comment on December 1957; 

      The mount of Sodom, a barren wasteland, rises sharply above the dead sea. No one has ever found the destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, but scholars believe that they stood in the Vale of Siddim across from these cliffs. Possibly flood waters of the Dead Sea engulfed them following an earthquake. (6) 

    Pompeii Had a Similar End 

    The Qur'an tells us in the following verses that there is no change in Allah's laws; 

      They swore their strongest oaths by Allah that if a warner came to them, they would follow his guidance better than any (other) of the Peoples: But when a warner came to them, it has only increased their flight (from righteousness),- On account of their arrogance in the land and their plotting of Evil, but the plotting of Evil will hem in only the authors thereof. Now are they but looking for the way the ancients were dealt with? But no change wilt thou find in Allah's way (of dealing): no turning off wilt thou find in Allah's way (of dealing). (Surat al-Fatir: 42-43)

    Above is a fresco representing the luxury and prosperity of the city of Pompeii before the disaster. Down are petrified corpses unearthed in excavations made in Pompeii. 


    Yes, "no change will be found in Allah's way (rules)". Everybody, who stands against His laws and rebels against Him, is subject to the same divine law. Pompeii, the symbol of the degeneration of the Roman Empire, was also involved in sexual perversity. Its end was similar to that of the people of Lut. 

    The destruction of Pompeii came by means of the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius.


    The volcano Vesuvius is the symbol of Italy, primarily the city of Naples. Remaining silent for the last two millennia, Vesuvius is named the "Mountain of Warning". It is not without cause that Vesuvius is known as such. The disaster that befell Sodom and Gomorrah is very similar to the disaster that destroyed Pompeii. 

    To the right of Vesuvius lies Naples and to the east lies Pompeii. The lava and ash of a huge volcanic eruption, that happened two millennia ago, caught the inhabitants of that city. The disaster happened so suddenly that everything in the town was caught in the middle of its everyday life and remains today exactly as it was two millennia ago. It is as if the time had been frozen.

    The removal of Pompeii from the face of the earth by such a disaster was not purposeless. The historical record shows that the city was exactly a center of dissipation and perversity. The city was marked by a rise in prostitution to such an extent that even the number of brothels was not known. Male organs in their original sizes were hung on the doors of the brothels. According to this tradition, rooted in Mithraic belief, sexual organs and sexual intercourse should not be hidden but displayed openly. 

    Some corpses uncovered at Pompeii and displayed in museums. 


    But the lava of Vesuvius wiped the whole city off the map in a single moment. The most interesting aspect of the event is that nobody escaped despite the terrible violence of the eruption of Vesuvius. It is almost like they did not even notice the catastrophe, as if they were charmed. A family eating their meal were petrified right at that moment. Numerous petrified couples were found in the act of intercourse. The most interesting thing is that there were couples of the same sex and couples of young boys and girls. The faces of some of the petrified human corpses unearthed from Pompeii were unharmed. The general expression on those faces was bewilderment.

    Here lies the most incomprehensible aspect of the calamity. How did thousands of people wait to be caught by death without seeing and hearing anything?


    This aspect of the event shows that the disappearance of Pompeii was similar to the destructive events mentioned in the Qur'an, because the Qur'an particularly points to "sudden annihilation" while relating these events. For example, the "inhabitants of the city" described in Surah Ya-seen died all at once in a single moment. The situation is told as follows in the 29th. verse of the surah;

       It was no more than a single mighty Blast, and behold! they were (like ashes) quenched and silent. 

    In the 31st verse of Surat al-Qamar, again the "instantaneous annihilation" is emphasised when the destruction of Thamud is recounted; 

      For We sent against them a single Mighty Blast, and they became like the dry stubble used by one who pens cattle.

    The death of the people of Pompeii took place instantaneously as just as the events recounted in the above verses. 

    Despite all these, things have not changed much where Pompeii once stood. The districts of Naples where debauchery prevails do not fall short of those licentious districts of Pompeii. The Island of Capri is a base where homosexuals and nudists reside. The Island of Capri is represented as a "Homosexual paradise" in tourist commercials. Not only on Capri and in Italy, but in nearly all the world, a similar moral degeneration is at work and people insist on not learning from the awful experiences of past peoples. 




    11-  From http://www.harunyahya.com/pernat13.php:

    (This link was forwarded to me by brother Mahir; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him)


    The People of Lut (as) And The City which was Turned Upside Down 

    The people of Lut rejected (his) warning. We sent against them a violent Tornado with showers of stones, (which destroyed them), except Lut's household: them We delivered by early Dawn,- As a Grace from Us: thus do We reward those who give thanks. And (Lut) did warn them of Our Punishment, but they disputed about the Warning. (Surat al-Qamar: 33-36)

    Both Lut (as)and Ibrahim (as) lived at the same time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus). Lut (as) was sent as a messenger to one of Ibrahim's (as) neighbouring communities. These people, as the Qur'an tells us, practiced a perversion unknown to the world up till then, namely sodomy. When Lut (as) told them to give up this perversion and brought them Allah's warning, they denied him, refused his prophethood, and carried on with their perversion. In the end, these people were destroyed by a dreadful disaster.

    The city where Lut (as) resided is referred to as Sodom in the Old Testament. Being situated to the north of the Red Sea, this community is understood to have been destroyed just as it is written in the Qur'an. Archaeological studies reveal that the city is located in the area of the Dead Sea which stretches along the Palestine-Jordan border.

    Before examining the remains of this disaster, we shall examine why the people of Lut (as) were punished in this fashion. The Qur'an tells how Lut (as) warned his people and what they said in reply;

    The people of Lut rejected the messengers. Behold, their brother Lut said to them: "Will ye not fear (Allah)? I am to you a messenger worthy of all trust. So fear Allah and obey me. No reward do I ask of you for it: my reward is only from the lord of the Worlds. Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing (all limits)!"

    They said: "If thou desist not, O Lut! thou wilt assuredly be cast out!"

    He said: "I do detest your doings." (Surat ash-Shu'ara: 160-168)

    The people of Lut (as) threatened him in response to his inviting them to the right way. His people detested him because of his showing them the right way, and wanted to banish both him and the other believers beside him. In other verses, the event is told as follows:

    We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practise your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds."

    And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!" (Surat al-A‘raf: 80-82)

    Lut (as)called his people to an obvious truth and warned them explicitly, but his people did not heed any warnings whatsoever and continued to reject him and to deny the penalty of which he told them.

    And (remember) Lut: "Behold" he said to his people: "Ye do commit lewdness, such as no people in Creation (ever) committed before you. Do ye indeed approach men, and cut off the highway? And practise wickedness (even) in your councils?" But his people gave no answer but this: they said: "Bring us the Wrath of Allah if thou tellest the truth." (Surat al-Ankaboot: 28-29)

    Receiving the above answer from his people, Lut asked for the help of Allah,

    He said: "O my Lord! help Thou me against people who do mischief!" (Surat al-Ankaboot: 30)

    "O my Lord! deliver me and my family from such things as they do!" (Surat ash-Shu'ara: 169)

    Upon Lut's (as) prayer, Allah sent two angels in the form of men. These angels visited Ibrahim (as)before coming to Lut (as). Giving Ibrahim (as) the good news that his wife would give birth to an infant, the messengers explained the reason for their being sent: the insolent people of Lut (as) were to be destroyed.

    (Ibrahim) said: "And what, O ye Messengers, is your errand (now)?" They said, "We have been sent to a people (deep) in sin; To bring on, on them, (a shower of) stones of clay (brimstone), Marked as from thy Lord for those who trespass beyond bounds." (Surat adh-Dhariyat: 31-34)

    Excepting the adherents of Lut: them we are certainly (charged) to save (from harm) - All - Except his wife, who, We have ascertained, will be among those who will lag behind. (Surat al-Hijr: 59-60)

    After leaving Ibrahim's (as) company, the angels, who were sent as messengers, came to Lut (as). Not having recognised the messengers, Lut (as) first became anxious, but then understood that they were sent by Allah:

    When Our messengers came to Lut, he was grieved on their account and felt himself powerless (to protect) them. He said: "This is a distressful day." (Surah Hud: 77)

    He said: "Ye appear to be uncommon folk." They said: "Yea, we have come to thee to accomplish that of which they doubt. We have brought to thee that which is inevitably due, and assuredly we tell the truth. Then travel by night with thy household, when a portion of the night (yet remains), and do thou bring up the rear: let no one amongst you look back, but pass on whither ye are ordered." And We made known this decree to him, that the last remnants of those (sinners) should be cut off by the morning. (Surat al-Hijr: 62-66)

    Meanwhile, his people had learned that Lut (as) had visitors. They did not hesitate to approach these visitors perversely as they had approached others before. They encircled the house. Being afraid for his visitors, Lut (as) addressed his people as follows:

    Lut said: "These are my guests: disgrace me not: But fear Allah, and shame me not." (Surat al-Hijr: 68-69)

    The people of Lut retorted:

    They said: "Did we not forbid thee (to speak) for all and sundry?" (Surat al-Hijr: 70)

    Thinking that he and his visitors subjected to evil treatment, Lut said:

    "Would that I had power to suppress you or that I could betake myself to some powerful support." (Surah Hud: 80)

    His "visitors" reminded him that they were the messengers of Allah and said:

    (The Messengers) said: "O Lut! We are Messengers from thy Lord! By no means shall they reach thee! now travel with thy family while yet a part of the night remains, and let not any of you look back: but thy wife (will remain behind): To her will happen what happens to the people. Morning is their time appointed: Is not the morning nigh?" (Surah Hud: 81)

    When the perversity of the city people reached its fullest extent, Allah saved Lut (as) by means of the angels. In the morning, his people were destroyed by the disaster of which Lut (as) had informed them in advance.

    And they even sought to snatch away his guests from him, but We blinded their eyes. (They heard:) "Now taste ye My Wrath and My Warning." Early on the morrow an abiding Punishment seized them. (Surat al-Qamar: 37-38)

    The verses describe the destruction of this people as follows:

    But the (mighty) Blast overtook them before morning, And We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay. Behold! in this are Signs for those who by tokens do understand. And the (cities were) right on the high-road. (Surat al-Hijr: 73-76)

    When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer,-Marked as from thy Lord: Nor are they ever far from those who do wrong! (Surah Hud: 82-83)

    But the rest We destroyed utterly. We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): and evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but heeded not)! : Verily in this is a Sign: but most of them do not believe. And verily thy Lord is He, the Exalted in Might, Most Merciful. (Surat ash-Shu'ara: 172-175)

    When the people were destroyed, only Lut (as) and the believers, who were only as many as one "household", were saved. Lut's (as) wife did not believe either and she was also destroyed.

    We also (sent) Lut: He said to his people: "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you?
    For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds."
    And his people gave no answer but this: they said, "Drive them out of your city: these are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!"
    But we saved him and his family, except his wife: she was of those who legged behind.
    And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime! (Surat al-A‘raf: 80-84)

    Thus, Prophet Lut (as) was saved along with the believers and his family with the exception of his wife. As described in the Old Testament, he emigrated with Ibrahim (as). As for the perverted people, they were destroyed and their dwellings were razed to the ground.

    "The Obvious Signs" in the Lake of Lut

    One of the verses of Surah Hud clearly states the kind of disaster that befell the people of Lut (as). "When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down, and rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer". (Surah Hud: 82)

    A satellite photograph of the region where the people of Lut (as) lived.

    The statement of "turning (the cities) upside down" implies that the region was totally destroyed by a violent earthquake. Accordingly, The Lake of Lut, where the destruction took place, bears "obvious" evidence of such a disaster.

    We quote German archaeologist Werner Keller: 

      Together with the base of this mighty fissure, which runs precisely through this area, the Vale of Siddim, including Sodom and Gomorrah, plunged one day into the abyss. Their destruction came about through a great earthquake which was probably accompanied by explosions, lightning, issue of natural gas and general conflagration.13

    As a matter of fact, the Lake of Lut, or the Dead Sea as it is otherwise known, is located right on the top of an active seismic region, that is, an earthquake zone:

      The base of the dead sea is located with a tectonic rooted downfall. This valley is located in a tension stretching between the Taberiye Lake in the north, and mid of Arabah Valley in the south.14


    The Lake of Lut, or Dead Sea as otherwise called.

    The event was expressed as "we rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer" in the last part of the verse. This is in all probability meant to be the volcanic explosion that took place on the banks of the Lake of Lut, and because of which the rocks and stones that erupted were in a "baked form". (The same event is related in the verse 173 of Surat ash-Shu'ara as "We rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): and evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but heeded not)!")

    In relation to this subject, Werner Keller writes:  

      The subsidence released volcanic forces that had been lying dormant deep down along the whole length of the fracture. In the upper valley of the Jordan near Bashan there are still towering craters of extinct volcanoes; great stretches of lava and deep layers of basalt have been deposited on the limestone surface. 15

    An illustration showing the volcanic eruption and the collapse that followed it, which caused the whole people to disappear.

    These lava and basalt layers constitute the greatest evidence that a volcanic explosion and earthquake had once taken place here. The catastrophe depicted in the following expression as "we rained down on them brimstones hard as baked clay, spread, layer on layer" in the Qur'an most probably points to this volcanic explosion, and Allah knows best. The expression "When Our Decree issued, We turned (the cities) upside down" which occurs in the same verse, must be referring to the earthquake which caused volcanoes to erupt over the surface of the earth with devastating impact, and to the fissures and debris brought by it, and only Allah knows the truth of it.

    The "obvious signs" conveyed by the Lake of Lut are indeed very interesting. In general, the events which are related in the Qur'an take place in the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt. Right in the middle of these lands, is the Lake of Lut. The Lake of Lut, as well as the incidents that have taken place around it, deserves attention geologically. The Lake is approximately 400 metres below the surface of the Mediterranean. Since the deepest point in the Lake is 400 metres, the bottom of the Lake is 800 metres below the surface of the Mediterranean. This is the lowest point on the earth. In other areas which are lower than sea level, the depth is at most 100 metres. Another property of the Lake of Lut is that the salt content of its water is very high, the density being nearly 30%. Because of this, no living organism, such as fish or moss, can survive in this lake. This is why the Lake of Lut is called the "Dead Sea" in Western literature.


    A distant view of the Lake of Lut

    The incident of Lut's (as)people, which is recounted in the Qur'an, occurred around 1800 BC according to estimates. Based on his archaeological and geological researches, the German researcher Werner Keller noted that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were in fact located in the Siddim Valley which was the region at the furthest and lowest end of the Lake of Lut, and that there were once big and widely inhabited sites in those regions.

    The most interesting structural characteristic of the Lake of Lut is evidence showing how the disaster incidence recounted in the Qur'an took place:  

    On the eastern shore of the Dead Sea the peninsula of El-Lisan protrudes like a tongue far into the water. El-Lisan means "the tongue" in Arabic. Unseen from the land the ground falls away here under the surface of the water at a prodigious angle, dividing the sea into two parts. To the right of the peninsula the ground slopes sharply down to a depth of 1200 feet. On the left of the peninsula the water remains remarkably shallow. Soundings taken in the last few years established depths of only fifty to sixty feet. That extraordinary shallow part of the Dead Sea, from the peninsula El-Lisan to the southernmost tip, was the Vale of Siddim. 16

    Werner Keller noted that this shallow part, which was discovered to have formed subsequently, was the outcome of the aforementioned earthquake and the massive collapse this earthquake had caused. This was the place where Sodom and Gomorrah were situated, that is, where Lut's (as) people lived.

    An overhead view of the mountains around the Lake of Lut.

    Once, it was possible to cross this region by walking. However, now, the Vale of Siddim, where Sodom and Gomorrah were once situated, is covered by the flat surface of the lower part of the Dead Sea. The collapse of the base as a result of the dreadful catastrophe that came to pass in the beginning of the second millennium BC, caused salt water from the north to flow into this recently formed cavity and filled the basin with salty water.

    The traces of Lut's (as) people are visible… When one takes a rowing boat across the Lake of Lut to the southernmost point, if the sun is shining in the right direction, one sees something quite fantastic. Some distance from the shore and clearly visible under the surface of the water, there are the outlines of the forests which the extraordinarily high salt content of the Dead Sea preserved. The trunks and roots in the shimmering green water are very ancient. The Siddim valley, where these trees were once in blossom green foliage covered their twigs and branches, was one of the most beautiful locations in the region.

    Some of the remains of the city, which had slipped into the lake, were found on the banks of the lake. These remains showed that the people of Lut had quite a high standard of life.

    The mechanical aspect of the disaster that befell the people of Lut (as) is revealed by the researches of the geologists. These reveal that the earthquake which destroyed the people of Lut (as) came about as a consequence of a fault line in the earth, along the 190-kilometre distance making up the bed of the River Sheri'at. River Sheri'at makes a fall of 180 metres in total. Both this and the fact that the Lake of Lut is 400 metres below sea level are two important pieces of evidence showing that an enormous geological event once took place here.

    The interesting structure of the River of Sheri'at and the Lake of Lut make up only a small part of the crack or split passing from this region of the earth. The condition and length of this crack have only recently been discovered.

    The destruction of the people of Lut (as) has inspired many painters. An example is given above.

    The fault starts from the outskirts of Mount Taurus, stretches to the southern shores of the Lake of Lut and proceeds over the Arabian desert to the Gulf of Aqaba and continues across the Red Sea, ending up in Africa. Along the length of it, strong volcanic activities are observed. Black basalt and lava exist in the Galilee Mountains in Israel, high plain regions of Jordan, the Gulf of Aqaba and other areas nearby.

    All these remains and geographical evidences show that a catastrophic geological event took place in the Lake of Lut. Werner Keller writes:

    Together with the base of this mighty fissure, which runs precisely through this area, the Vale of Siddim, including Sodom and Gomorrah, plunged one day into the abyss. Their destruction came about through a great earthquake which was probably accompanied by explosions, lightning, issue of natural gas and general conflagration. The subsidence released volcanic forces that had been lying dormant deep down along the whole length of the fracture. In the upper valley of the Jordan near Bashan there are still towering craters of extinct volcanoes; great stretches of lava and deep layers of basalt have been deposited on the limestone surface. 17 

    National Geographic makes the following comment:

    The mount of Sodom, a barren wasteland, rises sharply above the dead sea. No one has ever found the destroyed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, but scholars believe that they stood in the Vale of Siddim across from these cliffs. Possibly flood waters of the Dead Sea engulfed them following an earthquake.18


    Above is a picture representing the luxury and prosperity of the city of Pompeii before the disaster. 

    Pompeii Had a Similar End 

    The Qur'an tells us in the following verses that there is no change in Allah's laws:

    They swore their strongest oaths by Allah that if a warner came to them, they would follow his guidance better than any (other) of the Peoples: But when a warner came to them, it has only increased their flight (from righteousness) - On account of their arrogance in the land and their plotting of Evil, but the plotting of Evil will hem in only the authors thereof. Now are they but looking for the way the ancients were dealt with? But no change wilt thou find in Allah's way (of dealing): no turning off wilt thou find in Allah's way (of dealing). (Surat al-Fatir: 42-43)

    Yes, "no change will be found in Allah's way (rules)". Everybody, who stands against His laws and rebels against Him, is subject to the same divine law. Pompeii, the symbol of the degeneration of the Roman Empire, was also involved in sexual perversity. Its end was similar to that of the people of Lut (as).

    The destruction of Pompeii came by means of the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius.

    The volcano Vesuvius is the symbol of Italy, primarily the city of Naples. Remaining silent for the last two millennia, Vesuvius is named the "Mountain of Warning". It is noteworthy that Vesuvius is known as such. The disaster that befell Sodom and Gomorrah is very similar to the disaster that destroyed Pompeii.

    The pictures above are petrified corpses unearthed in excavations made in Pompeii.


    To the right of Vesuvius lies Naples and to the east lies Pompeii. The lava and ash of a huge volcanic eruption, that happened thousands of years ago, caught the inhabitants of that city. The disaster happened so suddenly that everything in the town was caught in the middle of its everyday life and remains today exactly as it was two millennia ago. It is as if the time had been frozen.

    The removal of Pompeii from the face of the earth by such a disaster was not purposeless. The historical record shows that the city was exactly the centre of dissipation and perversity. The city was marked by a rise in prostitution to such an extent that even the number of brothels was not known.

    But the lava of Vesuvius wiped the whole city off the map in a single moment. The most interesting aspect of the event is that nobody escaped despite the terrible violence of the eruption of Vesuvius. It is almost like they did not even notice the catastrophe, as if they were charmed. A family eating their meal were petrified right at that moment. Numerous petrified couples were found in the act of intercourse. The most interesting thing is that there were couples of the same sex and couples of young boys and girls. The faces of some of the petrified human corpses unearthed from Pompeii were unharmed. The general expression on those faces was bewilderment.


    Other examples of petrified human corpses uncovered among the remains of Pompeii

    Here lies the most incomprehensible aspect of the calamity. How did thousands of people wait to be caught by death without seeing and hearing anything?

    This aspect of the event shows that the disappearance of Pompeii was similar to the destructive events mentioned in the Qur'an, because the Qur'an particularly points to "sudden annihilation" while relating these events. For example, the "inhabitants of the city" described in Surah Ya-Sin died all at once in a single moment. The situation is told as follows: 

    It was no more than a single mighty Blast, and behold! they were (like ashes) quenched and silent. (Surah Ya-Sin: 29)

    Some other examples of petrified human corpses uncovered at Pompeii. The picture on the left is a very good example of how instantaneous the disaster was.

    In Surat al-Qamar, again the "instantaneous annihilation" is emphasised when the destruction of Thamud is recounted:

    For We sent against them a single Mighty Blast, and they became like the dry stubble used by one who pens cattle. (Surat al-Qamar: 31)

    The death of the people of Pompeii took place instantaneously as just as the events recounted in the above verses.

    Despite all of this, things have not changed much where Pompeii once stood. The districts of Naples where debauchery prevails do not fall short of those licentious districts of Pompeii. The Island of Capri is a base where homosexuals and nudists reside and is represented as a "Homosexual paradise" in tourist commercials. Not only on Capri and in Italy, but in nearly all the world, a similar moral degeneration is at work and people insist on not learning from the awful experiences of past peoples.


    13- Werner Keller Und die Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Book of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1964 p. 75-76 
    14-  "Le Monde de la Bible", Archeologie et Histoire, July-August 1993. 

    15-  Werner Keller Und die Bibel hat doch recht (The Bible as History; a Confirmation of the Book of Books), New York: William Morrow, 1964, p. 76 

    16- Ibid, pp. 73-74 

    17-  Ibid, pp. 75-76 

    18- G. Ernest Wright, "Bringing Old Testament Times to Life", National Geographic, Vol. 112, December 1957, p. 





    And posting Dr. Zaghlool Al-Naggar's picture with my translation of it:

    From https://www.answering-christianity.com/lowest_land_miracle.htm:

    1-  Dr. Zaghlool Al-Naggar's image and my translation of it:

    The following image was taken from https://www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#linksTest_fre/index.asp?Image=62&Prv=2&vv=2.  My translation of it is below:

    The Arabic text above translates as follows:

     After the (scientists') geological sweeping of the planet earth, the scientists discovered that the lowest land-area on earth is the area of the dead sea, and the dead sea's water reduces approximately 380 meters.  And when the Romans were defeated in this land, the following Noble Verses were revealed:

    Arabic (from right to left):

    30:2 غلبت الروم

    30:3 في ادنى الارض وهم من بعد غلبهم سيغلبون

    30:2  The Romans have been defeated -
    30:3  In the lowest land on earth; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious-

    ادنى :   The lowest (Reference: Lisan Al-Arab), which means the lowest area on earth.

    And the Romans defeated the Persians after seven years from the time the Noble Verses were revealed.  And to GOD is all authority from before and after.




    They wrote:

    Exegetical Problems

    The discerning reader should be able to see that Q. 30:2-4 is laden with problems which the text does not provide solutions for. In fact, this so-called prediction furnishes a great example of just how incoherent, incomplete and unintelligible the Quran truly is.

    For instance, the citation raises the following issues:

    In light of the foregoing, how did Abdallah know that this passage was referring to the Dead Sea when it never mentions the name of the land? How does he even know when this section was supposedly "sent down"? He doesn’t know since the Quran doesn’t answer any of these questions. Abdallah has simply read all of these assertions into the text of the Quran in order to make it agree with modern scientific discoveries.


    My response:

    The Noble Verse does not say "in a land close by."  The translation is wrong, and I proved this with ample Noble Verses and ample articles from Muslims above including Dr. Zaghlool Al-Naggar.



    They wrote:

    Textual Issues

    As if the foregoing wasn’t bad enough there is also a textual issue with Q. 30:2-4 which changes the entire meaning of the so-called prophecy. The late Christian evangelist and author Carl Gottlieb Pfander quoted Muslim exegete al-Baidawi who mentioned specific variant readings which had the text say that the Romans were victorious in a land nearby and were going to lose in a few years:

    But Al Baizawi shatters the whole argument of the Muslims by informing us of certain varied readings in these verses of Suratu'r Rum. He tells us that some read غَلَبَتِ instead of the usual غُلِبَتِ, and سَيُغْلَبُونَ instead of سَيَغْلُبُونَ. The rendering will then be: "The Byzantine HAVE CONQUERED in the nearest part of the land, and they SHALL BE DEFEATED in a small number of years," &c. If this be the correct reading, the whole story about Abu Bakr's bet with Ubai must be a fable,2 since Ubai was dead long before the Muslims began to defeat the Byzantines, and even long before the victories which Heraclius won over the Persians. This shows how unreliable such Traditions are. The explanation which Al Baizawi gives is, that the Byzantines became the conquerors of "the well-watered land of Syria" (على ريف آلْشام), and that the passage predicted that the Muslims would soon overcome them. If this is the meaning, the Tradition which records the "descent" of the verses about six. years before the Hijrah must be wrong, and the passage must belong to A.H. 6 at earliest. It is clear that, as the vowel-points were not used when the Qur'an was first written down in Kufic letters, no one can be certain which of the two readings is right. We have seen that there is so much uncertainty about (1) the date at which the verses were "sent down", (2) the correct reading, and (3) the meaning, that it is quite impossible to show that the passage contains a prophecy which was fulfilled. Hence it cannot be considered to be a proof of Muhammad's prophetic office. (Pfander, Mizan-ul-Haqq - The Balance of Truth, revised and enlarged by W. St. Clair Tisdall [Light of Life P.O. Box 18, A-9503, Villach Austria], pp. 279-280; source; bold and capital emphasis ours)

    With this in mind, we need to ask Abdallah how does he know that the text originally read that the Romans have been defeated and will soon be victorious? How can he be certain that it didn’t initially say that the Romans have won and shall soon be defeated, which would change the entire meaning since it would no longer be a reference to the Romans being defeated by the Persians but to their eventual showdown with the Muslim army not long after they had vanquished the Persians?

    Moreover, this textual variant supports one of the points we raised earlier, i.e. the passage may not have the same army or nation in view since it may actually be referring to two different opponents which the Romans would face in battle.

    More importantly, how can Abdallah still hold to the Quran being a miracle from Allah in light of these gross textual and exegetical problems?


    My response:

    Again, the Noble Verse does not say "in a land close by."  The translation is wrong, and I proved this with ample Noble Verses and ample articles from Muslims above including Dr. Zaghlool Al-Naggar.



    They wrote:

    Appealing to Islamic Sources for Clarification

    Abdallah may claim that the answers to these questions are to be found in the Islamic literature, i.e. the Sira and hadiths. But this serves to compound the problems for Abdallah since the moment he goes outside the Quran to demonstrate his case he ends up demonstrating that this so-called prophecy is far from being clear. He will basically be proving that a plain reading of these verses do not support his case since they are so unclear and vague that they can be made to say just about anything.

    After all, appealing to secondary sources which were compiled some 100-200 years after the death of Muhammad proves that the Quran is not a complete record and to accurately understand it one needs to consult highly questionable sources; materials which were not written during the time these events allegedly took place.

    More importantly, appealing to the Sira and/or hadith sounds the death knell for his entire case since these very sources demonstrate that the Quran contains gross scientific errors. They show that the first Muslims understood these passages in a manner which completely contradicts modern scientific facts and discoveries.

    In fact, Abdallah himself attacks and rejects much of the Islamic source materials because they contain embarrassing statements that provide additional evidence that Muhammad was a false prophet (here).


    My response:

    Again, the Noble Verse does not say "in a land close by."  The translation is wrong, and I proved this with ample Noble Verses and ample articles from Muslims above including Dr. Zaghlool Al-Naggar.

    Also, using the Hadiths does not contradict nor falsify the Noble Quran, because:

    1-  Allah Almighty clearly Commanded us to follow Prophet Muhammad's commands:

    "O ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the Apostle, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to God and His Apostle, if ye do believe in God and the Last Day: That is best, and most suitable for final determination.  (The Noble Quran, 4:59)"

    "When there comes to them some matter touching (Public) safety or fear, they divulge it. If they had only referred it to the Apostle, or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have Tested it from them (direct). Were it not for the Grace and Mercy of God unto you, all but a few of you would have fallen into the clutches of Satan.  (The Noble Quran, 4:83)"

    "What Allah gave as booty (Fai) to His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from the people of the townships, - it is for Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), the kindred (of Messenger Muhammad SAW), the orphans, AlMasakin (the poor), and the wayfarer, in order that it may not become a fortune used by the rich among you. And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it), and fear Allah. Verily, Allah is Severe in punishment.  (The Noble Quran, 59:7)"


    2-  Allah Almighty purposely made the Noble Quran to be fully concerned with Salvation and all of the things that are linked to Salvation, and left the stories and their details be covered in the Prophet's Hadiths.


    As to your quote: "In fact, Abdallah himself attacks and rejects much of the Islamic source materials because they contain embarrassing statements that provide additional evidence that Muhammad was a false prophet (here)."

    You are clear liars and cowards because you boldly lie right through your teeth and you have absolutely no hesitation about it.  I want to ask everyone to PLEASE click on the link and read what I wrote.  I never said that there are "embarrassing" hadiths and that is why I reject them.  As I clearly said above and similar in the link you provided:

    (the following is my quote from above)

    "I also thoroughly demonstrated that Shamoun's stories that he quoted were written 200-300 years after Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) natural death.  Therefore, whether they were good stories or bad stories (everything is relative to the person's perspective and point of view), they were nonetheless not accurate either way because of the major time-gap.

    1-  Their own quote refutes their claim:

    Ironically, Shamoun and Katz both agree with this in their own quote below:

    "After all, appealing to secondary sources which were compiled some 100-200 years after the death of Muhammad proves that the Quran is not a complete record and to accurately understand it one needs to consult highly questionable sources; materials which were not written during the time these events allegedly took place."

    So not only they're liars for saying that I lost a "humiliating loss" in the debate, but they are also dumb because their own quotes refute their own points.


    Can you find something more hilarious than this?


    To the reader, please visit the following link for clarification:

    What Hadiths and Bible verses do I believe are closest to the Truth, and Why?"




    They wrote:

    The English Versions

    It is rather intriguing that none of the most commonly read and popular English versions of the Quran translate adna as lowest or al-ardi as the earth. They uniformly render adna as close/near/nearer/nearest (or even as neighboring!) and al-ardi as land respectively:

    in the nearer part of the land A.J. Arberry

    in a neighboring land N.J. Dawood

    In a land close by Y. Ali

    In the nearer land Pickthall

    in the lands close-by Muhammad Asad

    in a nearby land M.A.S. Abdel Haleem

    in the neighboring land, F. Malik

    In a near land Shakir

    In the land nearby Sher Ali

    In a near land Maulana Muhammad Ali

    in a nearby land Muhammad Sarwar

    In a nearer land ‘Abdul Majid Daryabadi

    In the nearest land Saheeh International

    on the nearest front! T.B. Irving

    In the nearest land Rashad Khalifa

    in the nighest parts of the land Palmer

    in the nearest part of the land Sale

    In the neighboring lands! Dr. Munir Munshey (one of Osama Abdallah’s authors!)

    Other versions identify this land as the area around Syria and Palestine:

    In the nearest land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine) Hilali-Khan

    In the land nearby (- Syria and Palestine) Amatul Rahman & ‘Abdul Mannan ‘Omar

    Osama Abdallah is virtually alone in adopting the translation, in the lowest land on earth, and the reason is rather obvious; his desire to find scientific statements in the Quran leads him to manipulate the verse in order to deceive people into thinking that the Quran contains accurate scientific information.

    Some semi-serious grammatical diversions – an excursus

    It is rather easy to see how Abdallah manipulates the text in various ways. First, he translates "al-ardi" twice even though it is found only once in the phrase "fee adna al-ardi". He advocates that it means "in the lowest land on earth". It is true that the word "ardi" can mean land or earth, but it is found only once in the phrase and not twice. Most of the above translations say something like "in the nearest land" but not "in the nearest land on earth". So, even if Abdallah prefers "lowest" over "nearest" for adna and "earth" over "land" for ardi, then he would have to render it "in the lowest earth".

    This is then clearly connected to the Quranic teaching of the existence of seven earths, one below the other, and the author of the Quran claims that the Romans had descended to the lowest one of the seven earths and had been defeated there. For more details on this aspect of Quranic geography see the article, The Seven Earths.

    Moreover, Abdallah makes a big deal about the definite article al-. He claims, "In Arabic, when "el" is added to the noun, it makes the entire statement a generalizing one." That is utter nonsense, both in Arabic and English. The definite article is not a generalization, but a specification. It is narrowing down the meaning. But there is no point in discussing Arabic grammar with people who are absolutely clueless about it. But even those who know little about grammar in general should be able to see that Abdallah then places the definite article before the wrong word. He renders: "in the lowest land on earth", but shouts that "el-ardi" means THE EARTH, he should either render it as "in THE lowest EARTH" (see above), or – if we want to allow him to insert an extra land into his translation – "in a lower (land) on THE EARTH". The definite article is before ardi, not before adna. So, it makes the ardi (earth) specific but not the adna (nearer/lower).

    Again, the phrase does not yield the desired meaning. If al-ardi means "the earth" as Abdallah so ardently claims, then the adjective adna cannot mean "the lowest land" because it has neither the definite article nor the word for land coming with it. If it is so important and meaningful that the definite article is before ardi, then it is just as meaningful and important to pay attention to the fact that it is NOT there before adna, i.e. adna is not specific and can only refer to an unspecified instance of several possible "lower lands".

    Furthermore, the definite article by itself does not determine whether ardi has to be translated as land or as earth. With or without the definite article, that is determined by the context. The highest mountain or the richest man in the land (e.g., in Saudi Arabia) or on the earth are most probably not the same, but the definite article is there in both cases.


    My response:

    (the definite article issue is dealt with the next section below)

    Again and again, the Noble Verse does not say "in a land close by."  The translation is wrong, and I proved this with ample Noble Verses and ample articles from Muslims above including Dr. Zaghlool Al-Naggar.

    As to the "seven earths," unlike your gospel of porn, the book of women's vaginas and breasts literally taste like "wine," Allah Almighty Said in the Noble Quran that He has seven Heavens and "of the earth a similar number."  Science just recently proved that the earth does have seven inner layers and 7 atmospheric layers as well.  And I would not be surprised that if Allah Almighty created seven earths since UFOs are mentioned in the Noble Quran.

    To the reader, please visit the following articles for clear proofs:

    The amazing creation of earth and iron in the Noble Quran.  Contains the listing of the seven inner layers of earth and the seven atmospheric layers.

    Seven Atmospheric Layers in the Noble Quran confirmed by Science!

    UFOs and Space Shuttles were explicitly mentioned in the Noble Quran!  Even the communication with UFOs was prophesied in the Noble Quran.


    Other related articles:

    The Motion of Earth in the Noble Quran.

    The Noble Quran confirms that the earth is rotating around its axle.

    Allah Almighty said that the earth is "egg-shaped".

    The reduction of earth's size in both the Noble Quran and Science!

    The Earth is round according to Islam.

    Faults on earth in the Noble Quran and Science!

    Dhul Qarnayn's story.  Sunrise and sunset.  Also Why حمئة and not حاميةٍ.  Dhil Qarnayn's journey is detailed with scientific and geographical maps that are more 1000 years old.

  • The sunsetless North Pole Miracle in the Glorious Quran [1].
  • Sunrise and sunset in the Hadiths((Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca)).
  • The iron gates of Dhul Qarnayn were found.
  • The overwhelming Scientific and Numerical Miracles in the Glorious Quran.
  • The north and south poles, colonizing Mars, and prayer and fasting times.
  • Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is in constant motion.
           -  Is suspended in space.
           -  Is swimming in space.
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].
           -  The sunsetless North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [4]. 

  • At the top of the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I showed the video for that, and also quoted the scientific sources for that. Also in the lands near by, it almost never sets either, and I quoted sources for that as well, and also showed pictures of the "polar night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.

    (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)

    They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.

  • He saw the Aurora Lights covering:

    Aurora Lights Hadith


  • Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: "Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!" (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.


    Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said this about his journey to the farthest northern lands and people:

    ‏18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر

    "Until he reached near حتى اذا بلغ where the sun is up مطلع الشمس, he found it above وجدها تطلع على people قوم whom We made no cover for them from it لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر (The Noble Quran, 18:90)"

    Noble Verse(s) 18:91


    [018:091]  Thus it was. And we had full knowledge of the forces that were with him.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    18:91 كذلك وقد احطنا بما لديه خبرا


    Prophet Muhammad "did see" (Quran 53.18) the Aurora Lights covering the horizons above the earth from space.  Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and "Thus it was", Allah Almighty completed the "full knowledge" regarding Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.  This further supports the story below about Dhil-Qarnayn's journey to the farthest northern lands and people (The sunsetless [4] North Pole Quran-miracle).  They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93)For example, can you read or say this:

    "Vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúrslyklakippuhringurinn" ??  This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.  The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands:

    The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth.  The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

    Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns"

    Dhil = One who has.
    قرنين Qarnayn = two horns
    Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn).
    Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.


    Noble Verses 53:18 and 18:91 are also prophetically linked together; that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين  saw.  Also visit: 

    Aurora Lights Hadith


    Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين  name:  Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.

    (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)

    Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: "Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!" (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.

           -  The Glorious Quran also speaks about many earths [5] and not just earth.
           -  The Glorious Quran predicts
    11 planets in our solar system [6].


    In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31).  The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors".  The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book.  It contains no scientific error.  Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]





    They wrote:

    To preserve Osama Abdallah’s nonsense from disappearing, here is one excerpt of what he wrote:

    In Arabic, when "el" is added to the noun, it makes the entire statement a generalizing one.  Similar to English, when we say THE EARTH, we are referring to the entire planet. When Allah Almighty Said: في ادنى الارض and added "el" to EARTH before the word ادنى , He clearly and indisputably made the meaning of ادنى to be measured against the entire earth's other areas. في ادنى الارض LITERALLY means in the lowest spot/area on earth.

    If "el" was not added to earth, then the meaning of the term would be in the lowest spot of the area. This would limit the term only to the lands near where the battle took place. But since Allah Almighty added "EL" to earth, making it THE EARTH in English, then this makes the term go against the entire earth and not just a limited area.

    This is quite an accumulation of nonsense. As remarked above, adding the definite article to a noun is a specification, not a generalization; and that is true in Arabic and in English. That Abdallah is very weak in Arabic is well known, but he is obviously also very weak in English. Putting the definite article before "earth" does not necessarily refer to the whole planet. There are plenty of contexts for which this is wrong. One example should be sufficient. Imagine, you want to fill a deep hole in the ground and have two piles, one of stones/rubble and one of earth (valuable topsoil). First you fill the hole with stones, up to a certain level, and then you may say to your friend: Now bring me the earth. The meaning is clear, and unless his name is Osama Abdallah, he wouldn’t think for even a second that the whole planet is going to fit into that hole. Finally, what is wrong about O. Abdallah#146;s statement, “When Allah Almighty Said: في ادنى الارض and added "el" to EARTH before the word ادنى ”? Can you see it? The Arabic phrase is transliterated "fee adna al-ardi" and the single Arabic word is "adna". Clearly "al-ardi" (the earth) comes after and not before "adna". Arabic has to be read from right to left, but Osama Abdallah apparently reads Arabic from left to right so that from his perspective "al-ardi" comes before "adna". Although this little factoid is rather inconsequential for the truth or falsity of the argument as a whole, it reveals Abdallah’s ignorance down to the most trivial level.


    My response:

    It is only due to your extreme resentment and embarrassment from the countless documented foul rubbish that we documented on the low-life loser, Sam Shamoun, that is causing you get very personal with me like that and to try to desperately prove that I am weak in English grammar.

    The two ignorants laughably wrote:

    "Clearly "al-ardi" (the earth) comes after and not before "adna". Arabic has to be read from right to left, but Osama Abdallah apparently reads Arabic from left to right so that from his perspective "al-ardi" comes before "adna". Although this little factoid is rather inconsequential for the truth or falsity of the argument as a whole, it reveals Abdallah’s ignorance down to the most trivial level."

    Here is my response:

  • Arabic can only be read from right to left, and on www.quransearch.com, I did add this note on all of the returned Arabic Noble Verses from all user-queries.
  • In Arabic we can not say "al-ardi adna."  This would be grammatically incorrect.  We would only say "adna al-ardi" (lowest of the earth).  So when you said: "Clearly "al-ardi" (the earth) comes after and not before "adna," you have only demonstrated your ignorance in Arabic, because it doesn't have to be "clear" for "al-ardi" to come after "adna," because no Arabic speaker would say any other way.  So in other words, you did not make any discovery here.  You only gave us what Arabic only teaches and demonstrated your ignorance by assuming that "al-ardi" could've come before "adna" in this sentence.
  • "but Osama Abdallah apparently reads Arabic from left to right so that from his perspective "al-ardi" comes before "adna". "  I had to hold myself laughing on this one, because you have only demonstrated your ignorance in the basic grammatical rules in the Arabic language.  If we want "ard" (earth) to come before "adna" (lowest) in this sentence, then we would have to say "al-ardi al-adna."  Notice the definite article, "the," added to adna.  Otherwise, if we were to say "al-ard adna," then this would not make much sense nor would it be grammatically correct, because this term would be saying "the earth is lowest."

  • Also, as one clearly sees from the site, I speak English fluently.  Now, because I am a computer programmer, and because I come from a technical background (I have a masters degree in computer science), the type of English that I deal with is not the type of literature and vocabularies that one deals with in the humanities and social science fields.  But nonetheless, I still write big articles with perfect English.


    The generalization of the definite article:

    Now I must admit that my explanation above was partial.  It wasn't intentional, but because we're dealing with low-life losers here, I have to explain myself good enough to remove the smoke-screens that these deceivers are trying to create:

    1-  My explanation above is 100% correct.  The definite article "the" does indeed cause the word to be a generalized one to all of the things that belong to the noun if the noun that it was used on encompassed many things!  So do the indefinite articles "a" and "an" also.  So in our example here, when Allah Almighty said "THE EARTH," He didn't just refer to a specific land, but rather to all of the lands and continents of the earth.

    2-  I should've covered the indefinite articles in my explanation and gave examples so that the whole picture would become clear.  Here are examples for them:

  • "a criminal" doesn't pin-point anyone.  "the criminal" does if the criminal had been found.
  • "a house" does not refer to a specific house.  "the house," however, does, and it may also refer to the tenants who live in the house.

  • Furthermore on my English and Arabic-speaking and writing capabilities, whether Osama Abdallah is weak in Arabic and English or not that is really not relevant at all.  You only personalized this because you're about to blow up from envy because Osama Abdallah and his team mates had wiped the floor with you and your egos.  But in response to your laughable hatred, Osama Abdallah is neither weak in Arabic or English.  I can speak both languages very comfortably and very well.  Osama Abdallah, however, reads English much more comfortably than he does with Arabic.  The reason for this is because Arabic is a very complex and artistic language, and I say ARTISTIC in capital letters!!  It requires a lot of practice for the individual to excel in dictation and reading, and since I spend most of my time reading and writing all of my materials, whether for the site or for work or anything else in English (because most of my audiences are English speakers), my practice in reading Arabic is minimal and my experience in writing Arabic close to nil.  But again, given the facts that I come from a computer programming background, the type of English and vocabularies that I deal with are not advanced.  They are unique and isolated.  But given all of that, I think reader clearly sees from the way I construct the sentences and separate them using commas, hyphens, semicolons, periods and so on, that I know English very well and I have no problems either speaking it or writing it.


    So once again, the two ludicrous losers had been exposed as nothing but hateful liars.


    And just for the record:

    Does the English that I just spoke thus far sound like it came from someone who can't speak and write the language?  Just because I might use regular and simpler words such as "wrath" instead of "ire," that still doesn't mean that my English is weak, because the type of English that those in humanities, social science and literature write is a more unique and advanced English to them.  The average writer wouldn't choose the word "ire."  But he would choose "wrath" and/or "anger" instead.  A technical guy like me who comes from computer programming and problem solving environment can not be expected to be super fluent in English.  This is just a simple example from the countless words out there.


    My evaluation?!

    Let it be known to these hateful and dirty infidels that it is not Osama Abdallah, the humble slave of Allah Almighty and a servant to all of the Almighty's true believers and a stubborn arrogant toward the hostile and hateful infidels toward Muslims, who awaits to be evaluated by two low-life losers, whom one of them had been badly caught exposed, countless times, to have a filthy and toilet-mouth!



    They wrote:

    Al-ardi = the entire earth?

    Whatever one may think about the grammar discussions presented above, they are not even needed to expose how wrong Abdallah’s argument is.


    My response:

    What these two ignorants have just implicitly admitted is that my explanation was correct, but it was not the only correct one.  But nonetheless, it was correct.



    They wrote:

    We simply need to look into the Quran and list a number of passages that use al-ardi:

    Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Call in remembrance the favour of God unto you, when He produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people! Enter the holy land (al-arda almuqaddasata) which God hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin." They said: "O Moses! In this land are a people of exceeding strength: Never shall we enter it until they leave it: if (once) they leave, then shall we enter." (But) among (their) God-fearing men were two on whom God had bestowed His grace: They said: "Assault them at the (proper) Gate: when once ye are in, victory will be yours; But on God put your trust if ye have faith." They said: "O Moses! while they remain there, never shall we be able to enter, to the end of time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus). Go thou, and thy Lord, and fight ye two, while we sit here (and watch)." He said: "O my Lord! I have power only over myself and my brother: so separate us from this rebellious people!" God said: "Therefore will the land be out of their reach for FORTY YEARS: In distraction will they wander through the land (al-ardi): But sorrow thou not over these rebellious people." S. 5:20-26 Y. Ali

    And We said to the Children of Israel after him, 'Dwell in the land (al-ardi); and when the promise of the world to come comes to pass, We shall bring you a rabble.' S. 17:104 Arberry

    It is obvious that al-ardi here refers to both the desert that Israel wandered through for forty years and to the Promised Land which God swore to give them. It does not refer to the entire earth.

    But recite unto them with truth the tale of the two sons of Adam, how they offered each a sacrifice, and it was accepted from the one of them and it was not accepted from the other. (The one) said: I will surely kill thee. (The other) answered: Allah accepteth only from those who ward off (evil). Even if thou stretch out thy hand against me to kill me, I shall not stretch out my hand against thee to kill thee, lo! I fear Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Lo! I would rather thou shouldst bear the punishment of the sin against me and thine own sin and become one of the owners of the fire. That is the reward of evil-doers. But (the other's) mind imposed on him the killing of his brother, so he slew him and became one of the losers. Then God sent a raven, who scratched the ground (al-ardi), to show him how to hide the shame of his brother. "Woe is me!" said he; "Was I not even able to be as this raven, and to hide the shame of my brother?" then he became full of regrets - S. 5:27-31 Pickhtall

    In the above passage, al-ardi refers to a specific part of the ground, not to the entire world, unless Abdallah wants to argue that Cain traveled the entire earth!

    And to Thamud (people, We sent) their brother Salih (Saleh). He said: "O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. (La ilaha ill-Allah: none has the right to be worshipped but Allah). Indeed there has come to you a clear sign (the miracle of the coming out of a huge shecamel from the midst of a rock) from your Lord. This shecamel of Allah is a sign unto you; so you leave her to graze in Allah's earth, and touch her not with harm, lest a painful torment should seize you. "And remember when He made you successors after 'Ad (people) and gave you habitations in the land (al-ardi), you build for yourselves palaces in plains, and carve out homes in the mountains. So remember the graces (bestowed upon you) from Allah, and do not go about making mischief on the earth." S. 7:73-74 Hilali-Khan

    Allah caused the people of the Thamud to inherit al-ardi of the Ad people. It is more than obvious that al-ardi can only mean a specific land in this context since Ad did not live or own the entire earth.

    Said the chiefs of Pharaoh's people: "Wilt thou leave Moses and his people, to spread mischief in the land (fee al-ardi), and to abandon thee and thy gods?" He said: "Their male children will we slay; (only) their females will we save alive; and we have over them (power) irresistible." S. 7:127 Y. Ali

    (Joseph) said: "Set me over the store-houses of the land (al-ardi): I will indeed guard them, as one that knows (their importance)." S. 12:55 Y. Ali

    So Pharaoh sought to drive them out of the land (al-ardi); but we drowned him and all his followers. S. 17:103 Rodwell

    Said Pharaoh: "Leave me to slay Moses; and let him call on his Lord! What I fear is lest he should change your religion, or lest he should cause mischief to appear in the land (fee al-ardi)!" S. 40:26 Y. Ali

    Al-ardi, in the above texts, is the land of Egypt, not the entire earth.

    Speaking to the Muslims during the battle of badr, Muhammad says:

    And remember, when ye were few and reckoned feeble in the land (fee al-ardi), and were in fear lest men should extirpate you, how He gave you refuge, and strengthened you with His help, and made provision of good things for you, that haply ye might be thankful. S. 8:26 Pickthall

    By al-ardi Muhammad meant the Arabian peninsula, specifically Mecca and Medina, since Muslims hadn’t penetrated the entire world at that time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus).

    But We delivered him and (his nephew) Lut (and directed them) to the land (al-ardi) which We have blessed for the nations. S. 21:71 Y. Ali

    Abraham and Lot were brought into al-ardi, which can only be a reference to a specific land, namely the area which they settled in at first.

    The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land (fee al-ardi) will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land (mina al-ardi). Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; S. 5:33 Pickthall

    Where does Osama Abdallah suggest that those who fight against Allah should be banished to? If he is convinced that "the land" is a mistranslation for "al-ardi" with the definite article, and the expression must refer to "the Earth", will the Muslim community pay the expense to send these people to Mars? Since this would have been rather difficult during Muhammad’s time, maybe Abdallah would like to turn this verse into another scientific miracle and amazing prophecy about future space travel in order to save his misguided translation of "al-ardi" in S. 30:3?

    The foregoing examples clearly show that the definite article does nothing to change the meaning of ardi from land to earth. This is simply Abdallah’s wishful thinking.

    Finding only one such passage would already have been sufficient to establish the case, but the large number of such passages in the Quran once again exposes Osama Abdallah’s utter ignorance about his own book. He simply does not even know the basics of what he pretends to be an expert on.


    My response:

    Actually I strongly disagree, because Allah Almighty's reference to earth was as a whole and not partial.  Them existing on certain parts of the earth does not mean that when Allah Almighty talked about the evil that they caused on earth He didn't refer to the entire globe as a whole, because their evilness:

    1-  Was not isolated.  It became rather known to other nations and as a result it impacted (regardless of how little or big) on them.

    2-  Earth was created by Allah Almighty and is owned by Allah Almighty, and hence, it is only normal for Him to refer to it as a whole.  This is similar to us telling our children "do not mess up the house!"  "house" here is referring to the entire house, even though the children's misbehavior is only limited to a very small portion of the house.  But yet, we still use "house."


    Let's assume you're right for a second:

    Let us go ahead and assume that your interpretation above is correct.  This still does not refute the scientific notion that exists in Noble Verses 30:2-3 because:

    1-  Earth can be interpreted both ways (my way and yours).

    2-  When science today (1500 years later) tells us that the land the Romans were defeated in was proven to be the lowest area on earth, and Allah Almighty Said just that in the Noble Verses, then I am within my rights to believe that my interpretation was the correct one.

    And like I said above and proved through the "do not mess up the house" example, there is no evidence that Allah Almighty did not mean to refer to the ENTIRE EARTH in any of the Noble Verses that were presented above.  And as everyone who speaks Arabic knows, "ard" means none other than "earth" in Arabic!




    They wrote:

    The Exegetes

    The translators aren’t the only ones to disagree with Abdallah’s rendering of the Arabic; the Muslim exegetes are also against him on this point:

    in the nearer [part of the] land, that is, in the Byzantine land [that lies] NEAREST TO PERSIA in Mesopotamia (al-Jazira). There the two armies met and the Persians were the ones who had begun the invasion. But they, that is the Byzantines, after their vanquishing (ghalabihim: the verbal noun [ghalab] has been annexed to the direct object [hum], in other words, ghalabatu faris iyyahum, 'the Persians' vanquishing of them') shall be the victors, over the Persians, (Tafsir al-Jalalayn; source; bold and underline emphasis ours)

    (In the nearer land) CLOSE TO PERSIA and, as a consequence, the believers were aggrieved while the idolaters rejoiced, saying: "We shall defeat the believers just as the Persians defeated the Romans", but then Allah proceeded to mention their victory (and they) i.e. the Romans, (after their defeat) at the hand of the Persians (will be victorious) over the Persians. (Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs; source; bold and underline emphasis ours)

    Being near or close to Persia can refer to a host of places such as Constantinople (modern day Turkey), which makes more sense than the Dead Sea since this area served as the capital of the eastern part of the Byzantine Empire.

    These Ayat were revealed about the victory of Sabur, the king of Persia, over Ash-Sham (Greater Syria), the adjoining partisan states of the Arabian Peninsula, and the outlying regions of the land of the Romans. Heraclius, the emperor of the Romans, was forced to flee to Constantinople where he was besieged for a lengthy period. Then Heraclius regained the upper hand. Imam Ahmad recorded that Ibn `Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, commented on this Ayah… (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)

    … According to Hafiz Ibn Hajar, this war was fought in Syria at a place between Adhru‘at and Busra… (Mufti Shafi Uthmani, Maariful Quran, Volume 6, p. 718; source; bold and underline emphasis ours)

    Again, Syria is not the Dead Sea.

    The defeats and victories spoken of above relate to the last phases of the centuries-long struggle between the Byzantine and Persian Empires. During the early years of the seventh century the Persians conquered parts of Syria and Anatolia, "the lands close-by", i.e., near the heartland of the Byzantine umpire; in 613 they took Damascus and in 614, Jerusalem; Egypt fell to them in 615–16, and at the same time they laid siege to Constantinople itself. At the time of the revelation of this surah - about the seventh year before the hijrah, corresponding to 615 or 616 of the Christian era - the total destruction of the Byzantine Empire seemed imminent. The few Muslims around the Prophet were despondent on hearing the news of the utter discomfiture of the Byzantines, who were Christians and, as such, believed in the One God (Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus' sins and was "charitable" with him). The pagan Quraysh, on the other hand, sympathized with the Persians who, they thought, would vindicate their own opposition to the One-God idea. When Muhammad enunciated the above Quran-verses predicting a Byzantine victory "within a few years", this prophecy was received with derision by the Quraysh. Now the term bid (commonly rendered as "a few") denotes any number between three and ten; and, as it happened, in 622 – i.e., six or seven years after the Quranic prediction - the tide turned in favour of the Byzantines. In that year, Emperor Heraclius succeeded in defeating the Persians at Issus, south of the Taurus Mountains, and subsequently drove them out of Asia Minor. By 624, he carried the war into Persian territory and thus put the enemy on the defensive: and in the beginning of December, 626, the Persian armies were completely routed by the Byzantines.] And on that day will the believers [too, have cause to] rejoice (5) in God’s succour: [This is a prediction of the battle of Badr, which was to take place eight or nine years later, in the month of Ramadan, 2 H. (corresponding to January, 624, of the Christian era), when the Muslims decisively defeated a very much superior force of pagan Quraysh (see introductory note to surah 8). The expression "on that day" has in this context the meaning of "at the same time", for although the battle of Badr began and ended on one day, the victories of Heraclius over the Persians took some years to materialize. (Muhammad Asad, The Message of the Qur'an [Dar Al-Andalus Limited, 3 Library Ramp, Gibraltar; rpt. 1993], p. 617: http://www.geocities.com/masad02/021; bold and capital emphasis ours)

    3a. The struggle between Persia and the Roman Empire had existed a long time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus). The great struggle, in which Persia was victorious, began in 602 of the Christian era, when Chosroes II of Persia began war with Rome to avenge the death of Maurice, who was murdered by Phocas. "His armies plundered Syria and Asia Minor, and in 608 advanced to Chalcedon. In 613 and 614 Damascus and Jerusalem were taken by the General Shahabaraz, and the Holy Cross was carried away in triumph…" It was in the year 615 or 616 that this revelation came to the Prophet… (Maulana Muhammad Ali, Holy Qur’an: Arabic Text with English Translation, Commentary and comprehensive Introduction; source)

    Period of Revelation

    The period of the revelation of this Surah is determined absolutely by the historical event that has been mentioned at the outset. It says: "The Romans have been vanquished in the neighboring land." In those days the Byzantine occupied territories adjacent to Arabia were Jordan, Syria and Palestine, and in these territories the Romans were completely overpowered by the Iranians in 615 A. D. Therefore, it can be said with absolute certainty that this Surah was sent down in the same year, and this was the year in which the migration to Habash took place...

    Heraclius could not stop this storm. The very first news that he received from the East after ascending the throne was that of the Iranian occupation of Antioch. After this Damascus fell in 613 A. D. Then in 614 A.D. the Iranians occupying Jerusalem played havoc with the Christian world. Ninety thousand Christians were massacred and the Holy Sepulcher was desecrated. The Original Cross on which, according to the Christian belief, Jesus had died was seized and carried to Mada'in. The chief priest Zacharia was taken prisoner and all the important churches of the city were destroyed. How puffed up was Khusrau Parvez at this victory can be judged from the letter that he wrote to Heraclius from Jerusalem. He wrote: "From Khusrau, the greatest of all gods, the master of the whole world: To Heraclius, his most wretched and most stupid servant: ‘You say that you have trust in your Lord. Why didn't then your Lord save Jerusalem from me?’"

    Within a year after this victory the Iranian armies over-ran Jordan, Palestine and the whole of the Sinai Peninsula, and reached the frontiers of Egypt. In those very days another conflict of a far greater historical consequence was going on in Makkah. The believers in One God, under the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's peace be upon him), were fighting for their existence against the followers of shirk under the command of the chiefs of the Quraish, and the conflict had reached such a stage that in 615 A. D., a substantial number of the Muslims had to leave their homes and take refuge with the Christian kingdom of Habash, which was an ally of the Byzantine Empire. In those days the Sassanid victories against Byzantium were the talk of the town, and the pagans of Makkah were delighted and were taunting the Muslims to the effect: "Look the fire worshipers of Iran are winning victories and the Christian believers in Revelation and Prophethood are being routed everywhere. Likewise, we, the idol worshipers of Arabia, will exterminate you and your religion."

    These were the conditions when this Surah of the Quran was sent down, and in it a prediction was made, saying: "The Romans have been vanquished in the neighboring land and within a few years after their defeat, they shall be victorious. And it will be the day when the believers will rejoice in the victory granted by Allah." It contained not one but two predictions: First, the Romans shall be Victorious; and second, the Muslims also shall win a victory at the same time (see also Luke 2:52: GOD forgave Jesus). Apparently, there was not a remote chance of the fulfillment of the either prediction in the next few years… (Syed Abu-Ala’ Maududi’s Chapter Introductions to the Qur'an; source)

    The above sources date this particular Surah sometime between 615-616 AD, around the time that the Persians had laid siege to Constantinople, providing additional support that this may in fact be the location which the Quran has in view since it is near Persia.


    … The defeat, ‘in a land close by’ must refer to Syria and Palestine. Jerusalem was lost in 614-615 A.D., shortly before this sura was revealed. (Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an, Translation and Commentary, n. 3505; bold emphasis ours)

    Bidh’un in the text means a short period - a period of from three to nine years. The period between the loss OF JERUSALEM (614-15) by the Romans and their victory at Issus (622) was seven years, and that to the penetration of Persia by Heraclius was nine years. (Ibid., n. 3507; bold and capital emphasis ours)


    14. Khusrau Parwiz called himself the son of the Emperor Maurice. During his refuge at Constantinople he had married a Byzantine wife. In Nizami’s romance she is known as Maryam. According to some historians she was a daughter of the Emperor Maurice, but Gibbon throws doubt on that relationship. In any case he used the resources of the Persian Empire to fight the usurper Phocas. He invaded the Byzantine Empire in 603. The war between the Persian and the Romans became a national war and continued after the fall of Phocas in 610. The Persians had sweeping victories, and conquered Aleppo, Antioch, and the chief Syrian cities, including Damascus, in 611. Jerusalem fell to their arms in 614-615, just 8 to 7 years before the sacred Hijrat. The city was burnt and pillaged, and the Christians were massacred, the churches were burnt, the burial-place of Christ was itself insulted, and many relics including the ‘true Cross’ on which the Christians believed that Christ had been crucified, were carried away to Persia. The priests of the Persian religion celebrated an exultant triumph over the priests of Christ. In this pillage and massacre the Persians were assisted by a crowd of Jews, who were discontented with the Christian domination, and the Pagan Arabs to whom any opportunity of plunder and destruction was in itself welcome. It is probably this striking event - the victory of the Persians over the Roman Empire - which is referred to Sura XXX (Rum) of the Qur’an... (Ibid., appendix X, pp 1072-1073; bold emphasis ours)

    Pay careful attention that none of the above sources mention the Dead Sea as the place where the Romans suffered defeat. The closest we get is Jerusalem which, as we stated earlier, is not the same as the Dead Sea and happens to actually be above sea level. Therefore, Jerusalem IS NOT the lowest point on the earth.

    General history agrees with these Muslim commentators that the Romans were defeated by the Persians on many fronts, including Syria, Constantinople, and Jerusalem, but none reports about a decisive battle having taken place at the Dead Sea. Thus, if that verse refers to defeat of the Romans by the Persians, it cannot speak about the Dead Sea.


    My response:

    Nothing of substance was mentioned  here because:

    1-  I have provided the scientific evidence that proved that the northern part of the Middle East is indeed the lowest region on earth.

    2-  I have proven that "ard" means none other than "earth" in English.

    3-  As to the timing of the Prophecy, I have destroyed Sam Shamoun's absurd point and proved that the victory happened in less than 9 years, and also showed him the very same quote, "few years," used in his Bible along with "many years" also used in his Bible at: https://www.answering-christianity.com/is_muhammad_true_prophet.htm:


    2. AUDIO: Did Prophet Muhammad really make a false Prophecy?  Using Encyclopedia Britannica, I have refuted Shamoun's dubious sources, and proved that the Noble Quran never made a false prophecy.  Also, using Luke 9:23-27, Mark 13:1-37, 1 Peter 4:7-8, Hebrews 9:26, Matthew 24:43-45 and Luke 12:40, I have demonstrated that Jesus made ample false prophecies regarding the Hour and his second coming.  Also, using many verses from the Bible's both the Old and New Testaments, I demonstrated and proved that the Bible clearly declares that the earth is flat; it is standing on pillars; it doesn't move; it does not rotate around itself nor does it swim in space - clearly and overwhelmingly contradicting science. I also gave Shamoun the following challenges:
    1. Challenge to Shamoun:  Why are you rejecting the Noble Quran for using "few years", when your Bible also used "few years" for prophecies and situations in Daniel 11:19, Luke 7:34-21, Job 16:21-23, 1 Kings 17:1-3, Leviticus 25:51-53?

      Read my article on this subject:  How many years is "few years" and "many years"?

    2. Another Challenge:  Please demonstrate to us from your sources how Jesus was born on December 25th.  And also, why are there many Christians miserably contradicting each others regarding their beliefs on the time Jesus was born?  Some believe he was born during Winter; others believe he was born during Spring; other believe he was born in Summer; and other believe he was born during the Fall.






    The foul-mouthed Sam Shamoun and Jochen Katz have both miserably failed to disprove the Noble Quran's Scientific Miracle about the region where the Romans were defeated is the lowest region on earth.  I would like to invite the reader to visit The Scientific Miracles in the Noble Quran section to see many other scientific claims and notions that Allah Almighty mentioned in the Noble Quran were confirmed by science today.

    All praises and glory are due to Allah Almighty alone!





    Back to Science in Islam.

    Quran's correct prophecy of defeat of Romans.

    The Geological Miracle in Noble Verses 30:2-5 (the place where the Romans were defeated).

    The Big Bang Theory and the Cosmic Crunch in the Noble Quran.  Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him predicted around the time when the Cosmic Crunch occurs, the Sun would rise from the West.

    The Noble Quran on the Origin of the Universe. This article has pictures and quotes from Western scientific books that accurately confirm the astronomical claims of the Noble Quran.  The Noble Quran was the only book that claimed that the universe originated from Hot Gas or Smoke.  Science proved that this claim is true.

    Comparison between Allah Almighty's claims about His Creation, and the scientific discoveries that 100% agree with Him.  Claims such as:  The universe is expanding, the existence of the sun's orbit, the protective atmosphere to the earth, Embryology and many more.

    Allah Almighty said in the Noble Quran that He is "Expanding" the Universe.  Scientists already proved this claim to be true.

    The "Clot" and the Creation of the Universe in the Noble Quran.

    Is there mention of U.F.Os or other Human Planets in the Noble Quran?

    What does the sun orbit?

    Einstein's time relativity in the Noble Quran.

    UFOs and Space Shuttles were explicitly mentioned in the Noble Quran!  Even the communication with UFOs was prophesied in the Noble Quran.

    Aliens and UFOs in the Noble Quran.

    Rebuttal to Shamoun's and Katz' "Sinking to Dead Sea Levels" article.


    AUDIOs from Dr. Zaghlool Al-Najjar

    The location of the lowest land on earth.

    Quran's correct prophecy of defeat of Romans.

    Lack of Oxygen and low air pressure in space.

    The constant reduction of earth's size:  The earth used to be 200 times bigger!

    The location of the lowest land on earth.

    Iron was sent down to earth from space.

    The origins of the Universe, Big Bang theory, Cosmic Crunch, and the creation of the SECOND EARTH after the second Big Bang in the Noble Quran and Science.  Also, Dr. Zaghlool's scientific explanation of the earth and heaven coming to Allah Almighty "willingly or unwillingly" and how each celestial object behaves differently depending on its mass.

  • [014:048]  The day will come when this earth will be substituted with a new DIFFERENT غير earth, and also the heavens, and everyone will be brought before GOD, the One, the Supreme.

    ‏14:48 يوم تبدل الارض غير الارض والسماوات وبرزوا لله الواحد القهار
  • For ample more, visit:  The Miracle of Earth and Iron in the Glorious Quran.

    The Cosmic Crunch and the creation of the second Universe and second earth.

    Time and the Speed of Light precisely calculated and mentioned in the Noble Quran.


    VIDEOS proving the Scientific Miracles in the Noble Quran

    Iron was sent down from space - A Discovery Channel program with Noble Quranic Verses edited into it.

    Dr. Zaghlool Al-Najjar on the Miracle of Mountains in the Noble Quran.

    The mystery in Iron Miracle of the Quran.


    The Earth Spread out Spherically, and its Waters came out from it:

    Allah Almighty Said:

    Noble Verse(s) 79:30-79:31
    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    79:30 والارض بعد ذلك دحاها

    79:31 اخرج منها ماءها ومرعاها

    Khalifa: (why is he here?)

    [079:030]  He made the earth egg-shaped.

    [079:031]  From it, He produced its own water and pasture.

    Below in this article, we'll see the ample proofs that the earth was indeed 
    SPREAD OUT SPHERICALLY.  And Scientists have proven that water does indeed originate from its planets when they're hot enough and are located in the Goldilocks Zone when orbiting their sun.

    As thoroughly detailed in this detailed article, I thoroughly demonstrated using 7 encyclopedic dictionaries that DAHA دحاها  means:

    1-  To push.

    2-  To throw.

    دحا   (daha):  دفعه و رمى به (dafa'aahu wa ramaa bih) Caused it to move, pushed it, or threw it.

    دحا الصبي المِدحاةَ أي دفع الصبي المِدحاةَ   Daha the boy the rolling toy, means the boy pushed the rolling toy.

    3-  To make something roll, as in DAHA the barrel from the top of the hill, which means he rolled it down from the top of the hill.  Also, this is where the Arabic word DAHRAJA is derived from, which means to make something roll down.

    4-  To make something round.  I used several examples for ROUND AND BULGED TUMMY, and making round objects.  I even used a Hadith from Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when he said:

    In Prophet Muhammad's Hadith: كان لأسامة بطننٌ مُندحٌ اي متسع   Osama had a round and big tummy.

    Also the dictionary says:
    الدحداح هو المستدير الململم    The dahdaah is the person who is ROUND and STOCKY.

    و بطنٌ مُنداحُ أي خارخٌ مُدوّر  His tummy is mun-daahun means it is OUT THERE AND ROUND مُدوّر.


    So when Allah Almighty DAHA THE EARTH, it means that Allah Almighty EXPANDED IT SPHERICALLY through rotating around itself and moving in its orbit in space.  And this is why Allah Almighty Said after that (after He DAHAHA), He brought forth from it its water and pasture.  Science has proven this to be 100% accurate and True:

    1-  Water was brought forth from the earth - Science confirmed it and the Holy Quran claimed it 1400 years ago:

    Note:  In Article #3'S video in the article, the collision of the iron-planet made 
    our earth EGG-SHAPED, according to the Scientists and the video.

    2-  Our earth expanded and produced its own water:


    For ample more details, please visit:  

  • www.answering-christianity.com/egg-shaped_earth.htm
  • www.answering-christianity.com/earth.htm  (Iron was sent down from space according to the Glorious Quran, and it was confirmed by science).
  • www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#links
  • www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#geology
  • www.answering-christianity.com/ac20.htm#main_sections
  • www.answering-christianity.com/detailed_meanings_of_scientific_words_in_verses.htm
  • https://www.answering-christianity.com/detailed_meanings_of_scientific_words_in_verses.htm#geology_moving_earth_rain


    The sun never ceases nor disappears [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]:

    (Play video file: [1] [2])

    Prophet Muhammad: The sun is in constant orbit always rising on people while setting on others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust).

    عن ابن عباس رضي الله عنهما ان رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم سئل :هذه المغارب اين تغرب ؟ وهذه المطالع اين تطلع ؟ فقال صلى الله عليه وسلم هي على رسلها لا تبرح ولا تزول , تغرب عن قوم وتطلع على قوم ,وتغرب عن قوم وتطلع , فقوم يقولون غربت ,وقوم يقولون طلعت

    "Ibn Abbas narrated on Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, that the Prophet was asked: Where does the sun go after all of these sunsets? And where does it come from after all of these sunrises? The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied: It is in constant motion. It doesn't stop nor disappear. It sets on people and rises on others, and it sets on people and rises on others (See also Isaiah 1:9-17: Yahweh called Israel Sodom, because it spreads evil and is unjust). So people would say it has risen while others say it has set."


    1- Jami'a Al-Usool li-ibn Al-Atheer.
    جامع الأصول لابن الأثير

    2- Musnad Al-Imam Abi Is'haq Al-Hamadani
    مسند الامام ابي اسحاق الهمداني

    3- Al-Ijaz Al-Ilmi Fe Al-Sunna Al-Nabawiyyah, Dr. Zahloul Al-Najjar, Page 132.

    Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is in constant motion.
           -  Is suspended in space.
           -  Is swimming in space.
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].
           -  The sunsetless North Pole miracle in the Glorious Quran [4]. 

  • At the top of the North Pole, the sun never sets [4], and I showed the video for that, and also quoted the scientific sources for that. Also in the lands near by, it almost never sets either, and I quoted sources for that as well, and also showed pictures of the "polar night" skies on these lands that are near the sunsetless North Pole.

    (Click to play clip by physicist, Brian Cox)

    They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93).  Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.

  • He saw the Aurora Lights covering:

    Aurora Lights Hadith


  • Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: "Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!" (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء." (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.


    Regarding Dhil-Qarnayn (literally means "man of two horns"), Allah Almighty said this about his journey to the farthest northern lands and people:

    ‏18:90 حتى اذا بلغ مطلع الشمس وجدها تطلع على قوم لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر

    "Until he reached near حتى اذا بلغ where the sun is up مطلع الشمس, he found it above وجدها تطلع على people قوم whom We made no cover for them from it لم نجعل لهم من دونها ستر (The Noble Quran, 18:90)"

    Noble Verse(s) 18:91


    [018:091]  Thus it was. And we had full knowledge of the forces that were with him.

    Arabic (Read from right to left.  Also, all png image files: [1] [2].  Quran Moral Code (100s of them)]):

    18:91 كذلك وقد احطنا بما لديه خبرا


    Prophet Muhammad "did see" (Quran 53.18) the Aurora Lights covering the horizons above the earth from space.  Dhil-Qarnayn went up to the farthest northern lands where the sun is up, and "Thus it was", Allah Almighty completed the "full knowledge" regarding Dhil-Qarnayn's mission.  This further supports the story below about Dhil-Qarnayn's journey to the farthest northern lands and people (The sunsetless [4] North Pole Quran-miracle).  They also spoke almost unintelligibly (18:93), the Glorious Quran says.  They hardly spoke intelligibly (18:93)For example, can you read or say this:

    "Vaðlaheiðarvegavinnuverkfærageymsluskúrslyklakippuhringurinn" ??  This is an actual word. Historians have proven that the Barbarians of the North used to speak unintelligibly.  The actual meaning of the word "Barbarian" is someone who speaks unintelligibly.  The description of the people of the North, whose North Pole is truly sunsetless (see ample pictures), perfectly fits the Barbarians of the Vikings in the Scandinavian and other Barbarians in the near by lands:

    The early Muslims believed that Dhil Qarnayn reached the people of the farthest norths of the earth.  The following is a map of Al-Sharif Al-Idrisi in year 1154 giving the geographic location of where Dhil Qarnayn went according to the understanding of the early Muslims of Noble Verses 18:83-100:

    Dhil-Qarnayn literally means "man of two horns"

    Dhil = One who has.
    قرنين Qarnayn = two horns
    Qarnayn is a dual plural of Qarn (horn).
    Three or more horns is Quroon, in Arabic.


    Noble Verses 53:18 and 18:91 are also prophetically linked together; that Prophet Muhammad also saw what Dhil-Qarnayn ذي القرنين  saw.  Also visit: 

    Aurora Lights Hadith


    Other pronunciations to "Dhil Qarnayn"ذي القرنين  name:  Zul-qarnain, Dhul Qurnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Zulqarnain, Dhu'l-Qarneyn, Dhu'lkarnein, Dhul-Qarnain, Dhu'l Qarnain, Dhool Karnain, Zul-Qarnain, Dhoulkarnain.

    (Video from NASA filming the Green Carpet Aurora Lights from space)

    Again, Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saw the aurora lights covering the horizons of space above the earth when he was taken up to Heaven:

    Narrated Abdullah: "Regarding the Verse: "Indeed he (Muhammad) did see. Of the Signs of his Lord, The Greatest!" (Quran 53.18) That the Prophet had seen a green carpet spread all over the horizon of the sky قَالَ رَأَى رَفْرَفًا أَخْضَرَ سَدَّ أُفُقَ السَّمَاء."(Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 456)

    Visit also:
    Islamic proof that the sun prostrates to Allah Almighty when it is above Mecca.

           -  The Glorious Quran also speaks about many earths [5] and not just earth.
           -  The Glorious Quran predicts
    11 planets in our solar system [6].


    In the end, Allah Almighty uses the Glorious Quran to "...Thus doth God leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth..." (74:31).  The infidels misuse the Glorious Quran to find "scientific errors".  The Glorious Quran is Allah Almighty's Perfect Divine Holy Book.  It contains no scientific error.  Visit the following example and the link to see 1000s of Numerical and Scientific Miracles:

    1-  The root for message and all of its derivatives, such as messenger and others occurs 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  The Prophets' and Messengers', peace be upon them, actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all combined mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  The detailed breakdown of all of this is thoroughly listed here.

    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]





    Did Prophet Muhammad know think that the earth was spherical or flat?


    In this Hadith, above, he certainly seems to have known this fact very well.  And this Hadith is even older than Sahih Bukhari.  It is important to know that Imam Bukhari and others have declared that they have discarded thousands of Hadiths:


  • "The two sahih collections did not gather the totality of the authentic ahadith as proved by al-Bukhari's testimony: "I have not included in my book al-Jami` but what is authentic, and I left out among the authentic for fear of [excessive] length."

  • "... Bukhari, collected twenty thousand of them, of which he rejected ten thousand, accounting them untrue. Of the remaining ten thousand he accepted only 7,275, declaring the rest to be untrustworthy. Abu Da'ud accepted as authentic only 4,800 rules out 50,000."

    This is to keep their volumes as simple and manageable as possible.  So it is quite possible that the Prophet spoke about the earth being spherical, and the Glorious Quran certainly did, and 
    people just dismissed them as nonsense.  I have covered your question in great details at:




    Other Articles:

    Also, ample proofs for several of the Glorious Quran's Arabic words' definitions, from my Arabic-English and English-Arabic dictionaries, that prove that the earth is indeed spherical, rotating around its axle, and is suspended in space, are provided in the following important link:

  • Detailed Analysis from Lisan Al-Arab (this alone is 10 big books) and 7 other dictionaries proving the Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran in Great Details.

  • Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty Created the 7 Heavens and all of their Earths from Cloning.


    Also Visit:

    Was Adam 90 feet tall?  Science supports Islam's claims.

    Mankind multiplied via cloning from Adam, not incest:  Evidence that Allah Almighty created the People of Adam through Cloning.  (html backup).  Another STUNNING Scientific Claim from Islam.

    Earth Cloning:  Evidence from the Quran that Allah Almighty Created the 7 Heavens and all of their Earths from Cloning.

    See also Islam's End of Times Prophecy about world-wide movements to corrupt the women, and also gender alteration and creation alteration Islamic Prophecy:


  • Detailed rebuttal about the shape of the Earth in the Glorious Quran.  Detailed discussion about SUTIHAT.

  • The formation of continents and spherical expansion of earth in the Glorious Quran.  Noble Verse [013:004] And in the earth are neighbouring tracts وفي الارض قطع متجاورات and many others are discussed.

  • Continents formation and reducing land from its sides (اطرافها) in the Glorious Quran.

  • Also visit the Rebuttals Section below for detailed interactions and challenges.



    The Miracle of the Plate Tectonics, mountains' formation, and the earth's Spherical Expansion:

    My detailed proofs about the earth spread out spherically are listed here:



    Detailed Rebuttals:


    Now, in Noble Verses 79:30-32, Allah Almighty Says:

    And the earth after that He has spherically expanded
    Brought forth from it its water and pasture

    Indeed, scientists have proven that:

    1-  The earth has spherically expanded.

    2-  The earth produced its water and pasture on a large scale as a result.  I have posted a Scientific Video from History Channel proving this:


    3-  The mountains due to this expansion were formed; due to the plate tectonics movements, which caused for land to be pushed on top of each other, which formed mountains and hills.  You can learn about this at:


    Read all of the details at my article:

    For ample more Noble Verses on mountains and the geology of earth, please visit:



    Send your comments.

    Back to Main Page.



    Where was the promised Holy Spirit in the disciples' apostatizing of each other??

    The Romans had to fake fake his crucifixion due to Passover issues: [


    200 years no gospels | 24 other thrones besides Jesus'  | Jesus' problematic hyperboles: made sinful lawful and lawful sinful | Jesus was created |
    What's new | A-Z library (3300+ articles) | "Muslims" was the original title | Quran Search | Quran Moral Code (100s of them) | Quran: Bibles are filled with corrupt  قول  qaowl (doctrines of sayings and writings)  | "bar Allahin" in Daniel 3:25-26 means the chosen one of Allah | Jesus said he was powerless |  Paul said he wasn't sure about Holy Spirit | Disciples called each other liars, satanic, false | Paul commanded women to not expose  sex predators | Research & Blog | 9/11 Israel-lie | Youtube



    Quran's STUNNING Divine Miracles: [1]

    Allah Almighty also promised in several Divine Prophecies that He will show the Glorious Quran's Miracles to mankind.  For example:

    1-  The root letters for "message" and all of its derivatives occur 513 times throughout the Glorious Quran.  Yet, the Prophets' and Messengers' actual names (Muhammad, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Lot etc....) were also all mentioned 513 times in the Glorious Quran.  See detailed listing here.

      See 1,000s of examples! [1]. (zip file).

    Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Stunning Prophecies [2] [3]


    2-  Allah Almighty said that Prophet Noah lived for 950 years.  Yet, all Praise and Glory are due to Allah Almighty Alone, the entire Noble Surah (chapter Noah) is exactly written in 950 Letters.  You can thoroughly see the accurate count in the scanned images.

    3-  Allah Almighty in the Glorious Quran said that earth is:

           -  Spherical: "egg-shaped" [1].
           -  Is rotating around itself.
           -  Is moving in space in curvy orbits [2].
           -  Is traveling through the constantly expanding universe [3].

    "When the sky disintegrates, and turns rose colored like paint (وردة كالدهان)." (The Noble Quran, 55:37) [2] [3]
    As we also see from the picture, Noble Verse 55:37 is a Divine Promise (Allah promised to show mankind) that mankind will actually see this come to pass one day.  NASA and other space agencies, by Allah Almighty's Will, have certainly fulfilled this Prophecy, because a natural rose wouldn't form when a "Heaven" or a Solar System or even an entire galaxy and its
    trillions of solar systems all blow up (explode).  It is rather the look of it, and this is exactly what NASA confirms.


    Coincidence?  See 1,000s of examples [1].Quran's Stunning Numerical & Scientific Miracles.

    Islam also thoroughly rejects as man-made lies the Trinity and Crucifixion [2].  Jesus was also thoroughly called
    slave of GOD [1] in both the OT and NT.

    Quran:  All Bibles are mostly of corrupt [1] قول   (Quran 10:94 and 10s others discussed).  See also the 39+ members of trinity.  Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40.


    John 5:30  "I cannot do anything on my own."  (i.e., Jesus could not perform a single Miracle without GOD sending it down to him first!).  I can not perform a single Miracle on my own!!  I am totally POWERLESS without Allah Almighty!

    John 5:31  "if I (Jesus) bear witness of myself, then I would be a liar!" 

    GOD didn't talk this way when He spoke to Moses.  GOD's testimony alone is always sufficient!  Jesus also bowed his face down to the ground, like we Muslims  (Isaiah 56:5: Muslim is the future believers' name, and sons and daughters of GOD titles will be "no more";    ; Jesus called every believer a Muslim in Luke 6:40)  Muslims do everyday, and prayed to GOD Almighty.